The fundamentall reasons of this warre,Whose great decision hath much blood let forthAnd more thirsts after.1. Lord.Holy seemes the quarrellVpon your Graces part: blacke and fearefull
On the opposer.Duke.Therefore we meruaile much our Cosin FranceWould in so iust a businesse, shut his bosomeAgainst our borrowing prayers.French E.Good my Lord,
The reasons of our state I cannot yeelde,But like a common and an outward man,That the great figure of a Counsaile frames,By selfe vnable motion, therefore dare notSay what I thinke of it, since I haue found
My selfe in my incertaine grounds to faileAs often as I guest.Duke.
Be it his pleasure.
Fren. G.But I am sure the yonger of our nature,That surfet on their ease, will day by day
Come heere for Physicke.Duke.Welcome shall they bee:And all the honors that can flye from vs,Shall on them settle: you know your places well,When better fall, for your auailes they fell,
To morrow to'th the field.Flourish.
[Act 3, Scene 2]
Enter Countesse and
It hath happen'd all, as I would haue had it, saue
that he comes not along with her.
By my troth I take my young Lord to be a ve
melancholly man.
By what obseruance I pray you.
Why he will looke vppon his boote, and sing:
mend the
Ruffe and sing, aske questions and sing, picke
his teeth, and sing: I know a man that had this tricke of
melancholy hold a goodly Mannor for a song.
Let me see what he writes, and when he meanes
to come.
I haue no minde to
Isbell since I was at
Our old Lings, and our
Isbels a'th Country, are nothing
like your
old Ling and your
Isbels a'th
Court: the brains
of my Cupid's knock'd out,
and I beginne to loue, as an
old man loues money, with no
What haue we heere?
In that you haue there.
A Letter.
I haue sent you a daughter‑in‑Law, shee hath recouered
King, and vndone me: I haue wedded her, not bedded her,
and sworne to make the not eternall. You shall heare I am
runne away, know it before the report come. If there bee
bredth enough in the world, I will hold a long distance.
My duty to you.
Your vnfortunate sonne,
This is not well rash and vnbridled boy,To flye the fauours of so good a King,
To plucke his indignation on thy head,By the misprising of a Maide too virtuousFor the contempt of Empire.Enter Clowne.Clow.
O Madam, yonder is heauie newes within be
tweene two
souldiers, and my yong Ladie.
What is the matter.
Nay there is some comfort in the newes, some
comfort, your
sonne will not be kild so soone as I thoght
does, the
danger is in standing too't, that's the
losse of
men, though it be the getting of children. Heere
come will tell you more. For my part I onely heare
sonne was run away.
Enter Hellen and two
French E.
Saue you good Madam.
Madam, my Lord is gone, for euer gone.
French G.
Do not say so.
La.Thinke vpon patience, pray you Gentlemen,I haue felt so many quirkes of ioy and greefe,
That the first face of neither on the startCan woman me vntoo't. Where is my sonne I pray you?Fren.G.Madam he's gone to serue the Duke of Flo
We met him thitherward, for thence we came:And after some dispatch in hand at Court,
Thither we bend againe.Hel.
Looke on his Letter Madam, here's my Pasport.
When thou canst get the Ring vpon my
finger, which neuer
shall come off, and shew mee a
childe begotten of thy bodie,
that I am father too, then call
me husband: but in such a (then)
I write a Neuer.
This is a dreadfull sentence.
Brought you this Letter Gentlemen?
1. G.
I Madam, and for the Contents sake are sorrie
for our
Old La.
I prethee Ladie haue a better cheere,If thou engrossest, all the greefes are thine,Thou robst me of a moity: He was my sonne,But I do wash his name out of my blood,And thou art all my childe. Towards Florence is he?Fren.G.
I Madam
And to be a souldier.
Fren.G.Such is his noble purpose, and beleeu'tThe Duke will lay vpon him all the honorThat good conuenience claimes.La.
Returne you thither.
I Madam, with the swiftest wing of speed.
Hel.Till I haue no wife, I haue nothing in France,'Tis bitter.La.
Finde you that there?
I Madame.
