The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: g1v - Histories, p. 76

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The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth. Reigne in all bosomes, that each heart being set
On bloody Courses, the rude Scene may end, And darknesse be the burier of the dead.
L. Bar. Sweet Earle, divorce not wisedom from your (Honor. Mor. The liues of all your loving Complices Leane‑on your health, the which if you giue‑o're
To stormy Passion, must perforce decay. You cast th'euent of Warre (my Noble Lord) And summ'd the accompt of Chance, before you said Let vs make head: It was your presurmize, That in the dole of blowes, your Son might drop.
You knew he walk'd o're perils, on an edge More likely to fall in, then to get o're: You were aduis'd his flesh was capeable Of Wounds, and Scarres; and that his forward Spirit Would lift him, where most trade of danger rang'd,
Yet did you say go forth: and none of this (Though strongly apprehended) could restraine The stiffe‑borne Action: What hath then befalne? Or what hath this bold enterprize bring forth, More then that Being, which was like to be?
L. Bar.
We all that are engaged to this losse, Knew that we ventur'd on such dangerous Seas, That if we wrought out life, was ten to one: And yet we ventur'd for the gaine propos'd, Choak'd the respect of likely perill fear'd,
And since we are o're‑set, venture againe. Come, we will all put forth; Body, and Goods,
Mor. 'Tis more then time: And (my most Noble Lord) I heare for certaine, and do speake the truth: The gentle Arch‑bishop of Yorke is vp
With well appointed Powres: he is a man Who with a double Surety bindes his Followers. My Lord (your Sonne) had onely but the Corpes, But shadowes, and the shewes of men to fight. For that same word (Rebellion) did diuide
The action of their bodies, from their soules, And they did fight with queasinesse, constrain'd As men drinke Potions; that their Weapons only Seem'd on our side: but for their Spirits and Soules, This word (Rebellion) it had froze them vp.
As Fish are in a Pond. But now the Bishop Turnes Insurrection to Religion, Suppos'd sincere, and holy in his Thoughts: He's follow'd both with Body, and with Minde: And doth enlarge his Rising, with the blood
Of faire King Richard, scrap'd from Pomfret stones, Deriues from heauen, his Quarrell, and his Cause: Tels them, he doth bestride a bleeding Land, Gasping for life, under great Bullingbrooke, And more, and lesse, do flocke to follow him.
I knew of this before. But to speake truth, This present greefe had wip'd it from my minde. Go in with me, and councell every man The aptest way for safety, and reuenge: Get Posts, and Letters, and make Friends with speed,
Neuer so few, nor neuer yet more need.
Scena Tertia. [Act 1, Scene 1] Enter Falstaffe, and Page. Fal.

Sirra, you giant, what saies the Doct. Doctor to my water?


He said sir, the Water it selfe was a good healthy

water: but for the party that ow'd it, he might haue more

diseases then he knew for.


Men of all sorts take a pride to gird at mee: the

Right Column

braine of this foolish compounded Clay‑man, is not able

to inuent any thing that tends to laughter, more then I

inuent, or is inuented on me. I am not onely witty in my

selfe, but the cause that wit is in other men. I doe heere


walke before thee, like a Sow, that hath o'rewhelm'd all

her Litter, but one. If the Prince put thee into my Ser­

uice for any other reason, then to set mee off, why then I

haue no iudgement. Thou horson Mandrake, thou art

fitter to be worne in my cap, then to wait at my heeles. I


was neuer mann'd with an Agot till now: but I will sette

you neyther in Gold, nor Siluer, but in vilde apparell, and

send you backe againe to your Master, for a Iewell. The

Iuuenall (the Prince your Master) whose Chin is not yet

fledg'd, I will sooner have a beard grow in the Palme of


my hand, then he shall get one on his cheeke: yet he will

not sticke to say, his Face is a Face‑Royall. Heauen may

finish it when he will, it is not a haire amisse yet: he may

keepe it still at a Face‑Royall, for a Barber shall neuer

earne six pence out of it; and yet he will be crowing, as if


he had writ man ever since his Father was a Batchellour.

