The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: X3v - Comedies, p. 246

Left Column

All's Well that Ends Well L.E. Go tell the Count Rossillion and my brother, We haue caught the woodcocke, and will keepe him (mufled, Till we do heare from them. Sol.

Captaine I will.


A will betray vs all vnto our selues,

Informe on that.


So I will sir.


Till then Ile keepe him darke and safely lockt.

[Act 4, Scene 2] Enter Bertram, and the Maide called Diana. Ber.

They told me that your name was Fontybell.


No my good Lord, Diana.

Ber. Titled Goddesse, And worth it with addition: but faire soule, In your fine frame hath loue no qualitie? If the quicke fire of youth light not your minde,
You are no Maiden but a monument When you are dead you should be such a one As you are now: for you are cold and sterne, And now you should be as your mother was When your sweet selfe was got.

She then was honest.


So should you be.

Dia. No: My mother did but dutie, such (my Lord) As you owe to your wife. Ber.
No more a'that: I prethee do not striue against my vowes: I was compell'd to her, but I loue thee By loues owne sweet constraint, and will for euer Do thee all rights of seruice.
I so you serue vs Till we serue you: But when you haue our Roses, You barely leaue our thornes to pricke our selues, And mocke vs with our barenesse.

How haue I sworne.

Tis not the many oathes that makes the truth, But the plaine single vow, that is vow'd true: What is not holie, that we sweare not by, But take the high'st to witnesse: then pray you tell me, If I should sweare by Ioues great attributes,
I lou'd you deerely, would you beleeue my oathes, When I did loue you ill? This ha's no holding To sweare by him whom I protest to loue That I will worke against him. Therefore your oaths Are words and poore conditions, but vnseal'd
At lest in my opinion.
Ber. Change it, change it: Be not so holy cruell: Loue is holie, And my integritie ne're knew the crafts That you do charge men with: Stand no more off,
But giue thy selfe vnto my sicke desires, Who then recouers. Say thou art mine, and euer My loue as it beginnes, shall so perseuer.
Dia. I see that men make rope's in such a scarre, That wee'l forsake our selues. Giue me that Ring. Ber.
Ile lend it thee my deere; but haue no power To giue it from me.

Will you not my Lord?

Ber. It is an honour longing to our house, Bequeathed downe from manie Ancestors,
Which were the greatest obloquie i'th world, In me to loose.
Dian. Mine Honors such a Ring, My chastities the Iewell of our house,

Right Column

Bequeathed downe from many Ancestors,
Which were the greatest obloquie i'th world, In mee to loose. Thus your owne proper wisedome Brings in the Champion honor on my part, Against your vaine assault.
Ber. Heere, take my Ring,
My house, mine honor, yea my life be thine, And Ile be bid by thee.
Dia. When midnight comes, knocke at my cham­ ber window: Ile order take, my mother shall not heare. Now will I charge you in the band of truth,
When you haue conquer'd my yet maiden‑bed, Remaine there but an houre, nor speake to mee: My reasons are most strong, and you shall know them, When backe againe this Ring shall be deliuer'd: And on your finger in the night, Ile put
Another Ring, that what in time proceeds, May token to the future, our past deeds. Adieu till then, then faile not: you haue wonne A wife of me, though there my hope be done.

A heauen on earth I haue won by wooing thee.

For which, liue long to thank both heauen & me, You may so in the end. My mother told me iust how he would woo, As if she sate in's heart. She sayes, all men Haue the like oathes: He had sworne to marrie me When his wife's dead: therfore Ile lye with him
When I am buried. Since Frenchmen are so braide, Marry that will, I liue and die a Maid: Onely in this disguise, I think't no sinne, To cosen him that would vniustly winne.
[Act 4, Scene 3] Enter the two French Captaines, and some two or three Souldiours. Cap. G.

You haue not giuen him his mothers letter.


I haue deliu'red it an houre since, there is som

thing in't that stings his nature: for on the reading it,

he chang'd almost into another man.

Cap. G.

He has much worthy blame laid vpon him,

for shaking off so good a wife, and so sweet a Lady.

Cap. E.

Especially, hee hath incurred the euerlasting

displeasure of the King, who had euen tun'd his bounty

to sing happinesse to him. I will tell you a thing, but

you shall let it dwell darkly with you.

Cap. G.

When you haue spoken it 'tis dead, and I am


the graue of it.

Cap. E.

Hee hath peruerted a young Gentlewoman

heere in Florence, of a most chaste renown, & this night

he fleshes his will in the spoyle of her honour: hee hath

giuen her his monumentall Ring, and thinkes himself


made in the vnchaste composition.

Cap. G.

Now God delay our rebellion as we are our

selues, what things are we.

Cap. E.

Meerely our owne traitours. And as in the

common course of all treasons, we still see them reueale


themselues, till they attaine to their abhorr'd ends: so

he that in this action contriues against his owne Nobi­

lity in his proper streame, ore‑flowes himselfe.


Is it not meant damnable in vs, to be Trum­

peters of our vnlawfull intents? We shall not then haue


his company to night?

Cap. E.

Not till after midnight: for hee is dieted to

his houre.

Cap. G.

That approaches apace: I would gladly haue

him see his company anathomiz'd, that hee might take a

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[Act 4, Scene 3] Enter the two French Captaines, and some two or three Souldiours. Cap. G.