Fren. E.
'Tis but the boldnesse of his hand haply, which
his heart
was not consenting too.
Lad.Nothing in France, vntill he haue no wife:There's nothing heere that is too good for him
But onely she, and she deserues a LordThat twenty such rude boyes might tend vpon,And call her hourely Mistris. Who was with him?Fren. E.
A seruant onely, and a Gentleman:
whlchwhich I
haue sometime
Parolles was it not?
Fren. E.
I my good Ladie, hee.
La.A verie tainted fellow, and full of wickednesse,My sonne corrupts a well deriued natureWith his inducement.Fren. E.
Indeed good Ladie the fellow has a deale of
that, too much,
which holds him much to haue.
Y'are welcome Gentlemen, I will intreate you
you see my sonne, to tell him that his sword can
winne the honor that he looses: more Ile intreate
[Act 3, Scene 2]
Enter Countesse and
It hath happen'd all, as I would haue had it, saue
that he comes not along with her.
By my troth I take my young Lord to be a ve
melancholly man.
By what obseruance I pray you.
Why he will looke vppon his boote, and sing:
mend the
Ruffe and sing, aske questions and sing, picke
his teeth, and sing: I know a man that had this tricke of
melancholy hold a goodly Mannor for a song.
Let me see what he writes, and when he meanes
to come.
I haue no minde to
Isbell since I was at
Our old Lings, and our
Isbels a'th Country, are nothing
like your
old Ling and your
Isbels a'th
Court: the brains
of my Cupid's knock'd out,
and I beginne to loue, as an
old man loues money, with no
What haue we heere?
In that you haue there.
A Letter.
I haue sent you a daughter‑in‑Law, shee hath recouered
King, and vndone me: I haue wedded her, not bedded her,
and sworne to make the not eternall. You shall heare I am
runne away, know it before the report come. If there bee
bredth enough in the world, I will hold a long distance.
My duty to you.
Your vnfortunate sonne,
This is not well rash and vnbridled boy,To flye the fauours of so good a King,
To plucke his indignation on thy head,By the misprising of a Maide too virtuousFor the contempt of Empire.Enter Clowne.Clow.
O Madam, yonder is heauie newes within be
tweene two
souldiers, and my yong Ladie.
What is the matter.
Nay there is some comfort in the newes, some
comfort, your
sonne will not be kild so soone as I thoght
he would.
Why should he be kill'd?
So say I Madame, if he runne away, as I heare he
does, the
danger is in standing too't, that's the
losse of
men, though it be the getting of children. Heere
come will tell you more. For my part I onely heare
sonne was run away.
Enter Hellen and two
French E.
Saue you good Madam.
Madam, my Lord is gone, for euer gone.
French G.
Do not say so.
La.Thinke vpon patience, pray you Gentlemen,I haue felt so many quirkes of ioy and greefe,
That the first face of neither on the startCan woman me vntoo't. Where is my sonne I pray you?Fren.G.Madam he's gone to serue the Duke of Flo
We met him thitherward, for thence we came:And after some dispatch in hand at Court,
Thither we bend againe.Hel.
Looke on his Letter Madam, here's my Pasport.
When thou canst get the Ring vpon my
finger, which neuer
shall come off, and shew mee a
childe begotten of thy bodie,
that I am father too, then call
me husband: but in such a (then)
I write a Neuer.
This is a dreadfull sentence.
Brought you this Letter Gentlemen?
1. G.
I Madam, and for the Contents sake are sorrie
for our
Old La.
I prethee Ladie haue a better cheere,If thou engrossest, all the greefes are thine,Thou robst me of a moity: He was my sonne,But I do wash his name out of my blood,And thou art all my childe. Towards Florence is he?Fren.G.
I Madam
And to be a souldier.
Fren.G.Such is his noble purpose, and beleeu'tThe Duke will lay vpon him all the honorThat good conuenience claimes.La.
Returne you thither.
I Madam, with the swiftest wing of speed.
Hel.Till I haue no wife, I haue nothing in France,'Tis bitter.La.
Finde you that there?
I Madame.
Fren. E.
