Tell me (for you seeme to be honest plaine men) what you
haue to the
King: being something gently consider’d, Ile
bring you where he is
aboord, tender your persons to his
presence, whisper him in your
behalfes; and if it be in
man, besides the King, to effect your Suites,
here is man
shall doe it.
He seemes to be of great authoritie: close with
him, giue him Gold; and
though Authoritie be a stub
borne Beare, yet hee is oft led by
the Nose with Gold:
shew the in‑side of your Purse to the
out‑side of his
hand, and no more adoe. Remember ston’d, and
And’t please you (Sir) to vndertake the Businesse
for vs, here is that
Gold I haue: Ile make it as much
more, and leaue this young man in
pawne, till I bring it
After I haue done what I promised?
I Sir.
Well, giue me the Moitie: Are you a partie in
this Businesse?
In some sort, Sir: but though my case be a pit
tifull one, I
hope I shall not be flayd out of it.
Oh, that’s the case of the Shepheards Sonne:
hang him, hee’le be made
an example.
Comfort, good comfort: We must to the King,
and shew our strange
sights: he must know 'tis none of
your Daughter, nor my Sister: wee are
gone else. Sir, I
will giue you as much as this old man do’s, when the
sinesse is performed, and remaine (as he sayes) your pawne
till it be brought you.
I will trust you. Walke before toward the Sea
side, goe on the
right hand, I will but looke vpon the
Hedge, and follow you.
We are bless’d, in this man: as I may say, euen
Let’s before, as he bids vs: he was prouided to
doe vs good.
If I had a mind to be honest, I see
Fortune would
not suffer mee: shee drops Booties in my mouth. I am
courted now
with a double occasion: (Gold, and a means
to doe the Prince my Master
good; which, who knowes
how that may turne backe to my aduancement?) I
bring these two Moales, these blind‑ones, aboord him: if
he thinke it fit to shoare them againe, and that the
plaint they haue to the King, concernes him nothing, let
him call me Rogue, for being so farre officious, for I am
against that Title, and what shame else belongs
to’t: To him will I
present them, there may be matter in
Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
[Act 5, Scene 1]
Enter Leontes, Cleomines, Dion,
Paulina, Seruants:
Florizel, Perdita.
Cleo.Sir, you haue done enough, and haue perform’dA Saint‑like Sorrow: No fault could you make,Which you haue not redeem’d; indeed pay’d downeMore penitence, then done trespas: At the last
Doe, as the Heauens haue done; forget your euill,With them, forgiue your selfe.Leo.Whilest I rememberHer, and her Vertues, I cannot forget
The wrong I did my selfe: which was so much,That Heire‑lesse it hath made my Kingdome, andDestroy’d the sweet’st Companion, that ere manBred his hopes out of, true.Paul.Too true (my Lord:)
If one by one, you wedded all the World,Or from the All that are, tooke something good,To make a perfect Woman; she you kill’d,Would be vnparallell’d.Leo.I thinke so. Kill’d?
She I kill’d? I did so: but thou strik’st meSorely, to say I did: it is as bitterVpon thy Tongue, as in my Thought. Now, good now,Say so but seldom.Cleo.Not at all, good Lady:
You might haue spoken a thousand things, that wouldHaue done the time more benefit, and grac’dYour kindnesse better.Paul.
You are one of those
Would haue him wed againe.
If you would not so,You pitty not the State, nor the RemembranceOf his most Soueraigne Name: Consider little,What Dangers, by his Highnesse faile of Issue,May drop vpon his Kingdome, and deuoure
Incertaine lookers on. What were more holy,Then to reioyce the former Queene is well?What holyer, then for Royalties repayre,For present comfort, and for future good,To blesse the Bed of Maiestie againe
With a sweet Fellow to’t?Paul.There is none worthy,(Respecting her that’s gone:) besides the GodsWill haue fulfill’d their secret purposes:For ha’s not the Diuine
Apollo said?
Is’t not the tenor of his Oracle,That King
Leontes shall not haue an Heire,
Till his lost Child be found? Which, that it shall,Is all as monstrous to our humane reason,As my
Antigonus to breake his Graue,
And come againe to me: who, on my life,Did perish with the Infant. 'Tis your councell,My Lord should to the Heauens be contrary,Oppose against their wills. Care not for Issue,The Crowne will find an Heire. Great
Left his to th’Worthiest: so his SuccessorWas like to be the best.Leo.Good
Who hast the memorie of
HermioneI know in honor: O, that euer I
Had squar’d me to thy councell: then, euen now,I might haue look’d vpon my Queenes full eyes,Haue taken Treasure from her Lippes.Paul.And left themMore rich, for what they yielded.Leo.
