It is a fery discretion‑answere; saue the fall is in
the 'ord, dissolutely: the ort is (according to our
ning) resolutely: his meaning is good.
Sh.I: I thinke my Cosen meant well.Sl.I, or else I would I might be hang'd (la.)Sh.
Here comes faire Mistris
Anne; would
I were
yong for your sake, Mistris
The dinner is on the Table, my Father desires
your worships
Sh.I will wait on him, (faire Mistris
Eu.Od's plessed‑wil: I wil not be
absence at
the grace.
An.Wil't please your worship to come in, Sir?Sl.
No, I thank you forsooth, hartely; I am very well.An.The dinner attends you, Sir.Sl.
I am not a‑hungry, I thanke you, forsooth: goe,
Sirha, for all you are my man, goe wait vpon my Cosen
Shallow: a Iustice of peace sometime
may be beholding
to his friend, for a Man; I keepe but
three Men, and a
Boy yet, till my Mother be dead: but what though, yet
I liue like a poore Gentleman borne.
I may not goe in without your worship: they
will not sit
till you come.
I'faith, ile eate nothing: I thanke you as much as
though I did.
An.I pray you Sir walke in.Sl.
I had rather walke here (I thanke you) I bruiz'd
shin th' other day, with playing at Sword and
ger with a Master of Fence (three veneys
for a dish of
stew'd Prunes) and by my troth,
I cannot abide the smell
of hot meate since. Why doe your
dogs barke so? be
there Beares ith' Towne?
An.I thinke there are, Sir, I heard them talk'd of.Sl.
I loue the sport well, but I shall as soone quarrell
at it,
as any man in
England: you are afraid if
you see the
Beare loose, are you not?
An.I indeede Sir.Sl.
That's meate and drinke to me now: I haue seene
Saskerson loose, twenty times, and haue taken
him by the
Chaine: but (I warrant you) the women haue so
and shrekt at it, that it past: But women
indeede, cannot
abide 'em, they are very
ill‑fauour'd rough things.
Ma.PaCome, gentle M.
Slender, come; we
stay for you.
Ile eate nothing, I thanke you Sir.Ma.PaBy cocke and pie, you shall not choose, Sir:
Sl.Nay, pray you lead the way.Ma.Pa.Come on, Sir.Sl.Mistris
Anne: your selfe shall goe
Not I Sir, pray you keepe on.Sl.Truely I will not goe first: truly‑la: I will
doe you that wrong.
An.I pray you Sir.Sl.
Ile rather be vnmannerly, then troublesome: you
doe your
selfe wrong indeede‑la.
Scena Secunda.
[Act 1, Scene 2]
Enter Euans, and
Go your waies, and aske of Doctor
Caius house,
which is the way; and there dwels one
which is in
the manner of his Nurse; or his dry‑Nurse; or
Cooke; or his Laundry; his Washer, and his Ringer.
Nay, it is petter yet: giue her this letter; for it is
'oman that altogeathers
acquaintance with
; and the
Letter is to desire, and require her to soli
your Masters desires, to Mistris
Anne Page: I pray
you be gon: I will
make an end of my dinner; ther's Pip
and Cheese to come.
Scena Tertia.
[Act 1, Scene 3]
Enter Falstaffe,
Host, Bardolfe, Nym, Pistoll, Page.
Host of the
What saies my Bully Rooke? speake schollerly,
Truely mine
Host; I must turne
away some of my
Discard, (bully
Hercules) casheere; let
them wag;
trot, trot.
I sit at ten pounds a weeke.
Thou'rt an Emperor (
Cesar, Keiser
I will entertaine
Bardolfe: he shall draw;
he shall tap; said
I well (bully
Fa.Doe so (good mine
I haue spoke; let him follow: let me see thee froth,
liue: I am at a word: follow.
Bardolfe, follow him: a
Tapster is a good trade:
an old Cloake, makes
a new Ierkin: a wither'd Seruing
man, a
fresh Tapster: goe, adew.
It is a life that I haue desir'd: I will thriue.
Pist.O base hungarian wight: wilt y
u the spigot wield.
He was gotten in drink: is not the humor
I am glad I am so acquit of this Tinderbox: his
Thefts were too open: his filching was like an
Singer, he kept not time.
The good humor is to steale at a minutes rest.
