He knew his man.Aiax.O meaning you, I wil go learne more of it.Exit.
[Act 2, Scene 2]
Enter Priam, Hector, Troylus,
Paris and Helenus.
Pri.After so many houres, liues, speeches spent,Thus once againe sayes
Nestor, from the
Helen, and all damage else
(As honour, losse of time, trauaile, expence,Wounds, friends, and what els deere that is consum'dIn hot digestion of this comorant Warre)Shall be stroke off.
Hector, what say you
Hect.Though no man lesser feares the Greeks then I,
As farre as touches my particular: yet dread
There is no Lady of more softer bowels.More spungie, to sucke in the sense of Feare,More ready to cry out, who knowes what followesThen
Hector is: the wound of peace is
Surety secure; but modest Doubt is cal'dThe Beacon of the wise: the tent that searchesTo'th'bottome of the worst. Let
Helen go,
Since the first sword was drawne about this question,Euery thythe soule 'mongst many thousand dismes,
Hath bin as deere as
Helen: I meane of
If we haue lost so many tenths of oursTo guard a thing not ours, nor worth to vs(Had it our name) the valew of one ten;What merit's in that reason which denies
The yeelding of her vp.Troy.Fie, fie, my Brother;Weigh you the worth and h
nour of a King
(So great as our dread Father) in a ScaleOf common Ounces? Wil you with Counters Summe
The past proportion of his infinite,And buckle in a waste most fathomlesse,With spannes and inches so diminutiue,As feares and reasons? Fie for godly shame?Hel.No maruel though you bite so sharp at reasons,
You are so empty of them, should not our FatherBeare the great sway of his affayres with reasons,Becaufe your speech hath none that tels him so.Troy.You are for dreames & slumbers brother PriestYou furre your gloues with reason:here are your reasons
You know an enemy intends you harme,You know, a sword imploy'd is perillous,And reason flyes the obiect of all harme.Who maruels then when
Helenus beholds
A Grecian and his sword, if he do set
The very wings of reason to his heeles:Or like a starre disorb'd. Nay, if we talke of Reason,And flye like chidden Mercurie from Ioue,Let's shut our gates and sleepe: Manhood and HonorShould haue hard hearts, wold they but fat their thoughts
With this cramm'd reason: reason and respect,Makes Liuers pale, and lustyhood deiect.Hect.Brother, she is not worthWhat she doth cost the holding.Troy.What's aught, but as 'tis valew'd?Hect.
But value dwels not in particular will,It holds his estimate and dignitieAs well, wherein 'tis precious of it selfe,As in the prizer: 'Tis made Idolatrie,To make the seruice greater then the God,
And the will dotes that is inclineableTo what infectiously it selfe affects,Without some image of th'affected merit.Troy.I take to day a Wife, and my electionIs led on in the conduct of my Will;¶3My
[Act 2, Scene 2]
Enter Priam, Hector, Troylus,
Paris and Helenus.
Pri.After so many houres, liues, speeches spent,Thus once againe sayes
Nestor, from the
Helen, and all damage else
(As honour, losse of time, trauaile, expence,Wounds, friends, and what els deere that is consum'dIn hot digestion of this comorant Warre)Shall be stroke off.