Thou speak’st truth:No more such Wiues, therefore no Wife: one worse,And better vs’d, would make her Sainted SpiritAgaine possesse her Corps, and on this Stage(Where we Offendors now appeare) Soule‑vext,
And begin, why to me?Paul.Had she such power,She had iust such cause.Leo.She had, and would incense meTo murther her I marryed. Paul.
Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.
[Act 5, Scene 1]
Enter Leontes, Cleomines, Dion,
Paulina, Seruants:
Florizel, Perdita.
Cleo.Sir, you haue done enough, and haue perform’dA Saint‑like Sorrow: No fault could you make,Which you haue not redeem’d; indeed pay’d downeMore penitence, then done trespas: At the last
Doe, as the Heauens haue done; forget your euill,With them, forgiue your selfe.Leo.Whilest I rememberHer, and her Vertues, I cannot forgetMy blemishes in them, and so still thinke of
The wrong I did my selfe: which was so much,That Heire‑lesse it hath made my Kingdome, andDestroy’d the sweet’st Companion, that ere manBred his hopes out of, true.Paul.Too true (my Lord:)
If one by one, you wedded all the World,Or from the All that are, tooke something good,To make a perfect Woman; she you kill’d,Would be vnparallell’d.Leo.I thinke so. Kill’d?
She I kill’d? I did so: but thou strik’st meSorely, to say I did: it is as bitterVpon thy Tongue, as in my Thought. Now, good now,Say so but seldom.Cleo.Not at all, good Lady:
You might haue spoken a thousand things, that wouldHaue done the time more benefit, and grac’dYour kindnesse better.Paul.
You are one of those
Would haue him wed againe.
If you would not so,You pitty not the State, nor the RemembranceOf his most Soueraigne Name: Consider little,What Dangers, by his Highnesse faile of Issue,May drop vpon his Kingdome, and deuoure
Incertaine lookers on. What were more holy,Then to reioyce the former Queene is well?What holyer, then for Royalties repayre,For present comfort, and for future good,To blesse the Bed of Maiestie againe
With a sweet Fellow to’t?Paul.There is none worthy,(Respecting her that’s gone:) besides the GodsWill haue fulfill’d their secret purposes:For ha’s not the Diuine
Apollo said?
Is’t not the tenor of his Oracle,That King
Leontes shall not haue an Heire,
Till his lost Child be found? Which, that it shall,Is all as monstrous to our humane reason,As my
Antigonus to breake his Graue,
And come againe to me: who, on my life,Did perish with the Infant. 'Tis your councell,My Lord should to the Heauens be contrary,Oppose against their wills. Care not for Issue,The Crowne will find an Heire. Great
Left his to th’Worthiest: so his SuccessorWas like to be the best.Leo.Good
Who hast the memorie of
HermioneI know in honor: O, that euer I
Had squar’d me to thy councell: then, euen now,I might haue look’d vpon my Queenes full eyes,Haue taken Treasure from her Lippes.Paul.And left themMore rich, for what they yielded.Leo.
Thou speak’st truth:No more such Wiues, therefore no Wife: one worse,And better vs’d, would make her Sainted SpiritAgaine possesse her Corps, and on this Stage(Where we Offendors now appeare) Soule‑vext,
And begin, why to me?Paul.Had she such power,She had iust such cause.Leo.She had, and would incense meTo murther her I marryed.Paul.
I should so:Were I the Ghost that walk’d, Il’d bid you markeHer eye, and tell me for what dull part in’tYou chose her: then Il’d shrieke, that euen your earesShould rift to heare me, and the words that follow’d,
Should be, Remember mine.Leo.Starres, Starres,And all eyes else, dead coales: feare thou no Wife;Ile haue no Wife,
Paul.Will you sweare
Neuer to marry, but by my free leaue?Leo.
Neuer (
Paulina) so be bless’d my Spirit.
Then good my Lords, beare witnesse to his Oath.
You tempt him ouer‑much.
Paul.Vnlesse another,
As like
Hermione, as is her Picture,
Affront his eye.Cleo.
Good Madame, I haue done.