'Tis but the boldnesse of his hand haply, which
his heart
was not consenting too.
Lad.Nothing in France, vntill he haue no wife:There's nothing heere that is too good for him
But onely she, and she deserues a LordThat twenty such rude boyes might tend vpon,And call her hourely Mistris. Who was with him?Fren. E.
A seruant onely, and a Gentleman:
whlchwhich I
haue sometime
Parolles was it not?
Fren. E.
I my good Ladie, hee.
La.A verie tainted fellow, and full of wickednesse,My sonne corrupts a well deriued natureWith his inducement.Fren. E.
Indeed good Ladie the fellow has a deale of
that, too much,
which holds him much to haue.
Y'are welcome Gentlemen, I will intreate you
you see my sonne, to tell him that his sword can
winne the honor that he looses: more Ile intreate
you written to beare
Fren. G.
We serue you Madam in that and all your
La.Not so, but as we change our courtesies,Will you draw neere?Exit.Hel.Till I haue no wife I haue nothing in
Nothing in France vntill he has no wife:Thou shalt haue none
Rossillion, none in France,
Then hast thou all againe: poore Lord, is't IThat chase thee from thy Countrie, and exposeThose tender limbes of thine, to the euent
Of the none‑sparing warre? And is it I,That driue thee from the sportiue Court, where thouWas't shot at with faire eyes, to be the markeOf smoakie Muskets? O you leaden messengers,That ride vpon the violent speede of fire,
Fly with false ayme, moue the still‑peering aireThat sings with piercing, do not touch my Lord:Who euer shoots at him, I set him there.Who euer charges on his forward brestI am the Caitiffe that do hold him too't,
And though I kill him not, I am the causeHis death was so effected: Better 'twereI met the rauine Lyon when he roar'dWith sharpe constraint of hunger: better 'twere,That all the miseries which nature owes
Were mine at once. No come thou home
Whence honor but of danger winnes a scarre,As oft it looses all. I will be gone:My being heere it is, that holds thee hence,Shall I stay heere to doo't? No, no, although
The ayre of Paradise did fan the house,And Angels offic'd all: I will be gone,That pittifull rumour may report my flightTo consolate thine eare. Come night, end day,For with the darke (poore theefe) Ile steale away.Exit.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Countesse and Clowne.</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">Count.</speaker>
<p n="1356">It hath happen'd all, as I would haue had it, saue
<lb n="1357"/>that he comes not along with her.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clo.</speaker>
<p n="1358">By my troth I take my young Lord to be a ve
<lb n="1359"/>rie melancholly man.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">Count.</speaker>
<p n="1360">By what obseruance I pray you.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clo.</speaker>
<p n="1361">Why he will looke vppon his boote, and sing:
<lb n="1362"/>mend the Ruffe and sing, aske questions and sing, picke
<lb n="1363"/>his teeth, and sing: I know a man that had this tricke of
<lb n="1364"/>melancholy hold a goodly Mannor for a song.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">Lad.</speaker>
<p n="1365">Let me see what he writes, and when he meanes
<lb n="1366"/>to come.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clow.</speaker>
<p n="1367">I haue no minde to<hi rend="italic">Isbell</hi>since I was at Court.
<lb n="1368"/>Our old Lings, and our<hi rend="italic">Isbels</hi>a'th Country, are nothing
<lb n="1369"/>like your old Ling and your<hi rend="italic">Isbels</hi>a'th Court: the brains
<lb n="1370"/>of my Cupid's knock'd out, and I beginne to loue, as an
<lb n="1371"/>old man loues money, with no stomacke.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">Lad.</speaker>
<p n="1372">What haue we heere?</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clo.</speaker>
<p n="1373">In that you haue there.</p>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">exit</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<p rend="italic center" n="1374">A Letter.</p>
<p rend="italic" n="1375">I haue sent you a daughter‑in‑Law, shee hath recouered the
<lb n="1376"/>King, and vndone me: I haue wedded her, not bedded her,
<lb n="1377"/>and sworne to make the not eternall. You shall heare I am
<lb n="1378"/>runne away, know it before the report come. If there bee
<lb n="1379"/>bredth enough in the world, I will hold a long distance.
