We serue you Madam in that and all your
worthiest affaires.
Rossillion, none in France,
drum and trumpets, soldiers, Parrolles.
Here you can read a digital edition of each play in various views.
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We serue you Madam in that and all your
worthiest affaires.
Right Column
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<div type="scene" n="3" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 3]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Flourish. Enter the Duke of Florence, Rossillion,
<lb/>drum and trumpets, soldiers, Parrolles.</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-duk">
<speaker rend="italic">Duke.</speaker>
<l n="1490">The Generall of our horse thou art, and we</l>
<l n="1491">Great in our hope, lay our best loue and credence</l>
<l n="1492">Vpon thy promising fortune.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-ber">
<speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
<l n="1493">Sir it is</l>
<l n="1494">A charge too heauy for my strength, but yet</l>
<l n="1495">Wee'l striue to beare it for your worthy sake,</l>
<l n="1496">To th'extreme edge of hazard.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-duk">
<speaker rend="italic">Duke.</speaker>
<l n="1497">Then go thou forth,</l>
<l n="1498">And fortune play vpon thy prosperous helme</l>
<l n="1499">As thy auspicious mistris.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-ber">
<speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
<l n="1500">This very day</l>
<l n="1501">Great Mars I put my selfe into thy file,</l>
<l n="1502">Make me but like my thoughts, and I shall proue</l>
<l n="1503">A louer of thy drumme, hater of loue.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt omnes</stage>