The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: pp2v - Tragedies, p. 272

Left Column

The Tragedie of Hamlet. Or padling in your necke with his damn'd Fingers, Make you to rauell all this matter out,
That I essentially am not in madnesse, But made in craft. 'Twere good you let him know, For who that's but a Queene, faire, sober, wise, Would from a Paddocke, from a Bat, a Gibbe, Such deere concernings hide, Who would do so,
No in despight of Sense and Secrecie, Vnpegge the Basket on the houses top: Let the Birds flye, and like the famous Ape To try Conclusions in the Basket, creepe And breake your owne necke downe.
Be thou assur'd, if words be made of breath, And breath of life: I haue no life to breath What thou hast saide to me.
Ham. I must to England, you know that? Qu. Alacke I had forgot: 'Tis so concluded on. Ham.
This man shall set me packing: Ile lugge the Guts into the Neighbor roome, Mother goodnight. Indeede this Counsellor Is now most still, most secret, and most graue, Who was in life, a foolish prating Knaue.
Come sir, to draw toward an end with you. Good night Mother.
Exit Hamlet tugging in Polonius.
[Act 4, Scene 1] Enter King. King. There's matters in these sighes. These profound heaues You must translate; Tis fit we vnderstand them.
Where is your Sonne?
Qu. Ah my good Lord, what haue I seene to night? King. What Gertrude? How do's Hamlet? Qu. Mad as the Seas, and winde, when both contend Which is the Mightier in his lawless fit
Behinde the Arras, hearing some thing stirre, He whips his Rapier out, and cries a Rat, a Rat, And in his brainish apprehension killes The vnseene good old man.
King. Oh heauy deed:
It had bin so with vs had we beene there: His Liberty is full of threats to all, To you your selfe, to vs, to euery one. Alas, how shall this bloody deede be answered ? It will be laide to vs, whose prouidence
Should haue kept short, restrain'd, and out of haunt, This mad yong man. But so much was our loue, We would not vnderstand what was most fit, But like the Owner of a foule disease, To keepe it from divulging, let's it feede
Euen on the pith of life. Where is he gone?
Qu. To draw apart the body he hath kild, O're whom his very madnesse like some Oare Among a Minerall of Mettels base Shewes it selfe pure. He weepes for what is done. King.
Oh Gertrude, come away: The Sun no sooner shall the Mountaines touch, But we will ship him hence, and this vilde deed, We must with all our Maiesty and Skill Both countenance, and excuse. Enter Ros. & Guild.
Ho Guildenstern: Friends both go ioyne you with some further ayde: Hamlet in madnesse hath Polonius slaine, And from his Mother Clossets hath he drag'd him. Go seeke him out, speake faire, and bring the body
Into the Chappell. I pray you hast in this. Exit Gent. Come Gertrude, wee'l call vp our wisest friends,

Right Column

To let them know both what we meane to do, And what's vntimely done. Oh come away, My soule is full of discord and dismay. Exeunt.
[Act 4, Scene 2] Enter Hamlet. Ham.
Safely stowed.
Gentlemen within. Hamlet, Lord Hamlet. Ham. What noise? Who cals on Hamlet? Oh heere they come. Enter Ros. and Guildensterne. Ro. What haue you done my Lord with the dead body? Ham.
Compounded it with dust, whereto 'tis Kinne.
Resin. Tell vs where 'tis, that we may take it thence, And beare it to the Chappell. Ham. Do not beleeue it. Rosin. Beleeue what? Ham.

That I can keepe your counsell, and not mine

owne. Besides, to be demanded of a Spundge, what re­

plication should be made by the Sonne of a King.

Rosin. Take you me for a Spundge, my Lord? Ham.

I sir, that sokes vp the Kings Countenance, his


Rewards, his Authorities (but such Officers do the King

best seruice in the end. He keepes them like an Ape in

the corner of his iaw, first mou h'd to be last swallowed,

when he needes what you haue glean'd , it is but squee­

zing you, and Spundge you shall be dry againe.

I vnderstand you not my Lord.

I am glad of it: a knauish speech sleepes in a

foolish eare.


My Lord, you must tell vs where the body is,

and go with vs to the King.


The body is with the King, but the King is not

With the body. The King, is a thing ⸺


A thing my Lord?