He may keepe his owne Grace, but he is almost out of

mine, I can assure him. What said M. Dombledon, about

the Satten for my short Cloake, and Slops ?


He said sir, you should procure him better Assu­


rance, then Bardolfe: he wold not take his Bond & yours,

he lik'd not the Security.


Let him bee damn'd like the Glutton, may his

Tongue be hotter, a horson Achitophel; a Rascally‑yea‑

forsooth‑knaue, to beare a Gentleman in hand, and then


stand vpon Security? The horson smooth‑pates doe now,

we are nothing but high shoes, and bunches of Keyes at

their girdles: and if a man is through with them in ho­

nest Taking‑vp, then they must stand vpon Securitie: I

had as liefe they would put Rats‑bane in my mouth, as


offer to stoppe it with Security. I look'd hee should have

sent me two and twenty yards of Satten (as I am true

Knight) and he sends me Security. Well, he may sleep in

Security, for he hath the horne of Abundance: and the

lightnesse of his Wife shines through it, and yet cannot


he see, though he haue his owne Lanthorne to light him.

Where's Bardolfe?


He's gone into Smithfield to buy your worship

a horse.


I bought him in Paules, and hee'l buy mee a horse


in Smithfield. If I could get mee a wife in the Stewes, I

were Mann'd, Hors'd, and Wiu'd.

Enter Chiefe Iustice, and Seruant. Pag.

Sir, heere comes the Nobleman that committed

the Prince for striking him, about Bardolfe.


Wait close, I will not see him.

Ch. Iust.

What's he that goes there?


Falstaffe, and't please your Lordship.


He that was in question for the Robbery?


He my Lord, but he hath since done good service

at Shrewsbury: and (as I heare) is now going with some


Charge, to the Lord Iohn of Lancaster.


What to Yorke? Call him backe againe.


Sir Iohn Falstaffe.


Boy, tell him, I am deafe.


You must speake lowder, my Master is deafe.


I am sure he is, to the hearing of any thing good.

Go plucke him by the Elbow, I must speake with him.


Sir Iohn.


What? a yong knaue and beg? Is there not wars? Is

there not imployment ? Doth not the K. King lack subiects? Do


not the Rebels want Soldiers? Though it be a shame to be on

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Scena Quarta, [Act 1, Scene 3] Enter Archbishop, Hastings, Mowbray, and Lord Bardolfe. Ar. Thus haue you heard our causes, & kno our Means: And my most noble Friends, I pray you all Speake plainly your opinions of our hopes,
And first (Lord Marshall) what say you to it?
Mow. I well allow the occasion of our Armes, But gladly would be better satisfied, How (in our Meanes ) we should advance our selues To looke with forhead bold and big enough
Vpon the Power and puisance of the King.
Hast. Our present Musters grow vpon the File To fiue and twenty thousand men of choice: And our Supplies, liue largely in the hope Of great Northumberland, whose bosome burnes
With an incensed Fire of Injuries.
L. Bar. The question then (Lord Hastings) standeth thus Whether our present fiue and twenty thousand May hold‑vp‑head, without Northumberland: Hast.

With him, we may.

