The Lamentable Tragedie of Titus Andronicus.This after me, I haue writ my name,Without the helpe of any hand at all.Curst be that hart that forc'st vs to that
Write thou good Neece, and heere display at last,
What God will haue discouered for reuenge,Heauen guide thy pen to print thy sorrowes plaine,That we may know the Traytors and the truth.She takes the
staffe in her mouth, and guides it with her
stumps and writes.
Ti.Oh doe ye read my Lord what she hath writs?Stuprum, Chiron, Demetrius.
What, what, the lustfull sonnes of
Performers of this hainous bloody deed?Ti.Magni Dominator poli,
Tam lentus audis scelera, tam lentus
Mar.Oh calme thee gentle Lord: Although I know
There is enough written vpon this earth,To stirre a mutinie in the mildest thoughts,And arme the mindes of infants to exclaimes.My Lord kneele downe with me:
And kneele sweet boy, the Romaine
Hectors hope,
And sweare with me, as with the wofull FeereAnd father of that chast dishonoured Dame,Lord
Iunius Brutus sweare for
Lucrece rape,
That we will prosecute (by good aduise)Mortall reuenge vpon these traytorous Gothes,
And see their blood, or die with this reproach.Ti.Tis sure enough, and you knew how.But if you hunt these Beare‑whelpes, then bewareThe Dam will wake, and if she winde you once,Shee's with the Lyon deepely still in league.
And lulls him whilst she
palyethplayeth on her backe,
And when he sleepes will she do what she list.You are a young huntsman
Marcus, let it
And come, I will goe get a leafe of brasse,And with a Gad of steele will write these words,
And lay it by: the angry Northerne windeWill blow these sands like
Sibels leaues
And wheres your lesson then. Boy what say you?Boy.I say my Lord, that if I were a man,Their mothers bed‑chamber should not be safe,
For these bad bond‑men to the yoake of Rome.Mar.I that'sthat's my boy, thy father hath full
For his vngratefull country done the like.Boy.
And Vncle so will I, and if I liue.
Ti.Come goe with me into mine Armorie,
Lucius Ile fit thee, and withall, my
Shall carry from me to the Empresse sonnes,Presents that I intend to send them both,Come, come, thou'lt do thy message, wilt thou not?The damage noted on the recto of this page also partially obscures the text here.Boy.
I with my dagger in their bosomes Grandsire:
No boy not so, Ile teach thee another course,Lauinia come,
Marcus looke to my house,
Lucius and Ile goe braue it at the
I marry will we sir, and weele be waited on.Exeunt.Mar.O heauens! Can you heare a good man grone
And not relent, or not compassion him?Marcus attend him in his extasie,
That hath more scars of sorrow in his heart,Then foe‑mens markes vpon his batter'd shield,But yet so iust, that he will not reuenge,
Reuenge the heauens for old
[Act 4, Scene 2]
Enter Aron, Chiron and
Demetrius at one dore: and at another
dore young Lucius and
another, with a bundle of
weapons, and verses writ vpon
Chi.Demetrius heeres the sonne of
He hath some message to deliuer vs.Aron.
I some mad message from his mad Grandfather.
Boy.My Lords, with all the humblenesse I may,
I greete your honours from
And pray the Romane Gods confound you both.Deme.Gramercie louely
Lucius, what's the
For villanie's markt with rape. May it please you,My Grandsire well aduis'd hath sent by me,
The goodliest weapons of his Armorie,To gratifie your honourable youth,The hope of Rome, for so he bad me say:And so I do and with his gifts presentYour Lordships, when euer you haue need,
You may be armed and appointed well,And so I leaue you both: like bloody villaines.ExitDeme.What's heere? a scrole, & written round about?Let's see.
Integer vitæ scelerisque purus, non egit
maury iaculis nec ar
Chi.O 'tis a verse in
Horace, I know it
I read it in the Grammer long agoe.Moore.I iust, a verse in
Horace: right,
you haue it,
Now what a thing it is to be an Asse?Heer's no sound iest, the old man hath found their
And sends the weapons wrapt about with lines,
That wound (beyond their feeling) to the quick:But were our witty Empresse well a foot,She would applaud
Andronicus conceit:
But let her rest, in her vnrest a while.And now young Lords,
wa's tnotwas't not a happy starre
Led vs to Rome strangers, and more then so;Captiues, to be aduanced to this height?It did me good before the Pallace gate,To braue the Tribune in his brothers hearing.Deme.But me more good, to see so great a Lord
Basely insinuate, and send vs gifts.Moore.Had he not reason Lord
Did you not vse his daughter very friendly?Deme.I would we had a thousand Romane DamesAt such a bay, by turne to serue our lust.Chi.
A charitable wish, and full of loue.
Heere lack's but you mother for to say, Amen.
And that would she for twenty thousand more.
Deme.Come, let vs go, and pray to all the GodsFor our beloued mother in her paines.Moore.
Pray to the deuils, the gods haue giuen vs ouer.
Why do the Emperors trumpets flourish thus?
Belike for ioy the Emperour hath a sonne.
Soft, who comes heere?
Enter Nurse with a blacke a
Moore childe.
Nur.Good morrow Lords:
O tell me, did you see
Aaron the
Aron.Well, more or lesse, or nere a whit at all,Heere
Aaron is, and what with
Aaron now?
Nurse.Oh gentle
Aaron, we are all vndone,
Now helpe, or woe betide thee euermore.Aron.
Why, what a catterwalling dost thou keepe?What dost thou wrap and fumble in thine armes?Nurse.O that which I would hide from heauens eye,Our Empresse shame, and stately Romes disgrace,She is deliuered Lords, she is deliuered.Aron.
[Act 4, Scene 2]
Enter Aron, Chiron and
Demetrius at one dore: and at another
dore young Lucius and
another, with a bundle of
weapons, and verses writ vpon
Chi.Demetrius heeres the sonne of
He hath some message to deliuer vs.Aron.
I some mad message from his mad Grandfather.
Boy.My Lords, with all the humblenesse I may,
I greete your honours from
And pray the Romane Gods confound you both.Deme.Gramercie louely
Lucius, what's the
For villanie's markt with rape. May it please you,My Grandsire well aduis'd hath sent by me,
The goodliest weapons of his Armorie,To gratifie your honourable youth,The hope of Rome, for so he bad me say:And so I do and with his gifts presentYour Lordships, when euer you haue need,
You may be armed and appointed well,And so I leaue you both: like bloody villaines.ExitDeme.What's heere? a scrole, & written round about?Let's see.
Integer vitæ scelerisque purus, non egit
maury iaculis nec ar
Chi.O 'tis a verse in
Horace, I know it
I read it in the Grammer long agoe.Moore.I iust, a verse in
Horace: right,
you haue it,
Now what a thing it is to be an Asse?Heer's no sound iest, the old man hath found their
And sends the weapons wrapt about with lines,
That wound (beyond their feeling) to the quick:But were our witty Empresse well a foot,She would applaud
Andronicus conceit:
But let her rest, in her vnrest a while.And now young Lords,
wa's tnotwas't not a happy starre
Led vs to Rome strangers, and more then so;Captiues, to be aduanced to this height?It did me good before the Pallace gate,To braue the Tribune in his brothers hearing.Deme.But me more good, to see so great a Lord
Basely insinuate, and send vs gifts.Moore.Had he not reason Lord
Did you not vse his daughter very friendly?Deme.I would we had a thousand Romane DamesAt such a bay, by turne to serue our lust.Chi.
A charitable wish, and full of loue.
Heere lack's but you mother for to say, Amen.
And that would she for twenty thousand more.
Deme.Come, let vs go, and pray to all the GodsFor our beloued mother in her paines.Moore.
Pray to the deuils, the gods haue giuen vs ouer.
Why do the Emperors trumpets flourish thus?
Belike for ioy the Emperour hath a sonne.
Soft, who comes heere?
Enter Nurse with a blacke a
Moore childe.
Nur.Good morrow Lords:
O tell me, did you see
Aaron the
Aron.Well, more or lesse, or nere a whit at all,Heere
Aaron is, and what with
Aaron now?
Nurse.Oh gentle
Aaron, we are all vndone,
Now helpe, or woe betide thee euermore.Aron.
Why, what a catterwalling dost thou keepe?What dost thou wrap and fumble in thine armes?Nurse.O that which I would hide from heauens eye,Our Empresse shame, and stately Romes disgrace,She is deliuered Lords, she is deliuered.Aron.
To whom?
I meane she is brought a bed?
Aron.Wel God giue her good rest,What hath he sent her?Nurse.
A deuill.
Why then she is the Deuils Dam: a ioyfull issue.
Nurse.A ioylesse, dismall, blacke &, sorrowfull issue,Heere is the babe as loathsome as a toad,Among'st the fairest breeders of our
The Empresse sends it thee, thy stampe, thy seale,
And bids thee christen it with thy daggers point.Aron.Out you whore, is black so base a hue?Sweet blowse, you are a beautious blossome sure.Deme.
Villaine what hast thou done?
Aron.That which thou canst not vndoe
Chi. Thou hast vndone our mother.Deme.And therein hellish dog, thou hast vndone,Woe to her chance, and damn'd her loathed choyce,Accur'st the off‑spring of so foule a
It shall not liue.
It shall not die.
Aaron it must, the mother wils it
Aron.What, must it
Nurse? Then let no man
but I
Doe execution on my flesh and blood.Deme.Ile broach the Tadpole on my Rapiers point:
Nurse giue it me, my sword shall soone
dispatch it.
Aron.Sooner this sword shall plough thy bowels vp.Stay murtherous villaines, will you kill your brother?Now by the burning Tapers of the skie,That
sho'neshone so brightly when this Boy was got,
He dies vpon my Semitars sharpe point,That touches this my first borne sonne and heire.I tell you younglings, not
EnceladusWith all his threatning band of
Nor great
Alcides, nor the God of
Shall ceaze this prey out of his fathers hands:What, what, ye sanguine shallow harted Boyes,Ye white‑limb'd walls, ye Ale‑house painted
Cole‑blacke is better then another hue,In that it scornes to beare another hue:
For all the water in the Ocean,Can neuer turne the Swans blacke legs to white,Although she laue them hourely in the flood:Tell the Empresse from me, I am of ageTo keepe mine owne, excuse it how she can.Deme.
Wilt thou betray thy noble mistris thus?
Aron.My mistris is my mistris: this my selfe,The vigour, and the picture of my youth:This, before all the world do I preferre,This mauger all the world will I keepe safe,
Or some of you shall smoake for it in Rome.Deme.
By this our mother is for euer sham'd.
Rome will despise her for this foule escape.
The Emperour in his rage will doome her death.
I blush to thinke vpon this ignominie.
Why ther's the priuiledge your beauty beares:Fie trecherous hue, that will betray with blushingThe close enacts and counsels of the hart:Heer's a young Lad fram'd of another leere,Looke how the blacke slaue smiles vpon the father;
As who should say, old Lad I am thine owne.He is your brother Lords, sensibly fedOf that selfe blood that first gaue life to you,And from that wombe where you imprisoned wereHe is infranchised and come to light:
Nay he is your brother by the surer side,Although my seale be stamped in his face.Nurse.
Aaron what shall I say vnto the
Dem.Aduise thee
Aaron, what is to be done,
And we will all subscribe to thy aduise:
Saue thou the child, so we may all be safe.Aron.Then sit we downe and let vs all consult.My sonne and I will haue the winde of you:Keepe there, now talke at pleasure of your safety.Deme.
How many women saw this childe of his?
Why so braue Lords, when we ioyne in leagueI am a Lambe: but if you braue the
The chafed Bore, the mountaine Lyonesse,The Ocean swells not so at
But say againe, how many saw the childe?Nurse.
