The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: i4r - Histories, p. 87

Left Column

The Life of Henry the Fift.
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester, Be in their flowing Cups freshly remembred. This story shall the good man teach his sonne: And Crispine Crispian shall ne're goe by,
From this day to the ending of the World, But we in it shall be remembred; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers: For he to day that sheds his blood with me, Shall be my brother: be he ne're so vile,
This day shall gentle his Condition. And Gentlemen in England, now a bed, Shall thinke themselues accurst they were not here; And hold their Manhoods cheape, whiles any speakes, That fought with vs vpon Saint Crispines day.
Enter Salisbury. Sal.
My Soueraign Lord, bestow your selfe with speed: The French are brauely in their battailes set, And will with all expedience charge on vs.
King. All things are ready, if our minds be so. West.

Perish the man, whose mind is backward now.

Thou do'st not wish more helpe from England, Couze?
West. Gods will, my Liege, would you and I alone, Without more helpe, could fight this Royall battaile. King. Why now thou hast vnwisht fiue thousand men: Which likes me better, then to wish vs one.
You know your places: God be with you all.
Tucket. Enter Montioy. Mont. Once more I come to know of thee King Harry, If for thy Ransome thou wilt now compound, Before thy most assured Ouerthrow: For certainly, thou art so neere the Gulfe,
Thou needs must be englutted. Besides, in mercy The Constable desires thee, thou wilt mind Thy followers of Repentance; that their Soules May make a peacefull and a sweet retyre From off these fields: where (wretches) their poore bodies
Must lye and fester.
King. Who hath sent thee now? Mont. The Constable of France. King. I pray thee beare my former Answer back: Bid them atchieue me, and then sell my bones.
Good God, why should they mock poore fellowes thus? The man that once did sell the Lyons skin While the beast liu'd, was kill'd with hunting him. A many of our bodyes shall no doubt Find Natiue Graues: vpon the which, I trust
Shall witnesse liue in Brasse of this dayes worke. And those that leaue their valiant bones in France, Dying like men, though buryed in your Dunghills, They shall be fam'd: for there the Sun shall greet them, And draw their honors reeking vp to Heauen,
Leauing their earthly parts to choake your Clyme, The smell whereof shall breed a Plague in France. Marke then abounding valour in our English: That being dead, like to the bullets crasing, Breake out into a second course of mischiefe,
Killing in relapse of Mortalitie. Let me speake prowdly: Tell the Constable, We are but Warriors for the working day: Our Gaynesse and our Gilt are all besmyrcht With raynie Marching in the painefull field.
There's not a piece of feather in our Hoast: Good argument (I hope) we will not flye:

Right Column

And time hath worne vs into slouenrie. But by the Masse, our hearts are in the trim: And my poore Souldiers tell me, yet ere Night,
They'le be in fresher Robes, or they will pluck The gay new Coats o're the French Souldiers heads, And turne them out of seruice. If they doe this, As if God please, they shall; my Ransome then Will soone be leuyed.
Herauld, saue thou thy labour: Come thou no more for Ransome, gentle Herauld, They shall haue none, I sweare, but these my ioynts: Which if they haue, as I will leaue vm them, Shall yeeld them little, tell the Constable.
I shall, King Harry. And so fare thee well: Thou neuer shalt heare Herauld any more.
Exit. King.

I feare thou wilt once more come againe for a Ransome.

Enter Yorke. Yorke. My Lord, most humbly on my knee I begge The leading of the Vaward. King.
Take it, braue Yorke. Now Souldiers march away, And how thou pleasest God, dispose the day.
[Act 4, Scene 4] Alarum. Excursions. Enter Pistoll, French Souldier, Boy. Pist.

Yeeld Curre.


Ie pense que vous estes le Gentilhome de bon qua­




Qualtitie calmie custure me. Art thou a Gentle­

man? What is thy Name? discusse.


O Seigneur Dieu.


O Signieur Dewe should be a Gentleman: per-


pend my words O Signieur Dewe, and marke: O Signieur

Dewe, thou dyest on point of Fox, except O Signieur

thou doe giue to me egregious Ransome.


O prennes miserecordie aye pitez de moy.


Moy shall not serue, I will haue fortie Moyes: for


I will fetch thy rymme out at thy Throat, in droppes of

Crimson blood.


Est il impossible d'eschapper le force de ton bras.


Brasse, Curre? thou damned and luxurious Moun-

taine Goat, offer'st me Brasse?


O perdonne moy.


Say'st thou me so? is that a Tonne of Moyes?

Come hither boy, aske me this slaue in French what is his



Escoute comment estes vous appelle?


