Macbethhath slaine.
Malcolme, and
Donalbainethe Kings two Sonnes
Banquo, their Speeches shine,
Rosse, Lords, and Attendants.
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<div type="scene" n="1">
<head rend="italic center">Actus Tertius. Scena Prima.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 1]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Banquo.</stage>
<sp who="#F-mac-ban">
<speaker rend="italic">Banq.</speaker>
<l n="925">Thou hast it now, King, Cawdor, Glamis, all,</l>
<l n="926">As the weyard Women promis'd, and I feare</l>
<l n="927">Thou playd'st most fowly for't: yet it was saide</l>
<l n="928">It should not stand in thy Posterity,</l>
<l n="929">But that my selfe should be the Roote, and Father</l>
<l n="930">Of many Kings. If there come truth from them,</l>
<l n="931">As vpon thee<hi rend="italic">Banquo</hi>, their Speeches shine,</l>
<l n="932">Why by the verities on thee made good,</l>
<l n="933">May they not be my Oracles as well,</l>
<l n="934">And set me vp in hope. But hush, no more.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Senit sounded. Enter Macbeth as King, Lady Lenox,
<lb/>Rosse, Lords, and Attendants.</stage>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="935">Heere's our chiefe Guest.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-lam">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="936">If he had beene forgotten,</l>
<l n="937">It had bene as a gap in our great Feast,</l>
<l n="938">And all‑thing vnbecomming.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="939">To night we hold a solemne Supper sir,</l>
<l n="940">And Ile request your presence.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-ban">
<speaker rend="italic">Banq.</speaker>
<l n="941">Let your Highnesse</l>
<l n="942">Command vpon me, to the which my duties</l>
<l n="943">Are with a most indissoluble tye</l>
<l n="944">For euer knit.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="945">Ride you this afternoone<c rend="italic">?</c>
<sp who="#F-mac-ban">
<speaker rend="italic">Ban.</speaker>
<l n="946">I, my good Lord.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="947">We should haue else desir'd your good aduice</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="948">(Which still hath been both graue, and prosperous)</l>
<l n="949">In this dayes Councell: but wee'le take to morrow.</l>
<l n="950">Is't farre you ride?</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-ban">
<speaker rend="italic">Ban.</speaker>
<l n="951">As farre, my Lord, as will fill vp the time</l>
<l n="952">'Twixt this, and Supper. Goe not my Horse the better,</l>
<l n="953">I must become a borrower of the Night,</l>
<l n="954">For a darke houre, or twaine.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="955">Faile not our Feast.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-ban">
<speaker rend="italic">Ban.</speaker>
<l n="956">My Lord, I will not.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="957">We heare our bloody Cozens are bestow'd</l>
<l n="958">In England, and in Ireland, not confessing</l>
<l n="959">Their cruell Parricide, filling their hearers</l>
<l n="960">With strange inuention. But of that to morrow,</l>
<l n="961">When therewithall, we shall haue cause of State,</l>
<l n="962">Crauing vs ioyntly. Hye you to Horse:</l>
<l n="963">Adieu, till you returne at Night.</l>
<l n="964">Goes<hi rend="italic">Fleance</hi>with you?</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-ban">
<speaker rend="italic">Ban.</speaker>
<l n="965">I, my good Lord: our time does call vpon's.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="966">I wish your Horses swift, and sure of foot:</l>
<l n="967">And so I doe commend you to their backs.</l>
<l n="968">Farwell.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="exit">Exit Banquo.</stage>
<l n="969">Let euery man be master of his time,</l>
<l n="970">Till seuen at Night, to make societie</l>
<l n="971">The sweeter welcome:</l>
<l n="972">We will keepe our selfe till Supper time alone:</l>
<l n="973">While then, God be with you.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt Lords.</stage>
