Well, well, wee'l leaue you.
Iuno‑like: Come, come, come.
Fie, fie, fie.
I know you well sir, and you know mee: your
name I thinke is
It is so sir, truly I haue forgot you.
I am a Roman, and my Seruices are as you are,
against 'em. Know you me yet.
Nicanor: no.
The same sir.
You had more Beard when I last saw you, but
your Fauour is well appear'd by your Tongue. What's
the Newes in Rome: I haue a Note from the Volcean
state to finde you out there. You haue well saued mee a
dayes iourney.
There hath beene in Rome straunge Insurrecti
ons: The people, against the Senatours, Patricians, and
Hath bin; is it ended then? Our State thinks not
so, they are in a most warlike preparation, & hope to com
vpon them, in the heate of their diuision
The maine blaze of it is past, but a small thing
would make it flame againe. For the Nobles receyue so
to heart, the Banishment of that worthy
Coriolanus, that
they are in a ripe aptnesse, to take al power from the peo
ple, and to plucke from them their Tribunes for euer.
This lyes glowing I can tell you, and is almost mature for
the violent breaking out.
Coriolanus Banisht?
Banish'd sir.
You will be welcome with this intelligence
The day serues well for them now. I haue heard
it saide, the fittest time to corrupt a mans Wife, is when
shee's falne out with her Husband. Your Noble
Coriolanus being now in no request of his coun
He cannot choose: I am most fortunate, thus
accidentally to encounter you. You haue ended my Bu
sinesse, and I will merrily accompany you home.
I shall betweene this and Supper, tell you most
strange things from Rome: all tending to the good of
their Aduersaries. Haue you an Army ready say you?
A most Royall one: The Centurions, and their
charges distinctly billetted already in th'entertainment,
and to be on foot at an houres warning.
I am ioyfull to heare of their readinesse, and am
the man I thinke, that shall set them in present Action. So
sir, heartily well met, and most glad of your Company.
You take my part from me sir, I haue the most