The sad-ey'd Iustice with his surly humme,Deliuering ore to Executors paleThe lazie yawning Drone: I this inferre,That many things hauing full referenceTo one consent, may worke contrariously,
As many Arrowes loosed seuerall wayesCome to one marke: as many wayes meet in one towne,As many fresh streames meet in one salt sea;As many Lynes close in the Dials center:So may a thousand actions once a foote,
And in one purpose, and be all well borneWithout defeat. Therefore to France, my Liege,Diuide your happy England into foure,Whereof, take you one quarter into France,And you withall shall make all Gallia shake.
If we with thrice such powers left at home,Cannot defend our owne doores from the dogge,Let vs be worried, and our Nation loseThe name of hardinesse and policie.King.Call in the Messengers sent from the Dolphin.
Now are we well resolu'd, and by Gods helpeAnd yours, the noble sinewes of our power,France being ours, wee'l bend it to our Awe,Or breake it all to peeces. Or there wee'l sit,(Ruling in large and ample Emperie,
Ore France, and all her (almost) Kingly Dukedomes)Or lay these bones in an vnworthy Vrne,Tomblesse, with no remembrance ouer them:Either our History shall with full mouthSpeake freely of our Acts, or else our graue
Like Turkish mute, shall haue a tonguelesse mouth,Not worshipt with a waxen Epitaph.Enter Ambassadors of France.Now are we well prepar'd to know the pleasureOf our faire Cosin Dolphin: for we heare,Your greeting is from him, not from the King.Amb.
May't please your Maiestie to giue vs leaueFreely to render what we haue in charge:Or shall we sparingly shew you farre offThe Dolphins mea
ning, and our Embassie.
King.We are no Tyrant, but a Christian King,
Vnto whose grace our passion is as subiectAs is our wretches fettred in our prisons,Therefore with franke and with vncurbed plainnesse,Tell vs the
Dolphins minde.
Amb.Thus than in few:
Your Highnesse lately sending into France,Did claime some certaine Dukedomes, in the rightOf your great Predecessor, King
Edward the third.
In answer of which claime, the Prince our MasterSayes, that you sauour too much of your youth,
And bids you be aduis'd: There's nought in France,That can be with a nimble Galliard wonne:You cannot reuell into Dukedomes there.He therefore sends you meeter for your spiritThis Tun of Treasure; and in lieu of this,
Desires you let the dukedomes that you claimeHeare no more of you. This the
Dolphin speakes.
What Treasure Vncle?
Exe.Tennis balles, my Liege.Kin,We are glad the
Dolphin is so pleasant with vs,
His Present, and your paines we thanke you for:When we haue matcht our Rackets to these Balles,We will in France (by Gods grace) play a set,Shall strike his fathers Crowne into the hazard.Tell him, he hath made a match with such a Wrangler,
That all the Courts of France will be disturb'dWith Chaces. And we vnderstand him well,How he comes o're vs with our wilder dayes,Not measuring what vse we made of them.We neuer valew'd this poore seate of England,
And therefore liuing hence, did giue our selfeTo barbarous license: As 'tis euer common,That men are merriest, when they are from home.But tell the
Dolphin, I will keepe my State,
Be like a King, and shew my sayle of Greatnesse,
When I do rowse me in my Throne of France.For that I haue layd by my Maiestie,And plodded like a man for working dayes:But I will rise there with so full a glorie,That I will dazle all the eyes of France,
Yea strike the
Dolphin blinde to looke on vs,
And tell the pleasant Prince, this Mocke of hisHath turn'd his balles to Gun-stones, and his souleShall stand sore charged, for the wastefull vengeanceThat shall flye with them: for many a thousand widows
Shall this his Mocke, mocke out of their deer hnsbands;Mocke mothers from their sonnes, mock Castles downe:And some are yet vngotten and vnborne,That shal haue cause to curse the
Dolphins scorne.
But this lyes all within the wil of God,
To whom I do appeale, and in whose nameTel you the
Dolphin, I am comming on,
To venge me as I may, and to put forthMy rightfull hand in a wel-hallow'd cause.So get you hence in peace: And tell the
His Iest will sauour but of shallow wit,When thousands weepe more then did laugh at it.Conuey them with safe conduct. Fare you well.Exeunt Ambassadors.Exe.This was a merry Message.King.We hope to make the Sender blush at it:
Therefore, my Lords, omit no happy howre,That may giue furth'rance to our Expedition:For we haue now no thought in vs but France,Saue those to God, that runne before our businesse.Therefore let our proportions for these Warres
Be soone collected, and all things thought vpon,That may with reasonable swiftnesse addeMore Feathers to our Wings: for God before,Wee'le chide this
Dolphin at his
fathers doore.
Therefore let euery man now taske his thought,
That this faire Action may on foot be brought.Exeunt.
[Act 2]
Flourish.Enter Chorus.Now all the Youth of England are on fire,And silken Dalliance in the Wardrobe lyes:Now thriue the Armorers, and Honors thoughtReignes solely in the breast of euery man.
They sell the Pasture now, to buy the Horse;Following the Mirror of all Christian Kings,With winged heeles, as English
For now sits Expectation in the Ayre,And hides a Sword, from Hilts vnto the Point,
With Crownes Imperiall, Crownes and Coronets,Promis'd to
Harry, and his followers.