Paul.Yet if my Lord will marry: if you will, Sir;No remedie but you will: Giue me the Office
To chuse you a Queene: she shall not be so youngAs was your former, but she shall be suchAs (walk’d your first Queenes Ghost) it should take ioyTo see her in your armes.Leo.My true
We shall not marry, till thou bidst vs.Paul.ThatShall be when your first Queene’s againe in breath:Neuer till then.Enter a Seruant.Ser.One that giues out himselfe Prince
Sonne of
Polixenes, with his Princesse (she
The fairest I haue yet beheld) desires accesseTo your high presence.Leo.What with him? he comes notLike to his Fathers Greatnesse: his approach
(So out of circumstance, and suddaine) tells vs,'Tis not a Visitation fram’d, but forc’dBy need, and accident. What Trayne?Ser.But few,And those but meane.Leo.
His Princesse (say you) with him?
Ser.I: the most peerelesse peece of Earth, I thinke,That ere the Sunne shone bright on.Paul.Oh
As euery present Time doth boast it selfe
Aboue a better, gone; so must thy GraueGiue way to what’s seene now. Sir, you your selfeHaue said, and writ so; but your writing nowIs colder then that Theame: she had not beene,Nor was not to be equall’d, thus your Verse
Flow’d with her Beautie once; 'tis shrewdly ebb’d,To say you haue seene a better.Ser.Pardon, Madame:The one, I haue almost forgot (your pardon:)The other, when she ha’s obtayn’d your Eye,
Will haue your Tongue too. This is a Creature,Would she begin a Sect, might quench the zealeOf all Professors else; make ProselytesOf who she but bid Follow.Paul.
How? not women?
Women will loue her, that she is a WomanMore worth then any Man: Men, that she isThe rarest of all Women.Leo.Goe
Your selfe (assisted with your honor’d Friends)
Bring them to our embracement. Still 'tis strange,He thus should steale vpon vs.Exit.Paul.Had our Prince(Iewell of Children) seene this houre, he had payr’dWell with this Lord; there was not full a moneth
Betweene their births.Leo.'Prethee no more; cease: thou know’stHe dyes to me againe, when talk’d‑of: sureWhen I shall see this Gentleman, thy speechesWill bring me to consider that, which may
Vnfurnish me of Reason. They are come.Enter Florizell, Perdita,
Cleomines, and others.
Your Mother was most true to Wedlock, Prince,For she did print your Royall Father off,Conceiuing you. Were I but twentie one,Your Fathers Image is so hit in you,
(His very ayre) that I should call you Brother,As I did him, and speake of something wildlyBy vs perform’d before. Most dearely welcome,And your faire Princesse (Goddesse) oh: alas,I lost a couple, that 'twixt Heauen and Earth
Might thus haue stood, begetting wonder, asYou (gracious Couple) doe: and then I lost(All mine owne Folly) the Societie,Amitie too of your braue Father, whom(Though bearing Miserie) I desire my life
Once more to looke on him.Flo.By his commandHaue I here touch’d
Sicilia, and from him
Giue you all greetings, that a King (at friend)Can send his Brother: and but Infirmitie
(Which waits vpon worne times) hath something seiz’dHis wish’d Abilitie, he had himselfeThe Lands and Waters, 'twixt your Throne and his,Measur’d, to looke vpon you; whom he loues(He bad me say so) more then all the Scepters,
And those that beare them, liuing.Leo.Oh my Brother,(Good Gentleman) the wrongs I haue done thee, stireAfresh within me: and these thy offices(So rarely kind) are as Interpreters
Of my behind‑hand slacknesse. Welcome hither,As is the Spring to th’Earth. And hath he tooExpos’d this Paragon to th’fearefull vsage(At least vngentle) of the dreadfull
To greet a man, not worth her paines; much lesse,
Th’aduenture of her person?Flo.Good my Lord,She came from
Leo.Where the Warlike
That Noble honor’d Lord, is fear’d, and lou’d?Flo.
Most Royall Sir,From thence: from him, whose DaughterHis Teares proclaym’d his parting with her: thence(A prosperous South‑wind friendly) we haue cross’d,To execute the Charge my Father gaue me,
For visiting your Highnesse: My best TraineI haue from your
Sicilian Shores dismiss’d;
Who for
Bohemia bend, to signifie
Not onely my successe in
Libia (Sir)
But my arriuall, and my Wifes, in safetie
Here, where we are.Leo.The blessed GodsPurge all Infection from our Ayre, whilest youDoe Clymate here: you haue a holy Father,A graceful Gentleman, against whose person
(So sacred as it is) I haue done sinne,For which, the Heauens (taking angry note)Haue left me Issue‑lesse: and your Father’s bless’d(As he from Heauen merits it) with you,Worthy his goodnesse. What might I haue been,
Might I a Sonne and Daughter now haue look’d on,Such goodly things as you?Enter a Lord.Lord.Most Noble Sir,That which I shall report, will beare no credit,Were not the proofe so nigh. Please you (great Sir)
Bohemia greets you from himselfe, by me:
Desires you to attach his Sonne, who ha’s(His Dignitie, and Dutie both cast off)Fled from his Father, from his Hopes, and withA Shepheards Daughter.Leo.