Conuay: the wise it call: Steale? foh: a fico for
Fal.Well sirs, I am almost out at heeles.Pist.Why then let Kibes ensue.Fal.There is no remedy: I must conicatch, I must
Yong Rauens must haue foode.Fal.Which of you know
Ford of this Towne?
Pist.I ken the wight: he is of substance good.Fal.My honest Lads, I will tell you what I am about.Pist.Two yards, and more.Fal.
No quips now
Pistoll: (Indeede I am
in the waste
two yards about: but I am now about no
waste: I am a
bout thrift) briefely: I doe
meane to make loue to
wife: I
spie entertainment in her: shee discourses: shee
she giues the leere of inuitation: I can construe
the action of her familier stile, & the
hardest voice of her
behauior (to be
english'd rightly) is,
I am Sir Iohn
He hath studied her will; and translated her will:
out of honesty, into English.
The Anchor is deepe: will that humor passe?
Now, the report goes, she has all the rule of her
Purse: he hath a legend of Angels.
As many diuels entertaine: and to her Boy say I.
The humor rises: it is good: humor me the angels.
I haue writ me here a letter to her: & here ano
Pages wife, who euen now gaue
mee good eyes
too; examind my parts with most
iudicious illiads: some
times the beame of her
view, guilded my foote: some
Scena Tertia.
[Act 1, Scene 3]
Enter Falstaffe,
Host, Bardolfe, Nym, Pistoll, Page.
Host of the
What saies my Bully Rooke? speake schollerly,
Truely mine
Host; I must turne
away some of my
Discard, (bully
Hercules) casheere; let
them wag;
trot, trot.
I sit at ten pounds a weeke.
Thou'rt an Emperor (
Cesar, Keiser
I will entertaine
Bardolfe: he shall draw;
he shall tap; said
I well (bully
Fa.Doe so (good mine
I haue spoke; let him follow: let me see thee froth,
liue: I am at a word: follow.
Bardolfe, follow him: a
Tapster is a good trade:
an old Cloake, makes
a new Ierkin: a wither'd Seruing
man, a
fresh Tapster: goe, adew.
It is a life that I haue desir'd: I will thriue.
Pist.O base hungarian wight: wilt y
u the spigot wield.
He was gotten in drink: is not the humor
I am glad I am so acquit of this Tinderbox: his
Thefts were too open: his filching was like an
Singer, he kept not time.
The good humor is to steale at a minutes rest.
Conuay: the wise it call: Steale? foh: a fico for
Fal.Well sirs, I am almost out at heeles.Pist.Why then let Kibes ensue.Fal.There is no remedy: I must conicatch, I must
Yong Rauens must haue foode.Fal.Which of you know
Ford of this Towne?
Pist.I ken the wight: he is of substance good.Fal.My honest Lads, I will tell you what I am about.Pist.Two yards, and more.Fal.
No quips now
Pistoll: (Indeede I am
in the waste
two yards about: but I am now about no
waste: I am a
bout thrift) briefely: I doe
meane to make loue to
wife: I
spie entertainment in her: shee discourses: shee
she giues the leere of inuitation: I can construe
the action of her familier stile, & the
hardest voice of her
behauior (to be
english'd rightly) is,
I am Sir Iohn
He hath studied her will; and translated her will:
out of honesty, into English.
The Anchor is deepe: will that humor passe?
Now, the report goes, she has all the rule of her
Purse: he hath a legend of Angels.
As many diuels entertaine: and to her Boy say I.
The humor rises: it is good: humor me the angels.
I haue writ me here a letter to her: & here ano
Pages wife, who euen now gaue
mee good eyes
too; examind my parts with most
iudicious illiads: some
times the beame of her
view, guilded my foote: some
times my portly
Pist.Then did the Sun on dung‑hill shine.Ni.
I thanke thee for that humour.Fal.
O she did so course o're my exteriors with such
greedy intention, that the appetite of her eye, did seeme
to scorch me vp like a burning‑glasse:
here's another
letter to her: She beares the Purse
too: She is a Region
Guiana: all
gold, and bountie: I will be Cheaters to
them both, and
they shall be Exchequers to mee: they
shall be my East and
West Indies, and I will trade to
them both: Goe,
beare thou this Letter to Mistris
and thou this to Mistris
Ford: we will thriue (Lads) we
Pist.Shall I Sir
Pandarus of
Troy become,
And by my side weare Steele? then Lucifer take all.Ni.I will run no base humor: here take the humor‑
Letter; I will keepe the hauior of reputation.