Of nothing: bring me to him, hide Fox, and all


[Act 4, Scene 3] Enter King. King.
I haue sent to seeke him, and to find the bodie: How dangerous is it that this man goes loose: Yet must not we put the strong Law on him: Hee's loued of the distracted multitude, Who like not in their iudgement, but their eyes:
And where 'tis so, th'Offenders scourge is weigh'd But neerer the offence: to beare all smooth, and euen, This sodaine sending him away, must seeme Deliberate pause, diseases desperate growne, By desperate appliance are releeued,
Or not at all. Enter Rosincrane Rosincrance . How now? What hath befalne?
Rosin. Where the dead body is bestow'd my'Lord, We cannot get from him. King. But where is he? Rosin.
Without my Lord, guarded to know your pleasure.
King. Bring him before vs. Rosin. Hoa, Guildensterne? Bring in my Lord. Enter Hamlet and Guildensterne. King. Now Hamlet, where's Polonius? Ham.

At Supper.


At Supper? Where?


Not where he eats, but where he is eaten, a cer­

taine conuocation of wormes are e'ne at him. Your worm

is your onely Emperor for diet. We fat all creatures else

to fat vs, and we fat our selfe for Magots. Your fat King,


and your leane Begger is but variable seruice to dishes,

but to one Table that's the end.


What dost thou meane by this?


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[Act 4, Scene 3] Enter King. King.
I haue sent to seeke him, and to find the bodie: How dangerous is it that this man goes loose: Yet must not we put the strong Law on him: Hee's loued of the distracted multitude, Who like not in their iudgement, but their eyes:
And where 'tis so, th'Offenders scourge is weigh'd But neerer the offence: to beare all smooth, and euen, This sodaine sending him away, must seeme Deliberate pause, diseases desperate growne, By desperate appliance are releeued,
Or not at all. Enter Rosincrane Rosincrance . How now? What hath befalne?
Rosin. Where the dead body is bestow'd my'Lord, We cannot get from him. King. But where is he? Rosin.
Without my Lord, guarded to know your pleasure.
King. Bring him before vs. Rosin. Hoa, Guildensterne? Bring in my Lord. Enter Hamlet and Guildensterne. King. Now Hamlet, where's Polonius? Ham.

At Supper.


At Supper? Where?


Not where he eats, but where he is eaten, a cer­

taine conuocation of wormes are e'ne at him. Your worm

is your onely Emperor for diet. We fat all creatures else

to fat vs, and we fat our selfe for Magots. Your fat King,


and your leane Begger is but variable seruice to dishes,

but to one Table that's the end.


What dost thou meane by this?


Nothing but to shew you how a King may go

a Progresse through the guts of a Begger.


Where is Polonius.


In heauen, send thither to see. If your Messen­

ger finde him not there, seeke him i'th other place your

selfe: but indeed, if you finde him not this moneth, you

shall nose him as you go vp the staires into the Lobby.


Go seeke him there.


He will stay till ye come.

K. Hamlet, this deed of thine, for thine especial safety Which we do tender, as we deerely greeue For that which thou hast done, must send thee hence
With fierie Quicknesse. Therefore prepare thy selfe, The Barke is readie, and the winde at helpe, Th'Associates tend, and euery thing at bent For England.

For England?


I Hamlet.



King. So is it, if thou knew'st our purposes. Ham.

I see a Cherube that see's him: but come, for

England. Farewell deere Mother.


Thy louing Father Hamlet.


My Mother: Father and Mother is man and

wife: man & wife is one flesh, and so my mother. Come,

for England.

