And not vpon your Maid.Iu.What is't that youTooke vp so gingerly?Lu.
Why didst thou stoope then?
To take a paper vp, that I let fall.
And is that paper nothing?
Nothing concerning me.
Then let it lye, for those that it concernes.
Lu.Madam, it will not lye where it concernes,
Vnlesse it haue a false Interpreter.Iul.
Some loue of yours, hath writ to you in Rime.
Lu.That I might sing it (Madam) to a tune:Giue me a Note, your Ladiship can setIul.As little by such toyes, as may be possible:
Best sing it to the tune of
Light O,
It is too heauy for so light a tune.
Heauy? belike it hath some burden then?
I: and melodious were it, would you sing it,
And why not you?
I cannot reach so high.
Iu.Let's see your Song:How now Minion?Lu.Keepe tune there still; so you will sing it out:And yet me thinkes I do not like this tune.Iu.
You doe not?
No (Madam) tis too sharpe.
You (Minion) are too saucie.
Lu.Nay, now you are too flat;And marre the concord, with too harsh a descant:
There wanteth but a Meane to fill your Song.Iu.
The meane is dround with you vnruly base.
Indeede I bid the base for
Iu.This babble shall not henceforth trouble me;Here is a coile with protestation:
Goe, get you gone: and let the papers lye:You would be fingring them, to anger me.Lu.She makes it
strãgestrange, but she would be best
To be so angred with another Letter.Iu.Nay, would I were so angred with the same:
Oh hatefull hands, to teare such louing words;Iniurious Waspes, to feede on such sweet hony,And kill the Bees that yeelde it, with your stings:Ile kisse each seuerall paper, for amends:Looke, here is writ, kinde
Iulia: vnkinde
As in reuenge of thy ingratitude,I throw thy name against the bruzing-stones,Trampling contemptuously on thy disdaine.And here is writ,
Loue wounded Protheus.
Poor wounded name: my bosome, as a bed,
Shall lodge thee till thy wound be throughly heal'd;And thus I search it with a soueraigne kisse.But twice, or thrice, was
Protheus written
Be calme (good winde) blow not a word away,Till I haue found each letter, in the Letter,
Except mine own name: That, some whirle‑winde beareVnto a ragged, fearefull, hanging Rocke,And throw it thence into the raging Sea.Loe, here in one line is his name twice writ:Poore forlorne Protheus, passionate Protheus:
To the sweet Iulia: that ile teare
And yet I will not, sith so prettilyHe couples it, to his complaining Names;Thus will I fold them, one vpon another;Now kisse, embrace, contend, doe what you will.Lu.
What, shall these papers lye, like Tel‑tales here?
If you respect them; best to take them vp.
Lu.Nay, I was taken vp, for laying them downe.
Yet here they shall not lye, for catching cold.Iu.
I see you haue a months minde to them.
Lu.I (Madam) you may say what sights you see;I see things too, although you iudge I winke.Iu.
Come, come, wilt please you goe.
Scœna Tertia.
[Act 1, Scene 3]
Enter Antonio and
Panthino, Protheus.
Tell me
Panthino, what sad talke was
Wherewith my brother held you in the Cloyster?Pan.
'Twas of his Nephew
Protheus, your
Why? what of him?
Pan.He wondred that your Lordship
Would suffer him, to spend his youth at home,While other men, of slender reputationPut forth their Sonnes, to seeke preferment out.Some to the warres, to try their fortune there;Some, to discouer Islands farre away:
Some, to the studious Vniuersities;For any, or for all these exercises,He said, that
Protheus, your sonne, was
And did request me, to importune youTo let him spend his time no more at home;
Which would be great impeachment to his age,In hauing knowne no trauaile in his youth.Ant.Nor need'st thou much importune me to thatWhereon, this month I haue bin hamering.I haue consider'd well, his losse of time,
And how he cannot be a perfect man,Not being tryed, and tutord in the world:Experience is by industry atchieu'd,And perfected by the swift course of time:Then tell me, whether were I best to send him?Pan.
I thinke your Lordship is not ignorantHow his companion, youthfull
Attends the Emperour in his royall Court.Ant.
I know it well.
Pan.'Twere good, I thinke, your Lordship sent him
There shall he practise Tilts, and Turnaments;Heare sweet discourse, conuerse with Noble‑men,And be in eye of euery ExerciseWorthy his youth, and noblenesse of birth.Ant.I like thy counsaile: well hast thou aduis'd:
And that thou maist perceiue how well I like it,The execution of it shall make knowne;Euen with the speediest expedition,I will dispatch him to the Emperors Court.Pan.To morrow, may it please you,
With other Gentlemen of good esteemeAre iournying, to salute the
And to commend their seruice to his will.Ant.
Good company: with them shall
Protheus go:
And in good time: now will we breake with him.
Sweet Loue, sweet lines, sweet life,Here is her hand, the agent of her heart;Here is her oath for loue, her honors paune;O
Scœna Tertia.
[Act 1, Scene 3]
Enter Antonio and
Panthino, Protheus.
Tell me
Panthino, what sad talke was
Wherewith my brother held you in the Cloyster?Pan.