Cornelia, the midwife, and my selfe,
And none else but the deliuered Empresse.Aron.The Empresse, the Midwife, and your selfe,Two may keepe counsell, when the third's away:Goe to the Empresse, tell her this I said,
kils her
Weeke, weeke, so cries a Pigge prepared to th'spit.Deme.What mean'st thou
Wherefore did'st thou this?Aron.O Lord sir, 'tis a deed of pollicie?Shall she liue to betray this guilt of our's:
A long tongu'd babling Gossip? No Lords no:And now be it knowne to you my full intent.Not farre, one
Muliteus my
His wife but yesternight was brought to bed,His childe is like to her, faire as you are:
Goe packe with him, and giue the mother gold,And tell them both the circumstance of all,And how by this their Childe shall be aduaunc'd,And be receiued for the Emperours heyre,And substituted in the place of mine,
To calme this tempest whirling in the Court,And let the Emperour dandle him for his owne.Harke ye Lords, ye see I haue giuen her physicke,And you must needs bestow her funerall,The fields are neere, and you are gallant Groomes:
This done, see that you take no longer daiesBut send the Midwife presently to me.The Midwife and the Nurse well made away,Then let the Ladies tattle what they please.Chi.
Aaron I see thou wilt not trust the ayre
with secrets.
For this care of
Her selfe, and hers are highly bound to thee.ExeuntAron.Now to the Gothes, as swift as Swallow flies,There to dispose this treasure in mine armes,And secretly to greete the Empresse friends:
Come on you thick‑lipt‑slaue, Ile beare you
For it is you that puts vs to our shifts:Ile make you feed on berries, and on rootes,And feed on curds and whay, and sucke the Goate,And cabbin in a Caue, and bring you vp
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Aron, Chiron and Demetrius at one dore: and at another
<lb/>dore young Lucius and another, with a bundle of
<lb/>weapons, and verses writ vpon them.</stage>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<l n="1591">
<hi rend="italic">Demetrius</hi>heeres the sonne of<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>,</l>
<l n="1592">He hath some message to deliuer vs.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="1593">I some mad message from his mad Grandfather.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-ylu">
<speaker rend="italic">Boy.</speaker>
<l n="1594">My Lords, with all the humblenesse I may,</l>
<l n="1595">I greete your honours from<hi rend="italic">Andronicus</hi>,</l>
<l n="1596">And pray the Romane Gods confound you both.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1597">Gramercie louely<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>, what's the newes?</l>
<l n="1598">For villanie's markt with rape. May it please you,</l>
<l n="1599">My Grandsire well aduis'd hath sent by me,</l>
<l n="1600">The goodliest weapons of his Armorie,</l>
<l n="1601">To gratifie your honourable youth,</l>
<l n="1602">The hope of Rome, for so he bad me say:</l>
<l n="1603">And so I do and with his gifts present</l>
<l n="1604">Your Lordships, when euer you haue need,</l>
<l n="1605">You may be armed and appointed well,</l>
<l n="1606">And so I leaue you both: like bloody villaines.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1607">What's heere? a scrole, & written round about?</l>
<l n="1608">Let's see.</l>
<hi rend="italic">Integer vitæ scelerisque purus, non egit maury iaculis nec ar
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<l n="1609">O 'tis a verse in<hi rend="italic">Horace</hi>, I know it well.</l>
<l n="1610">I read it in the Grammer long agoe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Moore.</speaker>
<l n="1611">I iust, a verse in<hi rend="italic">Horace</hi>: right, you haue it,</l>
<l n="1612">Now what a thing it is to be an Asse?</l>
<l n="1613">Heer's no sound iest, the old man hath found their guilt,</l>
<l n="1614">And sends the weapons wrapt about with lines,</l>
<l n="1615">That wound (beyond their feeling) to the quick:</l>
<l n="1616">But were our witty Empresse well a foot,</l>
<l n="1617">She would applaud<hi rend="italic">Andronicus</hi>conceit:</l>
<l n="1618">But let her rest, in her vnrest a while.</l>
<l n="1619">And now young Lords,<choice>
<orig>wa's tnot</orig>
<corr>was't not</corr>
</choice>a happy starre</l>
<l n="1620">Led vs to Rome strangers, and more then so;</l>
<l n="1621">Captiues, to be aduanced to this height?</l>
<l n="1622">It did me good before the Pallace gate,</l>
<l n="1623">To braue the Tribune in his brothers hearing.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1624">But me more good, to see so great a Lord</l>
<l n="1625">Basely insinuate, and send vs gifts.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Moore.</speaker>
<l n="1626">Had he not reason Lord<hi rend="italic">Demetrius</hi>?</l>