You haue not giuen him his mothers letter.


I haue deliu'red it an houre since, there is som

thing in't that stings his nature: for on the reading it,

he chang'd almost into another man.

Cap. G.

He has much worthy blame laid vpon him,

for shaking off so good a wife, and so sweet a Lady.

Cap. E.

Especially, hee hath incurred the euerlasting

displeasure of the King, who had euen tun'd his bounty

to sing happinesse to him. I will tell you a thing, but

you shall let it dwell darkly with you.

Cap. G.

When you haue spoken it 'tis dead, and I am


the graue of it.

Cap. E.

Hee hath peruerted a young Gentlewoman

heere in Florence, of a most chaste renown, & this night

he fleshes his will in the spoyle of her honour: hee hath

giuen her his monumentall Ring, and thinkes himself


made in the vnchaste composition.

Cap. G.

Now God delay our rebellion as we are our

selues, what things are we.

Cap. E.

Meerely our owne traitours. And as in the

common course of all treasons, we still see them reueale


themselues, till they attaine to their abhorr'd ends: so

he that in this action contriues against his owne Nobi­

lity in his proper streame, ore‑flowes himselfe.


Is it not meant damnable in vs, to be Trum­

peters of our vnlawfull intents? We shall not then haue


his company to night?

Cap. E.

Not till after midnight: for hee is dieted to

his houre.

Cap. G.

That approaches apace: I would gladly haue

him see his company anathomiz'd, that hee might take a measure of his owne iudgements, wherein so curiously


he had set this counterfeit.

Cap. E.

We will not meddle with him till he come;

for his presence must be the whip of the other.

Cap. G.

In the meane time, what heare you of these


Cap. E.

I heare there is an ouerture of peace.

Cap. G.

Nay, I assure you a peace concluded.

Cap. E.

What will Count Rossillion do then? Will he

trauaile higher, or returne againe into France?

Cap. G.

I perceiue by this demand, you are not alto­


gether of his councell.

Cap. E.

Let it be forbid sir, so should I bee a great

deale of his act.

Cap. G.

Sir, his wife some two months since fledde

from his house, her pretence is a pilgrimage to Saint Ia­ ques le grand ; which holy vndertaking, with most au­

stere sanctimonie she accomplisht: and there residing,

the tendernesse of her Nature, became as a prey to her

greefe: in fine, made a groane of her last breath, & now

she sings in heauen.

Cap. E.

How is this iustified?

Cap. G.

The stronger part of it by her owne Letters,

which makes her storie true, euen to the poynt of her

death: her death it selfe, which could not be her office

to say, is come: was faithfully confirm'd by the Rector


of the place.

Cap. E.

Hath the Count all this intelligence?

Cap. G.

I, and the particular confirmations, point

from point, to the full arming of the veritie.

Cap. E.

I am heartily sorrie that hee'l bee gladde of



Cap. G.

How mightily sometimes, we make vs com­

forts of our losses.

Cap. E.

And how mightily some other times, wee

drowne our gaine in teares, the great dignitie that his


valour hath here acquir'd for him, shall at home be en­

countred with a shame as ample.

Cap. G.

The webbe of our life, is of a mingled yarne,

good and ill together: our vertues would bee proud, if

our faults whipt them not, and our crimes would dis­


paire if they were not cherish'd by our vertues.

Enter a Messenger.

How now? Where's your master?


He met the Duke in the street sir, of whom hee

hath taken a solemne leaue: his Lordshippe will next

morning for France. The Duke hath offered him Let­


ters of commendations to the King.

Cap. E.

They shall bee no more then needfull there,

if they were more then they can commend.

Enter Count Rossillion. Ber.

They cannot be too sweete for the Kings tart­

nesse, heere's his Lordship now. How now my Lord,


i'st not after midnight?


I haue to night dispatch'd sixteene businesses, a

moneths length a peece, by an abstract of successe: I

haue congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his

neerest; buried a wife, mourn'd for her, writ to my La­


die mother, I am returning, entertain'd my Conuoy, &

betweene these maine parcels of dispatch, affected ma­

ny nicer needs: the last was the greatest, but that I haue

not ended yet.

Cap. E.

If the businesse bee of any difficulty, and this


morning your departure hence, it requires hast of your



I meane the businesse is not ended, as fearing

to heare of it hereafter: but shall we haue this dialogue

betweene the Foole and the Soldiour. Come, bring


forth this counterfet module, ha's deceiu'd mee, like a

double‑meaning Prophesier.

Cap. E.

Bring him forth, ha's sate i'th stockes all night

poore gallant knaue.


No matter, his heeles haue deseru'd it, in vsur­


ping his spurres so long. How does he carry himselfe?

Cap. E.

I haue told your Lordship alreadie: The

stockes carrie him. But to answer you as you would be

vnderstood, hee weepes like a wench that had shed her

milke, he hath confest himselfe to Morgan, whom hee


supposes to be a Friar, frōfrom the time of his remembrance

to this very instant disaster of his setting i'th stockes:

and what thinke you he hath confest?


Nothing of me, ha's a?

Cap. E.

His confession is taken, and it shall bee read


to his face, if your Lordshippe be in't, as I beleeue you

are, you must haue the patience to heare it.

Enter Parolles with his Interpreter. Ber.