'Twas of his Nephew
Protheus, your
Why? what of him?
Pan.He wondred that your Lordship
Would suffer him, to spend his youth at home,While other men, of slender reputationPut forth their Sonnes, to seeke preferment out.Some to the warres, to try their fortune there;Some, to discouer Islands farre away:
Some, to the studious Vniuersities;For any, or for all these exercises,He said, that
Protheus, your sonne, was
And did request me, to importune youTo let him spend his time no more at home;
Which would be great impeachment to his age,In hauing knowne no trauaile in his youth.Ant.Nor need'st thou much importune me to thatWhereon, this month I haue bin hamering.I haue consider'd well, his losse of time,
And how he cannot be a perfect man,Not being tryed, and tutord in the world:Experience is by industry atchieu'd,And perfected by the swift course of time:Then tell me, whether were I best to send him?Pan.
I thinke your Lordship is not ignorantHow his companion, youthfull
Attends the Emperour in his royall Court.Ant.
I know it well.
Pan.'Twere good, I thinke, your Lordship sent him
There shall he practise Tilts, and Turnaments;Heare sweet discourse, conuerse with Noble‑men,And be in eye of euery ExerciseWorthy his youth, and noblenesse of birth.Ant.I like thy counsaile: well hast thou aduis'd:
And that thou maist perceiue how well I like it,The execution of it shall make knowne;Euen with the speediest expedition,I will dispatch him to the Emperors Court.Pan.To morrow, may it please you,
With other Gentlemen of good esteemeAre iournying, to salute the
And to commend their seruice to his will.Ant.
Good company: with them shall
Protheus go:
And in good time: now will we breake with him.
Sweet Loue, sweet lines, sweet life,Here is her hand, the agent of her heart;Here is her oath for loue, her honors paune;O that our Fathers would applaud our louesTo seale our happinesse with their consents.Pro.
Oh heauenly
How now? What Letter are you reading there?
Pro.May't please your Lordship, 'tis a word or twoOf commendations sent from
Deliuer'd by a friend, that came from him.Ant.
Lend me the Letter: Let me see what newes.
Pro.There is no newes (my Lord) but that he writesHow happily he liues, how wellbelou'd,And daily graced by the Emperor;Wishing me with him, partner of his fortune.Ant.
And how stand you affected to his wish?
Pro.As one relying on your Lordships will,And not depending on his friendly wish.Ant.My will is something sorted with his wish:Muse not that I thus sodainly proceed;
For what I will, I will, and there an end:I am resolu'd that thou shalt spend some timeWith
Valentinus, in the Emperors
What maintenance he from his friends receiues,Like exhibition thou shalt haue from me,
To morrow be in readinesse, to goe,Excuse it not: for I am peremptory.Pro.My Lord I cannot be so soone prouided,Please you deliberate a day or two.Ant.Look what thou want'st shalbe sent after thee:
No more of stay: to morrow thou must goe;Come on,
Panthmo; you shall be
To hasten on his Expedition.Pro.Thus haue I shund the fire, for feare of burning,And drench'd me in the sea, where I am drown'd.
I fear'd to show my Father
Least he should take exceptions to my loue,And with the vantage of mine owne excuseHath he excepted most against my loue.Oh, how this spring of loue resembleth
The vncertaine glory of an Aprill day,Which now shewes all the beauty of the Sun,And by and by a clowd takes all away.Pan.Sir
Protheus, your Fathers call's
for you;
He is in hast, therefore I pray you go.Pro.
Why this it is: my heart accords thereto,And yet a thousand times it answer's no.Exeunt.Finis.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3">
<head rend="italic center">Scœna Tertia.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 1, Scene 3]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Antonio and Panthino, Protheus.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<l n="295">Tell me<hi rend="italic">Panthino</hi>, what sad talke was that,</l>
<l n="296">Wherewith my brother held you in the Cloyster?</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pan">
<speaker rend="italic">Pan.</speaker>
<p n="297">'Twas of his Nephew<hi rend="italic">Protheus</hi>, your Sonne.</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<p n="298">Why? what of him?</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pan">
<speaker rend="italic">Pan.</speaker>
<l n="299">He wondred that your Lordship</l>
<l n="300">Would suffer him, to spend his youth at home,</l>
<l n="301">While other men, of slender reputation</l>
<l n="302">Put forth their Sonnes, to seeke preferment out.</l>
<l n="303">Some to the warres, to try their fortune there;</l>
<l n="304">Some, to discouer Islands farre away:</l>
<l n="305">Some, to the studious Vniuersities;</l>
<l n="306">For any, or for all these exercises,</l>
<l n="307">He said, that<hi rend="italic">Protheus</hi>, your sonne, was meet;</l>
<l n="308">And did request me, to importune you</l>
<l n="309">To let him spend his time no more at home;</l>
<l n="310">Which would be great impeachment to his age,</l>
<l n="311">In hauing knowne no trauaile in his youth.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<l n="312">Nor need'st thou much importune me to that</l>
<l n="313">Whereon, this month I haue bin hamering.</l>
<l n="314">I haue consider'd well, his losse of time,</l>
<l n="315">And how he cannot be a perfect man,</l>
<l n="316">Not being tryed, and tutord in the world:</l>
<l n="317">Experience is by industry atchieu'd,</l>