Hector, what say you
Hect.Though no man lesser feares the Greeks then I,
As farre as touches my particular: yet dread
There is no Lady of more softer bowels.More spungie, to sucke in the sense of Feare,More ready to cry out, who knowes what followesThen
Hector is: the wound of peace is
Surety secure; but modest Doubt is cal'dThe Beacon of the wise: the tent that searchesTo'th'bottome of the worst. Let
Helen go,
Since the first sword was drawne about this question,Euery thythe soule 'mongst many thousand dismes,
Hath bin as deere as
Helen: I meane of
If we haue lost so many tenths of oursTo guard a thing not ours, nor worth to vs(Had it our name) the valew of one ten;What merit's in that reason which denies
The yeelding of her vp.Troy.Fie, fie, my Brother;Weigh you the worth and h
nour of a King
(So great as our dread Father) in a ScaleOf common Ounces? Wil you with Counters Summe
The past proportion of his infinite,And buckle in a waste most fathomlesse,With spannes and inches so diminutiue,As feares and reasons? Fie for godly shame?Hel.No maruel though you bite so sharp at reasons,
You are so empty of them, should not our FatherBeare the great sway of his affayres with reasons,Becaufe your speech hath none that tels him so.Troy.You are for dreames & slumbers brother PriestYou furre your gloues with reason:here are your reasons
You know an enemy intends you harme,You know, a sword imploy'd is perillous,And reason flyes the obiect of all harme.Who maruels then when
Helenus beholds
A Grecian and his sword, if he do set
The very wings of reason to his heeles:Or like a starre disorb'd. Nay, if we talke of Reason,And flye like chidden Mercurie from Ioue,Let's shut our gates and sleepe: Manhood and HonorShould haue hard hearts, wold they but fat their thoughts
With this cramm'd reason: reason and respect,Makes Liuers pale, and lustyhood deiect.Hect.Brother, she is not worthWhat she doth cost the holding.Troy.What's aught, but as 'tis valew'd?Hect.
But value dwels not in particular will,It holds his estimate and dignitieAs well, wherein 'tis precious of it selfe,As in the prizer: 'Tis made Idolatrie,To make the seruice greater then the God,
And the will dotes that is inclineableTo what infectiously it selfe affects,Without some image of th'affected merit.Troy.I take to day a Wife, and my electionIs led on in the conduct of my Will;
My Will enkindled by mine eyes and eares,Two traded Pylots 'twixt the dangerous shoresOf Will, and Iudgement. How may I auoyde(Although, my will distaste, what it elected)The Wife I chose, there can be no euasion
To blench from this, and to stand firme by honour.We turne not backe the Silkes vpon the MerchantWhen we haue spoyl'd them; nor the remainder ViandsWe do not throw in vnrespectue same,Because we now are full. It was thought meete
Paris should do some vengeance on the
Your breath of full consent bellied his Sailes,The Seas and Windes (old Wranglers) toke a Truce,And did him seruice; he touch'd the Ports desir'd,And for an old Aunt whom the Greekes held Captiue,
He brought, a Grecian Queen, whose youth & freshnesseWrinkles
Apolloes, and makes stale the
Why keep we her? the Grecians keeps our Aunt?Is the worth keeping? Why she is a Pearle,Whose price hath launch'd aboue a thousand Ships,
And turn'd Crown'd Kings to Merchants,If you'l auouch,'twas wisedome
Paris went,
(As you must needs, for you all cride, Go, go:)If you'l confesse, he brought home Noble prize,(As you must needs) for you all clapt your hands,
And cride inestimable; why do you nowThe issue of your proper Wisedomes rate,And do a deed that Fortune neuer did?,Begger the estimation which you priz'd,Richer then Sea and Land? O Theft most base!
That we haue stolne what we do feare to keepe.But Theeues vnworthy of a thing so stolne,That in their Country did them that disgrace,We feare to warrant in our Natiue place.Enter Cassandra with her haire
about her eares.
Troyans, cry.
What noyse? what shreeke is this?
'Tis our mad sister, I do know her voyce.
Cry Troyans.
