The life and death of Richard the second.What would you haue me doe? I am a Subiect,And challenge Law: Attorneyes are deny'd me:And therefore personally I lay my claimeTo my Inheritance of free Discent.North.
The Noble Duke hath been too much abus'd.Ross.It stands your Grace vpon, to doe him right.Willo.Base men by his endowments are made great.York.My Lords of England, let me tell you this,I haue had feeling of my Cosens Wrongs,
And labour'd all I could to doe him right:But in this kind, to come in brauing Armes,Be his owne Caruer, and cut out his way,To find out Right with Wrongs, it may not be;And you that doe abett him in this kind,
Cherish Rebellion, and are Rebels all.North.The Noble Duke hath sworne his comming isBut for his owne: and for the right of that,Wee all haue strongly sworne to giue him ayd,And let him neu'r see Ioy, that breakes that Oath.York.
Well, well, I see the issue of these Armes,I cannot mend it, I must needs confesse,Because my power is weake, and all ill left:But if I could, by him that gaue me life,I would attach you all, and make you stoope
Vnto the Soueraigne Mercy of the King.But since I cannot, be it knowne to you,I doe remaine as Neuter. So fare you well,Vnlesse you please to enter in the Castle,And there repose you for this Night.Bull.
An offer Vnckle, that wee will accept:But wee must winne your Grace to goe with vsTo Bristow Castle, which they say is heldBy
Bushie, Bagot, and ther Complices,
The Caterpillers of the Commonwealth,
Which I haue sworne to weed, and plucke away.York.It may be I will go with you: but yet Ile pawse,For I am loth to breake our Countries Lawes:Nor Friends, nor Foes, to me welcome you are,Things past redresse, are now with me past care.Exeunt.
Scœna Quarta.
[Act 2, Scene 4]
Enter Salisbury, and a Captaine.Capt.
My Lord of Salisbury, we haue stayd ten dayes,And hardly kept our Countreymen together,And yet we heare no tidings from the King;Therefore we will disperse our selues: farewell.Sal.Stay yet another day, thou trustie Welchman,
The King reposeth all his confidence in thee.Capt.'Tis thought the King is dead, we will not stay;And Meteors fright the fixed Starres of Heauen;The pale‑fac'd Moone lookes bloody on the Earth,And leane‑look'd Prophets whisper fearefull change;
Rich men looke sad, and Ruffians dance and leape,The one in feare, to loose what they enioy,The other to enioy by Rage, and Warre:These signes fore‑run the death of Kings.Farewell, our Countreymen are gone and fled,
Richard, with eyes of heauie mind,
I see thy Glory, like a shooting Starre,Fall to the base Earth, from the Firmament:Thy Sunne sets weeping in the lowly West,
Witnessing Stormes to come, Woe, and Vnrest:Thy Friends are fled, to wait vpon thy Foes,And crossely to thy good, all fortune goes.Exit.
Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.
[Act 3, Scene 1]
Enter Bullingbrooke, Yorke, Northumberland,
Rosse, Percie, Willoughby, with Bushie
and Greene Prisoners.
Bull.Bring forth these men:Bushie and
Greene, I will not vex your soules,
(Since presently your soules must part your bodies)With too much vrging your pernitious liues,For 'twere no charitie: yet to wash your bloodFrom off my hands, here in the view of men,I will vnfold some causes of your deaths.
You haue mis‑led a Prince, a Royall King,A happie Gentleman in Blood, and Lineaments,By you vnhappied, and disfigur'd cleane:You haue in manner with your sinfull houresMade a Diuorce betwixt his Queene and him,
Broke the possession of a Royall Bed,And stayn'd the beautie of a faire Queenes Cheekes,With teares drawn
from her eyes, with your foule wrongs.
My selfe a Prince, by fortune of my birth,Neere to the King in blood, and neere in loue,
Till you did make him mis‑interprete me,Haue stoopt my neck vnder your iniuries,And sigh'd my English breath in forraine Clouds,Eating the bitter bread of banishment:While you haue fed vpon my Seignories,
Dis‑park'd my Parkes, and fell'd my forrest Woods;From mine owne Windowes torne my Household Coat,Raz'd out my Impresse, leauing me no signe,Saue mens opinions, and my liuing blood,To shew the World I am a Gentleman.
This, and much more, much more then twice all this,Condemnes you to the death: see them deliuered ouerTo execution, and the hand of death.Bushie.More welcome is the stroake of death to me,Then
Bullingbrooke to England.
My comfort is, that Heauen will take our soules,And plague Iniustice with the paines of Hell.Bull.My Lord
Northemberland see them dispatch'd:
Vnckle, you say the Queene is at your House,For Heauens sake fairely let her be entreated,
Tell her I send to her my kind commends;Take speciall care my Greetings be deliuer'd.York.A Gentleman of mine I haue dispatch'dWith Letters of your loue, to her at large.Bull.Thankes gentle Vnckle: come Lords away,
To fight with
Glendoure, and his Complices;
A while to worke, and after holliday.Exeunt.Scœna
Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.
[Act 3, Scene 1]
Enter Bullingbrooke, Yorke, Northumberland,
Rosse, Percie, Willoughby, with Bushie
and Greene Prisoners.
Bull.Bring forth these men:Bushie and
Greene, I will not vex your soules,
(Since presently your soules must part your bodies)With too much vrging your pernitious liues,For 'twere no charitie: yet to wash your bloodFrom off my hands, here in the view of men,I will vnfold some causes of your deaths.