<l n="318">And perfected by the swift course of time:</l>
<l n="319">Then tell me, whether were I best to send him?</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pan">
<speaker rend="italic">Pan.</speaker>
<l n="320">I thinke your Lordship is not ignorant</l>
<l n="321">How his companion, youthfull<hi rend="italic">Valentine</hi>,</l>
<l n="322">Attends the Emperour in his royall Court.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<p n="323">I know it well.</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pan">
<speaker rend="italic">Pan.</speaker>
<l n="324">'Twere good, I thinke, your Lordship sent him
<lb rend="turnover"/>
<pc rend="turnover">(</pc>thither,</l>
<l n="325">There shall he practise Tilts, and Turnaments;</l>
<l n="326">Heare sweet discourse, conuerse with Noble‑men,</l>
<l n="327">And be in eye of euery Exercise</l>
<l n="328">Worthy his youth, and noblenesse of birth.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<l n="329">I like thy counsaile: well hast thou aduis'd:</l>
<l n="330">And that thou maist perceiue how well I like it,</l>
<l n="331">The execution of it shall make knowne;</l>
<l n="332">Euen with the speediest expedition,</l>
<l n="333">I will dispatch him to the Emperors Court.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pan">
<speaker rend="italic">Pan.</speaker>
<l n="334">To morrow, may it please you,<hi rend="italic">Don Alphonso</hi>,</l>
<l n="335">With other Gentlemen of good esteeme</l>
<l n="336">Are iournying, to salute the<hi rend="italic">Emperor</hi>,</l>
<l n="337">And to commend their seruice to his will.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<p n="338">Good company: with them shall<hi rend="italic">Protheus</hi>go:
<lb n="339"/>And in good time: now will we breake with him.</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="340">Sweet Loue, sweet lines, sweet life,</l>
<l n="341">Here is her hand, the agent of her heart;</l>
<l n="342">Here is her oath for loue, her honors paune;</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0043-0.jpg" n="23"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="343">O that our Fathers would applaud our loues</l>
<l n="344">To seale our happinesse with their consents.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<p n="345">Oh heauenly<hi rend="italic">Iulia</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<p n="346">How now? What Letter are you reading there?</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="347">May't please your Lordship, 'tis a word or two</l>
<l n="348">Of commendations sent from<hi rend="italic">Valentine</hi>;</l>
<l n="349">Deliuer'd by a friend, that came from him.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<p n="350">Lend me the Letter: Let me see what newes.</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="351">There is no newes (my Lord) but that he writes</l>
<l n="352">How happily he liues, how wellbelou'd,</l>
<l n="353">And daily graced by the Emperor;</l>
<l n="354">Wishing me with him, partner of his fortune.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<p n="355">And how stand you affected to his wish?</p>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="356">As one relying on your Lordships will,</l>
<l n="357">And not depending on his friendly wish.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<l n="358">My will is something sorted with his wish:</l>
<l n="359">Muse not that I thus sodainly proceed;</l>
<l n="360">For what I will, I will, and there an end:</l>
<l n="361">I am resolu'd that thou shalt spend some time</l>
<l n="362">With<hi rend="italic">Valentinus</hi>, in the Emperors Court:</l>
<l n="363">What maintenance he from his friends receiues,</l>
<l n="364">Like exhibition thou shalt haue from me,</l>
<l n="365">To morrow be in readinesse, to goe,</l>
<l n="366">Excuse it not: for I am peremptory.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="367">My Lord I cannot be so soone prouided,</l>
<l n="368">Please you deliberate a day or two.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-ant">
<speaker rend="italic">Ant.</speaker>
<l n="369">Look what thou want'st shalbe sent after thee:</l>
<l n="370">No more of stay: to morrow thou must goe;</l>
<l n="371">Come on,<hi rend="italic">Panthmo</hi>; you shall be imployd,</l>
<l n="372">To hasten on his Expedition.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="373">Thus haue I shund the fire, for feare of burning,</l>
<l n="374">And drench'd me in the sea, where I am drown'd.</l>
<l n="375">I fear'd to show my Father<hi rend="italic">Iulias</hi>Letter,</l>
<l n="376">Least he should take exceptions to my loue,</l>
<l n="377">And with the vantage of mine owne excuse</l>
<l n="378">Hath he excepted most against my loue.</l>
<l n="379">Oh, how this spring of loue resembleth</l>
<l n="380">The vncertaine glory of an Aprill day,</l>
<l n="381">Which now shewes all the beauty of the Sun,</l>
<l n="382">And by and by a clowd takes all away.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pan">
<speaker rend="italic">Pan.</speaker>
<l n="383">Sir<hi rend="italic">Protheus</hi>, your Fathers call's for you;</l>
<l n="384">He is in hast, therefore I pray you go.</l>
<sp who="#F-tgv-pro">
<speaker rend="italic">Pro.</speaker>
<l n="385">Why this it is: my heart accords thereto,</l>
<l n="386">And yet a thousand times it answer's no.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">Finis.</stage>