L. Bar.
I marry, there's the point: But if without him we be thought to feeble, My iudgement is, we should not step too farre Till we had his Assistance by the hand. For in a Theame so bloody fac'd, as this,
Coniecture, Expectation, and Surmise Of Aydes incertaine, should not be admitted.
Arch. 'Tis very true Lord Bardolfe, for indeed It was yong Hotspurres case, at Shrewsbury. L. Bar. It was (my Lord) who lin'd himself with hope,
Eating the ayre, on promise of Supply, Flatt'ring himselfe with Proiect of a power, Much smaller, then the smallest of his Thoughts, And so with great imagination (Proper to mad men) led his Powers to death,
And (winking) leap'd into destruction.
Hast. But (by your leave) it neuer yet did hurt, To lay downe likely‑hoods, and formes of hope. L. Bar. Yes, if this present quality of warre, Indeed the instant action: a cause on foot,
Liues so in hope: As in an early Spring, We see th'appearing buds, which to proue fruite, Hope giues not so much warrant, as Dispaire That Frosts will bite them. When we meane to build, We first suruey the Plot, then draw the Modell,
And when we see the figure of the house, Then must we rate the cost of the Erection, Which if we finde out‑weighes Ability, What do we then, but draw a‑new the Modell In fewer offices? Or at least, desist
To builde at all? Much more, in this great worke, (Which is (almost) to plucke a Kingdome downe, And set another vp) should we suruey The plot of Situation, and the Modell; Consent vpon a sure Foundation:
Question Surueyors, know our owne estate, How able such a Worke to vndergo, To weigh against his Opposite? Or else, We fortifie in Paper, and in figures, Vsing the Names of men, instead of men:
Like one, that drawes the Modell of a house Beyond his power to builde it; who (halfe through) Giues o're, and leaues his part‑created Cost A naked subiect to the Weeping Clouds, And waste, for churlish Winters tyranny.
Grant that our hopes (yet likely of faire byrth) Should be still‑borne: and that we now possest The vtmost man of expectation: I thinke we are a Body strong enough (Euen as we are) to equall with the King.
L. Bar.
What is the King but fiue & twenty thousand?
Hast. To vs no more: nay not so much Lord Bardolf. For his diuisions (as the Times do braul) Are in three Heads: one Power against the French, And one against Glendower: Perforce a third
Must take vp vs: So is the vnfirme King In three diuided: and his Coffers found With hollow Pouerty, and Emptinesse.
Ar. That he should draw his seuerall strengths togither And come against vs in full puissance
Need not be dreaded.
Hast. If he should do so, He leaues his backe vnarm'd, the French, and Welch Baying him at the heeles: neuer feare that. L. Bar. Who is it like should lead his Forces hither? Hast.
The Duke of Lancaster, and Westmerland: Against the Welsh himselfe, and Harrie Monmouth. But who is substitiuetd 'gainst the French, I haue no certaine notice.
Arch. Let vs on:
And publish the occasion of our Armes. The Common‑wealth is sicke of their owne Choice, Their ouer‑greedy loue hath surfetted: An habitation giddy, and vnsure Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart.
O thou fond Many, with what loud applause Did'st thou beate heauen with blessing Bullingbrooke, Before he was, what thou would'st haue him be? And being now trimm'd in thine owne desires, Thou (beastly Feeder)art so full of him,
That thou prouok'st thy selfe to cast him vp. So, so, (thou common Dogge) did'st thou disgorge Thy glutton‑bosome of the Royall Richard, And now thou would'st eate thy dead vomit vp, And howl'st to finde it. What trust is in these Times?
They, that when Richard liu'd, would haue him dye, Are now become enamour'd on his graue. Thou that threw'st dust vpon his goodly head When through proud London he came sighing on, After th'admired heeles of Bullingbrooke,
Cri'st now, O Earth, yeeld vs that King agine, And take thou this (O thoughts of men accurs'd) " Past, and to Come, seemes best; things Present, worst.
Mow. Shall we go draw our numbers, and set on? Hast. We are Times subiects, and Time bids, be gon.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3">
   <head rend="italic center">Scena Quarta,</head>
   <head type="supplied">[Act 1, Scene 3]</head>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Archbishop, Hastings, Mowbray, and
      <lb/>Lord Bardolfe.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-scr">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
