prate: we must haue your doublet and hose pluckt ouer
your head, and shew the world what the bird hath done
to her owne neast.
O coz, coz, coz: my pretty little coz, that thou
didst know how many fathome deepe I am in loue: but
it cannot bee sounded: my affection hath an vnknowne
bottome, like the Bay of Portugall.
Or rather bottomlesse, that as fast as you poure
affection in, in runs out.
No, that same wicked Bastard of
Venus, that was
begot of thought, conceiu'd of spleene, and borne of
madnesse, that blinde rascally boy, that abuses euery
ones eyes, because his owne are out, let him bee iudge,
how deepe I am in loue: ile tell thee
Aliena, I cannot be
out of the sight of
Orlando: Ile goe finde a shadow, and
sigh till he come.
And Ile sleepe.
Which is he that killed the Deare?
Sir, it was I.
Let's present him to the Duke like a Romane
Conquerour, and it would doe well to set the Deares
horns vpon his head, for a branch of victory; haue you
no song Forrester for this purpose?
Yes Sir.
Sing it: 'tis no matter how it bee in tune, so it
make noyse enough.
Phebe,did bid me giue you this: