If you heare a child crie in the night you must
call to the nurse, and bid her still it.
How if the nurse be asleepe and will not
heare vs?
Why then depart in peace, and let the childe
wake her with crying, for the ewe that will not heare
her Lambe when it baes, will neuer answere a calfe when
he bleates.
'Tis verie true.
This is the end of the charge: you constable
are to present the Princes owne person, if you meete the
Prince in the night, you may staie him.
Nay birladie that I thinke a cannot.
Fiue shillings to one on't with anie man that
knowes the Statutes, he may staie him, marrie not with
out the prince be willing, for indeed the watch ought to
offend no man, and it is an offence to stay a man against
his will.
Birladie I thinke it be so.
Ha, ah ha, well masters good night, and there be
anie matter of weight chances, call vp me, keepe your
fellowes counsailes, and your owne, and good night,
come neighbor.
Well masters, we heare our charge, let vs go
sit here vpon the Church bench till two, and then all to
One word more, honest neighbors. I pray you
watch about signior
Leonatoes doore, for the wedding be
ing there to morrow, there is a great coyle to night,
adiew, be vigitant I beseech you.
Peace, stir not.
Conrade I say.
Here man, I am at thy elbow.
Mas and my elbow itcht, I thought there would
a scabbe follow.
I will owe thee an answere for that, and now
forward with thy tale.
Stand thee close then vnder this penthouse, for it
drissels raine, and I will, like a true drunkard, vtter all to
Some treason masters, yet stand close.
Therefore know, I haue earned of
Don Iohn a
thousand Ducates.
Is it possible that anie villanie should be so deare?
Thou should'st rather aske if it were possible a
nie villanie should be so rich
neede of poore ones, poore ones may make what price
they will.
I wonder at it.
That shewes thou art vnconfirm'd, thou knowest
that the fashion of a doublet, or a hat, or a cloake, is no
thing to a man.
Yes, it is apparel.
I meane the fashion.
Yes the fashion is the fashion.
Tush, I may as well say the foole's the foole, but
seest thou not what a deformed theefe this fashion is?
I know that deformed, a has bin a vile theefe,
this vii. yeares, a goes vp and downe like a gentle man:
I remember his name.
Did'st thou not heare some bodie?
No, 'twas the vaine on the house.
Seest thou not (I say) what a deformed thiefe
this fashion is, how giddily a turnes about all the Hot