Cum Pruiilegio, wee away
Henry Guilford
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<div type="scene" n="4">
<head rend="italic center">Scena Quarta.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 1, Scene 4]</head>
<cb n="1"/>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Hoboies. A small Table vnder a State for the Cardinall, a
<lb/>longer Table for the Guests. Then Enter Anne Bullen,
<lb/>and diuers other Ladies, & Gentlemen, as Guests
<lb/>at one Doore; at an other Doore enter
<lb/>Sir Henry Guilford.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-gui">
<speaker rend="italic">S. Hen. Guilf.</speaker>
<l n="632">Ladyes,</l>
<l n="633">A generall welcome from his Grace</l>
<l n="634">Salutes ye all; This Night he dedicates</l>
<l n="635">To faire content, and you: None heere he hopes</l>
<l n="636">In all this Noble Beuy, has brought with her</l>
<l n="637">One care abroad: hee would haue all as merry:</l>
<l n="638">As first, good Company, good wine, good welcome,</l>
<l n="639">Can make good people.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter L. Chamberlaine L. Sands, and Louell.</stage>
<l n="640">O my Lord, y'are tardy;</l>
<l n="641">The very thought of this faire Company,</l>
<l n="642">Clapt wings to me.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="643">You are young Sir<hi rend="italic">Harry Guilford</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="644">Sir<hi rend="italic">Thomas Louell</hi>, had the Cardinall</l>
<l n="645">But halfe my Lay‑thoughts in him, some of these</l>
<l n="646">Should finde a running Banket, ere they rested,</l>
<l n="647">I thinke would better please 'em: by my life,</l>
<l n="648">They are a sweet society of faire ones.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-lov">
<speaker rend="italic">Lou.</speaker>
<l n="649">O that your Lordship were but now Confessor,</l>
<l n="650">To one or two of these.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="651">I would I were,</l>
<l n="652">They should finde easie pennance.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-lov">
<speaker rend="italic">Lou.</speaker>
<l n="653">Faith how easie?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="654">As easie as a downe bed would affoord it.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="655">Sweet Ladies will it please you sit; Sir<hi rend="italic">Harry</hi>
<l n="656">Place you that side, Ile take the charge of this:</l>
<l n="657">His Grace is entring. Nay, you must not freeze,</l>
<l n="658">Two women plac'd together, makes cold weather:</l>
<l n="659">My Lord<hi rend="italic">Sands</hi>, you are one will keepe 'em waking:</l>
<l n="660">Pray sit betweene these Ladies.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="661">By my faith,</l>
<l n="662">And thanke your Lordship: by your leaue sweet Ladies,</l>
<l n="663">If I chance to talke a little wilde, forgiue me:</l>
<l n="664">I had it from my Father.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-ann">
<speaker rend="italic">An. Bul.</speaker>
<l n="665">Was he mad Sir?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="666">O very mad exceeding mad, in loue too;</l>
<l n="667">But he would bite none, iust as I doe now,</l>
<l n="668">He would Kisse you Twenty with a breath.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="669">Well said my Lord:</l>
<l n="670">So now y'are fairely seated: Gntlemen,</l>
<l n="671">The pennance lyes on you; if these faire Ladies</l>
<l n="672">Passe away frowning.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="673">For my little Cure,</l>
<l n="674">Let me alone.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Hoboyes. Enter Cardinall Wolsey, and takes his State.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="675">Y'are wel<gap extent="1"
resp="#ES"/>ome my faire Guests that noble Lady</l>
<l n="676">Or Gentleman that is not freely merry</l>
<l n="677">Is not my Friend. This to confirme my welcome,</l>
<l n="678">And to you all good health.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="679">Your Grace is Noble,</l>
<l n="680">Let me haue such a Bowle may hold my thankes,</l>
<l n="681">And saue me so much talking.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="682">My Lord<hi rend="italic">Sands</hi>,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0567-0.jpg" n="211"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="683">I am beholding to you: cheere your neighbours:</l>
<l n="684">Ladies you are not merry; Gentlemen,</l>
<l n="685">Whose fault is this?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="686">The red wine first must rise</l>
<l n="687">In their faire cheekes my Lord, then wee shall haue 'em,</l>
<l n="688">Talke vs to silence.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-ann">
<speaker rend="italic">An. B.</speaker>
<l n="689">You are a merry Gamster</l>
<l n="690">My Lord<hi rend="italic">Sands</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="691">Yes, if I make my play:</l>
<l n="692">Heer's to your Ladiship, and pledge it Madam:</l>
<l n="693">For tis to such a thing.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-ann">
<speaker rend="italic">An. B.</speaker>
<l n="694">You cannot shew me.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Drum and Trumpet, Chambers dischargd.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-san">
<speaker rend="italic">San.</speaker>
<l n="695">I told your Grace, they would talke anon.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="696">What's that?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="697">Looke out there, some of ye.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="698">What warlike voyce,</l>
<l n="699">And to what end is this? Nay, Ladies, feare not;</l>