Mounsieur le Fer.


He sayes his Name is M. Fer.


M. Fer: Ile fer him, and firke him, and ferret him:

discusse the same in French vnto him.


I doe not know the French for fer, and ferret, and firke.


Bid him prepare, for I will cut his throat.


Que dit il Mounsieur?


Il me commande a vous dire que vous faite vous

prest, car ce soldat icy est disposee tout asture de couppes vostre



Owy, cuppele gorge permafoy pesant, vnlesse

thou giue me Crownes, braue Crownes; or mangled shalt

thou be by this my Sword.


O Ie vous supplie pour l'amour de Dieu: ma par-

donner, Ie suis le Gentilhome de bon maison, garde ma vie, & Ie


vous donneray deux cent escus.


What are his words?

Boy. He

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[Act 4, Scene 4] Alarum. Excursions. Enter Pistoll, French Souldier, Boy. Pist.

Yeeld Curre.


Ie pense que vous estes le Gentilhome de bon qua­




Qualtitie calmie custure me. Art thou a Gentle­

man? What is thy Name? discusse.


O Seigneur Dieu.


O Signieur Dewe should be a Gentleman: per-


pend my words O Signieur Dewe, and marke: O Signieur

Dewe, thou dyest on point of Fox, except O Signieur

thou doe giue to me egregious Ransome.


O prennes miserecordie aye pitez de moy.


Moy shall not serue, I will haue fortie Moyes: for


I will fetch thy rymme out at thy Throat, in droppes of

Crimson blood.


Est il impossible d'eschapper le force de ton bras.


Brasse, Curre? thou damned and luxurious Moun-

taine Goat, offer'st me Brasse?


O perdonne moy.


Say'st thou me so? is that a Tonne of Moyes?

Come hither boy, aske me this slaue in French what is his



Escoute comment estes vous appelle?


Mounsieur le Fer.


He sayes his Name is M. Fer.


M. Fer: Ile fer him, and firke him, and ferret him:

discusse the same in French vnto him.


I doe not know the French for fer, and ferret, and firke.


Bid him prepare, for I will cut his throat.


Que dit il Mounsieur?


Il me commande a vous dire que vous faite vous

prest, car ce soldat icy est disposee tout asture de couppes vostre



Owy, cuppele gorge permafoy pesant, vnlesse

thou giue me Crownes, braue Crownes; or mangled shalt

thou be by this my Sword.


O Ie vous supplie pour l'amour de Dieu: ma par-

donner, Ie suis le Gentilhome de bon maison, garde ma vie, & Ie


vous donneray deux cent escus.


What are his words?


He prayes you to saue his life, he is a Gentleman

of a good house, and for his ransom he will giue you two

hundred Crownes.


Tell him my fury shall abate, and I the Crownes

will take.


Petit Monsieur que dit il?


Encore qu'il et contra son Iurement, de pardonner au-

cune prisonner: neant-mons pour les escues que vous layt a pro-


mets il est content a vous donnes le liberte le franchisement.


Sur mes genoux se vous donnes milles remercious, et

Ie me estime heurex que Ie intombe, entre les main d'vn Che-

ualier Ie peuse le plus braue valiant et tres distinie signieur



Expound vnto me boy.


He giues you vpon his knees a thousand thanks,

and he esteemes himselfe happy, that he hath falne into

the hands of one (as he thinkes) the most braue, valorous

and thrice-worthy signeur of England.


As I sucke blood, I will some mercy shew. Fol-

low mee.


Saaue vous le grand Capitaine?

I did neuer know so full a voyce issue from so emptie a

heart: but the saying is true, The empty vessel makes the


greatest sound, Bardolfe and Nym had tenne times more

valour, then this roaring diuell i'th olde play, that euerie

one may payre his nayles with a woodden dagger, and

they are both hang'd, and so would this be, if hee durst

steale any thing aduenturously. I must stay with the


Lackies with the luggage of our camp, the French might

haue a good pray of vs, if he knew of it, for there is none

to guard it but boyes.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="4" rend="notPresent">
   <head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 4]</head>
   <stage rend="italic centre" type="business">Alarum. Excursions.</stage>
   <stage rend="italic centre" type="entrance">Enter Pistoll, French Souldier, Boy.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2298">Yeeld Curre.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2299">Ie pense que vous estes le Gentilhome de bon qua­
      <lb n="2300"/>litee.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2301">Qualtitie calmie custure me. Art thou a Gentle­
      <lb n="2302"/>man? What is thy Name? discusse.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2303">O Seigneur Dieu.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2304">O Signieur Dewe should be a Gentleman: per-
      <lb n="2305"/>pend my words O Signieur Dewe, and marke: O Signieur
      <lb n="2306"/>Dewe, thou dyest on point of Fox, except O Signieur
      <lb n="2307"/>thou doe giue to me egregious Ransome.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2308">O prennes miserecordie aye pitez de moy.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2309">Moy shall not serue, I will haue fortie Moyes: for
      <lb n="2310"/>I will fetch thy rymme out at thy Throat, in droppes of
      <lb n="2311"/>Crimson blood.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2312">Est il impossible d'eschapper le force de ton bras.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2313">Brasse, Curre? thou damned and luxurious Moun-
      <lb n="2314"/>taine Goat, offer'st me Brasse?</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2315">O perdonne moy.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2316">Say'st thou me so? is that a Tonne of Moyes?
      <lb n="2317"/>Come hither boy, aske me this slaue in French what is his
      <lb n="2318"/>Name.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2319">Escoute comment estes vous appelle?</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2320">Mounsieur le Fer.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p n="2321">He sayes his Name is M.<hi rend="italic">Fer</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2322">M.<hi rend="italic">Fer</hi>: Ile fer him, and firke him, and ferret him:
      <lb n="2323"/>discusse the same in French vnto him.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p n="2324">I doe not know the French for fer, and ferret, and firke.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2325">Bid him prepare, for I will cut his throat.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2326">Que dit il Mounsieur?</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2327">Il me commande a vous dire que vous faite vous
      <lb n="2328"/>prest, car ce soldat icy est disposee tout asture de couppes vostre
      <lb n="2329"/>gorge.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2330">Owy, cuppele gorge permafoy pesant, vnlesse
      <lb n="2331"/>thou giue me Crownes, braue Crownes; or mangled shalt
      <lb n="2332"/>thou be by this my Sword.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">French.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2333">O Ie vous supplie pour l'amour de Dieu: ma par-
      <lb n="2334"/>donner, Ie suis le Gentilhome de bon maison, garde ma vie, &amp; Ie
      <lb n="2335"/>vous donneray deux cent escus.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2336">What are his words?</p>
   <pb facs="FFimg:axc0444-0.jpg" n="88"/>
   <cb n="1"/>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p n="2337">He prayes you to saue his life, he is a Gentleman
      <lb n="2338"/>of a good house, and for his ransom he will giue you two
      <lb n="2339"/>hundred Crownes.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2340">Tell him my fury shall abate, and I the Crownes
      <lb n="2341"/>will take.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">Fren.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2342">Petit Monsieur que dit il?</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2343">Encore qu'il et contra son Iurement, de pardonner au-
      <lb n="2344"/>cune prisonner: neant-mons pour les escues que vous layt a pro-
      <lb n="2345"/>mets il est content a vous donnes le liberte le franchisement.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-fre">
      <speaker rend="italic">Fre.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2346">Sur mes genoux se vous donnes milles remercious, et
      <lb n="2347"/>Ie me estime heurex que Ie intombe, entre les main d'vn Che-
      <lb n="2348"/>ualier Ie peuse le plus braue valiant et tres distinie signieur
      <lb n="2349"/>d'Angleterre.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2350">Expound vnto me boy.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p n="2351">He giues you vpon his knees a thousand thanks,
      <lb n="2352"/>and he esteemes himselfe happy, that he hath falne into
      <lb n="2353"/>the hands of one (as he thinkes) the most braue, valorous
      <lb n="2354"/>and thrice-worthy signeur of England.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-pis">
      <speaker rend="italic">Pist.</speaker>
      <p n="2355">As I sucke blood, I will some mercy shew. Fol-
      <lb n="2356"/>low mee.</p>
   <sp who="#F-h5-boy">
      <speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2357">Saaue vous le grand Capitaine?</p>
      <p n="2358">I did neuer know so full a voyce issue from so emptie a
      <lb n="2359"/>heart: but the saying is true, The empty vessel makes the
      <lb n="2360"/>greatest sound,<hi rend="italic">Bardolfe</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Nym</hi>had tenne times more
      <lb n="2361"/>valour, then this roaring diuell i'th olde play, that euerie
      <lb n="2362"/>one may payre his nayles with a woodden dagger, and
      <lb n="2363"/>they are both hang'd, and so would this be, if hee durst
      <lb n="2364"/>steale any thing aduenturously. I must stay with the
      <lb n="2365"/>Lackies with the luggage of our camp, the French might
      <lb n="2366"/>haue a good pray of vs, if he knew of it, for there is none
      <lb n="2367"/>to guard it but boyes.</p>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>


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