Hector, come, goe backe:
Cassandradoth foresee; and 1 my selfe,
I, but thou shalt not goe,
Priam, yeeld not to him.
Doe not deere father.
AndromacheI am offended with you:
Hecubacries out;
Andromacheshrils her dolour forth;
Hector, Hectorsdead: O
Away, away.
HectorI take my leaue;
Farewell: the gods with safetie stand about
Diomed, beleeue
Doe you heare my Lord? do you heare?
What now?
Here's a Letter come from yond poore girle.
Let me reade.
A whorson tisicke, a whorson rascally tisicke,
so troubles me; and the foolish fortune of this girle, and
what one thing, what another, that I shall leaue you one
o'th's dayes: and I haue a rheume in mine eyes too; and
such an ache in my bones; that vnlesse a man were curst,
I cannot tell what to thinke on't. What sayes shee
the heart;
Why, but heare you?