It is
Cas.Cry Troyans cry; lend me ten thousand eyes,
And I will fill them with Propheticke teares.Hect.Peace sister, peace.Cas.Virgins, and Boyes; mid‑age & wrinkled old,Soft infancie, that nothing can but cry,Adde to my clamour: let vs pay betimes
A moity of that masse of moane to come.Cry Troyans cry, practice your eyes with teares,Troy must not be, nor goodly Illion stand,Our fire‑brand Brother
Parisburnes vs
Cry Troyans cry, a
Helen and a woe;
Cry cry, Troy burnes, or else let
Exit.Hect.Now youthfull
Troylus, do not these hie
Of diuination in our Sister, workeSome touches of remorse? Or is your bloudSo madly hot, that no discourse of reason,
Nor feare of bad successe in a bad cause,Can qualifie the same?Troy.Why Brother
We may not thinke the iustnesse of each acteSuch, and no other then euent doth forme it,
Nor once deiect the courage of our mindes;Because
Cassandra's mad, her brainsicke
Cannot distaste the goodnesse of a quarrell,Which hath our seuerall Honours all engag'dTo make it gracious. For my priuate part,
I am no more touch'd, then all
And Ioue forbid there should be done among'st vsSuch things as might offend the weakest spleene,To fight for, and maintaine.Par.Else might the world conuince of leuitie,
As well my vnder‑takings as your counsels:But I attest the gods, your full consentGaue wings to my propension, and cut offAll feares attending on so dire a proiect.For what (alas) can these my single armes?
What propugnation is in one mans valourTo stand the push and enmity of those.This quarrell would excite? Yet I protest,Were I alone to passe the difficulties,And had as ample power, as I haue will,
Paris should ne're retract what he hath
Nor faint in the pursuite.Pri.Paris, you speake Like one be‑sotted
on your sweet delights;
You haue the Hony still, but these the Gall,So to be valiant, is no praise at all.Par.
Sir, I propose not meerely to my selfe,The pleasures such a beauty brings with it:But I would haue the soyle of her faire RapeWip'd off in honourable keeping her.What Treafon were it to the ransack'd Queene,
Disgrace to your great worths, and shame to me,Now to deliuer her possession vpOn termes of base compulsion? Can it be,That so degenerate a straine as this,Should once set footing in your generous bosomes?
There's not the meanest spirit on our partie,Without a heart to dare, or sword to draw,When
Helen is defended: nor none so Noble,
Whose life were ill bestow'd, or death vnfam'd,Where
Helen is the subiect. Then (I say)
Well may we fight for her, whom we know well,The worlds large spaces cannot paralell.Hect.Paris and
Troylus, you
haue both said well:
And on the cause and question now in hand,Haue gloz'd, but superficially; not much
Vnlike young men, whom
Aristotle thought
Vnfit to heare Morall Philosophie.The Reasons you alledge, do more conduceTo the hot passion of distemp'red blood,Then to make vp a free determination
'Twixt right and wrong: For pleasure, and reuenge,Haue eares more deafe then Adders, to the voyceOf any true decision. Nature crauesAll dues be rendred to their Owners: nowWhat neerer debt in all humanity,
Then Wife is to the Husband? If this lawOf Nature be corrupted through affection,And that great mindes of partiall indulgence,To their benummed wills resist the same,There is a Law in each well‑ordred Nation,
To curbe those raging appetites that areMost disobedient and refracturie.If
Helen then be wife to Sparta's King
(As it is knowne she is) these Morall LawesOf Nature, and of Nation, speake alowd
To haue her backe return'd. Thus to persistIn doing wrong, extenuates not wrong,But makes it much more heauie.
Is this in way of truth: yet nere the lesse,My spritely brethren, I propend to you
In resolution to keepe
Helen still;
For 'tis a cause that hath no meane dependance,Vpon our ioynt and seuerall dignities.Tro.Why? there you toucht the life of our designe:Were it not glory that we more affected,
Then the performance of our heauing spleenes,I would not wish a drop of
Troian blood,
Spent more in her defence. But worthy
She is a theame of honour and renowne,A spurre to valiant and magnanimous deeds,
Whose present courage may beate downe our foes,And fame in time to come canonize vs.For I presume braue
Hector would not loose
So rich aduantage of a promis'd glory,As smiles vpon the fore‑head of this action,
For the wide worlds reuenew.Hect.I am yours,You valiant off‑spring of great
I haue a roisting challenge sent among'stThe dull and factous nobles of the Greekes,
Will strike amazement to their drowsie spirits,I was aduertiz'd, their Great generall slept,Whil'st emulation in the armie crept:This I presume will wake him.Exeunt.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 2, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Priam, Hector, Troylus, Paris and Helenus.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-pri">
<speaker rend="italic">Pri.</speaker>
<l n="962">After so many houres, liues, speeches spent,</l>
<l n="963">Thus once againe sayes<hi rend="italic">Nestor</hi>, from the Greekes,</l>
<l n="964">Deliuer<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>, and all damage else</l>
<l n="965">(As honour, losse of time, trauaile, expence,</l>
<l n="966">Wounds, friends, and what els deere that is consum'd</l>
<l n="967">In hot digestion of this comorant Warre)</l>
<l n="968">Shall be stroke off.<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>, what say you too't.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="969">Though no man lesser feares the Greeks then I,</l>
<l n="970">As farre as touches my particular: yet dread<hi rend="italic">Priam</hi>,</l>
<l n="971">There is no Lady of more softer bowels.</l>
<l n="972">More spungie, to sucke in the sense of Feare,</l>
<l n="973">More ready to cry out, who knowes what followes</l>
<l n="974">Then<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>is: the wound of peace is surety,</l>
<l n="975">Surety secure; but modest Doubt is cal'd</l>
<l n="976">The Beacon of the wise: the tent that searches</l>
<l n="977">To'th'bottome of the worst. Let<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>go,</l>
<l n="978">Since the first sword was drawne about this question,</l>
<l n="979">Euery thythe soule 'mongst many thousand dismes,</l>
<l n="980">Hath bin as deere as<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>: I meane of ours:</l>
<l n="981">If we haue lost so many tenths of ours</l>
<l n="982">To guard a thing not ours, nor worth to vs</l>
<l n="983">(Had it our name) the valew of one ten;</l>
<l n="984">What merit's in that reason which denies</l>
<l n="985">The yeelding of her vp.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="986">Fie, fie, my Brother;</l>
<l n="987">Weigh you the worth and h<gap extent="1"
resp="#LMC"/>nour of a King</l>
<l n="988">(So great as our dread Father) in a Scale</l>
<l n="989">Of common Ounces? Wil you with Counters Summe</l>
<l n="990">The past proportion of his infinite,</l>
<l n="991">And buckle in a waste most fathomlesse,</l>
<l n="992">With spannes and inches so diminutiue,</l>
<l n="993">As feares and reasons? Fie for godly shame?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hns">
<speaker rend="italic">Hel.</speaker>
<l n="994">No maruel though you bite so sharp at reasons,</l>
<l n="995">You are so empty of them, should not our Father</l>
<l n="996">Beare the great sway of his affayres with reasons,</l>
<l n="997">Becaufe your speech hath none that tels him so.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="998">You are for dreames & slumbers brother Priest</l>
<l n="999">You furre your gloues with reason:here are your reasons</l>
<l n="1000">You know an enemy intends you harme,</l>
<l n="1001">You know, a sword imploy'd is perillous,</l>
<l n="1002">And reason flyes the obiect of all harme.</l>