Bohemia? speake:
Lord.Here, in your Citie: I now came from him.I speake amazedly, and it becomesMy meruaile, and my Message. To your CourtWhiles he was hastning (in the Chase, it seemes,
Of this faire Couple) meetes he on the wayThe Father of this seeming Lady, andHer Brother, hauing both their Countrey quitted,With this young Prince.Flo.Camillo ha’s betray’d me;
Whose honor, and whose honestie till now,Endur’d all Weathers.Lord.Lay’t so to his charge:He’s with the King your Father.Leo.
Camillo (Sir:) I spake with him: who now
Ha’s these poore men in question. Neuer saw IWretches so quake: they kneele, they kisse the Earth;Forsweare themselues as often as they speake:Bohemia stops his eares, and threatens them
With diuers deaths, in death.Perd.Oh my poore Father:The Heauen sets Spyes vpon vs, will not haueOur Contract celebrated.Leo.
You are marryed?
We are not (Sir) nor are we like to be:The Starres (I see) will kisse the Valleyes first:The oddes for high and low’s alike.Leo.
My Lord,
Is this the Daughter of a King?
She is,When once she is my Wife.Leo.That once (I see) by your good Fathers speed,Will come‑on very slowly. I am sorry(Most sorry) you haue broken from his liking,
Where you were ty’d in dutie: and as sorry,Your Choice is not so rich in Worth, as Beautie,That you might well enioy her.Flo.Deare, looke vp:Though
Fortune, visible an Enemie,
Should chase vs, with my Father; powre no iotHath she to change our Loues. Beseech you (Sir)Remember, since you ow’d no more to TimeThen I doe now: with thought of such Affections,Step forth mine Aduocate: at your request,
My Father will graunt precious things, as Trifles.Leo.Would he doe so, I’ld beg your precious Mistris,Which he counts but a Trifle.Paul.Sir (my Liege)Your eye hath too much youth in’t: not a moneth
'Fore your Queene dy’d, she was more worth such gazes,Then what you looke on now.Leo.I thought of her,Euen in these Lookes I made. But your PetitionIs yet vn‑answer’d: I will to your Father:
Your Honor not o’re‑throwne by your desires,I am friend to them, and you: Vpon which ErrandI now goe toward him: therefore follow me,And marke what way I make: Come good my Lord.Exeunt.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="1">
<head rend="center">Actus Quintus. Scena Prima.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 5, Scene 1]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Leontes, Cleomines, Dion, Paulina, Seruants:
<lb/>Florizel, Perdita.</stage>
<sp who="#F-wt-cle">
<speaker rend="italic">Cleo.</speaker>
<l n="2686">Sir, you haue done enough, and haue perform’d</l>
<l n="2687">A Saint‑like Sorrow: No fault could you make,</l>
<l n="2688">Which you haue not redeem’d; indeed pay’d downe</l>
<l n="2689">More penitence, then done trespas: At the last</l>
<l n="2690">Doe, as the Heauens haue done; forget your euill,</l>
<l n="2691">With them, forgiue your selfe.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2692">Whilest I remember</l>
<l n="2693">Her, and her Vertues, I cannot forget</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="2694">My blemishes in them, and so still thinke of</l>
<l n="2695">The wrong I did my selfe: which was so much,</l>
<l n="2696">That Heire‑lesse it hath made my Kingdome, and</l>
<l n="2697">Destroy’d the sweet’st Companion, that ere man</l>
<l n="2698">Bred his hopes out of, true.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2699">Too true (my Lord:)</l>
<l n="2700">If one by one, you wedded all the World,</l>
<l n="2701">Or from the All that are, tooke something good,</l>
<l n="2702">To make a perfect Woman; she you kill’d,</l>
<l n="2703">Would be vnparallell’d.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2704">I thinke so. Kill’d?</l>
<l n="2705">She I kill’d? I did so: but thou strik’st me</l>
<l n="2706">Sorely, to say I did: it is as bitter</l>
<l n="2707">Vpon thy Tongue, as in my Thought. Now, good now,</l>
<l n="2708">Say so but seldom.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-cle">
<speaker rend="italic">Cleo.</speaker>
<l n="2709">Not at all, good Lady:</l>
<l n="2710">You might haue spoken a thousand things, that would</l>
<l n="2711">Haue done the time more benefit, and grac’d</l>
<l n="2712">Your kindnesse better.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<p n="2713">You are one of those
