The first Part of Henry the Sixt.King.And those occasions, Vnckle, were of force:Therefore my louing Lords, our pleasure is,That
Richard be restored to his Blood.
Richard be restored to his Blood,
So shall his Fathers wrongs be recompenc't.Winch.As will the rest, so willeth
Richard will be true, not that all alone,
But all the whole Inheritance I giue,That doth belong vnto the House of
From whence you spring, by Lineall Descent.Rich.Thy humble seruant vowes obedience,And humble seruice, till the point of death.King.Stoope then, and set your Knee against my Foot,And in reguerdon of that dutie done,
I gyrt thee with the valiant Sword of
Richard, like a true
And rise created Princely Duke of
Rich.And so thriue
Richard, as thy foes may fall,
And as my dutie springs, so perish they,
That grudge one thought against your Maiesty.All.Welcome high Prince, the mighty Duke of
Som.Perish base Prince, ignoble Duke of
Glost.Now will it best auaile your Maiestie,To crosse the Seas, and to be Crown'd in France:
The presence of a King engenders loueAmongst his Subiects, and his loyall Friends,As it dis‑animates his Enemies.King.When
Gloster sayes the word, King
Henry goes,
For friendly counsaile cuts off many Foes.Glost.
Your Ships alreadie are in readinesse.Senet. Flourish. Exeunt.Manet Exeter.Exet.I, we may march in England, or in France,Not seeing what is likely to ensue:This late dissention growne betwixt the Peeres,Burnes vnder fained ashes of forg'd loue,
And will at last breake out into a flame,As festred members rot but by degree,Till bones and flesh and sinewes fall away,So will this base and enuious discord breed.And now I feare that fatall Prophecie,
Which in the, time of
Henry, nam'd the Fift,
Was in the mouth of euery sucking Babe,That
Henry borne at Monmouth should winne all,
Henry borne at Windsor, loose all:
Which is so plaine, that
Exeter doth wish,
His dayes may finish, ere that haplesse time.Exit.
[Act 3, Scene 2]
Scœna Secunda.
Enter Pucell disguis'd, with foure Souldiors with
Sacks vpon their backs.
Pucell.These are the Citie Gates, the Gates of Roan,Through which our Pollicy must make a breach.Take heed, be wary how you place your words,Talke like the vulgar sort of Market men,
That come to gather Money for their Corne.If we haue entrance, as I hope we shall,And that we finde the slouthfull Watch but weake,Ile by a signe giue notice to our friends,That
Charles the Dolphin may encounter them.
Our Sacks shall be a meane to sack the City.And we be Lords and Rulers ouer Roan,Therefore wee'le knock.Knock.Watch.Che la.Pucell.Peasauns la pouure gens de Fraunce,
Poore Market folkes that come to sell their Corne.Watch.Enter, goe in, the Market Bell is rung.Pucell.Now Roan, Ile shake thy Bulwarkes to the
Exeunt.Enter Charles, Bastard, Alanson.Charles.Saint
Dennis blesse this happy Stratageme,
And once againe wee'le sleepe secure in Roan.Bastard.
Here entred
Pucell, and her Practisants:
Now she is there, how will she specifie?Here is the best and safest passage in.Reig.By thrusting out a Torch from yonder Tower,Which once discern'd, shewes that her meaning is,
No way to that (for weaknesse) which she entred.Enter Pucell on the top, thrusting out a
Torch burning.
Pucell.Behold, this is the happy Wedding Torch,That ioyneth Roan vnto her Countreymen,But burning fatall to the
Bastard.See Noble
Charles the Beacon of our friend,
The burning Torch in yonder Turret stands.Charles.Now shine it like a Commet of Reuenge,A Prophet to the fall of all our Foes.Reig.Deferre no time, delayes haue dangerous ends,Enter and cry, the Dolphin, presently,
And then doe execution on the Watch.Alarum.An Alarum. Talbot in an Excursion.Talb.France, thou shalt rue this Treason with thy teares,If
Talbot but suruiue thy Trecherie.
Pucell that Witch, that damned Sorceresse,
Hath wrought this Hellish Mischiefe vnawares,
That hardly we escap't the Pride of France.Exit.An Alarum: Excursions. Bedford brought
in sicke in a Chayre.
