Good Vnckle beseech you, on my knees, I be
seech you what's the matter?
Thou must be gone wench, thou must be gone;
thou art chang'd for
Anthenor: thou must to thy Father,
and be gone from
Troylus: 'twill be his
death: 'twill be
his baine, he cannot beare it.
O you immortall gods! I will not goe.
Thou must.
Troylus: O you gods diuine!
Cressidsname the very crowne of falsehood!
Troylus: time, orce and death,
Doe, doe.
Troylus. I will not goe from
thenor and Diomedes.
Be moderate, be moderate.
Here, here, here, he comes, a sweet ducke.
What a paire of spectacles is here? let me em
brace too: oh hart, as the goodly saying is; O heart, hea
uie heart, why sighest thou without breaking? where he
answers againe; because thou canst not ease thy smart by
friendship, nor by speaking: there was neuer a truer rime;
let vs cast away nothing, for we may liue to haue neede
of such a Verse: We see it, we see it: how now Lambs?
Cressid: I loue thee in so strange a puritie;
Haue the gods enuie?