<l n="974">Sirrha, a word with you: Attend those men</l>
<l n="975">Our pleasure?</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Seruant.</speaker>
<l n="976">They are, my Lord, without the Pallace
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="977">Bring them before vs.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit Seruant.</stage>
<l n="978">To be thus, is nothing, but to be safely thus:</l>
<l n="979">Our feares in<hi rend="italic">Banquo</hi>sticke deepe,</l>
<l n="980">And in his Royaltie of Nature reignes that</l>
<l n="981">Which would be fear'd. 'Tis much he dares,</l>
<l n="982">And to that dauntlesse temper of his Minde,</l>
<l n="983">He hath a Wisdome, that doth guide his Valour,</l>
<l n="984">To act in safetie. There is none but he,</l>
<l n="985">Whose being I doe feare: and vnder him,</l>
<l n="986">My<hi rend="italic">Genius</hi>is rebuk'd, as it is said</l>
<l n="987">
<hi rend="italic">Mark Anthonies</hi>was by<hi rend="italic">Cæsar</hi>. He chid the Sisters,</l>
<l n="988">When first they put the Name of King vpon me,</l>
<l n="989">And bad them speake to him. Then Prophet‑like,</l>
<l n="990">They hayl'd him Father to a Line of Kings.</l>
<l n="991">Vpon my Head they plac'd a fruitlesse Crowne,</l>
<l n="992">And put a barren Scepter in my Gripe,</l>
<l n="993">Thence to be wrencht with an vnlineall Hand,</l>
<l n="994">No Sonne of mine succeeding: if't be so,</l>
<l n="995">For<hi rend="italic">Banquo's</hi>Issue haue I fil'd my Minde,</l>
<l n="996">For them, the gracious<hi rend="italic">Duncan</hi>haue I murther'd,</l>
<l n="997">Put Rancours in the Vessell of my Peace</l>
<l n="998">Onely for them, and mine eternall Iewell</l>
<l n="999">Giuen to the common Enemie of Man,</l>
<l n="1000">To make them Kings, the Seedes of<hi rend="italic">Banquo</hi>Kings.</l>
<l n="1001">Rather then so, come Fate into the Lyst,</l>
<l n="1002">And champion me to th'vtterance.</l>
<l n="1003">Who's there?</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Seruant, and two Murtherers.</stage>
<l n="1004">Now goe to the Doore, and stay there till we call.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit Seruant.</stage>
<l n="1005">Was it not yesterday we spoke together?</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur">
<speaker rend="italic">Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1006">It was, so please your Highnesse.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1007">Well then,</l>
<l n="1008">Now haue you consider'd of my speeches:</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0750-0.jpg" n="140"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="1009">Know, that it was he, in the times past,</l>
<l n="1010">Which held you so vnder fortune,</l>
<l n="1011">Which you thought had been our innocent selfe.</l>
<l n="1012">This I made good to you, in our last conference,</l>
<l n="1013">Past in probation with you:</l>
<l n="1014">How you were borne in hand, how crost:</l>
<l n="1015">The Instruments: who wrought with them:</l>
<l n="1016">And all things else, that might</l>
<l n="1017">To halfe a Soule, and to a Notion craz'd,</l>
<l n="1018">Say, Thus did<hi rend="italic">Banquo</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur.1">
<speaker rend="italic">1. Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1019">You made it knowne to vs.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1020">I did so:</l>
<l n="1021">And went further, which is now</l>
<l n="1022">Our point of second meeting.</l>
<l n="1023">Doe you finde your patience so predominant,</l>
<l n="1024">In your nature, that you can let this goe?</l>
<l n="1025">Are you so Gospell'd, to pray for this good man,</l>
<l n="1026">And for his Issue, whose heauie hand</l>
<l n="1027">Hath bow'd you to the Graue, and begger'd</l>
<l n="1028">Yours for euer?</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur.1">
<speaker rend="italic">1. Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1029">We are men, my Liege.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1030">I, in the Catalogue ye goe for men,</l>