Enter Talbot and Burgonie without: within, Pucell,
Charles, Bastard, and Reigneir on the Walls.
Pucell.God morrow Gallants, want ye Corn for Bread?I thinke the Duke of Burgonie will fast,Before hee'le buy againe at such a rate.'Twas full of Darnell: doe you like the taste?Burg.
Scoffe on vile Fiend, and shamelesse Curtizan,I trust ere long to choake thee with thine owne,And make thee curse the Haruest of that Corne.Charles.Your Grace may starue (perhaps) before that
Oh let no words, but deedes, reuenge this Trea
Pucell.What will you doe, good gray‑beard?Breake a Launce, and runne a‑Tilt at Death,Within a Chayre.Talb.Foule fiend of France, and Hag of all despight,
Incompass'd with thy lustfull paramours,Becomes it thee to taunt his valiant Age,And twit with Cowardise a man halfe dead?Damsell, Ile haue a bowt with you againe,Or else let
Talbot perish with this shame.
Are ye so hot, Sir: yet
Pucell hold thy peace,
Talbot doe but Thunder, Raine will follow.
They whisper together in counsell.God speed the Parliament: who shall be the Speaker?l2Talb. Dare
[Act 3, Scene 2]
Scœna Secunda.
Enter Pucell disguis'd, with foure Souldiors with
Sacks vpon their backs.
Pucell.These are the Citie Gates, the Gates of Roan,Through which our Pollicy must make a breach.Take heed, be wary how you place your words,Talke like the vulgar sort of Market men,
That come to gather Money for their Corne.If we haue entrance, as I hope we shall,And that we finde the slouthfull Watch but weake,Ile by a signe giue notice to our friends,That
Charles the Dolphin may encounter them.
Our Sacks shall be a meane to sack the City.And we be Lords and Rulers ouer Roan,Therefore wee'le knock.Knock.Watch.Che la.Pucell.Peasauns la pouure gens de Fraunce,
Poore Market folkes that come to sell their Corne.Watch.Enter, goe in, the Market Bell is rung.Pucell.Now Roan, Ile shake thy Bulwarkes to the
Exeunt.Enter Charles, Bastard, Alanson.Charles.Saint
Dennis blesse this happy Stratageme,
And once againe wee'le sleepe secure in Roan.Bastard.
Here entred
Pucell, and her Practisants:
Now she is there, how will she specifie?Here is the best and safest passage in.Reig.By thrusting out a Torch from yonder Tower,Which once discern'd, shewes that her meaning is,
No way to that (for weaknesse) which she entred.Enter Pucell on the top, thrusting out a
Torch burning.
Pucell.Behold, this is the happy Wedding Torch,That ioyneth Roan vnto her Countreymen,But burning fatall to the
Bastard.See Noble
Charles the Beacon of our friend,
The burning Torch in yonder Turret stands.Charles.Now shine it like a Commet of Reuenge,A Prophet to the fall of all our Foes.Reig.Deferre no time, delayes haue dangerous ends,Enter and cry, the Dolphin, presently,
And then doe execution on the Watch.Alarum.An Alarum. Talbot in an Excursion.Talb.France, thou shalt rue this Treason with thy teares,If
Talbot but suruiue thy Trecherie.
Pucell that Witch, that damned Sorceresse,
Hath wrought this Hellish Mischiefe vnawares,
That hardly we escap't the Pride of France.Exit.An Alarum: Excursions. Bedford brought
in sicke in a Chayre.
Enter Talbot and Burgonie without: within, Pucell,
Charles, Bastard, and Reigneir on the Walls.
Pucell.God morrow Gallants, want ye Corn for Bread?I thinke the Duke of Burgonie will fast,Before hee'le buy againe at such a rate.'Twas full of Darnell: doe you like the taste?Burg.
Scoffe on vile Fiend, and shamelesse Curtizan,I trust ere long to choake thee with thine owne,And make thee curse the Haruest of that Corne.Charles.Your Grace may starue (perhaps) before that
Oh let no words, but deedes, reuenge this Trea
Pucell.What will you doe, good gray‑beard?Breake a Launce, and runne a‑Tilt at Death,Within a Chayre.Talb.Foule fiend of France, and Hag of all despight,
Incompass'd with thy lustfull paramours,Becomes it thee to taunt his valiant Age,And twit with Cowardise a man halfe dead?Damsell, Ile haue a bowt with you againe,Or else let
Talbot perish with this shame.
