What's his will else?
What more commands hee?
In euery thing I waite vpon his will.
I shall report it so.
I pray you come sirrah.
But I hope your Lordshippe thinkes not him a
Yes my Lord and of verie valiant approofe.
You haue it from his owne deliuerance.
And by other warranted testimonie.
Then my Diall goes not true, I tooke this Larke
for a bunting.
I do assure you my Lord he is very great in know
ledge, and accordinglie valiant.
I haue then sinn'd against his experience, and
transgrest against his valour, and my state that way is
dangerous, since I cannot yet find in my heart to repent:
Heere he comes, I pray you make vs freinds, I will pur
sue the amitie.
These things shall be done sir.
Pray you sir whose his Tailor?
O I know him well, I sir, hee sirs a good worke
man, a verie good Tailor.
Is shee gone to the king?
Shee is.
Will shee away to night?
As you'le haue her.
A good Trauailer is something at the latter end
of a dinner, but on that lies three thirds, and vses a
known truth to passe a thousand nothings with, should
bee once hard, and thrice beaten. God saue you Cap
Is there any vnkindnes betweene my Lord and
I know not how I haue deserued to run into my
You haue made shift to run into't, bootes and
spurres and all: like him that leapt into the Custard, and
out of it you'le runne againe, rather then suffer question
for your residence.
It may bee you haue mistaken him my Lord.
And shall doe so euer, though I tooke him at's
prayers. Fare you well my Lord, and beleeue this of