<lb n="1380"/>My duty to you.</p>
<p rend="italic rightJustified" n="1381">Your vnfortunate sonne,</p>
<p rend="italic rightJustified" n="1382">Bertram.</p>
<l n="1383">This is not well rash and vnbridled boy,</l>
<l n="1384">To flye the fauours of so good a King,</l>
<l n="1385">To plucke his indignation on thy head,</l>
<l n="1386">By the misprising of a Maide too virtuous</l>
<l n="1387">For the contempt of Empire.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Clowne.</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clow.</speaker>
<p n="1388">O Madam, yonder is heauie newes within be
<lb n="1389"/>tweene two souldiers, and my yong Ladie.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1390">What is the matter.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clo.</speaker>
<p n="1391">Nay there is some comfort in the newes, some
<lb n="1392"/>comfort, your sonne will not be kild so soone as I thoght
<lb n="1393"/>he would.</p>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1394">Why should he be kill'd?</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-lav">
<speaker rend="italic">Clo.</speaker>
<p n="1395">So say I Madame, if he runne away, as I heare he
<lb n="1396"/>does, the danger is in standing too't, that's the losse of
<lb n="1397"/>men, though it be the getting of children. Heere they
<lb n="1398"/>come will tell you more. For my part I onely heare your
<lb n="1399"/>sonne was run away.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Hellen and two Gentlemen.</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
<speaker rend="italic">French E.</speaker>
<p n="1400">Saue you good Madam.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-hel">
<speaker rend="italic">Hel.</speaker>
<p n="1401">Madam, my Lord is gone, for euer gone.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
<speaker rend="italic">French G.</speaker>
<p n="1402">Do not say so.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="1403">Thinke vpon patience, pray you Gentlemen,</l>
<l n="1404">I haue felt so many quirkes of ioy and greefe,</l>
<l n="1405">That the first face of neither on the start</l>
<l n="1406">Can woman me vntoo't. Where is my sonne I pray you?</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren.G.</speaker>
<l n="1407">Madam he's gone to serue the Duke of Flo
<l n="1408">We met him thitherward, for thence we came:</l>
<l n="1409">And after some dispatch in hand at Court,</l>
<l n="1410">Thither we bend againe.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-hel">
<speaker rend="italic">Hel.</speaker>
<p n="1411">Looke on his Letter Madam, here's my Pasport.</p>
<p rend="italic" n="1412">When thou canst get the Ring vpon my finger, which neuer
<lb n="1413"/>shall come off, and shew mee a childe begotten of thy bodie,
<lb n="1414"/>that I am father too, then call me husband: but in such a (then)
<lb n="1415"/>I write a Neuer.</p>
<p n="1416">This is a dreadfull sentence.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1417">Brought you this Letter Gentlemen?</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
<speaker rend="italic">1. G.</speaker>
<p n="1418">I Madam, and for the Contents sake are sorrie
<lb n="1419"/>for our paines.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">Old La.</speaker>
<l n="1420">I prethee Ladie haue a better cheere,</l>
<l n="1421">If thou engrossest, all the greefes are thine,</l>
<l n="1422">Thou robst me of a moity: He was my sonne,</l>
<l n="1423">But I do wash his name out of my blood,</l>
<l n="1424">And thou art all my childe. Towards Florence is he?</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren.G.</speaker>
<p n="1425">I Madam</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1426">And to be a souldier.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren.G.</speaker>
<l n="1427">Such is his noble purpose, and beleeu't</l>
<l n="1428">The Duke will lay vpon him all the honor</l>
<l n="1429">That good conuenience claimes.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1430">Returne you thither.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren.E.</speaker>
<p n="1431">I Madam, with the swiftest wing of speed.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-hel">
<speaker rend="italic">Hel.</speaker>