Are ye so hot, Sir: yet
Pucell hold thy peace,
Talbot doe but Thunder, Raine will follow.
They whisper together in counsell.God speed the Parliament: who shall be the Speaker?Talb.Dare yee come forth, and meet vs in the field?Pucell.Belike your Lordship takes vs then for fooles,
To try if that our owne be ours, or no.Talb.I speake not to that rayling
But vnto thee
Alanson, and the rest.
Will ye, like Souldiors, come and fight it out?Alans.Seignior no.Talb.
Seignior hang: base Muleters of France,Like Pesant foot‑Boyes doe they keepe the Walls,And dare not take vp Armes, like Gentlemen.Pucell.Away Captaines, let's get vs from the Walls,For
Talbot meanes no goodnesse by his Lookes.
God b'uy my Lord, we came but to tell youThat wee are here.Exeunt from the Walls.Talb.And there will we be too, ere it be long,Or else reproach be
Talbots greatest fame.
Burgonie, by honor of thy House,
Prickt on by publike Wrongs sustain'd in France,Either to get the Towne againe, or dye.And I, as sure as English
Henry liues,
And as his Father here was Conqueror;As sure as in this late betrayed Towne,
Cordelions Heart was buryed;
So sure I sweare, to get the Towne, or dye.Burg.My Vowes are equall partners with thy
Talb.But ere we goe, regard this dying Prince,The valiant Duke of Bedford: Come my Lord,
We will bestow you in some better place,Fitter for sicknesse, and for crasie age.Bedf.Lord
Talbot, doe not so dishonour me:
Here will I sit, before the Walls of Roan,And will be partner of your weale or woe.Burg.
Bedford, let vs now perswade you.
Bedf.Not to be gone from hence: for once I read,That stout
Pendragon, in his Litter sick,
Came to the field, and vanquished his foes.Me thinkes I should reuiue the Souldiors hearts,
Because I euer found them as my selfe.Talb.Vndaunted spirit in a dying breast,Then be it so: Heauens keepe old
Bedford safe.
And now no more adoe, braue
But gather we our Forces out of hand,
And set vpon our boasting Enemie.Exit.An Alarum: Excursions. Enter Sir Iohn
Falstaffe, and a Captaine.
Capt.Whither away Sir
Iohn Falstaffe, in such haste?
Falst.Whither away? to saue my selfe by flight,We are like to haue the ouerthrow againe.Capt.What? will you flye, and leaue Lord
I, all the
Talbots in the World, to saue my life.
Exit.Capt.Cowardly Knight, ill fortune follow thee.Exit.Retreat. Excursions. Pucell, Alanson, and
Charles flye.
Bedf.Now quiet Soule, depart when Heauen please,For I haue seene our Enemies ouerthrow.What is the trust or strength of foolish man?
They that of late were daring with their scoffes,Are glad and faine by flight to saue themselues.Bedford dyes, and is carryed in by two in his Chaire.An Alarum. Enter Talbot, Burgonie, and
the rest.
Talb.Lost, and recouered in a day againe,This is a double Honor,
Burgonie:Yet Heauens haue glory for this Victorie.Burg.
Warlike and Martiall
Talbot, BurgonieInshrines thee in his heart, and there erectsThy noble Deeds, as Valors Monuments.Talb.Thanks gentle Duke: but where is
Pucel now?
I thinke her old Familiar is asleepe.
Now where's the Bastards braues, and
Charles his glikes?
What all amort? Roan hangs her head for griefe,That such a valiant Company are fled.Now will we take some order in the Towne,Placing therein some expert Officers,
And then depart to Paris, to the King,For there young
Henry with his Nobles lye.
