The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: Q5v - Comedies, p. 190

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As you like it. Then that of painted pompe? Are not these woods
More free from perill then the enuious Court? Heere feele we not the penaltie of Adam, The seasons difference, as the Icie phange And churlish chiding of the winters winde, Which when it bites and blowes vpon my body
Euen till I shrinke with cold, I smile, and say This is no flattery: these are counsellors That feelingly perswade me what I am: Sweet are the vses of aduersitie Which like the toad, ougly and venemous,
Weares yet a precious Iewell in his head: And this our life exempt from publike haunt, Findes tongues in trees, bookes in the running brookes, Sermons in stones, and good in euery thing.
Amien. I would not change it, happy is your Grace
That can translate the stubbornnesse of fortune Into so quiet and so sweet a stile.
Du. Sen. Come, shall we goe and kill vs venison ? And yet it irkes me the poore dapled fooles Being natiue Burgers of this desert City,
Should intheir owne confines with forked heads Haue their round hanches goard.
1. Lord. Indeed my Lord The melancholy Iaques grieues at that, And in that kinde sweares you doe more vsurpe
Then doth your brother that hath banish'd you: To day my Lord of Amiens, and my selfe, Did steale behinde him as he lay along Vnder an oake, whose anticke roote peepes out Vpon the brooke that brawles along this wood,
To the which place a poore sequestred Stag That from the Hunters aime had tane a hurt, Did come to languish; and indeed my Lord The wretched annimall heau'd forth such groanes That their discharge did stretch his leatherne coat
Almost to bursting, and the big round teares Cours'd one another downe his innocent nose In pitteous chase: and thus the hairie foole, Much marked of the melancholie Iaques, Stood on th' extremest verge of the swift brooke,
Augmenting it with teares.
Du. Sen. But what said Iaques? Did he not moralize this spectacle? 1. Lord. O yes, into a thousand similies. First, for his weeping into the needlesse streame;
Poore Deere quoth he, thou mak'st a testament As worldlings doe, giuing thy sum of more To that which had too must: then being there alone, Left and abandoned of his veluet friend; 'Tis right quoth he, thus miserie doth part
The Fluxe of companie: anon a carelesse Heard pasture, iumps along by him staies to greet him: I quoth Iaques, you fat and greazie Citizens, e fashion; wherefore doe you looke
hat poore and broken bankrupt there? inuectiuely he pierceth through f Countrie, Citie, Court, is our life, swearing that we ers, tyrants, and whats worse
imals, and to kill them vp atiue dwelling place. e him in this contemplation? eeping and commenting

Right Column

Du. Sen.
Show me the place, I loue to cope him in these sullen fits, For then he's full of matter.
1. Lor Ile bring you to him strait. Exeunt.
Scena Secunda. [Act 2, Scene 2] Enter Duke, with Lords. Duk. Can it be possible that no man saw them?
It cannot be, some villaines of my Court Are of consent and sufferance in this.
1. Lo. I cannot heare of any that did see her, The Ladies her attendants of her chamber Saw her a bed, and in the morning early,
They found the bed vntreasur'd of their Mistris.
2. Lor. My Lord, the roynish Clown, at whom so oft, Your Grace was wont to laugh is also missing, Hisperia the Princesse Centlewoman Confesses that she secretly ore‑heard
Your daughter and her Cosen much commend The parts and graces of the Wrastler That did but lately foile the synowie Charles, And she beleeues where euer they are gone That youth is surely in their companie.
Send to his brother, fetch that gallant hither, If he be absent, bring his Brother to me, Ile make him finde him: do this sodainly; And let not search and inquisition quaile, To bring againe these foolish runawaies.
Scena Tertia. [Act 2, Scene 3] Enter Orlando and Adam. Orl.
Who's there ?
Ad. What my yong Master, oh my gentle master, Oh my sweet master, O you memorie Of old Sir Rowland; why, what make you here? Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you?
And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant? Why would you be so fond to ouercome The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke? Your praise is come too swiftly home before you. Know you not Master, to seeme kinde of men,
Their graces serue them but as enemies, No more doe yours: your vertues gentle Master Are sanctified and holy traitors to you: Oh what a world is this, when what is comely Enuenoms him that beares it?
Why, what's the matter? This line is conventionally attributed to Orlando.
Ad. O vnhappie youth, Come not within these doores: within this roofe The enemie of all your graces liues Your brother, no, no brother, yet the sonne
(Yet not the son, I will not call him son) Of him I was about to call his Father, Hath heard your praises, and this night he meanes, To burne the lodging where you vse to lye, ile of that He

