In most vneuen and distracted manner, his actions
show much like to madnesse, pray heauen his wisedome
bee not tainted: and why meet him at the gates and re
liuer ou rauthorities there?
I ghesse not.
And why should wee proclaime it in an howre
before his entring, that if any craue redresse of iniustice,
they should exhibit their petitions in the street?
He showes his reason for that: to haue a dispatch
of Complaints, and to deliuer vs from deuices heere
after, which shall then haue no power to stand against
Well: I beseech you let it bee proclaim'd be
times i'th' morne, Ile call you at your house: giue notice
to such men of sort and suite as are to meete him.
I shall sir: fareyouwell.
Flauia's house,
Rowland, and to
Varrius, thou hast made good hast,