A plague vpon him, muffeld; he can say nothing

of me: hush, hush.

Cap. G.

Hoodman comes: Portotartarossa.


He calles for the tortures, what will you say

without em.

Par. I will confesse what I know without constraint, If ye pinch me like a Pasty, I can say no more. Int.

Bosko Chimurcho.


Boblibindo chicurmurco.


You are a mercifull Generall: Our Generall

bids you answer to what I shall aske you out of a Note.


And truly, as I hope to lieu.


First demand of him, how many horse the Duke


is strong. What say you to that?


Fiue or sixe thousand, but very weake and vn­

seruiceable: the troopes are all scattered, and the Com­

manders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation and

credit, and as I hope to liue.


Shall I set downe your answer so?


Do, Ile take the Sacrament on't, how & which

way you will: all's one to him.


What a past‑sauing slaue is this?

Cap. G.

Y'are deceiu'd my Lord, this is Mounsieur


Parrolles the gallant militarist, that was his owne phrase

that had the whole theoricke of warre in the knot of his

scarfe, and the practise in the chape of his dagger.

Cap. E.

I will neuer trust a man againe, for keeping

his sword cleane, nor beleeue he can haue euerie thing


in him, by wearing his apparrell neatly.


Well, that's set downe.


Fiue or six thousand horse I sed, I will say true,

or thereabouts set downe, for Ile speake truth.

Cap. G.

He's very neere the truth in this.


But I con him no thankes for't in the nature he

deliuers it.


Poore rogues, I pray you say.


Well, that's set downe.

Par. I humbly thanke you sir, a truth's a truth, the Rogues are maruailous poore. Interp.

Demaund of him of what strength they are a

foot. What say you to that?


By my troth sir, if I were to liue this present

houre, I will tell true. Let me see, Spurio a hundred & fiftie, Sebastian so many, Corambus so many, Iaques so

many: Guiltian, Cosmo, Lodowicke, and Gratij, two hun­


dred fiftie each: Mine owne Company, Chitopher, Uau­ mond, Bentij , two hundred fiftie each: so that the muster

file, rotten and sound, vppon my life amounts not to fif­

teene thousand pole, halfe of the which, dare not shake

the snow from off their Cassockes, least they shake them­


selues to peeces.


What shall be done to him?

Cap. G.

Nothing, but let him haue thankes. Demand

of him my condition: and what credite I haue with the



Well that's set downe: you shall demaund of

him, whether one Captaine Dumaine bee i'th Campe, a

Frenchman: what his reputation is with the Duke, what

his valour, honestie, and expertnesse in warres: or whe­

ther he thinkes it were not possible with well‑weighing


summes of gold to corrupt him to a reuolt. What say you

to this? What do you know of it?


I beseech you let me answer to the particular of

the intergatories. Demand them singly.


Do you know this Captaine Dumaine?


I know him, a was a Botchers Prentize in Paris,

from whence he was whipt for getting the Shrieues fool

with childe, a dumbe innocent that could not say him



Nay, by your leaue hold your hands, though I


know his braines are forfeite to the next tile that fals.


Well, is this Captaine in the Duke of Florences



Vpon my knowledge he is, and lowsie.

Cap. G.

Nay looke not so vpon me: we shall heare of


your Lord anon.


What is his reputation with the Duke?


The Duke knowes him for no other, but a poore

Officer of mine, and writ to mee this other day, to turne

him out a'th band. I thinke I haue his Letter in my poc­




Marry we'll search.


In good sadnesse I do not know, either it is there,

or it is vpon a file with the Dukes other Letters, in my



Heere 'tis, heere's a paper, shall I reade it to you?


I do not know if it be it or no.


Our Interpreter do's it well.

Cap. G.



Dian, the Counts a foole, and full of gold.


That is not the Dukes letter sir: that is an ad­

uertisement to a proper maide in Florence, one Diana, to

take heede of the allurement of one Count Rossillion, a

foolish idle boy: but for all that very ruttish. I pray you

sir put it vp againe.


Nay, Ile reade it first by your fauour.


My meaning in't I protest was very honest in the

behalfe of the maid: for I knew the young Count to be a

dangerous and lasciuious boy, who is a whale to Virgi­

nity, and deuours vp all the fry it finds.


Damnable both‑sides rogue.

Int. Let. When he sweares oathes, bid him drop gold, and take it: After he scores, he neuer payes the score: Halfe won is match well made, match and well make it, He nere payes after‑debts, take it before,
And say a souldier (Dian) told thee this: Men are to mell with, boyes are not to kis. For count of this, the Counts a Foole I know it, Who payes before, but not when he does owe it.

Thine as he vow'd to thee in thine eare,




He shall be whipt through the Armie with this

rime in's forehead.

Cap. E.

This is your deuoted friend sir, the manifold

Linguist, and the army‑potent souldier.


I could endure any thing before but a Cat, and

now he's a Cat to me.


I perceiue sir by your Generals lookes, wee shall

be faine to hang you.


My life sir in any case: Not that I am afraide to


dye, but that my offences beeing many, I would repent

out the remainder of Nature. Let me liue sir in a dunge­

on, i'th stockes, or any where, so I may liue.


Wee'le see what may bee done, so you confesse

freely: therefore once more to this Captaine Dumaine:


you haue answer'd to his reputation with the Duke, and

to his valour. What is his honestie?


