Which by my Lord of Winchester we meaneShall be transported presently to France.Glo.And for the proffer of my Lord your Master,I haue inform'd his Highnesse so at large,As liking of the Ladies vertuous gifts,
Her Beauty, and the valew of her Dower,He doth intend she shall be Englands Queene.King.In argument and proofe of which contract,Beare her this Iewell, pledge of my affection.And so my Lord Protector see them guarded,
And safely brought to
Douer, wherein ship'd
Commit them to the fortune of the sea.Exeunt.Win.Stay my Lord Legate, you shall first receiueThe summe of money which I promisedShould be deliuered to his Holinesse,
For cloathing me in these graue Ornaments.Legat.I will attend vpon your Lordships leysure.Win.Now Winchester will not submit, I trow,Or be inferior to the proudest Peere;Humfrey of Gloster, thou shalt well perceiue,
That neither in birth, or for authoritie,The Bishop will be ouer‑borne by thee:Ile either make thee stoope, and bend thy knee,Or sacke this Country with a mutiny.Exeunt
Scœna Tertia.
[Act 5, Scene 2]
Enter Charles, Burgundy, Alanson, Bastard,
Reignier, and Ione.
Char.These newes (my Lords) may cheere our droo
ping spirits:
'Tis said, the stout Parisians do reuolt,And turne againe vnto the warlike French.Alan.Then march to Paris Royall
Charles of France,
And keepe not backe your powers in dalliance.Pucel.Peace be amongst them if they turne to vs,
Else ruine combate with their Pallaces.Enter Scout.Scout.Successe vnto our valiant Generall,And happinesse to his accomplices.Char.What tidings send our Scouts? I prethee speak.Scout.The English Army that diuided was
Into two parties, is now conioyn'd in one,And meanes to giue you battell presently.Char.Somewhat too sodaine Sirs, the warning is,But we will presently prouide for them.Bur.I trust the Ghost of
Talbot is not there:
Now he is gone my Lord, you neede not feare.Pucel.Of all base passions, Feare is most accurst.Command the Conquest
Charles, it shall be thine:
Henry fret, and all the world repine.
Char.Then on my Lords, and France be fortunate.Exeunt. Alarum. Excursions.
[Act 5, Scene 3]
Enter Ione de Pucell.Puc.
The Regent conquers, and the Frenchmen flye.Now helpe ye charming Spelles and Periapts,And ye choise spirits that admonish me,And giue me signes of future accidents.Thunder.You speedy helpers, that are substitutes
Vnder the Lordly Monarch of the North,Appeare, and ayde me in this enterprize.Enter Fiends.This speedy and quicke appearance argues proofeOf your accustom'd diligence to me.Now ye Familiar Spirits, that are cull'd
Out of the powerfull Regions vnder earth,Helpe me this once, that France may get the field.They walke, and speake not.Oh hold me not with silence ouer‑long:Where I was wont to feed you with my blood,Ile lop a member off, and giue it you,
In earnest of a further benefit:So you do condiscend to helpe me now.They hang their heads.No hope to haue redresse? My body shallPay recompence, if you will graunt my suite.They shake their heads.Cannot my body, nor blood‑sacrifice,
Intreate you to your wonted furtherance?Then take my soule; my body, soule, and all,Before that England giue the French the foyle.
They depart.See, they forsake me. Now the time is come,That France must vale her lofty plumed Crest,
And let her head fall into Englands lappe.My ancient Incantations are too weake,And hell too strong for me to buckle with:Now France, thy glory droopeth to the dust.Exit.Excursions. Burgundie and Yorke fight hand to
hand. French flye.
Yorke.Damsell of France, I thinke I haue you fast,
Vnchaine your spirits now with spelling Charmes,And try if they can gaine your liberty.A goodly prize, sit for the diuels grace.See how the vgly Witch doth bend her browes,As if with
Circe, she would change my shape.
