The first Part of Henry the Sixt.O thou whose wounds become hard fauoured death,Speake to thy father, ere thou yeeld thy breath,
Braue death by speaking, whither he will or no:Imagine him a Frenchman, and thy Foe.Poore Boy, he smiles, me thinkes, as who should say,Had Death bene French, then Death had dyed to day.Come, come, and lay him in his Fathers armes,
My spirit can no longer beare these harmes.Souldiers adieu: I haue what I would haue,Now my old armes are yong
Iohn Talbots graue.
DyesEnter Charles, Alanson, Burgundie, Bastard,
and Pucell.
Char.Had Yorke and Somerset brought rescue in,We should haue found a bloody day of this.Bast.
How the yong whelpe of
Talbots raging wood,
Did flesh his punie‑sword in Frenchmens blood.Puc.Once I encountred him, and thus I said:Thou Maiden youth, be vanquisht by a Maide.But with a proud Maiesticall high scorne
He answer'd thus: Yong
Talbot was not borne
To be the pillage of a Giglot Wench:So rushing in the bowels of the French,He left me proudly, as vnworthy fight.Bur.Doubtlesse he would haue made a noble Knight:
See where he lyes inherced in the armesOf the most bloody Nursser of his harmes.Bast.Hew them to peeces, hack their bones assunder,Whose life was Englands glory, Gallia's wonder.Char.Oh no forbeare: For that which we haue fled
During the life, let vs not wrong it dead.Enter Lucie.Lu.Herald, conduct me to the Dolphins Tent,To know who hath obtain'd the glory of the day.Char.On what submissiue message art thou sent?Lucy.Submission Dolphin? Tis a meere French word:
We English Warriours wot not what it meanes.I come to know what Prisoners thou hast tane,And to suruey the bodies of the dead.Char.For prisoners askst thou? Hell our prison is.But tell me whom thou seek'st?Luc.
But where's the great Alcides of the field,Valiant Lord
Talbot Earle of Shrewsbury?
Created for his rare successe in Armes,Great Earle of
Washford, Waterford, and
Talbot of
Goodrig and
Strange of
Blackmere, Lord
Verdon of
Cromwell of
Wingefield, Lord
Furniuall of
The thrice victorious Lord of
Knight of the Noble Order of
Saint George
SaintMichael, and the
Golden Fleece,
Great Marshall to
Henry the sixt,
Of all his Warres within the Realme of France.Puc.Heere's a silly stately stile indeede:The Turke that two and fiftie Kingdomes hath,Writes not so tedious a stile as this.
Him that thou magnifi'st with all these Titles,Stinking and fly‑blowne lyes here at our feete.Lucy.Is
Talbot slaine, the Frenchmens only Scourge,
Your Kingdomes terror, and blacke
Oh were mine eye‑balles into Bullets turn'd,
That I in rage might shoot them at your faces.Oh, that I could but call these dead to life,It were enough to fright the Realme of France.Were but his Picture left amongst you here,
Giue me their Bodyes, that I may beare them hence,And giue them Buriall, as beseemes their worth.Pucel.I thinke this vpstart is old
Talbots Ghost,
He speakes with such a proud commanding spirit:For Gods sake let him haue him, to keepe them here,
They would but stinke, and putrifie the ayre.Char.Go take their bodies hence.Lucy.Ile beare them hence: but from their ashes shal
be reard
A Phœnix that shall make all France affear'd.Char.So we be rid of them, do with him what y
u wilt.
And now to Paris in this conquering vaine,All will be ours, now bloody
Talbots slaine.
Scena secunda.
