The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: K2v - Comedies, p. 112

Left Column

Much adoe about Nothing. Verges.

If you heare a child crie in the night you must

call to the nurse, and bid her still it.


How if the nurse be asleepe and will not

heare vs?


Why then depart in peace, and let the childe


wake her with crying, for the ewe that will not heare

her Lambe when it baes, will neuer answere a calfe when

he bleates.


'Tis verie true.


This is the end of the charge: you constable


are to present the Princes owne person, if you meete the

Prince in the night, you may staie him.


Nay birladie that I thinke a cannot.


Fiue shillings to one on't with anie man that

knowes the Statutes, he may staie him, marrie not with­


out the prince be willing, for indeed the watch ought to

offend no man, and it is an offence to stay a man against

his will.


Birladie I thinke it be so.


Ha, ah ha, well masters good night, and there be


anie matter of weight chances, call vp me, keepe your

fellowes counsailes, and your owne, and good night,

come neighbor.


Well masters, we heare our charge, let vs go

sit here vpon the Church bench till two, and then all to




One word more, honest neighbors. I pray you

watch about signior Leonatoes doore, for the wedding be­

ing there to morrow, there is a great coyle to night,

adiew, be vigitant I beseech you.

Exeunt. Enter Borachio and Conrade. Bor.

What, Conrade?


Peace, stir not.


Conrade I say.


Here man, I am at thy elbow.


Mas and my elbow itcht, I thought there would


a scabbe follow.


I will owe thee an answere for that, and now

forward with thy tale.


Stand thee close then vnder this penthouse, for it

drissels raine, and I will, like a true drunkard, vtter all to




Some treason masters, yet stand close.


Therefore know, I haue earned of Don Iohn a

thousand Ducates.


Is it possible that anie villanie should be so deare?


Thou should'st rather aske if it were possible a­

nie villanie should be so rich ? for when rich villains haue

neede of poore ones, poore ones may make what price

they will.


I wonder at it.


That shewes thou art vnconfirm'd, thou knowest

that the fashion of a doublet, or a hat, or a cloake, is no­

thing to a man.


Yes, it is apparel.


I meane the fashion.


Yes the fashion is the fashion.


Tush, I may as well say the foole's the foole, but

seest thou not what a deformed theefe this fashion is?


I know that deformed, a has bin a vile theefe,

this vii. yeares, a goes vp and downe like a gentle man:


I remember his name.


Did'st thou not heare some bodie?


No, 'twas the vaine on the house.


Seest thou not (I say) what a deformed thiefe

this fashion is, how giddily a turnes about all the Hot­

Right Column


blouds, betweene foureteene & fiue & thirtie, sometimes

fashioning them like Pharaoes souldiours in the rechie

painting, sometime like god Bels priests in the old

Church window, sometime like the shauen Hercules in

the smircht worm‑eaten tapestrie, where his cod‑peece


seemes as massie as his club.


All this I see, and see that the fashion weares out

more apparrell then the man; but art not thou thy selfe

giddie with the fashion too that thou hast shifted out of

thy tale into telling me of the fashion?


Not so neither, but know that I haue to night

wooed Margaret the Lady Heroes gentle‑woman, by the

name of Hero, she leanes me out at her mistris chamber‑

vvindow window , bids me a thousand times good night: I tell

this tale vildly. I should first tell thee how the Prince


Claudio and my Master planted, and placed, and possessed

by my Master Don Iohn, saw a far off in the Orchard this

amiable incounter.


And thought thy Margaret A line of ink runs through part of this word. was Hero?


Two of them did, the Prince and Claudio, but the


diuell my Master knew she was Margaret and partly by

his oathes, which first possest them, partly by the darke

night which did deceiue them, but chiefely, by my villa­

nie, which did confirme any slander that Don Iohn had

made, away vvent went Claudio enraged, swore hee vvould would


meete her as he was apointed next morning at the Tem­

ple, and there, before the whole congregation shame her

with vvhat what he saw o're night, and send her home againe

vvithout without a husba nd.

Watch. 1.

We charge you in the Princes name stand.

Watch. 2.

