nest cloathes you send forth to bleaching.
Ford: you are not to goe
loose any longer, you must be pinnion'd.
mad dogge.
Ford, this is not well indeed.
So say I too Sir, come hither Mistris
Ford, Mi
Ford, the honest woman, the modest wife, the
ous creature, that hath the iealious foole to her husband:
I suspect without cause (Mistris) do I?
Heauen be my witnesse you doe, if you
suspect me in any dishonesty.
Well said Brazon‑face, hold it out: Come forth
cloathes? Come, away.
Page, as I am a man, there
was one con
uay'd out of my house yesterday in this basket: why
may not he be there againe, in my house I am sure he is:
my Intelligence is true, my iealousie is reasonable, pluck
me out all the linnen.
Ford: This
wrongs you.
Ford, you must pray, and not follow the
imaginations of your owne heart: this is iealousies.
Helpe to search my house this one time: if I find
not what I seeke, shew no colour for my extremity: Let
me for euer be your Tableߛsport: Let them say of me, as
Ford, that search'd a hollow
Wall‑nut for his
wiues Lemman. Satisfie me once more, once more serch
with me.
What hoa (Mistris
Page,) come you
the old woman downe: my husband will come into the
A witch, a
Queane, an olde couzening
Haue I not forbid her my house. She comes of errands
do's she? We are simple men, wee doe not know what's
brought to passe vnder the profession of Fortune‑telling.
She workes by Charmes, by Spels, by th'Figure, & such
dawbry as this is, beyond our Element: wee know no
thing. Come downe you Witch, you Hagge you, come
downe I say.
men, let him strike the old woman.
Prat, Come giue me your
Prat‑her: Out of my doore, you
you Ragge, you Baggage, you Poulcat, you Runnion,
out, out: Ile coniure you, Ile fortune‑tell you.
for you.