Well that Ends Well.
you written to beare
Fren. G.
We serue you Madam in that and all your
La.Not so, but as we change our courtesies,Will you draw neere?Exit.Hel.Till I haue no wife I haue nothing in
Nothing in France vntill he has no wife:Thou shalt haue none
Rossillion, none in France,
Then hast thou all againe: poore Lord, is't IThat chase thee from thy Countrie, and exposeThose tender limbes of thine, to the euent
Of the none‑sparing warre? And is it I,That driue thee from the sportiue Court, where thouWas't shot at with faire eyes, to be the markeOf smoakie Muskets? O you leaden messengers,That ride vpon the violent speede of fire,
Fly with false ayme, moue the still‑peering aireThat sings with piercing, do not touch my Lord:Who euer shoots at him, I set him there.Who euer charges on his forward brestI am the Caitiffe that do hold him too't,
And though I kill him not, I am the causeHis death was so effected: Better 'twereI met the rauine Lyon when he roar'dWith sharpe constraint of hunger: better 'twere,That all the miseries which nature owes
Were mine at once. No come thou home
Whence honor but of danger winnes a scarre,As oft it looses all. I will be gone:My being heere it is, that holds thee hence,Shall I stay heere to doo't? No, no, although
The ayre of Paradise did fan the house,And Angels offic'd all: I will be gone,That pittifull rumour may report my flightTo consolate thine eare. Come night, end day,For with the darke (poore theefe) Ile steale away.Exit.
[Act 3, Scene 3]
Flourish. Enter the Duke of
Florence, Rossillion,
drum and trumpets, soldiers,
The Generall of our horse thou art, and weGreat in our hope, lay our best loue and credenceVpon thy promising fortune.Ber.Sir it isA charge too heauy for my strength, but yet
Wee'l striue to beare it for your worthy sake,To th'extreme edge of hazard.Duke.Then go thou forth,And fortune play vpon thy prosperous helmeAs thy auspicious mistris.Ber.
This very dayGreat Mars I put my selfe into thy file,Make me but like my thoughts, and I shall proueA louer of thy drumme, hater of loue.Exeunt omnes
[Act 3, Scene 4]
Enter Countesse &
La.Alas! and would you take the letter of her:
Might you not know she would do, as she has done,By sending me a Letter. Reade it agen.
I am S. Iaques Pilgrim, thither gone:Ambitious loue hath so in me offended,
That bare‑foot plod I the cold ground vponWith sainted vow my faults to haue amended
Write, write, that from the bloodie course of
My deerest Master your deare sonne, may
Blesse him at home in peace. Whilst I from
His name with zealous feruour
His taken labours bid him me forgiue:I his despightfull Iuno sent him forth,From Courtly friends, with Camping foes to liue,Where death and danger dogges the heeles of worth.
He is too good and faire for death, and mee,Whom I my selfe embrace, to set him free.Ah what sharpe stings are in her mildest words?Rynaldo, you did neuer lacke aduice so
As letting her passe so: had I spoke with her,
I could haue well diuerted her intents,Which thus she hath preuented.Ste.Pardon me Madam,If I had giuen you this at ouer‑night,She might haue beene ore‑tane: and yet she writes
Pursuite would be but vaine.La.What Angell shallBlesse this vnworthy husband, he cannot thriue,Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heareAnd loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrath
Of greatest Iustice. Write, write
To this vnworthy husband of his wife,Let euerie word waigh heauie of her worth,That he does waigh too light: my greatest greefe,Though little he do feele it, set downe sharpely.
Dispatch the most conuenient messenger,When haply he shall heare that she is gone,He will returne, and hope I may that sheeHearing so much, will speede her foote againe,Led hither by pure loue: which of them both
Is deerest to me, I haue no skill in senceTo make distinction: prouide this Messenger:My heart is heauie, and mine age is weake,Greefe would haue teares, and sorrow bids me speake.Exeunt
[Act 3, Scene 5]
A Tucket afarre off.Enter old Widdow of
Florence, her daughter, Violenta
and Mariana, with other
Widdow.Nay come,
For if they do approach the Citty,We shall loose all the sight.Diana.They say, the French Count has doneMost honourable seruice.Wid.It is reported,
That he has taken their great'st Commander,And that with his owne hand he slewThe Dukes brother: we haue lost our labour,They are gone a contrarie way: harke,you may know by their Trumpets.Maria.
Come lets returne againe,And suffice our selues with the report of it.Well
Diana, take heed of this French
The honor of a Maide is her name,And no Legacie is so rich
As honestie.Widdow.I haue told my neighbourHow you haue beene solicited by a GentlemanHis Companion.Maria
[Act 3, Scene 4]
Enter Countesse &
La.Alas! and would you take the letter of her:
Might you not know she would do, as she has done,By sending me a Letter. Reade it agen.