He will steale sir an Egge out of a Cloister: for

rapes and rauishments he paralels Nessus. Hee professes

not keeping of oaths, in breaking em he is stronger then


Hercules. He will lye sir, with such volubilitie, that you

would thinke truth were a foole: drunkennesse is his best

vertue, for he will be swine‑drunke, and in his sleepe he

does little harme, saue to his bed‑cloathes about him:

but they know his conditions, and lay him in straw. I


haue but little more to say sir of his honesty, he ha's eue­

rie thing that an honest man should not haue; what an

honest man should haue, he has nothing.

Cap. G.

I begin to loue him for this.


For this description of thine honestie? A pox


vpon him for me, he's more and more a Cat.


What say you to his expertnesse in warre?


Faith sir, ha's led the drumme before the Eng­

lish Tragedians: to belye him I will not, and more of his

souldiership I know not, except in that Country, he had


the honour to be the Officer at a place there called Mile‑ end , to instruct for the doubling of files. I would doe the

man what honour I can, but of this I am not certaine.

Cap. G.

He hath out‑villain'd villanie so farre, that the

raritie redeemes him.


A pox on him, he's a Cat still.


His qualities being at this poore price, I neede

not to aske you, if Gold will corrupt him to reuolt.


Sir, for a Cardceue he will sell the fee‑simple of

his saluation, the inheritance of it, and cut th'intaile from


all remainders, and a perpetuall succession for it perpe­



What's his Brother, the other Captain Dumain?

Cap. E.

Why do's he aske him of me?


What's he?


E'ne a Crow a'th same nest: not altogether so

great as the first in goodnesse, but greater a great deale in

euill. He excels his Brother for a coward, yet his Brother

is reputed one of the best that is. In a retreate hee out­

runnes any Lackey; marrie in comming on, hee ha's the




If your life be saued, will you vndertake to betray

the Florentine.


I, and the Captaine of his horse, Count Rossillion.


Ile whisper with the Generall, and knowe his




Ile no more drumming, a plague of all drummes,

onely to seeme to deserue well, and to beguile the suppo­

sition of that lasciuious yong boy the Count, haue I run

into this danger: yet who would haue suspected an am­


bush where I was taken?


There is no remedy sir, but you must dye: the

Generall sayes, you that haue so traitorously discouerd

the secrets of your army, and made such pestifferous re­

ports of men very nobly held, can serue the world for


no honest vse: therefore you must dye. Come heades­

man, off with his head.


O Lord sir let me liue, or let me see my death.


That shall you, and take your leaue of all your



So, looke about you, know you any heere?


Good morrow noble Captaine.

Lo. E.

God blesse you Captaine Parolles.

Cap. G.

God saue you noble Captaine.

Lo. E.

Captain, what greeting will you to my Lord


Lafew? I am for France.

Cap. G.

Good Captaine will you giue me a Copy of

the sonnet you writ to Diana in behalfe of the Count

Rossillion, and I were not a verie Coward, I'de compel

it of you, but far you well.

Exeunt. Int.

You are vndone Captaine all but your scarfe,

that has a knot on't yet.


Who cannot be crush'd with a plot?


If you could finde out a Countrie where but

women were that had receiued so much shame, you


might begin an impudent Nation. Fare yee well sir, I

am for France too, we shall speake of you there.