Chang'd to a worser shape thou canst not be.Yor.Oh,
Charles the Dolphin is a proper man,
No shape but his can please your dainty eye.Puc.A plaguing mischeefe light on
Charles, and thee,
And may ye both be sodainly surpriz'd
By bloudy hands, in sleeping on your beds.Yorke.Fell banning Hagge, Inchantresse hold thy
Puc.I prethee giue me leaue to curse awhile.Yorke.Curse Miscreant, when thou comst to the stakeExeunt.Alarum. Enter Suffolke with Margaret
in his hand.
Suff.Be what thou wilt, thou art my prisoner.Gazes on her.
Oh Fairest Beautie, do not feare, nor flye:For I will touch thee but with reuerend hands,I kisse these fingers for eternall peace,And lay them gently on thy tender side.Who art thou, say? that I may honor thee.Mar.
Margaret my name, and daughter to a King,
The King of Naples, who so ere thou art.Suff.An Earle I am, and Suffolke am I call'd.Be not offended Natures myracle,Thou art alotted to be tane by me:
[Act 4, Scene 3]
Enter a Messenger that meets Yorke. Enter Yorke
with Trumpet, and many Soldiers.
Are not the speedy scouts return'd againe,That dog'd the mighty Army of the Dolphin?Mess.They are return'd my Lord, and giue it out,That he is march'd to Burdeaux with his powerTo fight with
Talbot as he march'd along.
By your espyals were discoueredTwo mightier Troopes then that the Dolphin led,Which ioyn'd with him, and made their march for
YorkeA plague vpon that Villaine Somerset,That thus delayes my promised supply
Of horsemen, that were leuied for this siege.Renowned
Talbot doth expect my ayde,
And I am lowted by a Traitor Villaine,And cannot helpe the noble Cheualier:God comfort him in this necessity:
If he miscarry, farewell Warres in France.Enter another Messenger.2. Mes.Thou Princely Leader of our English strength,Neuer so needfull on the earth of France,Spurre to the rescue of the Noble
Who now is girdled with a waste of Iron,
And hem'd about with grim destruction:To Burdeaux warlike Duke, to Burdeaux Yorke,Else farwell
Talbot, France, and Englands honor.
Yorke.O God, that Somerset who in proud heartDoth stop my Cornets, were in
Talbots place,
So should wee saue a valiant Gentleman,By forfeyting a Traitor, and a Coward:Mad ire, and wrathfull fury makes me weepe,That thus we dye, while remisse Traitors sleepe.Mes.
O send some succour to the distrest Lord.
He dies, we loose: I breake my warlike word:We mourne, France smiles: We loose, they dayly get,All long of this vile Traitor Somerset.Mes.Then God take mercy on braue
Talbots soule,
And on his Sonne yong
Iohn, who two houres since,
I met in trauaile toward his warlike Father;This seuen yeeres did not
Talbot see his sonne,
And now they meete where both their liues are done.Yorke.Alas, what ioy shall noble
Talbot haue,
To bid his yong sonne welcome to his Graue:
Away, vexation almost stoppes my breath,That sundred friends greete in the houre of death.Lucie farewell, no more my fortune can,
But curse the cause I cannot ayde the man.Maine, Bloys, Poytiers, and
Toures, are wonne away,
Long all of Somerset, and his delay.ExitMes.Thus while the Vulture of sedition,Feedes in the bosome of such great Commanders,Sleeping neglection doth betray to losse:The Conquest of our scarse‑cold Conqueror,
That euer‑liuing man of Memorie,Henrie the fift: Whiles they each other crosse,
Liues, Honours, Lands, and all, hurrie to losse.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 3]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Messenger that meets Yorke. Enter Yorke
<lb/>with Trumpet, and many Soldiers.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rpl">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="1830">Are not the speedy scouts return'd againe,</l>
<l n="1831">That dog'd the mighty Army of the Dolphin?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-mes">
<speaker rend="italic">Mess.</speaker>
<l n="1832">They are return'd my Lord, and giue it out,</l>
<l n="1833">That he is march'd to Burdeaux with his power</l>
<l n="1834">To fight with<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>as he march'd along.</l>
<l n="1835">By your espyals were discouered</l>