      <l n="487">Thus haue you heard our causes, &amp; kno our Means:</l>
      <l n="488">And my most noble Friends, I pray you all</l>
      <l n="489">Speake plainly your opinions of our hopes,</l>
      <l n="490">And first (Lord Marshall) what say you to it?</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-mow">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mow.</speaker>
      <l n="491">I well allow the occasion of our Armes,</l>
      <l n="492">But gladly would be better satisfied,</l>
      <l n="493">How (in our Meanes<hi rend="italic">)</hi>we should advance our selues</l>
      <l n="494">To looke with forhead bold and big enough</l>
      <l n="495">Vpon the Power and puisance of the King.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="496">Our present Musters grow vpon the File</l>
      <l n="497">To fiue and twenty thousand men of choice:</l>
      <l n="498">And our Supplies, liue largely in the hope</l>
      <l n="499">Of great Northumberland, whose bosome burnes</l>
      <l n="500">With an incensed Fire of Injuries.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-bar">
      <speaker rend="italic">L. Bar.</speaker>
      <l n="501">The question then (Lord<hi rend="italic">Hastings</hi>) standeth thus</l>
      <l n="502">Whether our present fiue and twenty thousand</l>
      <l n="503">May hold‑vp‑head, without Northumberland:</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <p n="504">With him, we may.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-bar">
      <speaker rend="italic">L. Bar.</speaker>
      <l n="505">I marry, there's the point:</l>
      <l n="506">But if without him we be thought to feeble,</l>
      <l n="507">My iudgement is, we should not step too farre</l>
      <l n="508">Till we had his Assistance by the hand.</l>
      <l n="509">For in a Theame so bloody fac'd, as this,</l>
      <l n="510">Coniecture, Expectation, and Surmise</l>
      <l n="511">Of Aydes incertaine, should not be admitted.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-scr">
      <speaker rend="italic">Arch.</speaker>
      <l n="512">'Tis very true Lord<hi rend="italic">Bardolfe</hi>, for indeed</l>
      <l n="513">It was yong<hi rend="italic">Hotspurres</hi>case, at Shrewsbury.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-bar">
      <speaker rend="italic">L. Bar.</speaker>
      <l n="514">It was (my Lord) who lin'd himself with hope,</l>
      <l n="515">Eating the ayre, on promise of Supply,</l>
      <l n="516">Flatt'ring himselfe with Proiect of a power,</l>
      <l n="517">Much smaller, then the smallest of his Thoughts,</l>
      <l n="518">And so with great imagination</l>
      <l n="519">(Proper to mad men) led his Powers to death,</l>
      <l n="520">And (winking) leap'd into destruction.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="521">But (by your leave) it neuer yet did hurt,</l>
      <l n="522">To lay downe likely‑hoods, and formes of hope.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-bar">
      <speaker rend="italic">L. Bar.</speaker>
      <l n="523">Yes, if this present quality of warre,</l>
      <l n="524">Indeed the instant action: a cause on foot,</l>
      <l n="525">Liues so in hope: As in an early Spring,</l>
      <l n="526">We see th'appearing buds, which to proue fruite,</l>
      <l n="527">Hope giues not so much warrant, as Dispaire</l>
      <l n="528">That Frosts will bite them. When we meane to build,</l>
      <l n="529">We first suruey the Plot, then draw the Modell,</l>
      <cb n="2"/>
      <l n="530">And when we see the figure of the house,</l>
      <l n="531">Then must we rate the cost of the Erection,</l>
      <l n="532">Which if we finde out‑weighes Ability,</l>
      <l n="533">What do we then, but draw a‑new the Modell</l>
      <l n="534">In fewer offices? Or at least, desist</l>
      <l n="535">To builde at all? Much more, in this great worke,</l>
      <l n="536">(Which is (almost) to plucke a Kingdome downe,</l>
      <l n="537">And set another vp) should we suruey</l>
      <l n="538">The plot of Situation, and the Modell;</l>
      <l n="539">Consent vpon a sure Foundation:</l>
      <l n="540">Question Surueyors, know our owne estate,</l>
      <l n="541">How able such a Worke to vndergo,</l>
      <l n="542">To weigh against his Opposite? Or else,</l>
      <l n="543">We fortifie in Paper, and in figures,</l>
      <l n="544">Vsing the Names of men, instead of men:</l>
