Scœna Tertia.
[Act 2, Scene 3]
Enter Hotspurre solus, reading a Letter.
But for mine owne part, my Lord, I could bee well contented to
be there, in respect of the loue I beare your house.
He could be contented: Why is he not then? in respect of
the loue he beares our house. He shewes in this, he loues
his owne Barne better then he loues our house. Let me
see some more.
The purpose you vndertake is dangerous.
Why that's certaine: 'Tis dangerous to take a Colde, to
sleepe, to drinke: but I tell you (my Lord foole) out of
this Nettle, Danger; we plucke this Flower, Safety.
purpose you vndertake is dangerous, the Friends you haue na
med vncertaine, the Time it selfe vnsorted, and your whole
Plot too light, for the counterpoize of so great an Opposition.
Say you so, say you so: I say vnto you againe, you are a
shallow cowardly Hinde, and you Lye. What a lacke‑
braine is this? I protest, our plot is as good a plot as euer
was laid; our Friend true and constant: A good Plotte,
good Friends, and full of expectation: An excellent plot,
very good Friends. What a Frosty‑spirited rogue is this?
Why, my Lord of Yorke commends the plot, and the
generall course of the action. By this hand, if I were now
by this Rascall, I could braine him with his Ladies Fan.
Is there not my Father, my Vnckle, and my Selfe, Lord
Edmund Mortimer, my Lord of
Yorke, and
Owen Glendour?
Is there not besides, the
Dowglas? Haue I not all their let
ters, to meete me in Armes by the ninth of the next Mo
neth? and are they not some of them set forward already?
What a Pagan Rascall is this? An Infidell. Ha, you shall
see now in very sincerity of Feare and Cold heart, will he
to the King, and lay open all our proceedings. O, I could
diuide my selfe, and go to buffets, for mouing such a dish
of skim'd Milk with so honourable an Action. Hang him,
let him tell the King we are prepared. I will set forwards,
to night.
Enter his Lady.
How now Kate, I must leaue you within these two hours.
La.O my good Lord, why are you thus alone
?For what offence haue I this fortnight binA banish'd woman from my
Harries bed?
Tell me (sweet Lord) what is't that takes from theeThy stomacke, pleasure, and thy golden sleepe
?Why dost thou bend thine eyes vpon the earth?And start so often when thou sitt'st alone?Why hast thou lost the fresh blood in thy vcheekes?
And giuen my Treasures and my rights of thee,To thicke‑ey'd musing, and curst melancholly
?In my faint‑slumbers, I by thee haue watcht,And heard thee murmore tales of Iron Warres:Speake tearmes of manage to thy bounding Steed,
Cry courage to the field. And thou hast talk'dOf Sallies, and Retires; Trenches, Tents,Of Palizadoes, Frontiers, Parapets,Of Basiliskes, of Canon, Culuerin,Of Prisoners ransome, and of Souldiers slaine,
And all the current of a headdy fight.Thy spirit within thee hath beene so at Warre,And thus hath so bestirr'd thee in thy sleepe,That beds of sweate hath stood vpon thy Brow,Like bubbles in a late‑disturbed Streame;
And in thy face strange motions haue appear'd,Such as we see when men restraine their breathOn some great sodaine hast. O what portents are these?Some heauie businesse hath my Lord in hand,And I must know it: else he loues me not.Hot.
What ho; Is
Gilliams with the Packet gone?
Ser.He is my Lord, an houre agone.Hot.Hath
Butler brought those horses
frōfrom the Sheriffe?
Ser.One horse, my Lord, he brought euen now.Hot.What Horse? A Roane, a crop eare, is it not.Ser.
It is my Lord.
That Roane shall be my Throne. Well, I will
backe him straight.
Esperance, bid
Butler lead him forth
into the Parke.
But heare you, my Lord.
What say'st thou my Lady?
What is it carries you away?
Why, my horse (my Loue) my horse.
Out you mad‑headed Ape, a Weazell hath not
such a deale of Spleene, as you are tost with. In sooth Ile
know your businesse
Harry, that I will. I feare my Bro
Mortimer doth stirre about his Title, and hath sent
for you to line his enterprize. But if you go⸺
So farre a foot, I shall be weary, Loue.
Come, come, you Paraquito, answer me dirctly
vnto this question, that I shall aske. Indeede Ile breake
thy little finger
Harry, if thou wilt not tel me true.
Hot.Away, away you trifler: Loue, I loue thee not,I care not for thee
Kate: this is no world
To play with Mammets, and to tilt with lips.
We must haue bloodie Noses, and crack'd Crownes,And passe them currant too. Gods me, my horse.What say'st thou
Kate? what wold'st thou haue with me?