Call vp the right master Constable, vve we haue

here recouered the most dangerous peece of lechery, that

euer vvas was knowne in the Common‑wealth.

Watch. 1.

And one Deformed is one of them, I know

him, a vveares weares a locke.


Masters, masters.

Watch. 2.

Youle be made bring deformed forth I war­

rant you,


Masters, neuer speake, vve we charge you, let vs o­

bey you to goe vvith with vs.


We are like to proue a goodly commoditie, be­

ing taken vp of these mens bils.


A commoditie in question I warrant you, come

vveele weele obey you.

[Act 3, Scene 4] Enter Hero, and Margaret, and Vrsula. Hero.

Good Vrsula wake my cosin Beatrice, and de­


sire her to rise.


I will Lady.


And bid her come hither.




Troth I thinke your other rebato were better.


No pray thee good Meg, Ile vveare weare this.


By my troth's not so good, and I vvarrant warrant your

cosin vvill will say so.


My cosin's a foole, and thou art another, ile

vveare weare none but this.


I like the new tire vvithin within excellently, if the

haire vvere were a thought browner: and your gown's a most

rare fashion yfaith, I saw the Dutchesse of Millaines

gowne that they praise so.


O that exceedes they say. An ink mark follows the end of this line.


By my troth's but a night‑gowne in respect of

yours, cloth a gold and cuts, and lac'd with siluer, set with

pearles, downe sleeues, side sleeues, and skirts, round vn­

derborn with a blewish tinsel, but for a fine queint grace­

full and excellent fashion, yours is worth ten on't.

Bero. God

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[Act 3, Scene 4] Enter Hero, and Margaret, and Vrsula. Hero.

Good Vrsula wake my cosin Beatrice, and de­


sire her to rise.


I will Lady.


And bid her come hither.




Troth I thinke your other rebato were better.


No pray thee good Meg, Ile vveare weare this.


By my troth's not so good, and I vvarrant warrant your

cosin vvill will say so.


My cosin's a foole, and thou art another, ile

vveare weare none but this.


I like the new tire vvithin within excellently, if the

haire vvere were a thought browner: and your gown's a most

rare fashion yfaith, I saw the Dutchesse of Millaines

gowne that they praise so.


O that exceedes they say. An ink mark follows the end of this line.


By my troth's but a night‑gowne in respect of

yours, cloth a gold and cuts, and lac'd with siluer, set with

pearles, downe sleeues, side sleeues, and skirts, round vn­

derborn with a blewish tinsel, but for a fine queint grace­

full and excellent fashion, yours is worth ten on't.


God giue mee ioy to weare it, for my heart is

exceeding heauy.


'Twill be heauier soone, by the waight of a



Fie vpon thee, art not asham'd ? An ink mark follows the end of this line.


Of what Lady? of speaking honourably? is

not marriage honourable in a beggar? is not your Lord

honourable without marriage? I thinke you would haue

me say, sauing your reuerence a husband: and bad thin­

king doe not wrest true speaking, Ile offend no body, is


there any harme in the heauier for a husband? none I

thinke, and it be the right husband, and the right wife,

otherwise 'tis light and not heauy, aske my Lady Beatrice

else, here she comes.

Enter Beatrice. Hero.

Good morrow Coze.


Good morrow sweet Hero.


Why how now? do you speake in the sick tune?


I am out of all other tune, me thinkes.


Claps into Light a loue, (that goes without a

burden,) do you sing it and Ile dance it.


Ye Light aloue with your heeles, then if your

husband haue stables enough, you'll looke he shall lacke

no barnes.


O illegitimate construction! I scorne that with

my heeles.


'Tis almost fiue a clocke cosin, 'tis time you

were ready, by my troth I am exceeding ill, hey ho.


For a hauke, a horse, or a husband?


For the letter that begins them all, H.


Well, and you be not turn'd Turke, there's no


more sayling by the starre.


What meanes the foole trow?


Nothing I, but God send euery one their harts



These gloues the Count sent mee, they are an


excellent perfume.


I am stuft cosin, I cannot smell.


A maid and stuft! there's goodly catching of



O God helpe me, God help me, how long haue


you profest apprehension ?


Euer since you left it, doth not my wit become

me rarely?


It is not seene enough, you should weare it in

your cap, by my troth I am sicke.


Get you some of this distill'd carduus benedictus

and lay it to your heart, it is the onely thing for a qualm.


There thou prickst her with a thissell.


Benedictus, why benedictus? you haue some mo­

rall in this benedictus.


Morall? no by my troth, I haue no morall mea­

ning, I meant plaine holy thissell, you may thinke per­

chance that I thinke you are in loue, nay birlady I am not

such a foole to thinke what I list, nor I list not to thinke

what I can, nor indeed, I cannot thinke, if I would thinke


my hart out of thinking, that you are in loue, or that you

will be in loue, or that you can be in loue: yet Benedicke

was such another, and now is he become a man, he swore

hee would neuer marry, and yet now in despight of his

heart he eates his meat without grudging, and how you


may be conuerted I know not, but me thinkes you looke

with your eies as other women doe.


What pace is this that thy tongue keepes.


Not a false gallop.

Enter Vrsula. Vrsula.

Madam, withdraw, the Prince, the Count, sig­


nior Benedicke, Don Iohn, and all the gallants of the

towne are come to fetch you to Church.


Helpe me to dresse mee good coze, good Meg,

good Vrsula.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="4" rend="notPresent">
   <head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 4]</head>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Hero, and Margaret, and Vrsula.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1464">Good<hi rend="italic">Vrsula</hi>wake my cosin<hi rend="italic">Beatrice</hi>, and de­
      <lb n="1465"/>sire her to rise.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-urs">
      <speaker rend="italic">Vrsu.</speaker>
      <p n="1466">I will Lady.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Her.</speaker>
      <p n="1467">And bid her come hither.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-urs">
      <speaker rend="italic">Vrs.</speaker>
      <p n="1468">Well.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1469">Troth I thinke your other rebato were better.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Bero.</speaker>
      <p n="1470">No pray thee good<hi rend="italic">Meg</hi>, Ile<choice>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Marg.</speaker>
      <p n="1471">By my troth's not so good, and I<choice>
      <lb n="1472"/>cosin<choice>
         </choice>say so.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Bero.</speaker>
      <p n="1473">My cosin's a foole, and thou art another, ile
      <lb n="1474"/>
         </choice>none but this.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1475">I like the new tire<choice>
         </choice>excellently, if the
      <lb n="1476"/>haire<choice>
         </choice>a thought browner: and your gown's a most
      <lb n="1477"/>rare fashion yfaith, I saw the Dutchesse of<hi rend="italic">Millaines</hi>
      <lb n="1478"/>gowne that they praise so.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Bero.</speaker>
      <p n="1479">O that exceedes they say.<note resp="#ES">An ink mark follows the end of this line.</note>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1480">By my troth's but a night‑gowne in respect of
      <lb n="1481"/>yours, cloth a gold and cuts, and lac'd with siluer, set with
      <lb n="1482"/>pearles, downe sleeues, side sleeues, and skirts, round vn­
      <lb n="1483"/>derborn with a blewish tinsel, but for a fine queint grace­
      <lb n="1484"/>full and excellent fashion, yours is worth ten on't.</p>
   <pb facs="FFimg:axc0133-0.jpg" n="113"/>
   <cb n="1"/>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1485">God giue mee ioy to weare it, for my heart is
      <lb n="1486"/>exceeding heauy.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Marga.</speaker>
      <p n="1487">'Twill be heauier soone, by the waight of a
      <lb n="1488"/>man.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1489">Fie vpon thee, art not asham'd<c rend="italic">?</c>
         <note resp="#ES">An ink mark follows the end of this line.</note>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Marg.</speaker>
      <p n="1490">Of what Lady? of speaking honourably? is
      <lb n="1491"/>not marriage honourable in a beggar? is not your Lord
      <lb n="1492"/>honourable without marriage? I thinke you would haue
      <lb n="1493"/>me say, sauing your reuerence a husband: and bad thin­
      <lb n="1494"/>king doe not wrest true speaking, Ile offend no body, is
      <lb n="1495"/>there any harme in the heauier for a husband? none I
      <lb n="1496"/>thinke, and it be the right husband, and the right wife,
      <lb n="1497"/>otherwise 'tis light and not heauy, aske my Lady<hi rend="italic">Beatrice</hi>
