The second Part of Henry the Sixt.Enter George, with the Lord Say.Cade.
Well, hee shall be beheaded for it ten times:
Ah thou Say, thou Surge, nay thou Buckram Lord, now
art thou within point‑blanke of our Iurisdiction Regall.
What canst thou answer to my Maiesty, for giuing vp of
Normandie vnto Mounsieur
Basimecu, the Dolphine of
France? Be it knowne vnto thee by these presence, euen
the presence of Lord
Mortimer, that I am the Beesome
that must sweepe the Court cleane of such filth as thou
art: Thou hast most traiterously corrupted the youth of
the Realme, in erecting a Grammar Schoole: and where
as before, our Fore‑fathers had no other Bookes but the
Score and the Tally, thou hast caused printing to be vs'd,
and contrary to the King, his Crowne, and Dignity, thou
hast built a Paper‑Mill. It will be prooued to thy Face,
that thou hast men about thee, that vsually talke of a
Nowne and a Verbe, and such abhominable wordes, as
no Christian eare can endure to heare. Thou hast appoin
ted Iustices of Peace, to call poore men before them, a
bout matters they were not able to answer. Moreouer,
thou hast put them in prison, and because they could not
reade, thou hast hang'd them, when (indeede) onely for
that cause they have beene most worthy to live. Thou
dost ride in a foot‑cloth, dost thou not?
What of that?
Marry, thou ought'st not to let thy horse weare
a Cloake, when honester men then thou go in their Hose
and Doublets.
And worke in their shirt to, as my selfe for ex
ample, that am a butcher.
You men of Kent.
What say you of Kent.
Nothing but this: 'Tis
bona terra, mala gens.
Away with him, away with him, he speaks La
Say.Heare me but speake, and beare mee wher'e you
Kent, in the Commentaries
Cæsar writ,
Is term'd the ciuel'st place of all this Isle:Sweet is the Covntry, because ful of Riches,The People Liberall, Valiant, Actiue, Wealthy,Which makes me hope you are not void of pitty.
I sold not
Maine, I lost not
Yet to recouer them would loose my life:Iustice with fauour haue I alwayes done,Prayres and Teares haue mou'd me, Gifts could neuer.When haue I ought exacted at your hands?
Kent to maintaine, the King, the Realme and you,Large gifts haue I bestow'd on learned Clearkes,Because my Booke preferr'd me to the King.And seeing Ignorance is the curse of God,Knowledge the Wing wherewith we flye to heaven.
Vnlesse you be possest with diuellish spirits,You cannot but forbeare to murther me:This Tongue hath parlied vnto Forraigne KingsFor your behoofe.Cade.Tut, when struck'st thou one blow in the field?Say.
Great men haue reaching hands: oft haue I struckThose that I neuer saw, and strucke them dead.Geo.O monstrous Coward! What, to come behinde
Say.These cheekes are pale for watching for your goodCade.
Say.Long sitting to determine poore mens causes,Hath made me full of sicknesse and diseases.Cade.
Ye shall haue a hempen Candle then, & the help
of hatchet.
Why dost thou quiuer man?
The Palsie, and not feare prouokes me.
Nay, he noddes at vs, as who should say, Ile be
euen with you. Ile see if his head will stand steddier on
a pole, or no: Take him away, and behead him.
Tell me: wherein haue I offended most
?Haue I affected wealth, or honor? Speake.Are my Chests fill'd vp with extorted Gold?Is my Apparrell sumptuous to behold?Whom haue I injur'd, that ye seeke my death?
These hands are free from guiltlesse bloodshedding,This breast from harbouring foule deceitfull thoughts.O let me liue.Cade.
I feele remorse in my selfe with his words: but
Ile bridle it: he shall dye, and it bee but for pleading so
well for his life. Away with him, he has a Familiar vn
der his Tongue, he speakes not a Gods name. Goe, take
him away I say, and strike off his head presently, and then
breake into his Sonne in Lawes house, Sir
Iames Cromer,
and strike off his head, and bring them both vppon two
poles hither.
It shall be done.
Say.Ah Countrimen: If when you make your prair's,God should be so obdurate as your selues:How would it fare with your departed soules,
And therefore yet relent, and saue my life.Cade.
Away with him, and do as I command ye: the
proudest Peere in the Realme, shall not weare a head on
his shoulders, vnlesse he pay me tribute; there shall not
a maid be married, but she shall pay to me her Mayden
head ere they haue it: Men shall hold of mee in Capite.
And we charge and command, that their wiues be as free
as heart can wish, or tongue can tell.
My Lord,
When shall we go to Cheapside, and take up commodi
ties vpon our billes?
Marry presently.
O braue.