La.Do ye not loue me? Do ye not indeed?Well, do not then. For since you loue me not,
I will not loue my selfe. Do you not loue me?Nay, tell me if thou speak'st in iest or no.Hot.Come, wilt thou see me ride?And when I am a horsebacke, I will sweareI loue thee infinitely. But hearke you
I must not haue you henceforth, question me,Whether I go: nor reason whereabout.Whether I must, I must: and to conclude,This Euening must I leaue thee, gentle
I know you wise, but yet no further wise
Harry Percies wife. Constant you are,
But yet a woman: and for secrecie,
An ink mark follows the end of this line.No Lady closer. For I will beleeueThou wilt not vtter what thou do'st not know,And so farre wilt I trust thee, gentle Kate.La.
How so farre?
Hot.Not an inch further. But harke you
Whither I go, thither shall you go too:To day will I set forth, to morrow you.Will his content you
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3">
<head rend="italic center">Scœna Tertia.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 2, Scene 3]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Hotspurre solus, reading a Letter.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<p rend="italic" n="823">But for mine owne part, my Lord, I could bee well contented to
<lb n="824"/>be there, in respect of the loue I beare your house.</p>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0377-0.jpg" n="55"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<p n="825">He could be contented: Why is he not then? in respect of
<lb n="826"/>the loue he beares our house. He shewes in this, he loues
<lb n="827"/>his owne Barne better then he loues our house. Let me
<lb n="828"/>see some more.<hi rend="italic">The purpose you vndertake is dangerous.</hi>
<lb n="829"/>Why that's certaine: 'Tis dangerous to take a Colde, to
<lb n="830"/>sleepe, to drinke: but I tell you (my Lord foole) out of
<lb n="831"/>this Nettle, Danger; we plucke this Flower, Safety.<hi rend="italic">The
<lb n="832"/>purpose you vndertake is dangerous, the Friends you haue na
<lb n="833"/>med vncertaine, the Time it selfe vnsorted, and your whole
<lb n="834"/>Plot too light, for the counterpoize of so great an Opposition.</hi>
<lb n="835"/>Say you so, say you so: I say vnto you againe, you are a
<lb n="836"/>shallow cowardly Hinde, and you Lye. What a lacke‑
<lb n="837"/>braine is this? I protest, our plot is as good a plot as euer
<lb n="838"/>was laid; our Friend true and constant: A good Plotte,
<lb n="839"/>good Friends, and full of expectation: An excellent plot,
<lb n="840"/>very good Friends. What a Frosty‑spirited rogue is this?
<lb n="841"/>Why, my Lord of Yorke commends the plot, and the
<lb n="842"/>generall course of the action. By this hand, if I were now
<lb n="843"/>by this Rascall, I could braine him with his Ladies Fan.
<lb n="844"/>Is there not my Father, my Vnckle, and my Selfe, Lord
<lb n="845"/>
<hi rend="italic">Edmund Mortimer,</hi>my Lord of<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>, and<hi rend="italic">Owen Glendour</hi>?
<lb n="846"/>Is there not besides, the<hi rend="italic">Dowglas</hi>? Haue I not all their let
<lb n="847"/>ters, to meete me in Armes by the ninth of the next Mo
<lb n="848"/>neth? and are they not some of them set forward already?
<lb n="849"/>What a Pagan Rascall is this? An Infidell. Ha, you shall
<lb n="850"/>see now in very sincerity of Feare and Cold heart, will he
<lb n="851"/>to the King, and lay open all our proceedings. O, I could
<lb n="852"/>diuide my selfe, and go to buffets, for mouing such a dish
<lb n="853"/>of skim'd Milk with so honourable an Action. Hang him,
<lb n="854"/>let him tell the King we are prepared. I will set forwards,
<lb n="855"/>to night.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter his Lady.</stage>
<p n="856">How now Kate, I must leaue you within these two hours.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="857">O my good Lord, why are you thus alone<c rend="italic">?</c>
<l n="858">For what offence haue I this fortnight bin</l>
<l n="859">A banish'd woman from my<hi rend="italic">Harries</hi>bed?</l>
<l n="860">Tell me (sweet Lord) what is't that takes from thee</l>
<l n="861">Thy stomacke, pleasure, and thy golden sleepe<c rend="italic">?</c>
<l n="862">Why dost thou bend thine eyes vpon the earth?</l>
<l n="863">And start so often when thou sitt'st alone?</l>
<l n="864">Why hast thou lost the fresh blood in thy vcheekes?</l>
<l n="865">And giuen my Treasures and my rights of thee,</l>
<l n="866">To thicke‑ey'd musing, and curst melancholly<c rend="italic">?</c>
<l n="867">In my faint‑slumbers, I by thee haue watcht,</l>
<l n="868">And heard thee murmore tales of Iron Warres:</l>
<l n="869">Speake tearmes of manage to thy bounding Steed,</l>
<l n="870">Cry courage to the field. And thou hast talk'd</l>
<l n="871">Of Sallies, and Retires; Trenches, Tents,</l>
<l n="872">Of Palizadoes, Frontiers, Parapets,</l>
<l n="873">Of Basiliskes, of Canon, Culuerin,</l>