Burg.What wills Lord
Talbot, pleaseth
Talb.But yet before we goe, let's not forgetThe Noble Duke of Bedford, late deceas'd,
But see his Exequies fulfill'd in Roan.A brauer Souldier neuer couched Launce,A gentler Heart did neuer sway in Court.But Kings and mightiest Potentates must die,For that's the end of humane miserie.Exeunt.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2">
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 2]</head>
<head rend="italic center">Scœna Secunda.</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Pucell disguis'd, with foure Souldiors with
<lb/>Sacks vpon their backs.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1301">These are the Citie Gates, the Gates of Roan,</l>
<l n="1302">Through which our Pollicy must make a breach.</l>
<l n="1303">Take heed, be wary how you place your words,</l>
<l n="1304">Talke like the vulgar sort of Market men,</l>
<l n="1305">That come to gather Money for their Corne.</l>
<l n="1306">If we haue entrance, as I hope we shall,</l>
<l n="1307">And that we finde the slouthfull Watch but weake,</l>
<l n="1308">Ile by a signe giue notice to our friends,</l>
<l n="1309">That<hi rend="italic">Charles</hi>the Dolphin may encounter them.</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-1h6-sol">
<speaker rend="italic">Souldier.</speaker>
<l n="1310">Our Sacks shall be a meane to sack the City.</l>
<l n="1311">And we be Lords and Rulers ouer Roan,</l>
<l n="1312">Therefore wee'le knock.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">Knock.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-wat">
<speaker rend="italic">Watch.</speaker>
<l rend="italic" n="1313">Che la.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l rend="italic" n="1314">Peasauns la pouure gens de Fraunce,</l>
<l n="1315">Poore Market folkes that come to sell their Corne.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-wat">
<speaker rend="italic">Watch.</speaker>
<l n="1316">Enter, goe in, the Market Bell is rung.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1317">Now Roan, Ile shake thy Bulwarkes to the
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Charles, Bastard, Alanson.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cha">
<speaker rend="italic">Charles.</speaker>
<l n="1318">Saint<hi rend="italic">Dennis</hi>blesse this happy Stratageme,</l>
<l n="1319">And once againe wee'le sleepe secure in Roan.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-orl">
<speaker rend="italic">Bastard.</speaker>
<l n="1320">Here entred<hi rend="italic">Pucell</hi>, and her Practisants:</l>
<l n="1321">Now she is there, how will she specifie?</l>
<l n="1322">Here is the best and safest passage in.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rei">
<speaker rend="italic">Reig.</speaker>
<l n="1323">By thrusting out a Torch from yonder Tower,</l>
<l n="1324">Which once discern'd, shewes that her meaning is,</l>
<l n="1325">No way to that (for weaknesse) which she entred.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Pucell on the top, thrusting out a
<lb/>Torch burning.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1326">Behold, this is the happy Wedding Torch,</l>
<l n="1327">That ioyneth Roan vnto her Countreymen,</l>
<l n="1328">But burning fatall to the<hi rend="italic">Talbonites</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-orl">
<speaker rend="italic">Bastard.</speaker>
<l n="1329">See Noble<hi rend="italic">Charles</hi>the Beacon of our friend,</l>
<l n="1330">The burning Torch in yonder Turret stands.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cha">
<speaker rend="italic">Charles.</speaker>
<l n="1331">Now shine it like a Commet of Reuenge,</l>
<l n="1332">A Prophet to the fall of all our Foes.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rei">
<speaker rend="italic">Reig.</speaker>
<l n="1333">Deferre no time, delayes haue dangerous ends,</l>
<l n="1334">Enter and cry, the Dolphin, presently,</l>
<l n="1335">And then doe execution on the Watch.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">Alarum.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">An Alarum. Talbot in an Excursion.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1336">France, thou shalt rue this Treason with thy teares,</l>
<l n="1337">If<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>but suruiue thy Trecherie.</l>
<l n="1338">
<hi rend="italic">Pucell</hi>that Witch, that damned Sorceresse,</l>
<l n="1339">Hath wrought this Hellish Mischiefe vnawares,</l>
<l n="1340">That hardly we escap't the Pride of France.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">An Alarum: Excursions. Bedford brought
<lb/>in sicke in a Chayre.</stage>