Exit Par. Yet am I thankfull: if my heart were great 'Twould burst at this: Captaine Ile be no more, But I will eate, and drinke, and sleepe as soft
As Captaine shall. Simply the thing I am Shall make me liue: who knowes himselfe a braggart Let him feare this; for it will come to passe, That euery braggart shall be found an Asse. Rust sword, coole blushes, and Parrolles liue
Safest in shame: being fool'd, by fool'rie thriue; There's place and meanes for euery man aliue. Ile after them.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3" rend="notPresent">
   <head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 3]</head>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter the two French Captaines, and some two or three
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2029">You haue not giuen him his mothers letter.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap.E.</speaker>
      <p n="2030">I haue deliu'red it an houre since, there is som
      <lb n="2031"/>thing in't that stings his nature: for on the reading it,
      <lb n="2032"/>he chang'd almost into another man.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2033">He has much worthy blame laid vpon him,
      <lb n="2034"/>for shaking off so good a wife, and so sweet a Lady.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2035">Especially, hee hath incurred the euerlasting
      <lb n="2036"/>displeasure of the King, who had euen tun'd his bounty
      <lb n="2037"/>to sing happinesse to him. I will tell you a thing, but
      <lb n="2038"/>you shall let it dwell darkly with you.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2039">When you haue spoken it 'tis dead, and I am
      <lb n="2040"/>the graue of it.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2041">Hee hath peruerted a young Gentlewoman
      <lb n="2042"/>heere in Florence, of a most chaste renown, &amp; this night
      <lb n="2043"/>he fleshes his will in the spoyle of her honour: hee hath
      <lb n="2044"/>giuen her his monumentall Ring, and thinkes himself
      <lb n="2045"/>made in the vnchaste composition.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2046">Now God delay our rebellion as we are our
      <lb n="2047"/>selues, what things are we.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2048">Meerely our owne traitours. And as in the
      <lb n="2049"/>common course of all treasons, we still see them reueale
      <lb n="2050"/>themselues, till they attaine to their abhorr'd ends: so
      <lb n="2051"/>he that in this action contriues against his owne Nobi­
      <lb n="2052"/>lity in his proper streame, ore‑flowes himselfe.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap.G.</speaker>
      <p n="2053">Is it not meant damnable in vs, to be Trum­
      <lb n="2054"/>peters of our vnlawfull intents? We shall not then haue
      <lb n="2055"/>his company to night?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2056">Not till after midnight: for hee is dieted to
      <lb n="2057"/>his houre.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2058">That approaches apace: I would gladly haue
      <lb n="2059"/>him see his company anathomiz'd, that hee might take<pb facs="FFimg:axc0267-0.jpg" n="247"/>
         <cb n="1"/>a measure of his owne iudgements, wherein so curiously
      <lb n="2060"/>he had set this counterfeit.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2061">We will not meddle with him till he come;
      <lb n="2062"/>for his presence must be the whip of the other.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2063">In the meane time, what heare you of these
      <lb n="2064"/>Warres?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2065">I heare there is an ouerture of peace.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2066">Nay, I assure you a peace concluded.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2067">What will Count<hi rend="italic">Rossillion</hi>do then? Will he
      <lb n="2068"/>trauaile higher, or returne againe into France?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2069">I perceiue by this demand, you are not alto­
      <lb n="2070"/>gether of his councell.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2071">Let it be forbid sir, so should I bee a great
      <lb n="2072"/>deale of his act.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2073">Sir, his wife some two months since fledde
      <lb n="2074"/>from his house, her pretence is a pilgrimage to Saint<hi rend="italic">Ia­
      <lb n="2075"/>ques le grand</hi>; which holy vndertaking, with most au­
      <lb n="2076"/>stere sanctimonie she accomplisht: and there residing,
      <lb n="2077"/>the tendernesse of her Nature, became as a prey to her
      <lb n="2078"/>greefe: in fine, made a groane of her last breath, &amp; now
      <lb n="2079"/>she sings in heauen.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2080">How is this iustified?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2081">The stronger part of it by her owne Letters,
      <lb n="2082"/>which makes her storie true, euen to the poynt of her
      <lb n="2083"/>death: her death it selfe, which could not be her office
      <lb n="2084"/>to say, is come: was faithfully confirm'd by the Rector
      <lb n="2085"/>of the place.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2086">Hath the Count all this intelligence?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2087">I, and the particular confirmations, point
      <lb n="2088"/>from point, to the full arming of the veritie.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2089">I am heartily sorrie that hee'l bee gladde of
      <lb n="2090"/>this.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2091">How mightily sometimes, we make vs com­
      <lb n="2092"/>forts of our losses.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2093">And how mightily some other times, wee
      <lb n="2094"/>drowne our gaine in teares, the great dignitie that his
      <lb n="2095"/>valour hath here acquir'd for him, shall at home be en­
      <lb n="2096"/>countred with a shame as ample.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2097">The webbe of our life, is of a mingled yarne,
      <lb n="2098"/>good and ill together: our vertues would bee proud, if
      <lb n="2099"/>our faults whipt them not, and our crimes would dis­
      <lb n="2100"/>paire if they were not cherish'd by our vertues.</p>
      <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Messenger.</stage>
      <p n="2101">How now? Where's your master?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ser">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ser.</speaker>
      <p n="2102">He met the Duke in the street sir, of whom hee
      <lb n="2103"/>hath taken a solemne leaue: his Lordshippe will next
      <lb n="2104"/>morning for France. The Duke hath offered him Let­
      <lb n="2105"/>ters of commendations to the King.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2106">They shall bee no more then needfull there,