[Act 5, Scene 1]
SENNET.Enter King, Glocester, and Exeter.King.Haue you perus'd the Letters from the Pope,The Emperor, and the Earle of Arminack?Glo.I haue my Lord, and their intent is this,
They humbly sue vnto your Excellence,To haue a godly peace concluded of,Betweene the Realmes of England, and of France.King.How doth your Grace affect their motion?Glo.Well (my good Lord) and as the only meanes
To stop effusion of our Christian blood,And stablish quietnesse on euery side.King.I marry Vnckle, for I alwayes thoughtIt was both impious and vnnaturall,That such immanity and bloody strife
Should reigne among Professors of one Faith.Glo.Bcside my Lord, the sooner to effect,And surer binde this knot of amitie,The Earle of Arminacke neere knit to
A man of great Authoritie in France,
Proffers his onely daughter to your Grace,In marriage, with a large and sumptuous Dowrie.King.Marriage Vnckle? Alas my yeares are yong:And fitter is my studie, and my Bookes,Than wanton dalliance with a Paramour.
Yet call th'Embassadors, and as you please,So let them haue their answeres euery one;I shall be well content with any choyceTends to Gods glory, and my Countries weale.Enter Winchester, and three Ambassadors.Exet.What, is my Lord of
Winchester install'd,
And call'd vnto a Cardinalls degree?Then I perceiue, that will be verifiedHenry the Fift did sometime prophesie.
If once he come to be a Cardinall,Hee'l make his cap coequall with the Crowne.King.
My Lords Ambassadors, your seuerall suitesHaue bin consider'd and debated on,Your purpose is both good and reasonable:And therefore are we certainly resolu'd,To draw conditions of a friendly peace,Which
[Act 4, Scene 2]
Enter Talbot with Trumpe and Drumme,
before Burdeaux.
Talb.Go to the Gates of Burdeaux Trumpeter,
Summon their Generall vnto the Wall.Sounds.Enter Generall aloft.English
Iohn Talbot (Captaines) call you forth,
Seruant in Armes to
Harry King of England,
And thus he would. Open your Citie Gates,Be humble to vs, call my Soueraigne yours,
And do him homage as obedient Subiects,And Ile withdraw me, and my bloody power.But if you srowne vpon this proffer'd Peace,You tempt the fury of my three attendants,Leane Famine, quartering Steele, and climbing Fire,
Who in a moment, eeuen with the earth,Shall lay your stately, and ayre‑brauing Towers,If you forsake the offer of their loue.Cap.Thou ominous and fearefull Owle of death,Our Nations terror, and their bloody scourge,
The period of thy Tyranny approacheth,On vs thou canst not enter but by death:For I protest we are well fortified,And strong enough to issue out and fight.If thou retire, the Dolphin well appointed,
Stands with the snares of Warre to tangle thee.On either hand thee, there are squadrons pitcht,To wall thee from the liberty of Flight;And no way canst thou turne thee for redresse,But death doth front thee with apparant spoyle,
And pale destruction meets thee in the face:Ten thousand French haue tane the Sacrament,To ryue their dangerous ArtillerieVpon no Christian soule but English
Talbot:Loe, there thou standst a breathing valiant man
Of an inuincible vnconquer'd spirit:This is the latest Glorie of thy praise,That I thy enemy dew thee withall:For ere the Glasse that now begins to runne,Finish the processe of his sandy houre,
These eyes that see thee now well coloured,Shall see thee withered, bloody, pale, and dead.Drum a farre off.Harke, harke, the Dolphins drumme, a warning bell,Sings heauy Musicke to thy timorous soule,And mine shall ring thy dire departure out.ExitTal.