<stage rend="center" type="entrance">Enter Talbot and Burgonie without: within, Pucell,
<lb/>Charles, Bastard, and Reigneir on the Walls.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1341">God morrow Gallants, want ye Corn for Bread?</l>
<l n="1342">I thinke the Duke of Burgonie will fast,</l>
<l n="1343">Before hee'le buy againe at such a rate.</l>
<l n="1344">'Twas full of Darnell: doe you like the taste?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bur">
<speaker rend="italic">Burg.</speaker>
<l n="1345">Scoffe on vile Fiend, and shamelesse Curtizan,</l>
<l n="1346">I trust ere long to choake thee with thine owne,</l>
<l n="1347">And make thee curse the Haruest of that Corne.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cha">
<speaker rend="italic">Charles.</speaker>
<l n="1348">Your Grace may starue (perhaps) before that
<sp who="#F-1h6-bed">
<speaker rend="italic">Bedf.</speaker>
<p n="1349">Oh let no words, but deedes, reuenge this Trea
<lb n="1350"/>son.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1351">What will you doe, good gray‑beard?</l>
<l n="1352">Breake a Launce, and runne a‑Tilt at Death,</l>
<l n="1353">Within a Chayre.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1354">Foule fiend of France, and Hag of all despight,</l>
<l n="1355">Incompass'd with thy lustfull paramours,</l>
<l n="1356">Becomes it thee to taunt his valiant Age,</l>
<l n="1357">And twit with Cowardise a man halfe dead?</l>
<l n="1358">Damsell, Ile haue a bowt with you againe,</l>
<l n="1359">Or else let<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>perish with this shame.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1360">Are ye so hot, Sir: yet<hi rend="italic">Pucell</hi>hold thy peace,</l>
<l n="1361">If<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>doe but Thunder, Raine will follow.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">They whisper together in counsell.</stage>
<l n="1362">God speed the Parliament: who shall be the Speaker?</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0464-0.jpg" n="108"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1363">Dare yee come forth, and meet vs in the field?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1364">Belike your Lordship takes vs then for fooles,</l>
<l n="1365">To try if that our owne be ours, or no.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1366">I speake not to that rayling<hi rend="italic">Hecate</hi>,</l>
<l n="1367">But vnto thee<hi rend="italic">Alanson</hi>, and the rest.</l>
<l n="1368">Will ye, like Souldiors, come and fight it out?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-ale">
<speaker rend="italic">Alans.</speaker>
<l n="1369">Seignior no.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1370">Seignior hang: base Muleters of France,</l>
<l n="1371">Like Pesant foot‑Boyes doe they keepe the Walls,</l>
<l n="1372">And dare not take vp Armes, like Gentlemen.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-jlp">
<speaker rend="italic">Pucell.</speaker>
<l n="1373">Away Captaines, let's get vs from the Walls,</l>
<l n="1374">For<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>meanes no goodnesse by his Lookes.</l>
<l n="1375">God b'uy my Lord, we came but to tell you</l>
<l n="1376">That wee are here.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt from the Walls.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1377">And there will we be too, ere it be long,</l>
<l n="1378">Or else reproach be<hi rend="italic">Talbots</hi>greatest fame.</l>
<l n="1379">Vow<hi rend="italic">Burgonie</hi>, by honor of thy House,</l>
<l n="1380">Prickt on by publike Wrongs sustain'd in France,</l>
<l n="1381">Either to get the Towne againe, or dye.</l>
<l n="1382">And I, as sure as English<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>liues,</l>
<l n="1383">And as his Father here was Conqueror;</l>
<l n="1384">As sure as in this late betrayed Towne,</l>
<l n="1385">Great<hi rend="italic">Cordelions</hi>Heart was buryed;</l>
<l n="1386">So sure I sweare, to get the Towne, or dye.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bur">
<speaker rend="italic">Burg.</speaker>
<l n="1387">My Vowes are equall partners with thy
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1388">But ere we goe, regard this dying Prince,</l>
<l n="1389">The valiant Duke of Bedford: Come my Lord,</l>
<l n="1390">We will bestow you in some better place,</l>
<l n="1391">Fitter for sicknesse, and for crasie age.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bed">
<speaker rend="italic">Bedf.</speaker>
<l n="1392">Lord<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>, doe not so dishonour me:</l>