<l n="1003">Who maruels then when<hi rend="italic">Helenus</hi>beholds</l>
<l n="1004">A Grecian and his sword, if he do set</l>
<l n="1005">The very wings of reason to his heeles:</l>
<l n="1006">Or like a starre disorb'd. Nay, if we talke of Reason,</l>
<l n="1007">And flye like chidden Mercurie from Ioue,</l>
<l n="1008">Let's shut our gates and sleepe: Manhood and Honor</l>
<l n="1009">Should haue hard hearts, wold they but fat their thoughts</l>
<l n="1010">With this cramm'd reason: reason and respect,</l>
<l n="1011">Makes Liuers pale, and lustyhood deiect.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="1012">Brother, she is not worth</l>
<l n="1013">What she doth cost the holding.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="1014">What's aught, but as 'tis valew'd?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="1015">But value dwels not in particular will,</l>
<l n="1016">It holds his estimate and dignitie</l>
<l n="1017">As well, wherein 'tis precious of it selfe,</l>
<l n="1018">As in the prizer: 'Tis made Idolatrie,</l>
<l n="1019">To make the seruice greater then the God,</l>
<l n="1020">And the will dotes that is inclineable</l>
<l n="1021">To what infectiously it selfe affects,</l>
<l n="1022">Without some image of th'affected merit.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="1023">I take to day a Wife, and my election</l>
<l n="1024">Is led on in the conduct of my Will;</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0598-0.jpg"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="1025">My Will enkindled by mine eyes and eares,</l>
<l n="1026">Two traded Pylots 'twixt the dangerous shores</l>
<l n="1027">Of Will, and Iudgement. How may I auoyde</l>
<l n="1028">(Although, my will distaste, what it elected)</l>
<l n="1029">The Wife I chose, there can be no euasion</l>
<l n="1030">To blench from this, and to stand firme by honour.</l>
<l n="1031">We turne not backe the Silkes vpon the Merchant</l>
<l n="1032">When we haue spoyl'd them; nor the remainder Viands</l>
<l n="1033">We do not throw in vnrespectue same,</l>
<l n="1034">Because we now are full. It was thought meete</l>
<l n="1035">
<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>should do some vengeance on the Greekes;</l>
<l n="1036">Your breath of full consent bellied his Sailes,</l>
<l n="1037">The Seas and Windes (old Wranglers) toke a Truce,</l>
<l n="1038">And did him seruice; he touch'd the Ports desir'd,</l>
<l n="1039">And for an old Aunt whom the Greekes held Captiue,</l>
<l n="1040">He brought, a Grecian Queen, whose youth & freshnesse</l>
<l n="1041">Wrinkles<hi rend="italic">Apolloes</hi>, and makes stale the morning.</l>
<l n="1042">Why keep we her? the Grecians keeps our Aunt?</l>
<l n="1043">Is the worth keeping? Why she is a Pearle,</l>
<l n="1044">Whose price hath launch'd aboue a thousand Ships,</l>
<l n="1045">And turn'd Crown'd Kings to Merchants,</l>
<l n="1046">If you'l auouch,'twas wisedome<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>went,</l>
<l n="1047">(As you must needs, for you all cride, Go, go:)</l>
<l n="1048">If you'l confesse, he brought home Noble prize,</l>
<l n="1049">(As you must needs) for you all clapt your hands,</l>
<l n="1050">And cride inestimable; why do you now</l>
<l n="1051">The issue of your proper Wisedomes rate,</l>
<l n="1052">And do a deed that Fortune neuer did?,</l>
<l n="1053">Begger the estimation which you priz'd,</l>
<l n="1054">Richer then Sea and Land? O Theft most base!</l>
<l n="1055">That we haue stolne what we do feare to keepe.</l>
<l n="1056">But Theeues vnworthy of a thing so stolne,</l>
<l n="1057">That in their Country did them that disgrace,</l>
<l n="1058">We feare to warrant in our Natiue place.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Cassandra with her haire about her eares.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-cas">
<speaker rend="italic">Cas.</speaker>
<p n="1059">Cry<hi rend="italic">Troyans</hi>, cry.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-pri">
<speaker rend="italic">Priam.</speaker>
<p n="1060">What noyse? what shreeke is this?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="1061">'Tis our mad sister, I do know her voyce.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cas">