<lb n="2714"/>Would haue him wed againe.</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<l n="2715">If you would not so,</l>
<l n="2716">You pitty not the State, nor the Remembrance</l>
<l n="2717">Of his most Soueraigne Name: Consider little,</l>
<l n="2718">What Dangers, by his Highnesse faile of Issue,</l>
<l n="2719">May drop vpon his Kingdome, and deuoure</l>
<l n="2720">Incertaine lookers on. What were more holy,</l>
<l n="2721">Then to reioyce the former Queene is well?</l>
<l n="2722">What holyer, then for Royalties repayre,</l>
<l n="2723">For present comfort, and for future good,</l>
<l n="2724">To blesse the Bed of Maiestie againe</l>
<l n="2725">With a sweet Fellow to’t?</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2726">There is none worthy,</l>
<l n="2727">(Respecting her that’s gone:) besides the Gods</l>
<l n="2728">Will haue fulfill’d their secret purposes:</l>
<l n="2729">For ha’s not the Diuine<hi rend="italic">Apollo</hi>said?</l>
<l n="2730">Is’t not the tenor of his Oracle,</l>
<l n="2731">That King<hi rend="italic">Leontes</hi>shall not haue an Heire,</l>
<l n="2732">Till his lost Child be found? Which, that it shall,</l>
<l n="2733">Is all as monstrous to our humane reason,</l>
<l n="2734">As my<hi rend="italic">Antigonus</hi>to breake his Graue,</l>
<l n="2735">And come againe to me: who, on my life,</l>
<l n="2736">Did perish with the Infant. 'Tis your councell,</l>
<l n="2737">My Lord should to the Heauens be contrary,</l>
<l n="2738">Oppose against their wills. Care not for Issue,</l>
<l n="2739">The Crowne will find an Heire. Great<hi rend="italic">Alexander</hi>
<l n="2740">Left his to th’Worthiest: so his Successor</l>
<l n="2741">Was like to be the best.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2742">Good<hi rend="italic">Paulina</hi>,</l>
<l n="2743">Who hast the memorie of<hi rend="italic">Hermione</hi>
<l n="2744">I know in honor: O, that euer I</l>
<l n="2745">Had squar’d me to thy councell: then, euen now,</l>
<l n="2746">I might haue look’d vpon my Queenes full eyes,</l>
<l n="2747">Haue taken Treasure from her Lippes.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2748">And left them</l>
<l n="2749">More rich, for what they yielded.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2750">Thou speak’st truth:</l>
<l n="2751">No more such Wiues, therefore no Wife: one worse,</l>
<l n="2752">And better vs’d, would make her Sainted Spirit</l>
<l n="2753">Againe possesse her Corps, and on this Stage</l>
<l n="2754">(Where we Offendors now appeare) Soule‑vext,</l>
<l n="2755">And begin, why to me?</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2756">Had she such power,</l>
<l n="2757">She had iust such cause.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2758">She had, and would incense me</l>
<l n="2759">To murther her I marryed.</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0319-0.jpg" n="299"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2760">I should so:</l>
<l n="2761">Were I the Ghost that walk’d, Il’d bid you marke</l>
<l n="2762">Her eye, and tell me for what dull part in’t</l>
<l n="2763">You chose her: then Il’d shrieke, that euen your eares</l>
<l n="2764">Should rift to heare me, and the words that follow’d,</l>
<l n="2765">Should be, Remember mine.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2766">Starres, Starres,</l>
<l n="2767">And all eyes else, dead coales: feare thou no Wife;</l>
<l n="2768">Ile haue no Wife,<hi rend="italic">Paulina</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2769">Will you sweare</l>
<l n="2770">Neuer to marry, but by my free leaue?</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<p n="2771">Neuer (<hi rend="italic">Paulina</hi>) so be bless’d my Spirit.</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<p n="2772">Then good my Lords, beare witnesse to his Oath.</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-cle">
<speaker rend="italic">Cleo.</speaker>
<p n="2773">You tempt him ouer‑much.</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2774">Vnlesse another,</l>
<l n="2775">As like<hi rend="italic">Hermione</hi>, as is her Picture,</l>
<l n="2776">Affront his eye.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-cle">
<speaker rend="italic">Cleo.</speaker>