<l n="874">Of Prisoners ransome, and of Souldiers slaine,</l>
<l n="875">And all the current of a headdy fight.</l>
<l n="876">Thy spirit within thee hath beene so at Warre,</l>
<l n="877">And thus hath so bestirr'd thee in thy sleepe,</l>
<l n="878">That beds of sweate hath stood vpon thy Brow,</l>
<l n="879">Like bubbles in a late‑disturbed Streame;</l>
<l n="880">And in thy face strange motions haue appear'd,</l>
<l n="881">Such as we see when men restraine their breath</l>
<l n="882">On some great sodaine hast. O what portents are these?</l>
<l n="883">Some heauie businesse hath my Lord in hand,</l>
<l n="884">And I must know it: else he loues me not.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<l n="885">What ho; Is<hi rend="italic">Gilliams</hi>with the Packet gone?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="886">He is my Lord, an houre agone.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<l n="887">Hath<hi rend="italic">Butler</hi>brought those horses<choice>
</choice>the Sheriffe?</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-1h4-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="888">One horse, my Lord, he brought euen now.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<l n="889">What Horse? A Roane, a crop eare, is it not.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<p n="890">It is my Lord.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<p n="891">That Roane shall be my Throne. Well, I will
<lb n="892"/>backe him straight.<hi rend="italic">Esperance</hi>, bid<hi rend="italic">Butler</hi>lead him forth
<lb n="893"/>into the Parke.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="894">But heare you, my Lord.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<p n="895">What say'st thou my Lady?</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="896">What is it carries you away?</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<p n="897">Why, my horse (my Loue) my horse.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="898">Out you mad‑headed Ape, a Weazell hath not
<lb n="899"/>such a deale of Spleene, as you are tost with. In sooth Ile
<lb n="900"/>know your businesse<hi rend="italic">Harry</hi>, that I will. I feare my Bro
<lb n="901"/>ther<hi rend="italic">Mortimer</hi>doth stirre about his Title, and hath sent
<lb n="902"/>for you to line his enterprize. But if you go⸺</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<p n="903">So farre a foot, I shall be weary, Loue.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="904">Come, come, you Paraquito, answer me dirctly
<lb n="905"/>vnto this question, that I shall aske. Indeede Ile breake
<lb n="906"/>thy little finger<hi rend="italic">Harry</hi>, if thou wilt not tel me true.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<l n="907">Away, away you trifler: Loue, I loue thee not,</l>
<l n="908">I care not for thee<hi rend="italic">Kate</hi>: this is no world</l>
<l n="909">To play with Mammets, and to tilt with lips.</l>
<l n="910">We must haue bloodie Noses, and crack'd Crownes,</l>
<l n="911">And passe them currant too. Gods me, my horse.</l>
<l n="912">What say'st thou<hi rend="italic">Kate</hi>? what wold'st thou haue with me?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="913">Do ye not loue me? Do ye not indeed?</l>
<l n="914">Well, do not then. For since you loue me not,</l>
<l n="915">I will not loue my selfe. Do you not loue me?</l>
<l n="916">Nay, tell me if thou speak'st in iest or no.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<l n="917">Come, wilt thou see me ride?</l>
<l n="918">And when I am a horsebacke, I will sweare</l>
<l n="919">I loue thee infinitely. But hearke you<hi rend="italic">Kate</hi>,</l>
<l n="920">I must not haue you henceforth, question me,</l>
<l n="921">Whether I go: nor reason whereabout.</l>
<l n="922">Whether I must, I must: and to conclude,</l>
<l n="923">This Euening must I leaue thee, gentle<hi rend="italic">Kate</hi>.</l>
<l n="924">I know you wise, but yet no further wise</l>
<l n="925">Then<hi rend="italic">Harry Percies</hi>wife. Constant you are,</l>
<l n="926">But yet a woman: and for secrecie,<note type="physical" resp="#ES">An ink mark follows the end of this line.</note>
<l n="927">No Lady closer. For I will beleeue</l>
<l n="928">Thou wilt not vtter what thou do'st not know,</l>
<l n="929">And so farre wilt I trust thee, gentle Kate.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="930">How so farre?</p>
<sp who="#F-1h4-hot">
<speaker rend="italic">Hot.</speaker>
<l n="931">Not an inch further. But harke you<hi rend="italic">Kate</hi>,</l>
<l n="932">Whither I go, thither shall you go too:</l>
<l n="933">To day will I set forth, to morrow you.</l>
<l n="934">Will his content you<hi rend="italic">Kate</hi>?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h4-lpe">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="935">It must of force.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt</stage>