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Scena Tertia. [Act 2, Scene 3] Enter Orlando and Adam. Orl.
Who's there ?
Ad. What my yong Master, oh my gentle master, Oh my sweet master, O you memorie Of old Sir Rowland; why, what make you here? Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you?
And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant? Why would you be so fond to ouercome The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke? Your praise is come too swiftly home before you. Know you not Master, to seeme kinde of men,
Their graces serue them but as enemies, No more doe yours: your vertues gentle Master Are sanctified and holy traitors to you: Oh what a world is this, when what is comely Enuenoms him that beares it?
Why, what's the matter? This line is conventionally attributed to Orlando.
Ad. O vnhappie youth, Come not within these doores: within this roofe The enemie of all your graces liues Your brother, no, no brother, yet the sonne
(Yet not the son, I will not call him son) Of him I was about to call his Father, Hath heard your praises, and this night he meanes, To burne the lodging where you vse to lye, ile of that
He will haue other meanes to cut you off; I ouerheard him: and his practises: This is no place, this house is but a butcherie; Abhorre it, feare it, doe not enter it.
Ad. This speech is conventionally attributed to Orlando. Why whether Adam would'st thou haue me go? Ad.
No matter whether, so you come not here.
Orl. What, would'st thou haue me go & beg my food, Or with a base and boistrous Sword enforce A theeuish liuing on the common rode? This I must do, or know not what to do:
Yet this I will not do, do how I can, I rather will subiect me to the malice Of a diuerted blood, and bloudie brother.
Ad. But do not so: I haue fiue hundred Crownes, The thriftie hire I saued vnder your Father,
Which I did store to be my foster Nurse, When seruice should in my old limbs lie lame, And vnregarded age in corners throwne, Take that, and he that doth the Rauens feede, Yea prouidently caters for the Sparrow,
Be comfort to my age: here is the gold, All this I giue you, let me be your seruant, Though I looke old, yet I am strong and lustie; For in my youth I neuer did apply Hot, and rebellious liquors in my bloud,
Nor did not with vnbashfull forehead woe, The meanes of weakensse and debilitie, Therefore my age is as a lustie winter, Frostie, but kindely; let me goe with you, Ile doe the seruice of a yonger man
In all your businesse and necessities.
Orl. Oh good old man, how well in thee appeares The constant seruice of the antique world, When seruice sweate for dutie, not for meede: Thou art not for the fashion of these times,
Where none will sweate, but for promotion, And hauing that do choake their seruice vp, Euen with the hauing, it is not so with thee: But poore old man, thou prun'st a rotten tree, That cannot so much as a blossome yeelde,
In lieu of all thy paines and husbandrie, But come thy waies, weele goe along together, And ere we haue thy youthfull wages spent, Weele light vpon some setled low content.
Ad. Master goe on, and I will follow thee
To the last gaspe with truth and loyaltie, From seauentie yeeres, till now almost fourescore Here liued I, but now liue here no more At seauenteene yeeres, many their fortunes seeke But at fourescore, it is too late a weeke,
Yet fortune cannot recompence me better Then to die well, and not my Masters debter.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="3">
   <head rend="italic center">Scena Tertia.</head>
   <head type="supplied">[Act 2, Scene 3]</head>
   <stage rend="italic" type="entrance">Enter Orlando and Adam.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-orl">
      <speaker rend="italic">Orl.</speaker>
      <l n="680">Who's there<c rend="italic">?</c>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-ada">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ad.</speaker>
      <l n="681">What my yong Master, oh my gentle master,</l>
      <l n="682">Oh my sweet master, O you memorie</l>
      <l n="683">Of old Sir<hi rend="italic">Rowland</hi>; why, what make you here?</l>
      <l n="684">Why are you vertuous? Why do people loue you?</l>
      <l n="685">And wherefore are you gentle, strong, and valiant?</l>
      <l n="686">Why would you be so fond to ouercome</l>
      <l n="687">The bonnie priser of the humorous Duke?</l>
      <l n="688">Your praise is come too swiftly home before you.</l>
      <l n="689">Know you not Master, to seeme kinde of men,</l>
      <l n="690">Their graces serue them but as enemies,</l>
      <l n="691">No more doe yours: your vertues gentle Master</l>
      <l n="692">Are sanctified and holy traitors to you:</l>
      <l n="693">Oh what a world is this, when what is comely</l>
      <l n="694">Enuenoms him that beares it?</l>
      <l n="695">Why, what's the matter?</l>