<l n="1836">Two mightier Troopes then that the Dolphin led,</l>
<l n="1837">Which ioyn'd with him, and made their march for
<lb rend="turnunder"/>
<pc rend="turnunder">(</pc>Burdeaux</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rpl">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke</speaker>
<l n="1838">A plague vpon that Villaine Somerset,</l>
<l n="1839">That thus delayes my promised supply</l>
<l n="1840">Of horsemen, that were leuied for this siege.</l>
<l n="1841">Renowned<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>doth expect my ayde,</l>
<l n="1842">And I am lowted by a Traitor Villaine,</l>
<l n="1843">And cannot helpe the noble Cheualier:</l>
<l n="1844">God comfort him in this necessity:</l>
<l n="1845">If he miscarry, farewell Warres in France.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter another Messenger.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-mes.2">
<speaker rend="italic">2. Mes.</speaker>
<l n="1846">Thou Princely Leader of our English strength,</l>
<l n="1847">Neuer so needfull on the earth of France,</l>
<l n="1848">Spurre to the rescue of the Noble<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>,</l>
<l n="1849">Who now is girdled with a waste of Iron,</l>
<l n="1850">And hem'd about with grim destruction:</l>
<l n="1851">To Burdeaux warlike Duke, to Burdeaux Yorke,</l>
<l n="1852">Else farwell<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>, France, and Englands honor.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rpl">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="1853">O God, that Somerset who in proud heart</l>
<l n="1854">Doth stop my Cornets, were in<hi rend="italic">Talbots</hi>place,</l>
<l n="1855">So should wee saue a valiant Gentleman,</l>
<l n="1856">By forfeyting a Traitor, and a Coward:</l>
<l n="1857">Mad ire, and wrathfull fury makes me weepe,</l>
<l n="1858">That thus we dye, while remisse Traitors sleepe.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-mes">
<speaker rend="italic">Mes.</speaker>
<p n="1859">O send some succour to the distrest Lord.</p>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rpl">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="1860">He dies, we loose: I breake my warlike word:</l>
<l n="1861">We mourne, France smiles: We loose, they dayly get,</l>
<l n="1862">All long of this vile Traitor Somerset.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-mes">
<speaker rend="italic">Mes.</speaker>
<l n="1863">Then God take mercy on braue<hi rend="italic">Talbots</hi>soule,</l>
<l n="1864">And on his Sonne yong<hi rend="italic">Iohn</hi>, who two houres since,</l>
<l n="1865">I met in trauaile toward his warlike Father;</l>
<l n="1866">This seuen yeeres did not<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>see his sonne,</l>
<l n="1867">And now they meete where both their liues are done.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-rpl">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="1868">Alas, what ioy shall noble<hi rend="italic">Talbot</hi>haue,</l>
<l n="1869">To bid his yong sonne welcome to his Graue:</l>
<l n="1870">Away, vexation almost stoppes my breath,</l>
<l n="1871">That sundred friends greete in the houre of death.</l>
<l n="1872">
<hi rend="italic">Lucie</hi>farewell, no more my fortune can,</l>
<l n="1873">But curse the cause I cannot ayde the man.</l>
<l n="1874">
<hi rend="italic">Maine, Bloys, Poytiers,</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Toures</hi>, are wonne away,</l>
<l n="1875">Long all of Somerset, and his delay.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-mes">
<speaker rend="italic">Mes.</speaker>
<l n="1876">Thus while the Vulture of sedition,</l>
<l n="1877">Feedes in the bosome of such great Commanders,</l>
<l n="1878">Sleeping neglection doth betray to losse:</l>
<l n="1879">The Conquest of our scarse‑cold Conqueror,</l>
<l n="1880">That euer‑liuing man of Memorie,</l>
<l n="1881">
<hi rend="italic">Henrie</hi>the fift: Whiles they each other crosse,</l>
<l n="1882">Liues, Honours, Lands, and all, hurrie to losse.</l>