Exit King. Follow him at foote,
Tempt him with speed aboord: Delay it not, Ile haue him hence to night. Away, for euery thing is Seal'd and done That else leanes on th'Affaire, pray you make hast. And England, if my loue thou holdst at ought,
As my great power thereof may giue thee sense, Since yet thy Cicatrice lookes raw and red After the Danish Sword, and thy free awe Payes homage to vs; thou maist not coldly set Our Soueraigne Processe, which imports at full
By Letters coniuring to that effect The present death of Hamlet. Do it England, For like the Hecticke in my blood he rages, And thou must cure me: Till I know 'tis done, How ere my happes, my ioyes were ne're begun.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3" rend="notPresent">
   <head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 3]</head>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter King.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2575">I haue sent to seeke him, and to find the bodie:</l>
      <l n="2576">How dangerous is it that this man goes loose:</l>
      <l n="2577">Yet must not we put the strong Law on him:</l>
      <l n="2578">Hee's loued of the distracted multitude,</l>
      <l n="2579">Who like not in their iudgement, but their eyes:</l>
      <l n="2580">And where 'tis so, th'Offenders scourge is weigh'd</l>
      <l n="2581">But neerer the offence: to beare all smooth, and euen,</l>
      <l n="2582">This sodaine sending him away, must seeme</l>
      <l n="2583">Deliberate pause, diseases desperate growne,</l>
      <l n="2584">By desperate appliance are releeued,</l>
      <l n="2585">Or not at all.</l>
      <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter<choice>
      <l n="2586">How now? What hath befalne?</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ros">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rosin.</speaker>
      <l n="2587">Where the dead body is bestow'd my'Lord,</l>
      <l n="2588">We cannot get from him.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2589">But where is he?</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ros">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rosin.</speaker>
      <l n="2590">Without my Lord, guarded to know your
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2591">Bring him before vs.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ros">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rosin.</speaker>
      <l n="2592">Hoa,<hi rend="italic">Guildensterne?</hi>Bring in my Lord.</l>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Hamlet and Guildensterne.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2593">Now<hi rend="italic">Hamlet</hi>, where's<hi rend="italic">Polonius</hi>?</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2594">At Supper.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <p n="2595">At Supper? Where?</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2596">Not where he eats, but where he is eaten, a cer­
      <lb n="2597"/>taine conuocation of wormes are e'ne at him. Your worm
      <lb n="2598"/>is your onely Emperor for diet. We fat all creatures else
      <lb n="2599"/>to fat vs, and we fat our selfe for Magots. Your fat King,
      <lb n="2600"/>and your leane Begger is but variable seruice to dishes,
      <lb n="2601"/>but to one Table that's the end.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <p n="2602">What dost thou meane by this?</p>
   <pb facs="FFimg:axc0783-0.jpg" n="273"/>
   <cb n="1"/>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2603">Nothing but to shew you how a King may go
      <lb n="2604"/>a Progresse through the guts of a Begger.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <p n="2605">Where is<hi rend="italic">Polonius</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2606">In heauen, send thither to see. If your Messen­
      <lb n="2607"/>ger finde him not there, seeke him i'th other place your
      <lb n="2608"/>selfe: but indeed, if you finde him not this moneth, you
      <lb n="2609"/>shall nose him as you go vp the staires into the Lobby.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <p n="2610">Go seeke him there.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2611">He will stay till ye come.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">K.</speaker>
      <l n="2612">
         <hi rend="italic">Hamlet</hi>, this deed of thine, for thine especial safety</l>
      <l n="2613">Which we do tender, as we deerely greeue</l>
      <l n="2614">For that which thou hast done, must send thee hence</l>
      <l n="2615">With fierie Quicknesse. Therefore prepare thy selfe,</l>
      <l n="2616">The Barke is readie, and the winde at helpe,</l>
      <l n="2617">Th'Associates tend, and euery thing at bent</l>
      <l n="2618">For England.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2619">For England?</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <p n="2620">I<hi rend="italic">Hamlet.</hi>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2621">Good.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2622">So is it, if thou knew'st our purposes.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ham.</speaker>
      <p n="2623">I see a Cherube that see's him: but come, for
      <lb n="2624"/>England. Farewell deere Mother.</p>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <p n="2625">Thy louing Father<hi rend="italic">Hamlet.</hi>
   <sp who="#F-ham-ham">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hamlet.</speaker>
      <p n="2626">My Mother: Father and Mother is man and
      <lb n="2627"/>wife: man &amp; wife is one flesh, and so my mother. Come,
      <lb n="2628"/>for England.</p>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ham-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2629">Follow him at foote,</l>
      <l n="2630">Tempt him with speed aboord:</l>
      <l n="2631">Delay it not, Ile haue him hence to night.</l>
      <l n="2632">Away, for euery thing is Seal'd and done</l>
      <l n="2633">That else leanes on th'Affaire, pray you make hast.</l>
      <l n="2634">And England, if my loue thou holdst at ought,</l>
      <l n="2635">As my great power thereof may giue thee sense,</l>
      <l n="2636">Since yet thy Cicatrice lookes raw and red</l>
      <l n="2637">After the Danish Sword, and thy free awe</l>
      <l n="2638">Payes homage to vs; thou maist not coldly set</l>
      <l n="2639">Our Soueraigne Processe, which imports at full</l>
      <l n="2640">By Letters coniuring to that effect</l>
      <l n="2641">The present death of<hi rend="italic">Hamlet</hi>. Do it England,</l>
      <l n="2642">For like the Hecticke in my blood he rages,</l>
      <l n="2643">And thou must cure me: Till I know 'tis done,</l>
      <l n="2644">How ere my happes, my ioyes were ne're begun.</l>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>


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