<l rend="italic" n="1432">Till I haue no wife, I haue nothing in France,</l>
<l n="1433">'Tis bitter.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1434">Finde you that there?</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-hel">
<speaker rend="italic">Hel.</speaker>
<p n="1435">I Madame.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren. E.</speaker>
<p n="1436">'Tis but the boldnesse of his hand haply, which
<lb n="1437"/>his heart was not consenting too.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">Lad.</speaker>
<l n="1438">Nothing in France, vntill he haue no wife:</l>
<l n="1439">There's nothing heere that is too good for him</l>
<l n="1440">But onely she, and she deserues a Lord</l>
<l n="1441">That twenty such rude boyes might tend vpon,</l>
<l n="1442">And call her hourely Mistris. Who was with him?</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren. E.</speaker>
<p n="1443">A seruant onely, and a Gentleman:<choice>
<lb n="1444"/>haue sometime knowne.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1445">
<hi rend="italic">Parolles</hi>was it not?</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren. E.</speaker>
<p n="1446">I my good Ladie, hee.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="1447">A verie tainted fellow, and full of wickednesse,</l>
<l n="1448">My sonne corrupts a well deriued nature</l>
<l n="1449">With his inducement.</l>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren. E.</speaker>
<p n="1450">Indeed good Ladie the fellow has a deale of
<lb n="1451"/>that, too much, which holds him much to haue.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<p n="1452">Y'are welcome Gentlemen, I will intreate you
<lb n="1453"/>when you see my sonne, to tell him that his sword can
<lb n="1454"/>neuer winne the honor that he looses: more Ile intreate<pb facs="FFimg:axc0262-0.jpg" n="242"/>
<cb n="1"/>you written to beare along.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
<speaker rend="italic">Fren. G.</speaker>
<p n="1455">We serue you Madam in that and all your
<lb n="1456"/>worthiest affaires.</p>
<sp who="#F-aww-cou">
<speaker rend="italic">La.</speaker>
<l n="1457">Not so, but as we change our courtesies,</l>
<l n="1458">Will you draw neere?</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-aww-hel">
<speaker rend="italic">Hel.</speaker>
<l rend="italic" n="1459">Till I haue no wife I haue nothing in France.</l>
<l n="1460">Nothing in France vntill he has no wife:</l>
<l n="1461">Thou shalt haue none<hi rend="italic">Rossillion</hi>, none in France,</l>
<l n="1462">Then hast thou all againe: poore Lord, is't I</l>
<l n="1463">That chase thee from thy Countrie, and expose</l>
<l n="1464">Those tender limbes of thine, to the euent</l>
<l n="1465">Of the none‑sparing warre? And is it I,</l>
<l n="1466">That driue thee from the sportiue Court, where thou</l>
<l n="1467">Was't shot at with faire eyes, to be the marke</l>
<l n="1468">Of smoakie Muskets? O you leaden messengers,</l>
<l n="1469">That ride vpon the violent speede of fire,</l>
<l n="1470">Fly with false ayme, moue the still‑peering aire</l>
<l n="1471">That sings with piercing, do not touch my Lord:</l>
<l n="1472">Who euer shoots at him, I set him there.</l>
<l n="1473">Who euer charges on his forward brest</l>
<l n="1474">I am the Caitiffe that do hold him too't,</l>
<l n="1475">And though I kill him not, I am the cause</l>
<l n="1476">His death was so effected: Better 'twere</l>
<l n="1477">I met the rauine Lyon when he roar'd</l>
<l n="1478">With sharpe constraint of hunger: better 'twere,</l>
<l n="1479">That all the miseries which nature owes</l>
<l n="1480">Were mine at once. No come thou home<hi rend="italic">Rossillion</hi>,</l>
<l n="1481">Whence honor but of danger winnes a scarre,</l>
<l n="1482">As oft it looses all. I will be gone:</l>
<l n="1483">My being heere it is, that holds thee hence,</l>
<l n="1484">Shall I stay heere to doo't? No, no, although</l>
<l n="1485">The ayre of Paradise did fan the house,</l>
<l n="1486">And Angels offic'd all: I will be gone,</l>
<l n="1487">That pittifull rumour may report my flight</l>
<l n="1488">To consolate thine eare. Come night, end day,</l>
<l n="1489">For with the darke (poore theefe) Ile steale away.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>