<speaker rend="italic">Cas.</speaker>
<p n="1062">Cry Troyans.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="1063">It is<hi rend="italic">Cassandra</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cas">
<speaker rend="italic">Cas.</speaker>
<l n="1064">Cry Troyans cry; lend me ten thousand eyes,</l>
<l n="1065">And I will fill them with Propheticke teares.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="1066">Peace sister, peace.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cas">
<speaker rend="italic">Cas.</speaker>
<l n="1067">Virgins, and Boyes; mid‑age & wrinkled old,</l>
<l n="1068">Soft infancie, that nothing can but cry,</l>
<l n="1069">Adde to my clamour: let vs pay betimes</l>
<l n="1070">A moity of that masse of moane to come.</l>
<l n="1071">Cry Troyans cry, practice your eyes with teares,</l>
<l n="1072">Troy must not be, nor goodly Illion stand,</l>
<l n="1073">Our fire‑brand Brother<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>burnes vs all.</l>
<l n="1074">Cry Troyans cry, a<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>and a woe;</l>
<l n="1075">Cry cry, Troy burnes, or else let<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>goe.</l>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="1076">Now youthfull<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>, do not these hie strains</l>
<l n="1077">Of diuination in our Sister, worke</l>
<l n="1078">Some touches of remorse? Or is your bloud</l>
<l n="1079">So madly hot, that no discourse of reason,</l>
<l n="1080">Nor feare of bad successe in a bad cause,</l>
<l n="1081">Can qualifie the same?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="1082">Why Brother<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>,</l>
<l n="1083">We may not thinke the iustnesse of each acte</l>
<l n="1084">Such, and no other then euent doth forme it,</l>
<l n="1085">Nor once deiect the courage of our mindes;</l>
<l n="1086">Because<hi rend="italic">Cassandra's</hi>mad, her brainsicke raptures</l>
<l n="1087">Cannot distaste the goodnesse of a quarrell,</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="1088">Which hath our seuerall Honours all engag'd</l>
<l n="1089">To make it gracious. For my priuate part,</l>
<l n="1090">I am no more touch'd, then all<hi rend="italic">Priams</hi>sonnes,</l>
<l n="1091">And Ioue forbid there should be done among'st vs</l>
<l n="1092">Such things as might offend the weakest spleene,</l>
<l n="1093">To fight for, and maintaine.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-par">
<speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
<l n="1094">Else might the world conuince of leuitie,</l>
<l n="1095">As well my vnder‑takings as your counsels:</l>
<l n="1096">But I attest the gods, your full consent</l>
<l n="1097">Gaue wings to my propension, and cut off</l>
<l n="1098">All feares attending on so dire a proiect.</l>
<l n="1099">For what (alas) can these my single armes?</l>
<l n="1100">What propugnation is in one mans valour</l>
<l n="1101">To stand the push and enmity of those.</l>
<l n="1102">This quarrell would excite? Yet I protest,</l>
<l n="1103">Were I alone to passe the difficulties,</l>
<l n="1104">And had as ample power, as I haue will,</l>
<l n="1105">
<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>should ne're retract what he hath done,</l>
<l n="1106">Nor faint in the pursuite.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-pri">
<speaker rend="italic">Pri.</speaker>
<l n="1107">
<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>, you speake Like one be‑sotted on your sweet delights;</l>
<l n="1108">You haue the Hony still, but these the Gall,</l>
<l n="1109">So to be valiant, is no praise at all.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-par">
<speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
<l n="1110">Sir, I propose not meerely to my selfe,</l>
<l n="1111">The pleasures such a beauty brings with it:</l>
<l n="1112">But I would haue the soyle of her faire Rape</l>
<l n="1113">Wip'd off in honourable keeping her.</l>
<l n="1114">What Treafon were it to the ransack'd Queene,</l>
<l n="1115">Disgrace to your great worths, and shame to me,</l>
<l n="1116">Now to deliuer her possession vp</l>
