The Tempest.
Be collected,
No more amazement: Tell your pitteous heart
there's no harme done.
O woe, the day.
Prospero, Master of a full poore cell,
Certainely Sir, I can.
Miranda: But how is it
Miranda) twelue yere since,
Here you can read a digital edition of each play in various views.
Left Column
Be collected,
No more amazement: Tell your pitteous heart
there's no harme done.
O woe, the day.
Certainely Sir, I can.
Right Column
If by your A
Put the wild waters i
The skye it seems
But that th
Be collected,
No more amazement: Tell your pitteous heart
there's no harme done.
O woe, the day.
Certainely Sir, I can.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2">
<head>Scoena Sec<gap extent="4"
<head type="supplied">[Act 1, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Pro<gap extent="5"
<gap extent="2"
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<p n="71">If by your A<gap extent="2"
<gap extent="5"
<lb n="72"/>Put the wild waters i<gap extent="1"
<gap extent="4"
<lb n="73"/>The skye it seems<gap extent="5"
<lb n="74"/>But that th<gap extent="1"
resp="#LMC"/>Sea,<gap extent="5"
<gap extent="2"
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0022-0.jpg" n="2"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="75">(Who had no doubt some noble creature in her)</l>
<l n="76">Dash'd all to peeces: O the cry did knocke</l>
<l n="77">Against my very heart: poore soules, they perish'd.</l>
<l n="78">Had I byn any God of power, I would</l>
<l n="79">Haue suncke the Sea within the Earth, or ere</l>
<l n="80">It should the good Ship so haue swallow'd, and</l>
<l n="81">The fraughting Soules within her.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<p n="82">Be collected,
<lb n="83"/>No more amazement: Tell your pitteous heart
<lb n="84"/>there's no harme done.</p>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<p n="85">O woe, the day.</p>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="86">No harme:</l>
<l n="87">I haue done nothing, but in care of thee</l>
<l n="88">(Of thee my deere one; thee my daughter) who</l>
<l n="89">Art ignorant of what thou art. naught knowing</l>
<l n="90">Of whence I am: nor that I am more better</l>
<l n="91">Then<hi rend="italic">Prospero</hi>, Master of a full poore cell,</l>
<l n="92">And thy no greater Father.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="93">More to know</l>
<l n="94">Did neuer medle with my thoughts.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="95">'Tis time</l>
<l n="96">I should informe thee farther: Lend thy hand</l>
<l n="97">And plucke my Magick garment from me: So,</l>
<l n="98">Lye there my Art: wipe thou thine eyes, haue comfort,</l>
<l n="99">The direfull spectacle of the wracke which touch'd</l>
<l n="100">The very vertue of compassion in thee:</l>
<l n="101">I haue with such prouision in mine Art</l>
<l n="102">So safely ordered, that there is no soule</l>
<l n="103">No not so much perdition as an hayre</l>
<l n="104">Betid to any creature in the vessell</l>
<l n="105">Which thou heardst cry, which thou saw'st sinke: Sit
<lb rend="turnunder"/>
<pc rend="turnunder">[</pc>downe,</l>
<l n="106">For thou must now know farther.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="107">You haue often</l>
<l n="108">in to tell me what I am, but stopt</l>
<l n="109">And left me to a bootelesse Inquisition,</l>
<l n="110">Concluding, stay: not yet.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="111">The howr's now come</l>
<l n="112">The very minute byds thee ope thine eare,</l>
<l n="113">Obey, and be attentiue. Canst thou remember</l>
<l n="114">A time before we came vnto this Cell?</l>
<l n="115">I doe not thinke thou canst, for then thou was't not</l>
<l n="116">Out three yeeres old.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<p n="117">Certainely Sir, I can.</p>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="118">By what? by any other house, or person?</l>
<l n="119">Of any thing the Image, tell me, that</l>
<l n="120">Hath kept with thy remembrance.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="121">'Tis farre off:</l>
<l n="122">And rather like a dreame, then an assurance</l>
<l n="123">That my remembrance warrants: Had I not</l>
<l n="124">Fowre, or fiue women once, that tended me?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="125">Thou hadst; and more<hi rend="italic">Miranda</hi>: But how is it</l>
<l n="126">That this liues in thy minde? What seest thou els</l>
<l n="127">In the dark‑backward and Abisme of Time?</l>
<l n="128">Yf thou remembrest ought ere thou cam'st here,</l>
<l n="129">
<gap extent="2"
resp="#LMC"/>w thou c<gap extent="1"
resp="#LMC"/>m'st here thou maist.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<l n="130">
<gap extent="3"
resp="#LMC"/>I doe not.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<l n="131">
<gap extent="3"
resp="#LMC"/>since (<hi rend="italic">Miranda</hi>) twelue yere since,</l>
<l n="132">
<gap extent="4"
<gap extent="2"
resp="#LMC"/>ke of<hi rend="italic">Millaine</hi>and</l>
<l n="133">
<gap extent="1"
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<l n="134">
<gap extent="5"
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<l n="135">
<gap extent="5"
<gap extent="3"
resp="#LMC"/>ce of virtue, and</l>
<l n="136">
<gap extent="6"
resp="#LMC"/>and thy father</l>
<l n="137">
<gap extent="7"
<gap extent="1"
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<gap extent="2"
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="138">Or blessed was't we did?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="139">Both, both my Girle.</l>
<l n="140">By fowle‑play (as thou saist) were we heau'd thence,</l>
<l n="141">But blessedly holpe hither.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="142">O my heart bleedes</l>
<l n="143">To thinke oth' teene that I haue turn'd you to,</l>
<l n="144">Which is from my remembrance, please you, farther;</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="145">My brother and thy vncle, call'd<hi rend="italic">Anthonio</hi>:</l>
<l n="146">I pray thee marke me, that a brother should</l>
<l n="147">Be so perfidious: he, whom next thy selfe</l>
<l n="148">Of all the world I lou'd, and to him put</l>
<l n="149">The mannage of my state, as at that time</l>
<l n="150">Through all the signories it was the first,</l>
<l n="151">And<hi rend="italic">Prospero</hi>, the prime Duke, being so reputed</l>
<l n="152">In dignity; and for the liberall Artes,</l>
<l n="153">Without a paralell; those being all my studie,</l>
<l n="154">The Gouernment I cast vpon my brother,</l>
<l n="155">And to my State grew stranger, being transported</l>
<l n="156">And rapt in secret studies, thy false vncle</l>
<l n="157">(Do'st thou attend me?)</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="158">Sir, most heedefully.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="159">Being once perfected how to graunt suites,</l>
<l n="160">how to deny them: who t'aduance, and who</l>
<l n="161">To trash for ouer‑topping; new created</l>
<l n="162">The creatures that were mine, I say, or chang'd 'em,</l>
<l n="163">Or els new form'd 'em; hauing both the key,</l>
<l n="164">Of Officer, and office, set all hearts i'th state</l>
<l n="165">To what tune pleas'd his eare, that now he was</l>
<l n="166">The Iuy which had hid my princely Trunck,</l>
<l n="167">And suckt my verdure out on't: Thou attend'st not?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="168">O good Sir, I doe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="169">I pray thee marke me:</l>
<l n="170">I thus neglecting worldly ends, all dedicated</l>
<l n="171">To closenes, and the bettering of my mind</l>
<l n="172">with that, which but by being so retir'd</l>
<l n="173">Ore‑priz'd all popular rate: in my false brother</l>
<l n="174">Awak'd an euill nature, and my trust</l>
<l n="175">Like a good parent, did beget of him</l>
<l n="176">A falsehood in it's contrarie, as great</l>
<l n="177">As my trust was, which had indeede no limit,</l>
<l n="178">A confidence sans bound. He being thus Lorded,</l>
<l n="179">Not onely with what my reuenew yeelded,</l>
<l n="180">But what my power might els exact. Like one</l>
<l n="181">Who hauing into truth, by telling of it,</l>
<l n="182">Made such a synner of his memorie</l>
<l n="183">To credite his owne lie, he did beleeue</l>
<l n="184">He was indeed the Duke, out o'th' Substitution</l>
<l n="185">And executing th'outward face of Roialtie</l>
<l n="186">With all prerogatiue: hence his Ambition growing:</l>
<l n="187">Do'st thou heare?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="188">Your tale, Sir, would cure deafenesse.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="189">To haue no Schreene between this part he plaid,</l>
<l n="190">And him he plaid it for, he needes will be</l>
<l n="191">Absolute<hi rend="italic">Millaine</hi>, Me (poore man) my Librarie</l>
<l n="192">Was Dukedome large enough: of temporall roalties</l>
<l n="193">He thinks me now incapable. Confederates</l>
<l n="194">(so drie he was for Sway) with King of<hi rend="italic">Naples</hi>
<l n="195">To giue him Annuall tribute, doe him homage</l>
<l n="196">Subiect his Coronet, to his Crowne and bend</l>
<l n="197">The Dukedom yet vnbow'd (alas poore<hi rend="italic">Millaine</hi>)</l>
<l n="198">To most ignoble stooping.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="199">Oh the heauens:</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pros.</speaker>
<l n="200">Marke his condition, and th'euent, then tell me</l>
<l n="201">If this might be a brother.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mira.</speaker>
<l n="202">I should sinne</l>
<l n="203">To thinke but Noblie of my Grand‑mother,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0023-0.jpg" n="3"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="204">Good wombes haue borne bad sonnes.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="205">Now the Condition.</l>
<l n="206">s King of<hi rend="italic">Naples</hi>being an Enemy</l>
<l n="207">To me inueterate, hearkens my Brothers suit,</l>
<l n="208">Which was, That he in lieu o'th' premises,</l>
<l n="209">Of homage, and I know not how much Tribute,</l>
<l n="210">Should presently extirpate me and mine</l>
<l n="211">Out of the Dukedome, and confer faire<hi rend="italic">Millaine</hi>
<l n="212">With all the Honors, on my brother: Whereon</l>
<l n="213">A treacherous Armie leuied, one mid‑night</l>
<l n="214">Fated to th' purpose, did<hi rend="italic">Anthonio</hi>open</l>
<l n="215">The gates of<hi rend="italic">Millaine</hi>, and ith' dead of darkenesse</l>
<l n="216">The ministers for th' purpose hurried thence</l>
<l n="217">Me, and thy crying selfe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="218">Alack, for pitty:</l>
<l n="219">I not remembring how I cride out then</l>
<l n="220">Will cry it ore againe: it is a hint</l>
<l n="221">That wrings mine eyes too't.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="222">Heare a little further,</l>
<l n="223">And then I'le bring thee to the present businesse</l>
<l n="224">Which now's vpon's: without the which, this Story</l>
<l n="225">Were most impertinent.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="226">Wherefore did they not</l>
<l n="227">That howre destroy vs?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="228">Well demanded, wench:</l>
<l n="229">My Tale prouokes that question: Deare, they durst not,</l>
<l n="230">So deare the loue my people bore me: nor set</l>
<l n="231">A marke so bloudy on the businesse; but</l>
<l n="232">With colours fairer, painted their foule ends.</l>
<l n="233">In few, they hurried vs a‑boord a Barke,</l>
<l n="234">Bore vs some Leagues to Sea, where they prepared</l>
<l n="235">A rotten carkasse of a Butt, not rigg'd,</l>
<l n="236">Nor tackle, sayle, nor mast, the very rats</l>
<l n="237">Instinctiuely haue quit it: There they hoyst vs</l>
<l n="238">To cry to th' Sea, that roard to vs; to sigh</l>
<l n="239">To th' windes, whose pitty sighing backe againe</l>
<l n="240">Did vs but louing wrong.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="241">Alack, what trouble</l>
<l n="242">Was I then to you?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="243">O, a Cherubin</l>
<l n="244">Thou was't that did preserue me; Thou didst smile,</l>
<l n="245">Infused with a fortitude from heauen,</l>
<l n="246">When I haue deck'd the sea with drops full salt,</l>
<l n="247">Vnder my burthen groan'd, which rais'd in me</l>
<l n="248">An vndergoing stomacke, to beare vp</l>
<l n="249">Against what should ensue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="250">How came we a shore?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="251">By prouidence diuine,</l>
<l n="252">Some food, we had, and some fresh water, that</l>
<l n="253">A noble<hi rend="italic">Neopolitan Gonzalo</hi>
<l n="254">Out of his Charity, (who being then appointed</l>
<l n="255">Master of this designe) did giue vs, with</l>
<l n="256">Rich garments, linnens, stuffs, and necessaries</l>
<l n="257">Which since haue steeded much, so of his gentlenesse</l>
<l n="258">Knowing I lou'd my bookes, he furnishd me</l>
<l n="259">From mine owne Library, with volumes, that</l>
<l n="260">I prize aboue my Dukedome.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="261">Would I might</l>
<l n="262">But euer see that man.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="263">Now I arise,</l>
<l n="264">Sit still, and heare the last of our sea‑sorrow:</l>
<l n="265">Heere in this Iland we arriu'd, and heere</l>
<l n="266">Haue I, thy Schoolemaster, made thee more profit</l>
<l n="267">Then other Princesse can, that haue more time<gap/>
<l n="268">For vainer howres; and Tutors, not so care<gap extent="5"
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="269">Heuens thank you for't. And now<gap extent="4"
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="270">For still 'tis beating in my minde; your reason</l>
<l n="271">For raysing this Sea‑storme?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="272">Know thus far forth,</l>
<l n="273">By accident most strange, bountifull<hi rend="italic">Fortune</hi>
<l n="274">(Now my deere Lady) hath mine enemies</l>
<l n="275">Brought to this shore: And by my prescience</l>
<l n="276">I finde my<hi rend="italic">Zenith</hi>doth depend vpon</l>
<l n="277">A most auspitious starre, whose influence</l>
<l n="278">If now I court not, but omit; my fortunes</l>
<l n="279">Will euer after droope: Heare cease more questions,</l>
<l n="280">Thou art inclinde to sleepe: 'tis a good dulnesse,</l>
<l n="281">And giue it way: I know thou canst not chuse:</l>
<l n="282">Come away, Seruant, come; I am ready now,</l>
<l n="283">Approach my<hi rend="italic">Ariel</hi>. Come.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="entrance">Enter Ariel.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ari.</speaker>
<l n="284">All haile, great Master, graue Sir, haile: I come</l>
<l n="285">To answer thy best pleasure; be't to fly,</l>
<l n="286">To swim, to diue into the fire: to ride</l>
<l n="287">On the curld clowds: to thy strong bidding, taske</l>
<l n="288">
<hi rend="italic">Ariel</hi>, and all his Qualitie.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="289">Hast thou, Spirit,</l>
<l n="290">Performd to point, the Tempest that I bad thee.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="291">To euery Article.</l>
<l n="292">I boorded the Kings ship: now on the Beake,</l>
<l n="293">Now in the Waste, the Decke, in euery Cabyn,</l>
<l n="294">I flam'd amazement, sometime I'ld diuide</l>
<l n="295">And burne in many places; on the Top‑mast,</l>
<l n="296">The Yards and Bore‑spritt, would I flame distinctly,</l>
<l n="297">Then meete, and ioyne.<hi rend="italic">Ioues</hi>Lightning, the precursers</l>
<l n="298">O'th dreadfull Thunder‑claps more momentarie</l>
<l n="299">And sight out‑running were not; the fire, and cracks</l>
<l n="300">Of sulphurous roaring, the most mighty<hi rend="italic">Neptune</hi>
<l n="301">Seeme to besiege, and make his bold waues tremble,</l>
<l n="302">Yea, his dread Trident shake.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="303">My braue Spirit,</l>
<l n="304">Who was so firme, so constant, that this coyle</l>
<l n="305">Would not infect his reason?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="306">Not a soule</l>
<l n="307">But felt a Feauer of the madde, and plaid</l>
<l n="308">Some tricks of desperation; all but Mariners</l>
<l n="309">Plung'd in the foaming bryne, and quit the vessell;</l>
<l n="310">Then all a fire with me the Kings sonne<hi rend="italic">Ferdinand</hi>
<l n="311">With haire vp‑staring (then like reeds, not haire)</l>
<l n="312">Was the first man that leapt; cride hell is empty,</l>
<l n="313">And all the Diuels are heere.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="314">Why that's my spirit:</l>
<l n="315">But was not this nye shore?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="316">Close by, my Master</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="317">But are they (<hi rend="italic">Ariell</hi>) safe?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="318">Not a haire perishd:</l>
<l n="319">On their sustaining garments not a blemish,</l>
<l n="320">But fresher then before: and as thou badst me,</l>
<l n="321">In troops I haue dispersd them 'bout the Isle:</l>
<l n="322">The Kings sonne haue I landed by himselfe,</l>
<l n="323">Whom I left cooling of the Ayre with sighes,</l>
<l n="324">In an odde Angle of the Isle, and sitting</l>
<l n="325">His armes in this sad knot.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="326">Of the Kings ship,</l>
<l n="327">The Marriners, say how thou hast disposd,</l>
<l n="328">And all the rest o'th' Fleete?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="329">S<gap extent="5"
resp="#LMC"/>in harbor</l>
<l n="330">
<gap extent="3"
<gap extent="4"
resp="#LMC"/>pe in the deepe<gap extent="3"
<gap extent="5"
<note type="editorial" resp="#LMC">Other copies of the First Folio have the signature A2 and the catchword "Which" on this page, damaged in this copy.</note>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0024-0.jpg" n="4"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="331">(Which I dispers'd) they all haue met againe,</l>
<l n="332">And are vpon the<hi rend="italic">Mediterranian</hi>Flote</l>
<l n="333">Bound sadly home for<hi rend="italic">Naples</hi>,</l>
<l n="334">Supposing that they saw the Kings ship wrackt,</l>
<l n="335">And his great person perish.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="336">
<hi rend="italic">Ariel</hi>, thy charge</l>
<l n="337">Exactly is Perform'd; but there's more worke:</l>
<l n="338">What is the time o'th' day?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="339">Past the mid season.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="340">At least two Glasses: the time 'twixt six & now</l>
<l n="341">Must by vs both be spent most preciously.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="342">Is there more toyle? Since<choice>
</choice>dost giue me pains,</l>
<l n="343">Let me remember thee what thou hast promis'd,</l>
<l n="344">Which is not yet perform'd me.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="345">How now? moodie?</l>
<l n="346">What is't thou canst demand?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="347">My Libertie.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="348">Before the time be out? no more:</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="349">I prethee,</l>
<l n="350">Remember I haue done thee worthy seruice,</l>
<l n="351">Told thee no lyes, made thee no mistakings, serv'd</l>
<l n="352">Without or grudge, or grumblings; thou did promise</l>
<l n="353">To bate me a full yeere.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="354">Do'st thou forget</l>
<l n="355">From what a torment I did free thee?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="356">No.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="357">Thou do'st: & thinkst it much to tread<choice>
<l n="358">Of the salt deepe;</l>
<l n="359">To run vpon the sharpe winde of the North,</l>
<l n="360">To doe me businesse in the veines o'th' earth</l>
<l n="361">When it is bak'd with frost.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="362">I doe not Sir.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="363">Thou liest, malignant Thing: hast thou forgot</l>
<l n="364">The fowle Witch<hi rend="italic">Sycorax</hi>, who with Age and Enuy</l>
<l n="365">Was growne into a hoope? hast thou forgot her?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="366">No Sir.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="367">Thou hast: where was she born? speak: tell me:</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="368">Sir, in<hi rend="italic">Argier</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="369">Oh, was she so: I must</l>
<l n="370">Once in a moneth recount what thou hast bin,</l>
<l n="371">Which thou forgetst. This damn'd Witch<hi rend="italic">Sycorax</hi>
<l n="372">For mischiefes manifold, and sorceries terrible</l>
<l n="373">To enter humane hearing, from<hi rend="italic">Argier</hi>
<l n="374">Thou know'st was banish'd: for one thing she did</l>
<l n="375">They wold not take her life: Is not this true?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="376">I, Sir.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="377">This blew ey'd hag, was hither brought with
<lb rend="turnunder"/>
<pc rend="turnunder">(</pc>child,</l>
<l n="378">child, And here was left by th' Saylors; thou my slaue,</l>
<l n="379">As thou reportst thy selfe, was then her seruant,</l>
<l n="380">And for thou wast a Spirit too delicate</l>
<l n="381">To act her earthy, and abhord commands,</l>
<l n="382">Refusing her grand hests, she did confine thee</l>
<l n="383">By helpe of her more potent Ministers,</l>
<l n="384">And in her most vnmittigable rage,</l>
<l n="385">Into a clouen Pyne, within which rift</l>
<l n="386">Imprison'd, thou didst painefully remaine</l>
<l n="387">A dozen yeeres: within which space she di'd,</l>
<l n="388">And left thee there: where thou didst vent thy groanes</l>
<l n="389">As fast as Mill‑wheeles strike: Then was this Island</l>
<l n="390">(Saue for the Son, that he did littour heere,</l>
<l n="391">A frekelld whelpe, hag‑borne) not honour'd with</l>
<l n="392">A hu<gap extent="4"
<gap extent="1"
<sp who="#F-tem-cal">
<l n="393">
<gap extent="3"
resp="#LMC"/>her sonne.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<gap extent="5"
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="394">To lay vpon the damn'd, which<hi rend="italic">Sycorax</hi>
<l n="395">Could not againe vndoe: it was mine Art,</l>
<l n="396">When I arriu'd, and heard thee, that made gape</l>
<l n="397">The Pyne, and let thee out.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="398">I thanke thee Master.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="399">If thou more murmur'st, I will rend an Oake</l>
<l n="400">And peg‑thee in his knotty entrailes, till</l>
<l n="401">Thou hast howl'd away twelue winters.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="402">Pardon, Master,</l>
<l n="403">I will be correspondent to command</l>
<l n="404">And doe my spryting, gently.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="405">Doe so: and after two daies</l>
<l n="406">I will discharge thee.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-ari">
<speaker rend="italic">Ar.</speaker>
<l n="407">That's my noble Master:</l>
<l n="408">What shall I doe? say what? what shall I doe?</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="409">Goe make thy selfe like a Nymph o'th' Sea,</l>
<l n="410">Be subiect to no sight but thine, and mine: inuisible</l>
<l n="411">To euery eye‑ball else: goe take this shape</l>
<l n="412">And hither come in't: goe: hence</l>
<l n="413">With diligence.</l>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="414">Awake, deere hart awake, thou hast slept well,</l>
<l n="415">Awake.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="416">The strangenes of your story, put</l>
<l n="417">Heauinesse in me.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="418">Shake it off: Come on,</l>
<l n="419">Wee'll visit<hi rend="italic">Caliban</hi>, my slaue, who neuer</l>
<l n="420">Yeelds vs kinde answere.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-mir">
<speaker rend="italic">Mir.</speaker>
<l n="421">'Tis a villaine Sir, I doe not loue to looke on.</l>
<sp who="#F-tem-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="422">But as 'tis</l>
<l n="423">We cannot misse him: he do's make our fire,</l>
<l n="424">Fetch in our wood, and serues in Offices</l>
<l n="425">That profit vs: What hoa: slaue:<hi rend="italic">Caliban</hi>:</l>
<l n="426">Thou Earth, thou: speake.</l>