I am S. Iaques Pilgrim, thither gone:Ambitious loue hath so in me offended,
That bare‑foot plod I the cold ground vponWith sainted vow my faults to haue amendedWrite, write, that from the bloodie course of
My deerest Master your deare sonne, may
Blesse him at home in peace. Whilst I from
His name with zealous feruour
His taken labours bid him me forgiue:I his despightfull Iuno sent him forth,From Courtly friends, with Camping foes to liue,Where death and danger dogges the heeles of worth.
He is too good and faire for death, and mee,Whom I my selfe embrace, to set him free.Ah what sharpe stings are in her mildest words?Rynaldo, you did neuer lacke aduice so
As letting her passe so: had I spoke with her,
I could haue well diuerted her intents,Which thus she hath preuented.Ste.Pardon me Madam,If I had giuen you this at ouer‑night,She might haue beene ore‑tane: and yet she writes
Pursuite would be but vaine.La.What Angell shallBlesse this vnworthy husband, he cannot thriue,Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heareAnd loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrath
Of greatest Iustice. Write, write
To this vnworthy husband of his wife,Let euerie word waigh heauie of her worth,That he does waigh too light: my greatest greefe,Though little he do feele it, set downe sharpely.
Dispatch the most conuenient messenger,When haply he shall heare that she is gone,He will returne, and hope I may that sheeHearing so much, will speede her foote againe,Led hither by pure loue: which of them both
Is deerest to me, I haue no skill in senceTo make distinction: prouide this Messenger:My heart is heauie, and mine age is weake,Greefe would haue teares, and sorrow bids me speake.Exeunt
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="4" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 4]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Countesse & Steward.</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="1504">Alas! and would you take the letter of her:</l>
<l n="1505">Might you not know she would do, as she has done,</l>
<l n="1506">By sending me a Letter. Reade it agen.</l>
<p rend="italic center" n="1507">Letter.</p>
<l rend="italic" n="1508">I am S. Iaques Pilgrim, thither gone:</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1509">Ambitious loue hath so in me offended,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1510">That bare‑foot plod I the cold ground vpon</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1511">With sainted vow my faults to haue amended</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l rend="italic" n="1512">Write, write, that from the bloodie course of warre,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1513">My deerest Master your deare sonne, may hie,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1514">Blesse him at home in peace. Whilst I from farre,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1515">His name with zealous feruour sanctifie:</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1516">His taken labours bid him me forgiue:</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1517">I his despightfull Iuno sent him forth,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1518">From Courtly friends, with Camping foes to liue,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1519">Where death and danger dogges the heeles of worth.</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1520">He is too good and faire for death, and mee,</l>
<l rend="italic" n="1521">Whom I my selfe embrace, to set him free.</l>
<l n="1522">Ah what sharpe stings are in her mildest words?</l>
<l n="1523">
<hi rend="italic">Rynaldo</hi>, you did neuer lacke aduice so much,</l>
<l n="1524">As letting her passe so: had I spoke with her,</l>
<l n="1525">I could haue well diuerted her intents,</l>
<l n="1526">Which thus she hath preuented.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-ste">
<speaker rend="italic">Ste.</speaker>
<l n="1527">Pardon me Madam,</l>
<l n="1528">If I had giuen you this at ouer‑night,</l>
<l n="1529">She might haue beene ore‑tane: and yet she writes</l>
<l n="1530">Pursuite would be but vaine.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="1531">What Angell shall</l>
<l n="1532">Blesse this vnworthy husband, he cannot thriue,</l>
<l n="1533">Vnlesse her prayers, whom heauen delights to heare</l>
<l n="1534">And loues to grant, repreeue him from the wrath</l>
<l n="1535">Of greatest Iustice. Write, write<hi rend="italic">Rynaldo</hi>,</l>
<l n="1536">To this vnworthy husband of his wife,</l>
<l n="1537">Let euerie word waigh heauie of her worth,</l>
<l n="1538">That he does waigh too light: my greatest greefe,</l>
<l n="1539">Though little he do feele it, set downe sharpely.</l>
<l n="1540">Dispatch the most conuenient messenger,</l>
<l n="1541">When haply he shall heare that she is gone,</l>
<l n="1542">He will returne, and hope I may that shee</l>
<l n="1543">Hearing so much, will speede her foote againe,</l>
<l n="1544">Led hither by pure loue: which of them both</l>
<l n="1545">Is deerest to me, I haue no skill in sence</l>
<l n="1546">To make distinction: prouide this Messenger:</l>
<l n="1547">My heart is heauie, and mine age is weake,</l>
<l n="1548">Greefe would haue teares, and sorrow bids me speake.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt</stage>