<l n="1117">On termes of base compulsion? Can it be,</l>
<l n="1118">That so degenerate a straine as this,</l>
<l n="1119">Should once set footing in your generous bosomes?</l>
<l n="1120">There's not the meanest spirit on our partie,</l>
<l n="1121">Without a heart to dare, or sword to draw,</l>
<l n="1122">When<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>is defended: nor none so Noble,</l>
<l n="1123">Whose life were ill bestow'd, or death vnfam'd,</l>
<l n="1124">Where<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>is the subiect. Then (I say)</l>
<l n="1125">Well may we fight for her, whom we know well,</l>
<l n="1126">The worlds large spaces cannot paralell.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="1127">
<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>, you haue both said well:</l>
<l n="1128">And on the cause and question now in hand,</l>
<l n="1129">Haue gloz'd, but superficially; not much</l>
<l n="1130">Vnlike young men, whom<hi rend="italic">Aristotle</hi>thought</l>
<l n="1131">Vnfit to heare Morall Philosophie.</l>
<l n="1132">The Reasons you alledge, do more conduce</l>
<l n="1133">To the hot passion of distemp'red blood,</l>
<l n="1134">Then to make vp a free determination</l>
<l n="1135">'Twixt right and wrong: For pleasure, and reuenge,</l>
<l n="1136">Haue eares more deafe then Adders, to the voyce</l>
<l n="1137">Of any true decision. Nature craues</l>
<l n="1138">All dues be rendred to their Owners: now</l>
<l n="1139">What neerer debt in all humanity,</l>
<l n="1140">Then Wife is to the Husband? If this law</l>
<l n="1141">Of Nature be corrupted through affection,</l>
<l n="1142">And that great mindes of partiall indulgence,</l>
<l n="1143">To their benummed wills resist the same,</l>
<l n="1144">There is a Law in each well‑ordred Nation,</l>
<l n="1145">To curbe those raging appetites that are</l>
<l n="1146">Most disobedient and refracturie.</l>
<l n="1147">If<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>then be wife to Sparta's King</l>
<l n="1148">(As it is knowne she is) these Morall Lawes</l>
<l n="1149">Of Nature, and of Nation, speake alowd</l>
<l n="1150">To haue her backe return'd. Thus to persist</l>
<l n="1151">In doing wrong, extenuates not wrong,</l>
<l n="1152">But makes it much more heauie.<hi rend="italic">Hectors</hi>opinion</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0599-0.jpg"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="1153">Is this in way of truth: yet nere the lesse,</l>
<l n="1154">My spritely brethren, I propend to you</l>
<l n="1155">In resolution to keepe<hi rend="italic">Helen</hi>still;</l>
<l n="1156">For 'tis a cause that hath no meane dependance,</l>
<l n="1157">Vpon our ioynt and seuerall dignities.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Tro.</speaker>
<l n="1158">Why? there you toucht the life of our designe:</l>
<l n="1159">Were it not glory that we more affected,</l>
<l n="1160">Then the performance of our heauing spleenes,</l>
<l n="1161">I would not wish a drop of<hi rend="italic">Troian</hi>blood,</l>
<l n="1162">Spent more in her defence. But worthy<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>,</l>
<l n="1163">She is a theame of honour and renowne,</l>
<l n="1164">A spurre to valiant and magnanimous deeds,</l>
<l n="1165">Whose present courage may beate downe our foes,</l>
<l n="1166">And fame in time to come canonize vs.</l>
<l n="1167">For I presume braue<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>would not loose</l>
<l n="1168">So rich aduantage of a promis'd glory,</l>
<l n="1169">As smiles vpon the fore‑head of this action,</l>
<l n="1170">For the wide worlds reuenew.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="1171">I am yours,</l>
<l n="1172">You valiant off‑spring of great<hi rend="italic">Priamus</hi>,</l>
<l n="1173">I haue a roisting challenge sent among'st</l>
<l n="1174">The dull and factous nobles of the Greekes,</l>
<l n="1175">Will strike amazement to their drowsie spirits,</l>
<l n="1176">I was aduertiz'd, their Great generall slept,</l>
<l n="1177">Whil'st emulation in the armie crept:</l>
<l n="1178">This I presume will wake him.</l>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>