The Life of Henry the Fift.
And I: If wishes would preuayle with me, my
purpose should not fayle with me; but thither would I
As duly, but not as truly, as Bird doth sing on
Vp to the breach, you Dogges; auaunt you
Be mercifull great Duke to men of Mould: a-
bate thy Rage, abate thy manly Rage; abate thy Rage,
great Duke. Good Bawcock bate thy Rage: vse lenitie
sweet Chuck.
These be good humors: your Honor wins bad
As young as I am, I haue obseru'd these three
Swashers: I am Boy to them all three, but all they three,
though they would serue me, could not be Man to me;
for indeed three such Antiques doe not amount to a man:
Bardolph, hee is white-liuer'd, and red-fac'd; by the
meanes whereof, a faces it out, but fights not: for
hee hath a killing Tongue, and a quiet Sword; by the
meanes whereof, a breakes Words, and keepes whole
Weapons: for
Nim, hee hath heard, that men of few
Words are the best men, and therefore hee scornes to say
his Prayers, lest a should be thought a Coward: but his
few bad Words are matcht with as few good Deeds; for
a neuer broke any mans Head but his owne, and that was
against a Post, when he was drunke. They will steale any
thing, and call it Purchase.
Bardolph stole a Lute-case,
bore it twelue Leagues, and sold it for three halfepence.
Nim and
Bardolph are sworne Brothers in filching: and
in Callice they stole a fire-shouell. I knew by that peece
of Seruice, the men would carry Coales. They would
haue me as familiar with mens Pockets, as their Gloues
or their Hand-kerchers: which makes much against my
Manhood, if I should take from anothers Pocket, to put
into mine; for it is plaine pocketting vp of Wrongs.
I must leaue them, and seeke some better Seruice: their
Villany goes against my weake stomacke, and therefore
I must cast it vp.
Fluellen, you must
come presently to
the Mynes; the Duke of Gloucester would speake with
To the Mynes? Tell you the Duke, it is not so
good to come to the Mynes: for looke you, the Mynes
is not according to the disciplines of the Warre; the con-
cauities of it is not sufficient: for looke you, th'athuer-
sarie, you may discusse vnto the Duke, looke you, is digt
himselfe foure yard vnder the Countermines: by
I thinke a will plowe vp all, if there is not better directi-
The Duke of Gloucester, to whom the Order
of the Siege is giuen, is altogether directed by an Irish
man, a very valiant Gentleman yfaith.
Makmorrice, is it not?
I thinke it be.
Cheshu he is an Asse, as in the World, I will
verifie as much in his Beard: he ha's no more directions
in the true disciplines of the Warres, looke you, of the
Roman disciplines, then is a Puppy-dog.
Here a comes, and the Scots Captaine, Captaine
Iamy, with him.
Iamy is a maruellous falorous Gen-
tleman, that is certain, and of great expedition and know-