Enter one with the heads.Cade.But is not this brauer:Let them kisse one another: For they lou'd well
When they were aliue. Now part them againe,Least they consult about the giuing vpOf some more Townes in France. Soldiers,Deferre the spoile of the Citie vntill night:For with these borne before vs, in steed of Maces,
Will we ride through the streets, & at euery CornerHaue them kisse. Away.Exit
[Act 4, Scene 8]
Alarum, and Retreat. Enter againe Cade,
and all his rabblement.
Vp Fish‑streete, downe Saint Magnes corner,
kill and knocke downe, throw them into Thames:
Sound a parley.What noise is this I heare
Dare any be so bold to sound Retreat or ParleyWhen I command them kill?oEnter
[Act 4, Scene 8]
Alarum, and Retreat. Enter againe Cade,
and all his rabblement.
Vp Fish‑streete, downe Saint Magnes corner,
kill and knocke downe, throw them into Thames:
Sound a parley.What noise is this I heare
Dare any be so bold to sound Retreat or ParleyWhen I command them kill?Enter Buckingham, and old Clifford.Buc.I heere they be, that dare and will disturb thee:Know
Cade, we come Ambassadors from the King
Vnto the Commons, whom thou hast misled,
And heere pronounce free pardon to them all,That will forsake thee, and go home in peace.Clif.What say ye Countrimen, will ye relentAnd yeeld to mercy, whil'st 'tis offered you,Or let a rabble leade you to your deaths.
Who loues the King, and will imbrace his pardon,Fling vp his cap, and say, God saue his Maiesty.Who hateth him, and honors not his Father,Henry the fift, that made all France to quake,Shake he his weapon at vs, and passe by.All.
God saue the King, God saue the King.
What Buckingham and Clifford are ye so braue?
And you base Pezants, do ye beleeue him, will you needs
be hang'd with your Pardons about your neckes
? Hath
my sword therefore broke through London gates, that
you should leaue me at the White‑heart in Southwarke.
I thought ye would neuer haue giuen out these Armes til
you had recouered your ancient
FteedomeFreedome. But you are
all Recreants and Dastards, and delight to liue in slauerie
to the Nobility. Let them breake your backes with bur
thens, take your houses ouer your heads, rauish your
Wiues and Daughters before your faces. For me, I will
make shift for one, and so Gods Cursse light vppon you
All.Wee'l follow
Wee'l follow
Cade the sonne of
Henry the fift,
That thus you do exclaime you'l go with him.Will he conduct you through the heart of France,And make the meanest of you Earles and Dukes?
Alas, he hath no home, no place to flye too:Nor knowes he how to liue, but by the spoile,Vnlesse by robbing of your Friends, and vs.Wer't not a shame, that whilst you liue at iarre,The fearfull French, whom you late vanquished
Should make a start ore‑seas, and vanquish you?Me thinkes alreadie in this ciuill broyle,I see them Lording it in London streets,Crying
Villiago vnto all they meete.
Better ten thousand base‑borne
Cades miscarry,
Then you should stoope vnto a Frenchmans mercy.To France, to France, and get what you haue lost:Spare England, for it is your Natiue Coast:Henry hath mony, you are strong and manly:
God on our side, doubt not of Victorie.All.
A Clifford, a Clifford,Wee'l follow the King, and Clifford.Cade.
Was euer Feather so lightly blowne too & fro,
As this multitude? The name of Henry the fift, hales them
to an hundred mischiefes, and makes them leaue mee de
solate. I see them lay their heades together to surprize
me. My sword make way for me, for heere is no staying:
in despight of the diuels and hell, haue through the verie
middest of you, and heauens and honor be witnesse, that
no wan to resolution in mee, but onely my Followers
base and ignominious treasons, makes me betake mee to
my heeles.
ExitBuck.What, is he fled? Go some and follow him,And he that brings his head vnto the King,Shall haue a thousand Crownes for his reward.Exeunt some of them.
Follow me souldiers, wee'l deuise a meane,To reconcile you all vnto the King.Exeunt omnes.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="8" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 8]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Alarum, and Retreat. Enter againe Cade,
<lb/>and all his rabblement.</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-cad">
<speaker rend="italic">Cade.</speaker>
<p n="2607">Vp Fish‑streete, downe Saint Magnes corner,
<lb n="2608"/>kill and knocke downe, throw them into Thames:</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Sound a parley.</stage>
<l n="2609">What noise is this I heare<c rend="italic">?</c>
<l n="2610">Dare any be so bold to sound Retreat or Parley</l>
<l n="2611">When I command them kill?</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0498-0.jpg" n="142"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Buckingham, and old Clifford.</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-buc">
<speaker rend="italic">Buc.</speaker>
<l n="2612">I heere they be, that dare and will disturb thee:</l>
<l n="2613">Know<hi rend="italic">Cade</hi>, we come Ambassadors from the King</l>
<l n="2614">Vnto the Commons, whom thou hast misled,</l>
<l n="2615">And heere pronounce free pardon to them all,</l>
<l n="2616">That will forsake thee, and go home in peace.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-cli">
<speaker rend="italic">Clif.</speaker>
<l n="2617">What say ye Countrimen, will ye relent</l>
<l n="2618">And yeeld to mercy, whil'st 'tis offered you,</l>
<l n="2619">Or let a rabble leade you to your deaths.</l>
<l n="2620">Who loues the King, and will imbrace his pardon,</l>
<l n="2621">Fling vp his cap, and say, God saue his Maiesty.</l>
<l n="2622">Who hateth him, and honors not his Father,</l>
<l n="2623">Henry the fift, that made all France to quake,</l>
<l n="2624">Shake he his weapon at vs, and passe by.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-all">
<speaker rend="italic">All.</speaker>
<p n="2625">God saue the King, God saue the King.</p>
<sp who="#F-2h6-cad">
<speaker rend="italic">Cade.</speaker>
<p n="2626">What Buckingham and Clifford are ye so braue?