<p n="2777">Good Madame, I haue done.</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2778">Yet if my Lord will marry: if you will, Sir;</l>
<l n="2779">No remedie but you will: Giue me the Office</l>
<l n="2780">To chuse you a Queene: she shall not be so young</l>
<l n="2781">As was your former, but she shall be such</l>
<l n="2782">As (walk’d your first Queenes Ghost) it should take ioy</l>
<l n="2783">To see her in your armes.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2784">My true<hi rend="italic">Paulina</hi>,</l>
<l n="2785">We shall not marry, till thou bidst vs.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2786">That</l>
<l n="2787">Shall be when your first Queene’s againe in breath:</l>
<l n="2788">Neuer till then.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Seruant.</stage>
<sp who="#F-wt-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="2789">One that giues out himselfe Prince<hi rend="italic">Florizell</hi>,</l>
<l n="2790">Sonne of<hi rend="italic">Polixenes</hi>, with his Princesse (she</l>
<l n="2791">The fairest I haue yet beheld) desires accesse</l>
<l n="2792">To your high presence.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2793">What with him? he comes not</l>
<l n="2794">Like to his Fathers Greatnesse: his approach</l>
<l n="2795">(So out of circumstance, and suddaine) tells vs,</l>
<l n="2796">'Tis not a Visitation fram’d, but forc’d</l>
<l n="2797">By need, and accident. What Trayne?</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="2798">But few,</l>
<l n="2799">And those but meane.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<p n="2800">His Princesse (say you) with him?</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="2801">I: the most peerelesse peece of Earth, I thinke,</l>
<l n="2802">That ere the Sunne shone bright on.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2803">Oh<hi rend="italic">Hermione</hi>,</l>
<l n="2804">As euery present Time doth boast it selfe</l>
<l n="2805">Aboue a better, gone; so must thy Graue</l>
<l n="2806">Giue way to what’s seene now. Sir, you your selfe</l>
<l n="2807">Haue said, and writ so; but your writing now</l>
<l n="2808">Is colder then that Theame: she had not beene,</l>
<l n="2809">Nor was not to be equall’d, thus your Verse</l>
<l n="2810">Flow’d with her Beautie once; 'tis shrewdly ebb’d,</l>
<l n="2811">To say you haue seene a better.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="2812">Pardon, Madame:</l>
<l n="2813">The one, I haue almost forgot (your pardon:)</l>
<l n="2814">The other, when she ha’s obtayn’d your Eye,</l>
<l n="2815">Will haue your Tongue too. This is a Creature,</l>
<l n="2816">Would she begin a Sect, might quench the zeale</l>
<l n="2817">Of all Professors else; make Proselytes</l>
<l n="2818">Of who she but bid Follow.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<p n="2819">How? not women?</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
<l n="2820">Women will loue her, that she is a Woman</l>
<l n="2821">More worth then any Man: Men, that she is</l>
<l n="2822">The rarest of all Women.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2823">Goe<hi rend="italic">Cleomines</hi>,</l>
<l n="2824">Your selfe (assisted with your honor’d Friends)</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="2825">Bring them to our embracement. Still 'tis strange,</l>
<l n="2826">He thus should steale vpon vs.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2827">Had our Prince</l>
<l n="2828">(Iewell of Children) seene this houre, he had payr’d</l>
<l n="2829">Well with this Lord; there was not full a moneth</l>
<l n="2830">Betweene their births.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2831">'Prethee no more; cease: thou know’st</l>
<l n="2832">He dyes to me againe, when talk’d‑of: sure</l>
<l n="2833">When I shall see this Gentleman, thy speeches</l>
<l n="2834">Will bring me to consider that, which may</l>
<l n="2835">Vnfurnish me of Reason. They are come.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Florizell, Perdita, Cleomines, and others.</stage>
<l n="2836">Your Mother was most true to Wedlock, Prince,</l>
<l n="2837">For she did print your Royall Father off,</l>
<l n="2838">Conceiuing you. Were I but twentie one,</l>
<l n="2839">Your Fathers Image is so hit in you,</l>