      <lb n="2107"/>if they were more then they can commend.</p>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Count Rossillion.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2108">They cannot be too sweete for the Kings tart­
      <lb n="2109"/>nesse, heere's his Lordship now. How now my Lord,
      <lb n="2110"/>i'st not after midnight?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2111">I haue to night dispatch'd sixteene businesses, a
      <lb n="2112"/>moneths length a peece, by an abstract of successe: I
      <lb n="2113"/>haue congied with the Duke, done my adieu with his
      <lb n="2114"/>neerest; buried a wife, mourn'd for her, writ to my La­
      <lb n="2115"/>die mother, I am returning, entertain'd my Conuoy, &amp;
      <lb n="2116"/>betweene these maine parcels of dispatch, affected ma­
      <lb n="2117"/>ny nicer needs: the last was the greatest, but that I haue
      <lb n="2118"/>not ended yet.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2119">If the businesse bee of any difficulty, and this
      <lb n="2120"/>morning your departure hence, it requires hast of your<cb n="2"/>
      <lb n="2121"/>Lordship.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2122">I meane the businesse is not ended, as fearing
      <lb n="2123"/>to heare of it hereafter: but shall we haue this dialogue
      <lb n="2124"/>betweene the Foole and the Soldiour. Come, bring
      <lb n="2125"/>forth this counterfet module, ha's deceiu'd mee, like a
      <lb n="2126"/>double‑meaning Prophesier.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2127">Bring him forth, ha's sate i'th stockes all night
      <lb n="2128"/>poore gallant knaue.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2129">No matter, his heeles haue deseru'd it, in vsur­
      <lb n="2130"/>ping his spurres so long. How does he carry himselfe?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2131">I haue told your Lordship alreadie: The
      <lb n="2132"/>stockes carrie him. But to answer you as you would be
      <lb n="2133"/>vnderstood, hee weepes like a wench that had shed her
      <lb n="2134"/>milke, he hath confest himselfe to Morgan, whom hee
      <lb n="2135"/>supposes to be a Friar,<choice>
         </choice>the time of his remembrance
      <lb n="2136"/>to this very instant disaster of his setting i'th stockes:
      <lb n="2137"/>and what thinke you he hath confest?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2138">Nothing of me, ha's a?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2139">His confession is taken, and it shall bee read
      <lb n="2140"/>to his face, if your Lordshippe be in't, as I beleeue you
      <lb n="2141"/>are, you must haue the patience to heare it.</p>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Parolles with his Interpreter.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2142">A plague vpon him, muffeld; he can say nothing
      <lb n="2143"/>of me: hush, hush.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2144">Hoodman comes:<hi rend="italic">Portotartarossa</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Inter.</speaker>
      <p n="2145">He calles for the tortures, what will you say
      <lb n="2146"/>without em.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <l n="2147">I will confesse what I know without constraint,</l>
      <l n="2148">If ye pinch me like a Pasty, I can say no more.</l>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2149">Bosko Chimurcho.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2150">Boblibindo chicurmurco.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2151">You are a mercifull Generall: Our Generall
      <lb n="2152"/>bids you answer to what I shall aske you out of a Note.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2153">And truly, as I hope to lieu.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2154">First demand of him, how many horse the Duke
      <lb n="2155"/>is strong. What say you to that?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2156">Fiue or sixe thousand, but very weake and vn­
      <lb n="2157"/>seruiceable: the troopes are all scattered, and the Com­
      <lb n="2158"/>manders verie poore rogues, vpon my reputation and
      <lb n="2159"/>credit, and as I hope to liue.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2160">Shall I set downe your answer so?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2161">Do, Ile take the Sacrament on't, how &amp; which
      <lb n="2162"/>way you will: all's one to him.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2163">What a past‑sauing slaue is this?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2164">Y'are deceiu'd my Lord, this is Mounsieur
      <lb n="2165"/>
         <hi rend="italic">Parrolles</hi>the gallant militarist, that was his owne phrase
      <lb n="2166"/>that had the whole theoricke of warre in the knot of his
      <lb n="2167"/>scarfe, and the practise in the chape of his dagger.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2168">I will neuer trust a man againe, for keeping
      <lb n="2169"/>his sword cleane, nor beleeue he can haue euerie thing
      <lb n="2170"/>in him, by wearing his apparrell neatly.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2171">Well, that's set downe.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2172">Fiue or six thousand horse I sed, I will say true,
      <lb n="2173"/>or thereabouts set downe, for Ile speake truth.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2174">He's very neere the truth in this.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2175">But I con him no thankes for't in the nature he
      <lb n="2176"/>deliuers it.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2177">Poore rogues, I pray you say.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2178">Well, that's set downe.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <l n="2179">I humbly thanke you sir, a truth's a truth, the
      <lb/>Rogues are maruailous poore.</l>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Interp.</speaker>
      <p n="2180">Demaund of him of what strength they are a
      <lb n="2181"/>foot. What say you to that?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2182">By my troth sir, if I were to liue this present
      <lb n="2183"/>houre, I will tell true. Let me see,<hi rend="italic">Spurio</hi>a hundred &amp;<pb facs="FFimg:axc0268-0.jpg" n="248"/>
         <cb n="1"/>fiftie,<hi rend="italic">Sebastian</hi>so many,<hi rend="italic">Corambus</hi>so many,<hi rend="italic">Iaques</hi>so
      <lb n="2184"/>many:<hi rend="italic">Guiltian, Cosmo, Lodowicke</hi>, and<hi rend="italic">Gratij</hi>, two hun­
      <lb n="2185"/>dred fiftie each: Mine owne Company,<hi rend="italic">Chitopher, Uau­
      <lb n="2186"/>mond, Bentij</hi>, two hundred fiftie each: so that the muster