You haue mis‑led a Prince, a Royall King,A happie Gentleman in Blood, and Lineaments,By you vnhappied, and disfigur'd cleane:You haue in manner with your sinfull houresMade a Diuorce betwixt his Queene and him,
Broke the possession of a Royall Bed,And stayn'd the beautie of a faire Queenes Cheekes,With teares drawn
frōfrom her eyes, with your foule wrongs.
My selfe a Prince, by fortune of my birth,Neere to the King in blood, and neere in loue,
Till you did make him mis‑interprete me,Haue stoopt my neck vnder your iniuries,And sigh'd my English breath in forraine Clouds,Eating the bitter bread of banishment:While you haue fed vpon my Seignories,
Dis‑park'd my Parkes, and fell'd my forrest Woods;From mine owne Windowes torne my Household Coat,Raz'd out my Impresse, leauing me no signe,Saue mens opinions, and my liuing blood,To shew the World I am a Gentleman.
This, and much more, much more then twice all this,Condemnes you to the death: see them deliuered ouerTo execution, and the hand of death.Bushie.More welcome is the stroake of death to me,Then
Bullingbrooke to England.
My comfort is, that Heauen will take our soules,And plague Iniustice with the paines of Hell.Bull.My Lord
Northemberland see them dispatch'd:
Vnckle, you say the Queene is at your House,For Heauens sake fairely let her be entreated,
Tell her I send to her my kind commends;Take speciall care my Greetings be deliuer'd.York.A Gentleman of mine I haue dispatch'dWith Letters of your loue, to her at large.Bull.Thankes gentle Vnckle: come Lords away,
To fight with
Glendoure, and his Complices;
A while to worke, and after holliday.Exeunt.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="1">
<head rend="italic center">Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 1]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Bullingbrooke, Yorke, Northumberland,
<lb/>Rosse, Percie, Willoughby, with Bushie
<lb/>and Greene Prisoners.</stage>
<sp who="#F-r2-bol">
<speaker rend="italic">Bull.</speaker>
<l n="1263">Bring forth these men:</l>
<l n="1264">
<hi rend="italic">Bushie</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Greene</hi>, I will not vex your soules,</l>
<l n="1265">(Since presently your soules must part your bodies)</l>
<l n="1266">With too much vrging your pernitious liues,</l>
<l n="1267">For 'twere no charitie: yet to wash your blood</l>
<l n="1268">From off my hands, here in the view of men,</l>
<l n="1269">I will vnfold some causes of your deaths.</l>
<l n="1270">You haue mis‑led a Prince, a Royall King,</l>
<l n="1271">A happie Gentleman in Blood, and Lineaments,</l>
<l n="1272">By you vnhappied, and disfigur'd cleane:</l>
<l n="1273">You haue in manner with your sinfull houres</l>
<l n="1274">Made a Diuorce betwixt his Queene and him,</l>
<l n="1275">Broke the possession of a Royall Bed,</l>
<l n="1276">And stayn'd the beautie of a faire Queenes Cheekes,</l>
<l n="1277">With teares drawn<choice>
</choice>her eyes, with your foule wrongs.</l>
<l n="1278">My selfe a Prince, by fortune of my birth,</l>
<l n="1279">Neere to the King in blood, and neere in loue,</l>
<l n="1280">Till you did make him mis‑interprete me,</l>
<l n="1281">Haue stoopt my neck vnder your iniuries,</l>
<l n="1282">And sigh'd my English breath in forraine Clouds,</l>
<l n="1283">Eating the bitter bread of banishment:</l>
<l n="1284">While you haue fed vpon my Seignories,</l>
<l n="1285">Dis‑park'd my Parkes, and fell'd my forrest Woods;</l>
<l n="1286">From mine owne Windowes torne my Household Coat,</l>
<l n="1287">Raz'd out my Impresse, leauing me no signe,</l>
<l n="1288">Saue mens opinions, and my liuing blood,</l>
<l n="1289">To shew the World I am a Gentleman.</l>
<l n="1290">This, and much more, much more then twice all this,</l>
<l n="1291">Condemnes you to the death: see them deliuered ouer</l>
<l n="1292">To execution, and the hand of death.</l>
<sp who="#F-r2-bus">
<speaker rend="italic">Bushie.</speaker>
<l n="1293">More welcome is the stroake of death to me,</l>
<l n="1294">Then<hi rend="italic">Bullingbrooke</hi>to England.</l>
<sp who="#F-r2-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Greene.</speaker>
<l n="1295">My comfort is, that Heauen will take our soules,</l>
<l n="1296">And plague Iniustice with the paines of Hell.</l>
<sp who="#F-r2-bol">
<speaker rend="italic">Bull.</speaker>
<l n="1297">My Lord<hi rend="italic">Northemberland</hi>see them dispatch'd:</l>
<l n="1298">Vnckle, you say the Queene is at your House,</l>
<l n="1299">For Heauens sake fairely let her be entreated,</l>
<l n="1300">Tell her I send to her my kind commends;</l>
<l n="1301">Take speciall care my Greetings be deliuer'd.</l>
<sp who="#F-r2-yor">
<speaker rend="italic">York.</speaker>
<l n="1302">A Gentleman of mine I haue dispatch'd</l>
<l n="1303">With Letters of your loue, to her at large.</l>
<sp who="#F-r2-bol">
<speaker rend="italic">Bull.</speaker>
<l n="1304">Thankes gentle Vnckle: come Lords away,</l>
<l n="1305">To fight with<hi rend="italic">Glendoure</hi>, and his Complices;</l>
<l n="1306">A while to worke, and after holliday.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0358-0.jpg" n="34"/>
<cb n="1"/>