<l n="700">By all the lawes of Warre y'are priuiledg'd.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Seruant.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="701">How now, what is't?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-ser">
<speaker rend="italic">Seru.</speaker>
<l n="702">A noble troupe of Strangers,</l>
<l n="703">For so they seeme; th'haue left their Barge and landed,</l>
<l n="704">And hither make, as great Embassadors</l>
<l n="705">From forraigne Princes.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="706">Good Lord Chamberlaine,</l>
<l n="707">Go, giue 'em welcome; you can speake the French tongue</l>
<l n="708">And pray receiue 'em Nobly, and conduct 'em</l>
<l n="709">Into our presence, where this heauen of beauty</l>
<l n="710">Shall shine at full vpon them. Some attend him.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">All rise, and Tables remou'd.</stage>
<l n="711">You haue now a broken Banket, but wee'l mend it.</l>
<l n="712">A good digestion to you all; and once more</l>
<l n="713">I showre a welcome on yee: welcome all.</l>
<stage rend="italic" type="mixed">Hoboyes. Enter King and others as Maskers, habited like
<lb/>Shepheards, vsher'd by the Lord Chamberlaine. They
<lb/>passe directly before the Cardinall, and gracefully sa
<lb/>lute him.</stage>
<l n="714">A noble Company: what are their pleasures?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="715">Because they speak no English, thus they praid</l>
<l n="716">To tell your Grace: That hauing heard by fame</l>
<l n="717">Of this so Noble and so faire assembly,</l>
<l n="718">This night to meet heere they could doe no lesse,</l>
<l n="719">(Out of the great respect they beare to beauty)</l>
<l n="720">But leaue their Flockes, and vnder your faire Conduct</l>
<l n="721">Craue leaue to view these Ladies, and entreat</l>
<l n="722">An houre of Reuels with 'em.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="723">Say, Lord<hi rend="italic">Chamberlaine</hi>,</l>
<l n="724">They haue done my poore house grace:</l>
<l n="725">For which I pay 'em a thousand thankes,</l>
<l n="726">And pray 'em take their pleasures.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Choose Ladies, King and An Bullen.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-hn8">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="727">The fairest hand I euer touch'd: O Beauty,</l>
<l n="728">Till now I neuer knew thee.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Musicke, Dance.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="729">My Lord.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="730">Your Grace.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="731">Pray tell 'em thus much from me:</l>
<l n="732">There should be one amongst 'em by his person</l>
<l n="733">More worthy this place then my selfe, to whom</l>
<l n="734">(If I but knew him) with my loue aud duty</l>
<l n="735">I would surrender it.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Whisper.</stage>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="736">I will my Lord.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="737">What say they<c rend="italic">?</c>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="738">Such a one, they all confesse</l>
<l n="739">There is indeed, which they would haue your Grace</l>
<l n="740">Find out, and he will take it.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="741">Let me see then,</l>
<l n="742">By all your good leaues Gentlemen; heere Ile make</l>
<l n="743">My royall choyce.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-hn8">
<speaker rend="italic">Kin.</speaker>
<l n="744">Ye haue found him Cardinall,</l>
<l n="745">You hold a faire Assembly; you doe well Lord:</l>
<l n="746">You are a Churchman, or Ile tell you Cardinall,</l>
<l n="747">I should iudge now vnhappily.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="748">I am glad</l>
<l n="749">Your Grace is growne so pleasant.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-hn8">
<speaker rend="italic">Kin.</speaker>
<l n="750">My Lord Chamberlaine,</l>
<l n="751">Prethee come hither, what faire Ladie's that<c rend="italic">?</c>
<sp who="#F-h8-chm">
<speaker rend="italic">Cham.</speaker>
<l n="752">An't please your Grace,</l>
<l n="753">Sir<hi rend="italic">Thomas Bullens</hi>Daughter, the Viscount<hi rend="italic">Rochford</hi>,</l>
<l n="754">One of her Highnesse women.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-hn8">
<speaker rend="italic">Kin.</speaker>
<l n="755">By Heauen she is a dainty one. Sweet heart,</l>
<l n="756">I were vnmannerly to take you out,</l>
<l n="757">And not to kisse you. A health Gentlemen,</l>
<l n="758">Let it goe round.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="759">Sir<hi rend="italic">Thomas Louell</hi>, is the Banket ready</l>
<l n="760">I'th'Priuy Chamber?</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-lov">
<speaker rend="italic">Lou.</speaker>
<l n="761">Yes, my Lord.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="762">Your Grace</l>
<l n="763">I feare, with dancing is a little heated.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-hn8">
<speaker rend="italic">Kin.</speaker>
<l n="764">I feare too much.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-wol">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="765">There's fresher ayre my Lord,</l>
<l n="766">In the next Chamber.</l>
<sp who="#F-h8-hn8">
<speaker rend="italic">Kin.</speaker>
<l n="767">Lead in your Ladies eu'ry one: Sweet Partner,</l>
<l n="768">I must not yet forsake you: Let's be merry,</l>
<l n="769">Good my Lord Cardinall: I haue halfe a dozen healths,</l>
<l n="770">To drinke to these faire Ladies, and a measure</l>
<l n="771">To lead 'em once againe, and then let's dreame</l>
<l n="772">Who's best in fauour. Let the Musicke knock it.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="exit">Exeunt with Trumpets.</stage>
<cb n="1"/>