      <note resp="#ES">This line is conventionally attributed to Orlando.</note>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-ada">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ad.</speaker>
      <l n="696">O vnhappie youth,</l>
      <l n="697">Come not within these doores: within this roofe</l>
      <l n="698">The enemie of all your graces liues</l>
      <l n="699">Your brother, no, no brother, yet the sonne</l>
      <l n="700">(Yet not the son, I will not call him son)</l>
      <l n="701">Of him I was about to call his Father,</l>
      <l n="702">Hath heard your praises, and this night he meanes,</l>
      <l n="703">To burne the lodging where you vse to lye,</l>
      <l n="704">
         <gap extent="0.5"
              resp="#ES"/>ile of that</l>
      <pb facs="FFimg:axc0211-0.jpg" n="191"/>
      <cb n="1"/>
      <l n="705">He will haue other meanes to cut you off;</l>
      <l n="706">I ouerheard him: and his practises:</l>
      <l n="707">This is no place, this house is but a butcherie;</l>
      <l n="708">Abhorre it, feare it, doe not enter it.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-ada">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ad.</speaker>
      <note resp="#ES">This speech is conventionally attributed to Orlando.</note>
      <l n="709">Why whether<hi rend="italic">Adam</hi>would'st thou haue me go?</l>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-ada">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ad.</speaker>
      <l n="710">No matter whether, so you come not here.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-orl">
      <speaker rend="italic">Orl.</speaker>
      <l n="711">What, would'st thou haue me go &amp; beg my food,</l>
      <l n="712">Or with a base and boistrous Sword enforce</l>
      <l n="713">A theeuish liuing on the common rode?</l>
      <l n="714">This I must do, or know not what to do:</l>
      <l n="715">Yet this I will not do, do how I can,</l>
      <l n="716">I rather will subiect me to the malice</l>
      <l n="717">Of a diuerted blood, and bloudie brother.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-ada">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ad.</speaker>
      <l n="718">But do not so: I haue fiue hundred Crownes,</l>
      <l n="719">The thriftie hire I saued vnder your Father,</l>
      <l n="720">Which I did store to be my foster Nurse,</l>
      <l n="721">When seruice should in my old limbs lie lame,</l>
      <l n="722">And vnregarded age in corners throwne,</l>
      <l n="723">Take that, and he that doth the Rauens feede,</l>
      <l n="724">Yea prouidently caters for the Sparrow,</l>
      <l n="725">Be comfort to my age: here is the gold,</l>
      <l n="726">All this I giue you, let me be your seruant,</l>
      <l n="727">Though I looke old, yet I am strong and lustie;</l>
      <l n="728">For in my youth I neuer did apply</l>
      <l n="729">Hot, and rebellious liquors in my bloud,</l>
      <l n="730">Nor did not with vnbashfull forehead woe,</l>
      <l n="731">The meanes of weakensse and debilitie,</l>
      <l n="732">Therefore my age is as a lustie winter,</l>
      <l n="733">Frostie, but kindely; let me goe with you,</l>
      <l n="734">Ile doe the seruice of a yonger man</l>
      <l n="735">In all your businesse and necessities.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-orl">
      <speaker rend="italic">Orl.</speaker>
      <l n="736">Oh good old man, how well in thee appeares</l>
      <l n="737">The constant seruice of the antique world,</l>
      <l n="738">When seruice sweate for dutie, not for meede:</l>
      <l n="739">Thou art not for the fashion of these times,</l>
      <l n="740">Where none will sweate, but for promotion,</l>
      <l n="741">And hauing that do choake their seruice vp,</l>
      <l n="742">Euen with the hauing, it is not so with thee:</l>
      <l n="743">But poore old man, thou prun'st a rotten tree,</l>
      <l n="744">That cannot so much as a blossome yeelde,</l>
      <l n="745">In lieu of all thy paines and husbandrie,</l>
      <l n="746">But come thy waies, weele goe along together,</l>
      <l n="747">And ere we haue thy youthfull wages spent,</l>
      <l n="748">Weele light vpon some setled low content.</l>
   <sp who="#F-ayl-ada">
      <speaker rend="italic">Ad.</speaker>
      <l n="749">Master goe on, and I will follow thee</l>
      <l n="750">To the last gaspe with truth and loyaltie,</l>
      <l n="751">From seauentie yeeres, till now almost fourescore</l>
      <l n="752">Here liued I, but now liue here no more</l>
      <l n="753">At seauenteene yeeres, many their fortunes seeke</l>
      <l n="754">But at fourescore, it is too late a weeke,</l>
      <l n="755">Yet fortune cannot recompence me better</l>
      <l n="756">Then to die well, and not my Masters debter.</l>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>


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