      <lb n="1498"/>else, here she comes.</p>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Beatrice.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1499">Good morrow Coze.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1500">Good morrow sweet<hi rend="italic">Hero</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1501">Why how now? do you speake in the sick tune?</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1502">I am out of all other tune, me thinkes.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1503">Claps into Light a loue, (that goes without a
      <lb n="1504"/>burden,) do you sing it and Ile dance it.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1505">Ye Light aloue with your heeles, then if your
      <lb n="1506"/>husband haue stables enough, you'll looke he shall lacke
      <lb n="1507"/>no barnes.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1508">O illegitimate construction! I scorne that with
      <lb n="1509"/>my heeles.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1510">'Tis almost fiue a clocke cosin, 'tis time you
      <lb n="1511"/>were ready, by my troth I am exceeding ill, hey ho.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1512">For a hauke, a horse, or a husband?</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1513">For the letter that begins them all, H.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1514">Well, and you be not turn'd Turke, there's no
      <lb n="1515"/>more sayling by the starre.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1516">What meanes the foole trow?</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1517">Nothing I, but God send euery one their harts
      <lb n="1518"/>desire.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1519">These gloues the Count sent mee, they are an
      <lb n="1520"/>excellent perfume.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1521">I am stuft cosin, I cannot smell.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1522">A maid and stuft! there's goodly catching of
      <lb n="1523"/>colde.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1524">O God helpe me, God help me, how long haue
      <lb n="1525"/>you profest apprehension<c rend="italic">?</c>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1526">Euer since you left it, doth not my wit become
      <lb n="1527"/>me rarely?</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1528">It is not seene enough, you should weare it in
      <lb n="1529"/>your cap, by my troth I am sicke.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1530">Get you some of this distill'd<hi rend="italic">carduus benedictus</hi>
      <lb n="1531"/>and lay it to your heart, it is the onely thing for a qualm.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1532">There thou prickst her with a thissell.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1533">
         <hi rend="italic">Benedictus</hi>, why<hi rend="italic">benedictus?</hi>you haue some mo­
      <lb n="1534"/>rall in this<hi rend="italic">benedictus</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1535">Morall? no by my troth, I haue no morall mea­
      <lb n="1536"/>ning, I meant plaine holy thissell, you may thinke per­
      <lb n="1537"/>chance that I thinke you are in loue, nay birlady I am not
      <lb n="1538"/>such a foole to thinke what I list, nor I list not to thinke
      <lb n="1539"/>what I can, nor indeed, I cannot thinke, if I would thinke
      <lb n="1540"/>my hart out of thinking, that you are in loue, or that you
      <lb n="1541"/>will be in loue, or that you can be in loue: yet<hi rend="italic">Benedicke</hi>
      <lb n="1542"/>was such another, and now is he become a man, he swore
      <lb n="1543"/>hee would neuer marry, and yet now in despight of his
      <lb n="1544"/>heart he eates his meat without grudging, and how you
      <lb n="1545"/>may be conuerted I know not, but me thinkes you looke
      <lb n="1546"/>with your eies as other women doe.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-bea">
      <speaker rend="italic">Beat.</speaker>
      <p n="1547">What pace is this that thy tongue keepes.</p>
   <cb n="2"/>
   <sp who="#F-ado-mar">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mar.</speaker>
      <p n="1548">Not a false gallop.</p>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Vrsula.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ado-urs">
      <speaker rend="italic">Vrsula.</speaker>
      <p n="1549">Madam, withdraw, the Prince, the Count, sig­
      <lb n="1550"/>nior<hi rend="italic">Benedicke</hi>, Don<hi rend="italic">Iohn</hi>, and all the gallants of the
      <lb n="1551"/>towne are come to fetch you to Church.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ado-her">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hero.</speaker>
      <p n="1552">Helpe me to dresse mee good coze, good<hi rend="italic">Meg</hi>,
      <lb n="1553"/>good<hi rend="italic">Vrsula</hi>.</p>


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