Fal.Hold Sirha, beare you these Letters tightly,
Saile like my Pinnasse to these golden shores.Rogues, hence, auaunt, vanish like haile‑stones;
Trudge; plod away ith' hoofe: seeke shelter, packe:Falstaffe will learne the
honor of the age,
French‑thrift, you Rogues, my selfe, and skirted
Let Vultures gripe thy guts: for gourd, andFullam holds: & high and low beguiles the rich &
Tester ile haue in pouch when thou shalt lacke,Base
Phrygian Turke.
Ni.I haue opperations,
Which be humors of reuenge.Pist.Wilt thou reuenge?Ni.By Welkin, and her Star.Pist.With wit, or Steele?Ni.With both the humors, I:
I will discusse the humour of this Loue to
Pist.And I to
Page shall eke vnfold
Falstaffe (varlet
His Doue will proue; his gold will hold,And his soft couch defile.Ni.
My humour shall not coole: I will incense
to deale with poyson: I will possesse him with
nesse, for the reuolt of mine is dangerous:
that is my
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3">
<head rend="italic center">Scena Tertia.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 1, Scene 3]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Falstaffe, Host, Bardolfe, Nym, Pistoll, Page.</stage>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="291">Mine<hi rend="italic">Host</hi>of the<hi rend="italic">Garter</hi>?</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-hos">
<speaker rend="italic">Ho.</speaker>
<p n="292">What saies my Bully Rooke? speake schollerly,
<lb n="293"/>and wisely.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="294">Truely mine<hi rend="italic">Host</hi>; I must turne away some of my
<lb n="295"/>followers.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-hos">
<speaker rend="italic">Ho.</speaker>
<p n="296">Discard, (bully<hi rend="italic">Hercules</hi>) casheere; let them wag;
<lb n="297"/>trot, trot.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="298">I sit at ten pounds a weeke.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-hos">
<speaker rend="italic">Ho.</speaker>
<p n="299">Thou'rt an Emperor (<hi rend="italic">Cesar, Keiser</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Pheazar</hi>)
<lb n="300"/>I will entertaine<hi rend="italic">Bardolfe</hi>: he shall draw; he shall tap; said
<lb n="301"/>I well (bully<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>?)</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fa.</speaker>
<l n="302">Doe so (good mine<hi rend="italic">Host</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-hos">
<speaker rend="italic">Ho.</speaker>
<p n="303">I haue spoke; let him follow: let me see thee froth,
<lb n="304"/>and liue: I am at a word: follow.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="305">
<hi rend="italic">Bardolfe</hi>, follow him: a<hi rend="italic">Tapster</hi>is a good trade:
<lb n="306"/>an old Cloake, makes a new Ierkin: a wither'd Seruing
<lb n="307"/>man, a fresh Tapster: goe, adew.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-bar">
<speaker rend="italic">Ba.</speaker>
<p n="308">It is a life that I haue desir'd: I will thriue.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="309">O base hungarian wight: wilt y<c rend="superscript">u</c>the spigot wield.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<l n="310">He was gotten in drink: is not the humor<choice>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="311">I am glad I am so acquit of this Tinderbox: his
<lb n="312"/>Thefts were too open: his filching was like an vnskilfull
<lb n="313"/>Singer, he kept not time.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<p n="314">The good humor is to steale at a minutes rest.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<p n="315">Conuay: the wise it call: Steale? foh: a fico for
<lb n="316"/>the phrase.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<l n="317">Well sirs, I am almost out at heeles.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="318">Why then let Kibes ensue.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<l n="319">There is no remedy: I must conicatch, I must shift.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="320">Yong Rauens must haue foode.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<l n="321">Which of you know<hi rend="italic">Ford</hi>of this Towne?</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="322">I ken the wight: he is of substance good.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<l n="323">My honest Lads, I will tell you what I am about.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="324">Two yards, and more.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="325">No quips now<hi rend="italic">Pistoll</hi>: (Indeede I am in the waste
<lb n="326"/>two yards about: but I am now about no waste: I am a
<lb n="327"/>bout thrift) briefely: I doe meane to make loue to<hi rend="italic">Fords</hi>