      <lb n="2187"/>file, rotten and sound, vppon my life amounts not to fif­
      <lb n="2188"/>teene thousand pole, halfe of the which, dare not shake
      <lb n="2189"/>the snow from off their Cassockes, least they shake them­
      <lb n="2190"/>selues to peeces.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2191">What shall be done to him?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2192">Nothing, but let him haue thankes. Demand
      <lb n="2193"/>of him my condition: and what credite I haue with the
      <lb n="2194"/>Duke.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2195">Well that's set downe: you shall demaund of
      <lb n="2196"/>him, whether one Captaine<hi rend="italic">Dumaine</hi>bee i'th Campe, a
      <lb n="2197"/>Frenchman: what his reputation is with the Duke, what
      <lb n="2198"/>his valour, honestie, and expertnesse in warres: or whe­
      <lb n="2199"/>ther he thinkes it were not possible with well‑weighing
      <lb n="2200"/>summes of gold to corrupt him to a reuolt. What say you
      <lb n="2201"/>to this? What do you know of it?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2202">I beseech you let me answer to the particular of
      <lb n="2203"/>the intergatories. Demand them singly.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2204">Do you know this Captaine<hi rend="italic">Dumaine</hi>?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2205">I know him, a was a Botchers Prentize in<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>,
      <lb n="2206"/>from whence he was whipt for getting the Shrieues fool
      <lb n="2207"/>with childe, a dumbe innocent that could not say him
      <lb n="2208"/>nay.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2209">Nay, by your leaue hold your hands, though I
      <lb n="2210"/>know his braines are forfeite to the next tile that fals.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2211">Well, is this Captaine in the Duke of Florences
      <lb n="2212"/>campe?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2213">Vpon my knowledge he is, and lowsie.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2214">Nay looke not so vpon me: we shall heare of
      <lb n="2215"/>your Lord anon.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2216">What is his reputation with the Duke?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2217">The Duke knowes him for no other, but a poore
      <lb n="2218"/>Officer of mine, and writ to mee this other day, to turne
      <lb n="2219"/>him out a'th band. I thinke I haue his Letter in my poc­
      <lb n="2220"/>ket.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2221">Marry we'll search.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2222">In good sadnesse I do not know, either it is there,
      <lb n="2223"/>or it is vpon a file with the Dukes other Letters, in my
      <lb n="2224"/>Tent.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2225">Heere 'tis, heere's a paper, shall I reade it to you?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2226">I do not know if it be it or no.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2227">Our Interpreter do's it well.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2228">Excellently.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p rend="italic" n="2229">Dian, the Counts a foole, and full of gold.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2230">That is not the Dukes letter sir: that is an ad­
      <lb n="2231"/>uertisement to a proper maide in Florence, one<hi rend="italic">Diana</hi>, to
      <lb n="2232"/>take heede of the allurement of one Count<hi rend="italic">Rossillion</hi>, a
      <lb n="2233"/>foolish idle boy: but for all that very ruttish. I pray you
      <lb n="2234"/>sir put it vp againe.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2235">Nay, Ile reade it first by your fauour.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2236">My meaning in't I protest was very honest in the
      <lb n="2237"/>behalfe of the maid: for I knew the young Count to be a
      <lb n="2238"/>dangerous and lasciuious boy, who is a whale to Virgi­
      <lb n="2239"/>nity, and deuours vp all the fry it finds.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2240">Damnable both‑sides rogue.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <l rend="italic" n="2241">
         <stage rend="italic" type="business">Let.</stage>When he sweares oathes, bid him drop gold, and
      <lb/>take it:</l>
      <l rend="italic" n="2242">After he scores, he neuer payes the score:</l>
      <l rend="italic" n="2243">Halfe won is match well made, match and well make it,</l>
      <l rend="italic" n="2244">He nere payes after‑debts, take it before,</l>
      <l rend="italic" n="2245">And say a souldier (Dian) told thee this:</l>
      <l rend="italic" n="2246">Men are to mell with, boyes are not to kis.</l>
      <cb n="2"/>
      <l rend="italic" n="2247">For count of this, the Counts a Foole I know it,</l>
      <l rend="italic" n="2248">Who payes before, but not when he does owe it.</l>
      <p rend="rightJustified" n="2249">Thine as he vow'd to thee in thine eare,
      <lb n="2250"/>
         <hi rend="italic">Parolles</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2251">He shall be whipt through the Armie with this
      <lb n="2252"/>rime in's forehead.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2253">This is your deuoted friend sir, the manifold
      <lb n="2254"/>Linguist, and the army‑potent souldier.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2255">I could endure any thing before but a Cat, and
      <lb n="2256"/>now he's a Cat to me.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2257">I perceiue sir by your Generals lookes, wee shall
      <lb n="2258"/>be faine to hang you.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2259">My life sir in any case: Not that I am afraide to
      <lb n="2260"/>dye, but that my offences beeing many, I would repent
      <lb n="2261"/>out the remainder of Nature. Let me liue sir in a dunge­
      <lb n="2262"/>on, i'th stockes, or any where, so I may liue.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2263">Wee'le see what may bee done, so you confesse
      <lb n="2264"/>freely: therefore once more to this Captaine<hi rend="italic">Dumaine</hi>:
      <lb n="2265"/>you haue answer'd to his reputation with the Duke, and
      <lb n="2266"/>to his valour. What is his honestie?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2267">He will steale sir an Egge out of a Cloister: for
      <lb n="2268"/>rapes and rauishments he paralels<hi rend="italic">Nessus</hi>. Hee professes
      <lb n="2269"/>not keeping of oaths, in breaking em he is stronger then
      <lb n="2270"/>
         <hi rend="italic">Hercules</hi>. He will lye sir, with such volubilitie, that you
      <lb n="2271"/>would thinke truth were a foole: drunkennesse is his best
      <lb n="2272"/>vertue, for he will be swine‑drunke, and in his sleepe he
