If I could speake so wisely vnder an arrest, I
would send for certaine of my Creditors: and yet, to say
the truth, I had as lief haue the foppery of freedome, as
the mortality of imprisonment: what's thy offence,
Lucio, a word with you.
Lecheryso look'd after?
I warrant it is: And thy head stands so tickle on
thy shoulders, that a milkemaid, if she be in loue, may
sigh it off: Send after the Duke, and appeale to him.
Lucio) doe me this kinde seruice:
I pray shee may; aswell for the encouragement
of the like, which else would stand vnder greeuous im
position: as for the enioying of thy life, who I would
be sorry should bee thus foolishly lost, at a game of ticke
tacke: Ile to her.
I thanke you good friend