<lb n="2627"/>And you base Pezants, do ye beleeue him, will you needs
<lb n="2628"/>be hang'd with your Pardons about your neckes<c rend="italic">?</c>Hath
<lb n="2629"/>my sword therefore broke through London gates, that
<lb n="2630"/>you should leaue me at the White‑heart in Southwarke.
<lb n="2631"/>I thought ye would neuer haue giuen out these Armes til
<lb n="2632"/>you had recouered your ancient<choice>
</choice>. But you are
<lb n="2633"/>all Recreants and Dastards, and delight to liue in slauerie
<lb n="2634"/>to the Nobility. Let them breake your backes with bur
<lb n="2635"/>thens, take your houses ouer your heads, rauish your
<lb n="2636"/>Wiues and Daughters before your faces. For me, I will
<lb n="2637"/>make shift for one, and so Gods Cursse light vppon you
<lb n="2638"/>all.</p>
<sp who="#F-2h6-all">
<speaker rend="italic">All.</speaker>
<l n="2639">Wee'l follow<hi rend="italic">Cade</hi>,</l>
<l n="2640">Wee'l follow<hi rend="italic">Cade</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-cli">
<speaker rend="italic">Clif.</speaker>
<l n="2641">Is<hi rend="italic">Cade</hi>the sonne of<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>the fift,</l>
<l n="2642">That thus you do exclaime you'l go with him.</l>
<l n="2643">Will he conduct you through the heart of France,</l>
<l n="2644">And make the meanest of you Earles and Dukes?</l>
<l n="2645">Alas, he hath no home, no place to flye too:</l>
<l n="2646">Nor knowes he how to liue, but by the spoile,</l>
<l n="2647">Vnlesse by robbing of your Friends, and vs.</l>
<l n="2648">Wer't not a shame, that whilst you liue at iarre,</l>
<l n="2649">The fearfull French, whom you late vanquished</l>
<l n="2650">Should make a start ore‑seas, and vanquish you?</l>
<l n="2651">Me thinkes alreadie in this ciuill broyle,</l>
<l n="2652">I see them Lording it in London streets,</l>
<l n="2653">Crying<hi rend="italic">Villiago</hi>vnto all they meete.</l>
<l n="2654">Better ten thousand base‑borne<hi rend="italic">Cades</hi>miscarry,</l>
<l n="2655">Then you should stoope vnto a Frenchmans mercy.</l>
<l n="2656">To France, to France, and get what you haue lost:</l>
<l n="2657">Spare England, for it is your Natiue Coast:</l>
<l n="2658">
<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>hath mony, you are strong and manly:</l>
<l n="2659">God on our side, doubt not of Victorie.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-all">
<speaker rend="italic">All.</speaker>
<l n="2660">A Clifford, a Clifford,</l>
<l n="2661">Wee'l follow the King, and Clifford.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-cad">
<speaker rend="italic">Cade.</speaker>
<p n="2662">Was euer Feather so lightly blowne too & fro,
<lb n="2663"/>As this multitude? The name of Henry the fift, hales them
<lb n="2664"/>to an hundred mischiefes, and makes them leaue mee de
<lb n="2665"/>solate. I see them lay their heades together to surprize
<lb n="2666"/>me. My sword make way for me, for heere is no staying:
<lb n="2667"/>in despight of the diuels and hell, haue through the verie
<lb n="2668"/>middest of you, and heauens and honor be witnesse, that
<lb n="2669"/>no wan to resolution in mee, but onely my Followers
<lb n="2670"/>base and ignominious treasons, makes me betake mee to
<lb n="2671"/>my heeles.</p>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-buc">
<speaker rend="italic">Buck.</speaker>
<l n="2672">What, is he fled? Go some and follow him,</l>
<l n="2673">And he that brings his head vnto the King,</l>
<l n="2674">Shall haue a thousand Crownes for his reward.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt some of them.</stage>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="2675">Follow me souldiers, wee'l deuise a meane,</l>
<l n="2676">To reconcile you all vnto the King.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt omnes.</stage>