      <lb n="2273"/>does little harme, saue to his bed‑cloathes about him:
      <lb n="2274"/>but they know his conditions, and lay him in straw. I
      <lb n="2275"/>haue but little more to say sir of his honesty, he ha's eue­
      <lb n="2276"/>rie thing that an honest man should not haue; what an
      <lb n="2277"/>honest man should haue, he has nothing.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2278">I begin to loue him for this.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2279">For this description of thine honestie? A pox
      <lb n="2280"/>vpon him for me, he's more and more a Cat.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2281">What say you to his expertnesse in warre?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2282">Faith sir, ha's led the drumme before the Eng­
      <lb n="2283"/>lish Tragedians: to belye him I will not, and more of his
      <lb n="2284"/>souldiership I know not, except in that Country, he had
      <lb n="2285"/>the honour to be the Officer at a place there called<hi rend="italic">Mile‑
      <lb n="2286"/>end</hi>, to instruct for the doubling of files. I would doe the
      <lb n="2287"/>man what honour I can, but of this I am not certaine.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2288">He hath out‑villain'd villanie so farre, that the
      <lb n="2289"/>raritie redeemes him.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ber.</speaker>
      <p n="2290">A pox on him, he's a Cat still.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2291">His qualities being at this poore price, I neede
      <lb n="2292"/>not to aske you, if Gold will corrupt him to reuolt.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2293">Sir, for a Cardceue he will sell the fee‑simple of
      <lb n="2294"/>his saluation, the inheritance of it, and cut th'intaile from
      <lb n="2295"/>all remainders, and a perpetuall succession for it perpe­
      <lb n="2296"/>tually.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2297">What's his Brother, the other Captain<hi rend="italic">Dumain</hi>?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2298">Why do's he aske him of me?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2299">What's he?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2300">E'ne a Crow a'th same nest: not altogether so
      <lb n="2301"/>great as the first in goodnesse, but greater a great deale in
      <lb n="2302"/>euill. He excels his Brother for a coward, yet his Brother
      <lb n="2303"/>is reputed one of the best that is. In a retreate hee out­
      <lb n="2304"/>runnes any Lackey; marrie in comming on, hee ha's the
      <lb n="2305"/>Crampe.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2306">If your life be saued, will you vndertake to betray
      <lb n="2307"/>the Florentine.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2308">I, and the Captaine of his horse, Count<hi rend="italic">Rossillion</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2309">Ile whisper with the Generall, and knowe his
      <lb n="2310"/>pleasure.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2311">Ile no more drumming, a plague of all drummes,
      <lb n="2312"/>onely to seeme to deserue well, and to beguile the suppo­<pb facs="FFimg:axc0269-0.jpg" n="251"/>
         <cb n="1"/>
      <lb n="2313"/>sition of that lasciuious yong boy the Count, haue I run
      <lb n="2314"/>into this danger: yet who would haue suspected an am­
      <lb n="2315"/>bush where I was taken?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2316">There is no remedy sir, but you must dye: the
      <lb n="2317"/>Generall sayes, you that haue so traitorously discouerd
      <lb n="2318"/>the secrets of your army, and made such pestifferous re­
      <lb n="2319"/>ports of men very nobly held, can serue the world for
      <lb n="2320"/>no honest vse: therefore you must dye. Come heades­
      <lb n="2321"/>man, off with his head.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2322">O Lord sir let me liue, or let me see my death.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2323">That shall you, and take your leaue of all your
      <lb n="2324"/>friends:</p>
      <p n="2325">So, looke about you, know you any heere?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-ber">
      <speaker rend="italic">Count.</speaker>
      <p n="2326">Good morrow noble Captaine.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Lo. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2327">God blesse you Captaine<hi rend="italic">Parolles</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2328">God saue you noble Captaine.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpe">
      <speaker rend="italic">Lo. E.</speaker>
      <p n="2329">Captain, what greeting will you to my Lord
      <lb n="2330"/>
         <hi rend="italic">Lafew</hi>? I am for<hi rend="italic">France</hi>.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-cpg">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cap. G.</speaker>
      <p n="2331">Good Captaine will you giue me a Copy of
      <lb n="2332"/>the sonnet you writ to<hi rend="italic">Diana</hi>in behalfe of the Count
      <lb n="2333"/>
         <hi rend="italic">Rossillion</hi>, and I were not a verie Coward, I'de compel
      <lb n="2334"/>it of you, but far you well.</p>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Int.</speaker>
      <p n="2335">You are vndone Captaine all but your scarfe,
      <lb n="2336"/>that has a knot on't yet.</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <p n="2337">Who cannot be crush'd with a plot?</p>
   <sp who="#F-aww-int">
      <speaker rend="italic">Inter.</speaker>
      <p n="2338">If you could finde out a Countrie where but
      <lb n="2339"/>women were that had receiued so much shame, you
      <lb n="2340"/>might begin an impudent Nation. Fare yee well sir, I
      <lb n="2341"/>am for<hi rend="italic">France</hi>too, we shall speake of you there.</p>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>
   <sp who="#F-aww-par">
      <speaker rend="italic">Par.</speaker>
      <l n="2342">Yet am I thankfull: if my heart were great</l>
      <l n="2343">'Twould burst at this: Captaine Ile be no more,</l>
      <l n="2344">But I will eate, and drinke, and sleepe as soft</l>
      <l n="2345">As Captaine shall. Simply the thing I am</l>
      <l n="2346">Shall make me liue: who knowes himselfe a braggart</l>
      <l n="2347">Let him feare this; for it will come to passe,</l>
      <l n="2348">That euery braggart shall be found an Asse.</l>
      <l n="2349">Rust sword, coole blushes, and<hi rend="italic">Parrolles</hi>liue</l>
      <l n="2350">Safest in shame: being fool'd, by fool'rie thriue;</l>
      <l n="2351">There's place and meanes for euery man aliue.</l>
      <l n="2352">Ile after them.</l>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>


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