The French aduis'd by good intelligenceOf this most dreadfull preparation,Shake in their feare, and with pale Pollicy
Seeke to diuert the English purposes.O England: Modell to thy inward Greatnesse,Like little Body with a mightie Heart:What
Flourish.Enter Chorus.Now all the Youth of England are on fire,And silken Dalliance in the Wardrobe lyes:Now thriue the Armorers, and Honors thoughtReignes solely in the breast of euery man.
They sell the Pasture now, to buy the Horse;Following the Mirror of all Christian Kings,With winged heeles, as English
For now sits Expectation in the Ayre,And hides a Sword, from Hilts vnto the Point,
With Crownes Imperiall, Crownes and Coronets,Promis'd to
Harry, and his followers.
The French aduis'd by good intelligenceOf this most dreadfull preparation,Shake in their feare, and with pale Pollicy
Seeke to diuert the English purposes.O England: Modell to thy inward Greatnesse,Like little Body with a mightie Heart:What mightst thou do, that honour would thee do,Were all thy children kinde and naturall:
But see, thy fault France hath in thee found out,A nest of hollow bosomes, which he fillesWith treacherous Crownes, and three corrupted men:One,
Richard Earle of Cambridge, and the second
Henry Lord
Scroope of
Masham, and the third
Thomas Grey Knight of Northumberland,
Haue for the Gilt of France (O guilt indeed)Confirm'd Conspiracy with fearefull France,And by their hands, this grace of Kings must dye.If Hell and Treason hold their promises,
Ere he take ship for France; and in Southampton.Linger your patience on, and wee'l digestTh'abuse of distance; force a play:The summe is payde, the Traitors are agreed,The King is set from London, and the Scene
Is now transported (Gentles) to Southampton,There is the Play-house now, there must you sit,And thence to France shall we conuey you safe,And bring you backe: Charming the narrow seasTo giue you gentle Passe: for if we may,
Wee'l not offend one stomacke with our Play.But till the King come forth, and not till then,Vnto Southampton do we shift our Scene.Exit
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="prologue" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Prologue]</head>
<stage rend="italic centre" type="business">Flourish.</stage>
<stage rend="italic centre" type="entrance">Enter Chorus.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h5-cho">
<l n="451">Now all the Youth of England are on fire,</l>
<l n="452">And silken Dalliance in the Wardrobe lyes:</l>
<l n="453">Now thriue the Armorers, and Honors thought</l>
<l n="454">Reignes solely in the breast of euery man.</l>
<l n="455">They sell the Pasture now, to buy the Horse;</l>
<l n="456">Following the Mirror of all Christian Kings,</l>
<l n="457">With winged heeles, as English<hi rend="italic">Mercuries</hi>.</l>
<l n="458">For now sits Expectation in the Ayre,</l>
<l n="459">And hides a Sword, from Hilts vnto the Point,</l>
<l n="460">With Crownes Imperiall, Crownes and Coronets,</l>
<l n="461">Promis'd to<hi rend="italic">Harry</hi>, and his followers.</l>
<l n="462">The French aduis'd by good intelligence</l>
<l n="463">Of this most dreadfull preparation,</l>
<l n="464">Shake in their feare, and with pale Pollicy</l>
<l n="465">Seeke to diuert the English purposes.</l>
<l n="466">O England: Modell to thy inward Greatnesse,</l>
<l n="467">Like little Body with a mightie Heart:</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0429-0.jpg" n="73"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="468">What mightst thou do, that honour would thee do,</l>
<l n="469">Were all thy children kinde and naturall:</l>
<l n="470">But see, thy fault France hath in thee found out,</l>
<l n="471">A nest of hollow bosomes, which he filles</l>
<l n="472">With treacherous Crownes, and three corrupted men:</l>
<l n="473">One,<hi rend="italic">Richard</hi>Earle of Cambridge, and the second</l>
<l n="474">
<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>Lord<hi rend="italic">Scroope</hi>of<hi rend="italic">Masham</hi>, and the third</l>
<l n="475">Sir<hi rend="italic">Thomas Grey</hi>Knight of Northumberland,</l>
<l n="476">Haue for the Gilt of France (O guilt indeed)</l>
<l n="477">Confirm'd Conspiracy with fearefull France,</l>
<l n="478">And by their hands, this grace of Kings must dye.</l>
<l n="479">If Hell and Treason hold their promises,</l>
<l n="480">Ere he take ship for France; and in Southampton.</l>
<l n="481">Linger your patience on, and wee'l digest</l>
<l n="482">Th'abuse of distance; force a play:</l>
<l n="483">The summe is payde, the Traitors are agreed,</l>
<l n="484">The King is set from London, and the Scene</l>
<l n="485">Is now transported (Gentles) to Southampton,</l>
<l n="486">There is the Play-house now, there must you sit,</l>
<l n="487">And thence to France shall we conuey you safe,</l>
<l n="488">And bring you backe: Charming the narrow seas</l>
<l n="489">To giue you gentle Passe: for if we may,</l>
<l n="490">Wee'l not offend one stomacke with our Play.</l>
<l n="491">But till the King come forth, and not till then,</l>
<l n="492">Vnto Southampton do we shift our Scene.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>