the third time: I hope good lucke lies in odde numbers:
either in natiuity, chance, or death: away.
Ile prouide you a chaine, and Ile do what I can
to get you a paire of hornes.
Away I say, time weares, hold vp your head &
mince. How
now M
Broome? Master
Broome, the mat
ter will be knowne to night, or neuer. Bee you in the
Parke about midnight, at Hernes‑Oake, and you shall
see wonders.
Went you not to her yesterday (Sir) as you told
me you had appointed?
I went to her (Master
Broome) as you
see, like a
poore‑old‑man, but I came from
her (Master
like a
poore‑old‑woman; that same knaue (
Ford hir
band) hath the finest mad diuell of iealousie in him (Ma
Broome) that euer gouern'd Frensie. I will tell
he beate me greeuously, in the shape of a woman: (for in
the shape of Man (Master
Broome) I feare not Goliah
with a Weauers beame, because I know also, life is a
Shuttle) I am in hast, go along with mee, Ile tell you all
Broome:) since I
pluckt Geese, plaide Trewant,
and whipt Top, I knew not what 'twas to be beaten, till
lately. Follow mee, Ile tell you strange things of this
Ford, on whom to night I will be reuenged,
and I
will deliuer his wife into your hand. Follow, straunge
things in hand (M.
Broome) follow.
Come, come: wee'll couch i'th Castle‑ditch,
till we see the light of our
Fairies. Remember son
I forsooth, I haue spoke with her, & we haue
a nay‑word, how to know one another. I come to her
in white, and cry Mum; she cries Budget, and by that