<l n="1031">As Hounds, and Greyhounds, Mungrels, Spaniels, Curres,</l>
<l n="1032">Showghes, Water‑Rugs, and Demy‑Wolues are clipt</l>
<l n="1033">All by the Name of Dogges: the valued file</l>
<l n="1034">Distinguishes the swift, the slow, the subtle,</l>
<l n="1035">The House‑keeper, the Hunter, euery one</l>
<l n="1036">According to the gift, which bounteous Nature</l>
<l n="1037">Hath in him clos'd: whereby he does receiue</l>
<l n="1038">Particular addition, from the Bill,</l>
<l n="1039">That writes them all alike: and so of men.</l>
<l n="1040">Now, if you haue a station in the file,</l>
<l n="1041">Not i'th'worst ranke of Manhood, say't,</l>
<l n="1042">And I will put that Businesse in your Bosomes,</l>
<l n="1043">Whose execution takes your Enemie off,</l>
<l n="1044">Grapples you to the heart; and loue of vs,</l>
<l n="1045">Who weare our Health but sickly in his Life,</l>
<l n="1046">Which in his Death were perfect.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur.2">
<speaker rend="italic">2. Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1047">I am one, my Liege,</l>
<l n="1048">Whom the vile Blowes and Buffets of the World</l>
<l n="1049">Hath so incens'd, that I am recklesse what I doe,</l>
<l n="1050">To spight the World.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur.1">
<speaker rend="italic">1. Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1051">And I another,</l>
<l n="1052">So wearie with Disasters, tugg'd with Fortune,</l>
<l n="1053">That I would set my Life on any Chance,</l>
<l n="1054">To mend it, or be rid on't.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1055">Both of you know<hi rend="italic">Banquo</hi>was your Enemie.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur">
<speaker rend="italic">Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1056">True, my Lord.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1057">So is he mine: and in such bloody distance,</l>
<l n="1058">That euery minute of his being, thrusts</l>
<l n="1059">Against my neer'st of Life: and though I could</l>
<l n="1060">With bare‑fac'd power sweepe him from my sight,</l>
<l n="1061">And bid my will auouch it; yet I must not,</l>
<l n="1062">For certaine friends that are both his, and mine,</l>
<l n="1063">Whose loues I may not drop, but wayle his fall,</l>
<l n="1064">Who I my selfe struck downe: and thence it is,</l>
<l n="1065">That I to your assistance doe make loue,</l>
<l n="1066">Masking the Businesse from the common Eye,</l>
<l n="1067">For sundry weightie Reasons.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur.2">
<speaker rend="italic">2. Murth</speaker>
<l n="1068">We shall, my Lord,</l>
<l n="1069">Performe what you command vs.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur.1">
<speaker rend="italic">1. Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1070">Though our Liues‑‑</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1071">Your Spirits shine through you.</l>
<l n="1072">Within this houre, at most,</l>
<l n="1073">I will aduise you where to plant your selues,</l>
<l n="1074">Acquaint you with the perfect Spy o'th'time,</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="1075">The moment on't, for't must be done to Night,</l>
<l n="1076">And something from the Pallace: alwayes thought,</l>
<l n="1077">That I require a clearenesse; and with him,</l>
<l n="1078">To leaue no Rubs nor Botches in the Worke:</l>
<l n="1079">
<hi rend="italic">Fleans</hi>, his Sonne, that keepes him companie,</l>
<l n="1080">Whose absence is no lesse materiall to me,</l>
<l n="1081">Then is his Fathers, must embrace the fate</l>
<l n="1082">Of that darke houre: resolue your selues apart,</l>
<l n="1083">Ile come to you anon.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mur">
<speaker rend="italic">Murth.</speaker>
<l n="1084">We are resolu'd, my Lord.</l>
<sp who="#F-mac-mcb">
<speaker rend="italic">Macb.</speaker>
<l n="1085">Ile call vpon you straight: abide within,</l>
<l n="1086">It is concluded:<hi rend="italic">Banquo</hi>, thy Soules flight,</l>
<l n="1087">If it finde Heauen, must finde it out to Night.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>