<l n="2840">(His very ayre) that I should call you Brother,</l>
<l n="2841">As I did him, and speake of something wildly</l>
<l n="2842">By vs perform’d before. Most dearely welcome,</l>
<l n="2843">And your faire Princesse (Goddesse) oh: alas,</l>
<l n="2844">I lost a couple, that 'twixt Heauen and Earth</l>
<l n="2845">Might thus haue stood, begetting wonder, as</l>
<l n="2846">You (gracious Couple) doe: and then I lost</l>
<l n="2847">(All mine owne Folly) the Societie,</l>
<l n="2848">Amitie too of your braue Father, whom</l>
<l n="2849">(Though bearing Miserie) I desire my life</l>
<l n="2850">Once more to looke on him.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2851">By his command</l>
<l n="2852">Haue I here touch’d<hi rend="italic">Sicilia</hi>, and from him</l>
<l n="2853">Giue you all greetings, that a King (at friend)</l>
<l n="2854">Can send his Brother: and but Infirmitie</l>
<l n="2855">(Which waits vpon worne times) hath something seiz’d</l>
<l n="2856">His wish’d Abilitie, he had himselfe</l>
<l n="2857">The Lands and Waters, 'twixt your Throne and his,</l>
<l n="2858">Measur’d, to looke vpon you; whom he loues</l>
<l n="2859">(He bad me say so) more then all the Scepters,</l>
<l n="2860">And those that beare them, liuing.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2861">Oh my Brother,</l>
<l n="2862">(Good Gentleman) the wrongs I haue done thee, stire</l>
<l n="2863">Afresh within me: and these thy offices</l>
<l n="2864">(So rarely kind) are as Interpreters</l>
<l n="2865">Of my behind‑hand slacknesse. Welcome hither,</l>
<l n="2866">As is the Spring to th’Earth. And hath he too</l>
<l n="2867">Expos’d this Paragon to th’fearefull vsage</l>
<l n="2868">(At least vngentle) of the dreadfull<hi rend="italic">Neptune</hi>,</l>
<l n="2869">To greet a man, not worth her paines; much lesse,</l>
<l n="2870">Th’aduenture of her person?</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2871">Good my Lord,</l>
<l n="2872">She came from<hi rend="italic">Libia</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2873">Where the Warlike<hi rend="italic">Smalus</hi>,</l>
<l n="2874">That Noble honor’d Lord, is fear’d, and lou’d?</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2875">Most Royall Sir,</l>
<l n="2876">From thence: from him, whose Daughter</l>
<l n="2877">His Teares proclaym’d his parting with her: thence</l>
<l n="2878">(A prosperous South‑wind friendly) we haue cross’d,</l>
<l n="2879">To execute the Charge my Father gaue me,</l>
<l n="2880">For visiting your Highnesse: My best Traine</l>
<l n="2881">I haue from your<hi rend="italic">Sicilian</hi>Shores dismiss’d;</l>
<l n="2882">Who for<hi rend="italic">Bohemia</hi>bend, to signifie</l>
<l n="2883">Not onely my successe in<hi rend="italic">Libia</hi>(Sir)</l>
<l n="2884">But my arriuall, and my Wifes, in safetie</l>
<l n="2885">Here, where we are.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2886">The blessed Gods</l>
<l n="2887">Purge all Infection from our Ayre, whilest you</l>
<l n="2888">Doe Clymate here: you haue a holy Father,</l>
<l n="2889">A graceful Gentleman, against whose person</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0320-0.jpg" n="300"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="2890">(So sacred as it is) I haue done sinne,</l>
<l n="2891">For which, the Heauens (taking angry note)</l>
<l n="2892">Haue left me Issue‑lesse: and your Father’s bless’d</l>
<l n="2893">(As he from Heauen merits it) with you,</l>
<l n="2894">Worthy his goodnesse. What might I haue been,</l>
<l n="2895">Might I a Sonne and Daughter now haue look’d on,</l>
<l n="2896">Such goodly things as you?</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Lord.</stage>
<sp who="#F-wt-lor.1">
<speaker rend="italic">Lord.</speaker>
<l n="2897">Most Noble Sir,</l>
<l n="2898">That which I shall report, will beare no credit,</l>
<l n="2899">Were not the proofe so nigh. Please you (great Sir)</l>
<l n="2900">
<hi rend="italic">Bohemia</hi>greets you from himselfe, by me:</l>
<l n="2901">Desires you to attach his Sonne, who ha’s</l>
<l n="2902">(His Dignitie, and Dutie both cast off)</l>
<l n="2903">Fled from his Father, from his Hopes, and with</l>
