The Tragedie of King Lear.Glou.'Tis the times plague,When Madmen leade the blinde:Do as I bid thee, or rather do thy pleasure:Aboue the rest, be gone.Oldm.
Ile bring him the best Parrell that I haueCome on't what will.ExitGlou.
Sirrah, naked fellow.
Poore Tom's a cold. I cannot daub it further.
Come hither fellow.
And yet I must:Blesse thy sweete eyes, they bleede.Glou.
Know'st thou the way to Douer?
Both style, and gate; Horseway, and foot‐path:
poore Tom hath bin scar'd out of his good wits.
thee good mans sonne, from the foule Fiend.
Glou.Here take this purse, y whom the heau'ns plaguesHaue humbled to all strokes: that I am wretchedMakes thee the happier: Heauens deale so still:Let the superfluous, and Lust‐dieted man,
That slaues your ordinance, that will not seeBecause he do's not feele, feele your powre quickly:So distribution should vndoo excesse,And each man haue enough. Dost thou know Douer?Edg.
I Master.
There is a Cliffe, whose high and bending headLookes fearfully in the confined Deepe:Bring me but to the very brimme of it,And Ile repayre the misery thou do'st beareWith something rich about me: from that place,
I shall no leading neede.Edg.Giue me thy arme;Poore Tom shall leade thee.Exeunt.
Scena Secunda.
[Act 4, Scene 2]
Enter Gonerill,
Bastard, and Steward.
Gon.Welcome my Lord. I meruell our mild husbandNot met vs on the way. Now, where's your Master?Stew.
Madam within, but neuer man so chang'd:I told him of the Army that was Landed:He smil'd at it. I told him you were comming,His answer was, the worse. Of Glosters Treachery,And of the loyall Seruice of his Sonne
When I inform'd him, then he call'd me Sot,And told me I had turn'd the wrong side out:What most he should dislike, seemes pleasant to him;What like, offensiue.Gon.Then shall you go no further.
It is the Cowish terror of his spiritThat dares not vndertake: Hee'l not feele wrongsWhich tye him to an answer: our wishes on the wayMay proue effects. Backe Edmond to my Brother,Hasten his Musters, and conduct his
I must change names at home, and giue the
Into my Husbands hands. This trustie SeruantShall passe betweene vs: ere long you are like to heare(If you dare venture in your owne behalfe)A Mistresses command. Weare this; spare speech,
Decline your head. This kisse, if it durst speakeWould stretch thy Spirits vp into the ayre:Conceiue, and fare thee well.Bast.
Oh, the difference of man, and man,To thee a Womans seruices are due,My Foole vsurpes my body.Stew.
Madam, here come's my Lord.
Enter Albany.Gon.
I haue beene worth the whistle.
Oh Gonerill,You are not worth the dust which the rude windeBlowes in your face.Gon.Milke‐Liuer'd man,That bear'st a cheeke for blowes, a head for
Who hast not in thy browes an eye‐discerningThine Honor, from thy sufferring.Alb.See thy selfe diuell:Proper deformitie seemes not in the FiendSo horrid as in woman.Gon.
Oh vaine Foole.
Enter a Messenger.Mes.Oh my good Lord, the Duke of
Slaine by his Seruant, going to put outThe other eye of Glouster.Alb.
Glousters eyes.
A Seruant that he bred, thrill'd with remorse,Oppos'd against the act: bending his
To his great Master, who, threat‐enrage'dFlew on him, and among'st them fell'd him
But not without that harmefull stroke, which since
Hath pluckt him after.Alb.This shewes you are aboueYou Iustices, that these our neather crimesSo speedily can venge. But (O poore Glouster)Lost he his other eye?Mes.
Both, both, my Lord.This Leter Madam, craues a speedy answer:'Tis from your Sister.Gon.One way I like this well.But being widdow, and my Glouster with her,
May all the building in my fancie pluckeVpon my hatefull life. Another wayThe Newes is not so tart. Ile read, and answer.Alb.Where was his Sonne,When they did take his eyes?Mes.
Come with my Lady hither.
He is not heere.
No my good Lord, I met him backe againe.
Knowes he the wickednesse?
Mes.I my good Lord: 'twas he inform'd against
And quit the house on purpose, that their punishmentMight haue the freer course.Alb.Glouster, I liueTo thanke thee for the loue thou shew'dst the
And to reuenge thine eyes. Come hither Friend,
Tell me what more thou know'st.Exeunt.
Scena Tertia.
[Act 4, Scene 3]
Act 4 Scene 3 in the quarto editions, often described as set in "The French camp near
Dover", and including a conversation between Kent and a Gentleman, does not appear
in the First Folio.
Enter with Drum and Colours, Cordelia, Gentlemen,
and Souldiours.