<l n="1393">Here will I sit, before the Walls of Roan,</l>
<l n="1394">And will be partner of your weale or woe.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bur">
<speaker rend="italic">Burg.</speaker>
<l n="1395">Couragious<hi rend="italic">Bedford</hi>, let vs now perswade you.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bed">
<speaker rend="italic">Bedf.</speaker>
<l n="1396">Not to be gone from hence: for once I read,</l>
<l n="1397">That stout<hi rend="italic">Pendragon</hi>, in his Litter sick,</l>
<l n="1398">Came to the field, and vanquished his foes.</l>
<l n="1399">Me thinkes I should reuiue the Souldiors hearts,</l>
<l n="1400">Because I euer found them as my selfe.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1401">Vndaunted spirit in a dying breast,</l>
<l n="1402">Then be it so: Heauens keepe old<hi rend="italic">Bedford</hi>safe.</l>
<l n="1403">And now no more adoe, braue<hi rend="italic">Burgonie</hi>,</l>
<l n="1404">But gather we our Forces out of hand,</l>
<l n="1405">And set vpon our boasting Enemie.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">An Alarum: Excursions. Enter Sir Iohn
<lb/>Falstaffe, and a Captaine.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cap">
<speaker rend="italic">Capt.</speaker>
<l n="1406">Whither away Sir<hi rend="italic">Iohn Falstaffe</hi>, in such haste?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-fas">
<speaker rend="italic">Falst.</speaker>
<l n="1407">Whither away? to saue my selfe by flight,</l>
<l n="1408">We are like to haue the ouerthrow againe.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cap">
<speaker rend="italic">Capt.</speaker>
<l n="1409">What? will you flye, and leaue Lord<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-fas">
<speaker rend="italic">Falst.</speaker>
<l n="1410">I, all the<hi rend="italic">Talbots</hi>in the World, to saue my life.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-cap">
<speaker rend="italic">Capt.</speaker>
<l n="1411">Cowardly Knight, ill fortune follow thee.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Retreat. Excursions. Pucell, Alanson, and
<lb/>Charles flye.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bed">
<speaker rend="italic">Bedf.</speaker>
<l n="1412">Now quiet Soule, depart when Heauen please,</l>
<l n="1413">For I haue seene our Enemies ouerthrow.</l>
<l n="1414">What is the trust or strength of foolish man?</l>
<l n="1415">They that of late were daring with their scoffes,</l>
<l n="1416">Are glad and faine by flight to saue themselues.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Bedford dyes, and is carryed in by two in his Chaire.</stage>
<cb n="2"/>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">An Alarum. Enter Talbot, Burgonie, and
<lb/>the rest.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1417">Lost, and recouered in a day againe,</l>
<l n="1418">This is a double Honor,<hi rend="italic">Burgonie:</hi>
<l n="1419">Yet Heauens haue glory for this Victorie.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bur">
<speaker rend="italic">Burg.</speaker>
<l n="1420">Warlike and Martiall<hi rend="italic">Talbot, Burgonie</hi>
<l n="1421">Inshrines thee in his heart, and there erects</l>
<l n="1422">Thy noble Deeds, as Valors Monuments.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1423">Thanks gentle Duke: but where is<hi rend="italic">Pucel</hi>now?</l>
<l n="1424">I thinke her old Familiar is asleepe.</l>
<l n="1425">Now where's the Bastards braues, and<hi rend="italic">Charles</hi>his glikes?</l>
<l n="1426">What all amort? Roan hangs her head for griefe,</l>
<l n="1427">That such a valiant Company are fled.</l>
<l n="1428">Now will we take some order in the Towne,</l>
<l n="1429">Placing therein some expert Officers,</l>
<l n="1430">And then depart to Paris, to the King,</l>
<l n="1431">For there young<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>with his Nobles lye.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-bur">
<speaker rend="italic">Burg.</speaker>
<l n="1432">What wills Lord<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>, pleaseth<hi rend="italic">Burgonie</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-tal">
<speaker rend="italic">Talb.</speaker>
<l n="1433">But yet before we goe, let's not forget</l>
<l n="1434">The Noble Duke of Bedford, late deceas'd,</l>
<l n="1435">But see his Exequies fulfill'd in Roan.</l>
<l n="1436">A brauer Souldier neuer couched Launce,</l>
<l n="1437">A gentler Heart did neuer sway in Court.</l>
<l n="1438">But Kings and mightiest Potentates must die,</l>
<l n="1439">For that's the end of humane miserie.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>