<l n="2904">A Shepheards Daughter.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<p n="2905">Where’s<hi rend="italic">Bohemia</hi>? speake:</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-lor.1">
<speaker rend="italic">Lord.</speaker>
<l n="2906">Here, in your Citie: I now came from him.</l>
<l n="2907">I speake amazedly, and it becomes</l>
<l n="2908">My meruaile, and my Message. To your Court</l>
<l n="2909">Whiles he was hastning (in the Chase, it seemes,</l>
<l n="2910">Of this faire Couple) meetes he on the way</l>
<l n="2911">The Father of this seeming Lady, and</l>
<l n="2912">Her Brother, hauing both their Countrey quitted,</l>
<l n="2913">With this young Prince.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2914">
<hi rend="italic">Camillo</hi>ha’s betray’d me;</l>
<l n="2915">Whose honor, and whose honestie till now,</l>
<l n="2916">Endur’d all Weathers.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-lor.1">
<speaker rend="italic">Lord.</speaker>
<l n="2917">Lay’t so to his charge:</l>
<l n="2918">He’s with the King your Father.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<p n="2919">Who?<hi rend="italic">Camillo</hi>?</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-lor.1">
<speaker rend="italic">Lord.</speaker>
<l n="2920">
<hi rend="italic">Camillo</hi>(Sir:) I spake with him: who now</l>
<l n="2921">Ha’s these poore men in question. Neuer saw I</l>
<l n="2922">Wretches so quake: they kneele, they kisse the Earth;</l>
<l n="2923">Forsweare themselues as often as they speake:</l>
<l n="2924">
<hi rend="italic">Bohemia</hi>stops his eares, and threatens them</l>
<l n="2925">With diuers deaths, in death.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-per">
<speaker rend="italic">Perd.</speaker>
<l n="2926">Oh my poore Father:</l>
<l n="2927">The Heauen sets Spyes vpon vs, will not haue</l>
<l n="2928">Our Contract celebrated.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<p n="2929">You are marryed?</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2930">We are not (Sir) nor are we like to be:</l>
<l n="2931">The Starres (I see) will kisse the Valleyes first:</l>
<l n="2932">The oddes for high and low’s alike.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<p n="2933">My Lord,
<lb n="2934"/>Is this the Daughter of a King?</p>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2935">She is,</l>
<l n="2936">When once she is my Wife.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2937">That once (I see) by your good Fathers speed,</l>
<l n="2938">Will come‑on very slowly. I am sorry</l>
<l n="2939">(Most sorry) you haue broken from his liking,</l>
<l n="2940">Where you were ty’d in dutie: and as sorry,</l>
<l n="2941">Your Choice is not so rich in Worth, as Beautie,</l>
<l n="2942">That you might well enioy her.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-flo">
<speaker rend="italic">Flo.</speaker>
<l n="2943">Deare, looke vp:</l>
<l n="2944">Though<hi rend="italic">Fortune</hi>, visible an Enemie,</l>
<l n="2945">Should chase vs, with my Father; powre no iot</l>
<l n="2946">Hath she to change our Loues. Beseech you (Sir)</l>
<l n="2947">Remember, since you ow’d no more to Time</l>
<l n="2948">Then I doe now: with thought of such Affections,</l>
<l n="2949">Step forth mine Aduocate: at your request,</l>
<l n="2950">My Father will graunt precious things, as Trifles.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2951">Would he doe so, I’ld beg your precious Mistris,</l>
<l n="2952">Which he counts but a Trifle.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-pau">
<speaker rend="italic">Paul.</speaker>
<l n="2953">Sir (my Liege)</l>
<l n="2954">Your eye hath too much youth in’t: not a moneth</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="2955">'Fore your Queene dy’d, she was more worth such gazes,</l>
<l n="2956">Then what you looke on now.</l>
<sp who="#F-wt-leo">
<speaker rend="italic">Leo.</speaker>
<l n="2957">I thought of her,</l>
<l n="2958">Euen in these Lookes I made. But your Petition</l>
<l n="2959">Is yet vn‑answer’d: I will to your Father:</l>
<l n="2960">Your Honor not o’re‑throwne by your desires,</l>
<l n="2961">I am friend to them, and you: Vpon which Errand</l>
<l n="2962">I now goe toward him: therefore follow me,</l>
<l n="2963">And marke what way I make: Come good my Lord.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>