Cor.Alacke, 'tis he: why he was met euen nowAs mad as the vext Sea, singing alowd.Crown'd with ranke Fenitar, and furrow weeds,With Hardokes, Hemlocke, Nettles, Cuckoo flowres,Darnell
Scena Tertia.
[Act 4, Scene 3]
Act 4 Scene 3 in the quarto editions, often described as set in "The French camp near
Dover", and including a conversation between Kent and a Gentleman, does not appear
in the First Folio.
Enter with Drum and Colours, Cordelia, Gentlemen,
and Souldiours.
Cor.Alacke, 'tis he: why he was met euen nowAs mad as the vext Sea, singing alowd.Crown'd with ranke Fenitar, and furrow weeds,With Hardokes, Hemlocke, Nettles, Cuckoo flowres,
Darnell, and all the idle weedes that growIn our sustaining Corne. A Centery send forth;Search euery Acre in the high‐growne field,And bring him to our eye. What can mans wisedomeIn the restoring his bereaued Sense; he that helpes
Take all my outward worth.Gent.There is meanes Madam:Our foster Nurse of Nature, is repose,The which he lackes: that to prouoke in himAre many Simples operatiue, whose power
Will close the eye of Anguish.Cord.All blest Secrets,All you vnpublish'd Vertues of the earthSpring with my teares; be aydant, and remediateIn the Goodmans desires: seeke, seeke for him,
Least his vngouern'd rage, dissolue the lifeThat wants the meanes to leade it.Enter Messenger.Mes.Newes Madam,The Brittish Powres are marching hitherward.Cor.'Tis knowne before. Our preparation stands
In expectation of them. O deere Father,It is thy businesse that I go about: Therfore great FranceMy mourning, and importune'd teares hath pittied:No blowne Ambition doth our Armes incite,But loue, deere loue, and our ag'd Fathers Rite:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3">
<head rend="italic center">Scena Tertia.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 3]</head>
<note resp="#PW" type="textual">Act 4 Scene 3 in the quarto editions, often described as set in "The French camp near Dover", and including a conversation between Kent and a Gentleman, does not appear in the First Folio.</note>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter with Drum and Colours, Cordelia, Gentlemen,
<lb/>and Souldiours.</stage>
<sp who="#F-lr-cor">
<speaker rend="italic">Cor.</speaker>
<l n="2256">Alacke, 'tis he: why he was met euen now</l>
<l n="2257">As mad as the vext Sea, singing alowd.</l>
<l n="2258">Crown'd with ranke Fenitar, and furrow weeds,</l>
<l n="2259">With Hardokes, Hemlocke, Nettles, Cuckoo flowres,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0812-0.jpg" n="302"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="2260">Darnell, and all the idle weedes that grow</l>
<l n="2261">In our sustaining Corne. A Centery send forth;</l>
<l n="2262">Search euery Acre in the high‐growne field,</l>
<l n="2263">And bring him to our eye. What can mans wisedome</l>
<l n="2264">In the restoring his bereaued Sense; he that helpes him,</l>
<l n="2265">Take all my outward worth.</l>
<sp who="#F-lr-gen">
<speaker rend="italic">Gent.</speaker>
<l n="2266">There is meanes Madam:</l>
<l n="2267">Our foster Nurse of Nature, is repose,</l>
<l n="2268">The which he lackes: that to prouoke in him</l>
<l n="2269">Are many Simples operatiue, whose power</l>
<l n="2270">Will close the eye of Anguish.</l>
<sp who="#F-lr-cor">
<speaker rend="italic">Cord.</speaker>
<l n="2271">All blest Secrets,</l>
<l n="2272">All you vnpublish'd Vertues of the earth</l>
<l n="2273">Spring with my teares; be aydant, and remediate</l>
<l n="2274">In the Goodmans desires: seeke, seeke for him,</l>
<l n="2275">Least his vngouern'd rage, dissolue the life</l>
<l n="2276">That wants the meanes to leade it.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Messenger.</stage>
<sp who="#F-lr-mes">
<speaker rend="italic">Mes.</speaker>
<l n="2277">Newes Madam,</l>
<l n="2278">The Brittish Powres are marching hitherward.</l>
<sp who="#F-lr-cor">
<speaker rend="italic">Cor.</speaker>
<l n="2279">'Tis knowne before. Our preparation stands</l>
<l n="2280">In expectation of them. O deere Father,</l>
<l n="2281">It is thy businesse that I go about: Therfore great France</l>
<l n="2282">My mourning, and importune'd teares hath pittied:</l>
<l n="2283">No blowne Ambition doth our Armes incite,</l>
<l n="2284">But loue, deere loue, and our ag'd Fathers Rite:</l>
<l n="2285">Soone may I heare, and see him.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>