<lb n="328"/>wife: I spie entertainment in her: shee discourses: shee
<lb n="329"/>carues: she giues the leere of inuitation: I can construe
<lb n="330"/>the action of her familier stile, & the hardest voice of her
<lb n="331"/>behauior (to be english'd rightly) is,<hi rend="italic">I am Sir Iohn Falstafs</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<p n="332">He hath studied her will; and translated her will:
<lb n="333"/>out of honesty, into English.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<p n="334">The Anchor is deepe: will that humor passe?</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="335">Now, the report goes, she has all the rule of her
<lb n="336"/>husbands Purse: he hath a legend of Angels.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<p n="337">As many diuels entertaine: and to her Boy say I.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<p n="338">The humor rises: it is good: humor me the angels.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="339">I haue writ me here a letter to her: & here ano
<lb n="340"/>ther to<hi rend="italic">Pages</hi>wife, who euen now gaue mee good eyes
<lb n="341"/>too; examind my parts with most iudicious illiads: some
<lb n="342"/>times the beame of her view, guilded my foote: some
<lb n="343"/>times my portly belly.</p>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0062-0.jpg" n="42"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="344">Then did the Sun on dung‑hill shine.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<l n="345">I thanke thee for that humour.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<p n="346">O she did so course o're my exteriors with such
<lb n="347"/>a greedy intention, that the appetite of her eye, did seeme
<lb n="348"/>to scorch me vp like a burning‑glasse: here's another
<lb n="349"/>letter to her: She beares the Purse too: She is a Region
<lb n="350"/>in<hi rend="italic">Guiana</hi>: all gold, and bountie: I will be Cheaters to
<lb n="351"/>them both, and they shall be Exchequers to mee: they
<lb n="352"/>shall be my East and West Indies, and I will trade to
<lb n="353"/>them both: Goe, beare thou this Letter to Mistris<hi rend="italic">Page</hi>;
<lb n="354"/>and thou this to Mistris<hi rend="italic">Ford</hi>: we will thriue (Lads) we
<lb n="355"/>will thriue.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="356">Shall I Sir<hi rend="italic">Pandarus</hi>of<hi rend="italic">Troy</hi>become,</l>
<l n="357">And by my side weare Steele? then Lucifer take all.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<l n="358">I will run no base humor: here take the humor‑
<lb/>Letter; I will keepe the hauior of reputation.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-fal">
<speaker rend="italic">Fal.</speaker>
<l n="359">Hold Sirha, beare you these Letters tightly,</l>
<l n="360">Saile like my Pinnasse to these golden shores.</l>
<l n="361">Rogues, hence, auaunt, vanish like haile‑stones; goe,</l>
<l n="362">Trudge; plod away ith' hoofe: seeke shelter, packe:</l>
<l n="363">
<hi rend="italic">Falstaffe</hi>will learne the honor of the age,</l>
<l n="364">French‑thrift, you Rogues, my selfe, and skirted<hi rend="italic">Page</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="365">Let Vultures gripe thy guts: for gourd, and</l>
<l n="366">Fullam holds: & high and low beguiles the rich & poore,</l>
<l n="367">Tester ile haue in pouch when thou shalt lacke,</l>
<l n="368">Base<hi rend="italic">Phrygian</hi>Turke.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<l n="369">I haue opperations,</l>
<l n="370">Which be humors of reuenge.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="371">Wilt thou reuenge?</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<l n="372">By Welkin, and her Star.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="373">With wit, or Steele?</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<l n="374">With both the humors, I:</l>
<l n="375">I will discusse the humour of this Loue to<hi rend="italic">Ford</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<l n="376">And I to<hi rend="italic">Page</hi>shall eke vnfold</l>
<l n="377">How<hi rend="italic">Falstaffe</hi>(varlet vile)</l>
<l n="378">His Doue will proue; his gold will hold,</l>
<l n="379">And his soft couch defile.</l>
<sp who="#F-wiv-nym">
<speaker rend="italic">Ni.</speaker>
<p n="380">My humour shall not coole: I will incense<hi rend="italic">Ford</hi>
<lb n="381"/>to deale with poyson: I will possesse him with yallow
<lb n="382"/>nesse, for the reuolt of mine is dangerous: that is my
<lb n="383"/>true humour.</p>
<sp who="#F-wiv-pis">
<speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
<p n="384">Thou art the<hi rend="italic">Mars</hi>of<hi rend="italic">Malecontents</hi>: I second
<lb n="385"/>thee: troope on.</p>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>