      <l n="545">Like one, that drawes the Modell of a house</l>
      <l n="546">Beyond his power to builde it; who (halfe through)</l>
      <l n="547">Giues o're, and leaues his part‑created Cost</l>
      <l n="548">A naked subiect to the Weeping Clouds,</l>
      <l n="549">And waste, for churlish Winters tyranny.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="550">Grant that our hopes (yet likely of faire byrth)</l>
      <l n="551">Should be still‑borne: and that we now possest</l>
      <l n="552">The vtmost man of expectation:</l>
      <l n="553">I thinke we are a Body strong enough</l>
      <l n="554">(Euen as we are) to equall with the King.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-bar">
      <speaker rend="italic">L. Bar.</speaker>
      <l n="555">What is the King but fiue &amp; twenty thousand?</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="556">To vs no more: nay not so much Lord<hi rend="italic">Bardolf</hi>.</l>
      <l n="557">For his diuisions (as the Times do braul)</l>
      <l n="558">Are in three Heads: one Power against the French,</l>
      <l n="559">And one against<hi rend="italic">Glendower:</hi>Perforce a third</l>
      <l n="560">Must take vp vs: So is the vnfirme King</l>
      <l n="561">In three diuided: and his Coffers found</l>
      <l n="562">With hollow Pouerty, and Emptinesse.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-scr">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
      <l n="563">That he should draw his seuerall strengths togither</l>
      <l n="564">And come against vs in full puissance</l>
      <l n="565">Need not be dreaded.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="566">If he should do so,</l>
      <l n="567">He leaues his backe vnarm'd, the French, and Welch</l>
      <l n="568">Baying him at the heeles: neuer feare that.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-bar">
      <speaker rend="italic">L. Bar.</speaker>
      <l n="569">Who is it like should lead his Forces hither?</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="570">The Duke of Lancaster, and Westmerland:</l>
      <l n="571">Against the Welsh himselfe, and<hi rend="italic">Harrie Monmouth</hi>.</l>
      <l n="572">But who is substitiuetd 'gainst the French,</l>
      <l n="573">I haue no certaine notice.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-scr">
      <speaker rend="italic">Arch.</speaker>
      <l n="574">Let vs on:</l>
      <l n="575">And publish the occasion of our Armes.</l>
      <l n="576">The Common‑wealth is sicke of their owne Choice,</l>
      <l n="577">Their ouer‑greedy loue hath surfetted:</l>
      <l n="578">An habitation giddy, and vnsure</l>
      <l n="579">Hath he that buildeth on the vulgar heart.</l>
      <l n="580">O thou fond Many, with what loud applause</l>
      <l n="581">Did'st thou beate heauen with blessing<hi rend="italic">Bullingbrooke</hi>,</l>
      <l n="582">Before he was, what thou would'st haue him be?</l>
      <l n="583">And being now trimm'd in thine owne desires,</l>
      <l n="584">Thou (beastly Feeder)art so full of him,</l>
      <l n="585">That thou prouok'st thy selfe to cast him vp.</l>
      <l n="586">So, so, (thou common Dogge) did'st thou disgorge</l>
      <l n="587">Thy glutton‑bosome of the Royall<hi rend="italic">Richard</hi>,</l>
      <l n="588">And now thou would'st eate thy dead vomit vp,</l>
      <l n="589">And howl'st to finde it. What trust is in these Times?</l>
      <l n="590">They, that when<hi rend="italic">Richard</hi>liu'd, would haue him dye,</l>
      <l n="591">Are now become enamour'd on his graue.</l>
      <l n="592">Thou that threw'st dust vpon his goodly head</l>
      <l n="593">When through proud London he came sighing on,</l>
      <l n="594">After th'admired heeles of<hi rend="italic">Bullingbrooke</hi>,</l>
      <l n="595">Cri'st now, O Earth, yeeld vs that King agine,</l>
      <pb facs="FFimg:axc0401-0.jpg" n="79"/>
      <cb n="1"/>
      <l n="596">And take thou this (O thoughts of men accurs'd)</l>
      <l n="597">"<hi rend="italic">Past, and to Come, seemes best; things Present, worst.</hi>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-mow">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mow.</speaker>
      <l n="598">Shall we go draw our numbers, and set on?</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="599">We are Times subiects, and Time bids, be gon.</l>


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