He Fables not, I heare the enemie:Out some light Horsemen, and peruse their Wings.O negligent and heedlesse Discipline,How are we park'd and bounded in a pale?A little Heard of Englands timorous Deere,
Maz'd with a yelping kennell of French Curres.If we be English Deere, be then in blood,Not Rascall‑like to fall downe with a pinch,But rather moodie mad: And desperate Stagges,Turne on the bloody Hounds with heads of Steele,
And make the Cowards stand aloofe at bay:Sell euery man his life as deere as mine,And they shall finde deere Deere of vs my Friends.God, and
SaintGeorge, Talbot and Englands right,
Prosper our Colours in this dangerous fight.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Talbot with Trumpe and Drumme,
<lb/>before Burdeaux.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1774">Go to the Gates of Burdeaux Trumpeter,</l>
<l n="1775">Summon their Generall vnto the Wall.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">Sounds.</stage>
<stage rend="center" type="entrance">Enter Generall aloft.</stage>
<l n="1776">English<hi rend="italic">Iohn Talbot</hi>(Captaines) call you forth,</l>
<l n="1777">Seruant in Armes to<hi rend="italic">Harry</hi>King of England,</l>
<l n="1778">And thus he would. Open your Citie Gates,</l>
<l n="1779">Be humble to vs, call my Soueraigne yours,</l>
<l n="1780">And do him homage as obedient Subiects,</l>
<l n="1781">And Ile withdraw me, and my bloody power.</l>
<l n="1782">But if you srowne vpon this proffer'd Peace,</l>
<l n="1783">You tempt the fury of my three attendants,</l>
<l n="1784">Leane Famine, quartering Steele, and climbing Fire,</l>
<l n="1785">Who in a moment, eeuen with the earth,</l>
<l n="1786">Shall lay your stately, and ayre‑brauing Towers,</l>
<l n="1787">If you forsake the offer of their loue.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cap">
<speaker rend="italic">Cap.</speaker>
<l n="1788">Thou ominous and fearefull Owle of death,</l>
<l n="1789">Our Nations terror, and their bloody scourge,</l>
<l n="1790">The period of thy Tyranny approacheth,</l>
<l n="1791">On vs thou canst not enter but by death:</l>
<l n="1792">For I protest we are well fortified,</l>
<l n="1793">And strong enough to issue out and fight.</l>
<l n="1794">If thou retire, the Dolphin well appointed,</l>
<l n="1795">Stands with the snares of Warre to tangle thee.</l>
<l n="1796">On either hand thee, there are squadrons pitcht,</l>
<l n="1797">To wall thee from the liberty of Flight;</l>
<l n="1798">And no way canst thou turne thee for redresse,</l>
<l n="1799">But death doth front thee with apparant spoyle,</l>
<l n="1800">And pale destruction meets thee in the face:</l>
<l n="1801">Ten thousand French haue tane the Sacrament,</l>
<l n="1802">To ryue their dangerous Artillerie</l>
<l n="1803">Vpon no Christian soule but English<hi rend="italic">Talbot:</hi>
<l n="1804">Loe, there thou standst a breathing valiant man</l>
<l n="1805">Of an inuincible vnconquer'd spirit:</l>
<l n="1806">This is the latest Glorie of thy praise,</l>
<l n="1807">That I thy enemy dew thee withall:</l>
<l n="1808">For ere the Glasse that now begins to runne,</l>
<l n="1809">Finish the processe of his sandy houre,</l>
<l n="1810">These eyes that see thee now well coloured,</l>
<l n="1811">Shall see thee withered, bloody, pale, and dead.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">Drum a farre off.</stage>
<l n="1812">Harke, harke, the Dolphins drumme, a warning bell,</l>
<l n="1813">Sings heauy Musicke to thy timorous soule,</l>
<l n="1814">And mine shall ring thy dire departure out.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Tal.</speaker>
<l n="1815">He Fables not, I heare the enemie:</l>
<l n="1816">Out some light Horsemen, and peruse their Wings.</l>
<l n="1817">O negligent and heedlesse Discipline,</l>
<l n="1818">How are we park'd and bounded in a pale?</l>
<l n="1819">A little Heard of Englands timorous Deere,</l>
<l n="1820">Maz'd with a yelping kennell of French Curres.</l>
<l n="1821">If we be English Deere, be then in blood,</l>
<l n="1822">Not Rascall‑like to fall downe with a pinch,</l>
<l n="1823">But rather moodie mad: And desperate Stagges,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0468-0.jpg" n="112"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="1824">Turne on the bloody Hounds with heads of Steele,</l>
<l n="1825">And make the Cowards stand aloofe at bay:</l>
<l n="1826">Sell euery man his life as deere as mine,</l>
<l n="1827">And they shall finde deere Deere of vs my Friends.</l>
<l n="1828">God, and<choice>
<hi rend="italic">George, Talbot</hi>and Englands right,</l>
<l n="1829">Prosper our Colours in this dangerous fight.</l>