<l n="1627">Did you not vse his daughter very friendly?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1628">I would we had a thousand Romane Dames</l>
<l n="1629">At such a bay, by turne to serue our lust.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1630">A charitable wish, and full of loue.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Moore.</speaker>
<p n="1631">Heere lack's but you mother for to say, Amen.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1632">And that would she for twenty thousand more.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1633">Come, let vs go, and pray to all the Gods</l>
<l n="1634">For our beloued mother in her paines.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Moore.</speaker>
<p n="1635">Pray to the deuils, the gods haue giuen vs ouer.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Flourish.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Dem.</speaker>
<p n="1636">Why do the Emperors trumpets flourish thus?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1637">Belike for ioy the Emperour hath a sonne.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<p n="1638">Soft, who comes heere?</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Nurse with a blacke a Moore childe.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nur.</speaker>
<l n="1639">Good morrow Lords:</l>
<l n="1640">O tell me, did you see<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>the Moore?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1641">Well, more or lesse, or nere a whit at all,</l>
<l n="1642">Heere<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>is, and what with<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>now?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<l n="1643">Oh gentle<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>, we are all vndone,</l>
<l n="1644">Now helpe, or woe betide thee euermore.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1645">Why, what a catterwalling dost thou keepe?</l>
<l n="1646">What dost thou wrap and fumble in thine armes?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<l n="1647">O that which I would hide from heauens eye,</l>
<l n="1648">Our Empresse shame, and stately Romes disgrace,</l>
<l n="1649">She is deliuered Lords, she is deliuered.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="1650">To whom?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<p n="1651">I meane she is brought a bed?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1652">Wel God giue her good rest,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0663-0.jpg" n="45"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="1653">What hath he sent her?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<p n="1654">A deuill.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="1655">Why then she is the Deuils Dam: a ioyfull issue.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<l n="1656">A ioylesse, dismall, blacke &, sorrowfull issue,</l>
<l n="1657">Heere is the babe as loathsome as a toad,</l>
<l n="1658">Among'st the fairest breeders of our clime,</l>
<l n="1659">The Empresse sends it thee, thy stampe, thy seale,</l>
<l n="1660">And bids thee christen it with thy daggers point.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1661">Out you whore, is black so base a hue?</l>
<l n="1662">Sweet blowse, you are a beautious blossome sure.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<p n="1663">Villaine what hast thou done?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1664">That which thou canst not vndoe</l>
<l n="1665">Chi. Thou hast vndone our mother.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1666">And therein hellish dog, thou hast vndone,</l>
<l n="1667">Woe to her chance, and damn'd her loathed choyce,</l>
<l n="1668">Accur'st the off‑spring of so foule a fiend.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1669">It shall not liue.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="1670">It shall not die.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<p n="1671">
<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>it must, the mother wils it so.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1672">What, must it<hi rend="italic">Nurse</hi>? Then let no man but I</l>
<l n="1673">Doe execution on my flesh and blood.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1674">Ile broach the Tadpole on my Rapiers point:</l>
<l n="1675">
<hi rend="italic">Nurse</hi>giue it me, my sword shall soone dispatch it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1676">Sooner this sword shall plough thy bowels vp.</l>
<l n="1677">Stay murtherous villaines, will you kill your brother?</l>
<l n="1678">Now by the burning Tapers of the skie,</l>
<l n="1679">That<choice>
</choice>so brightly when this Boy was got,</l>
<l n="1680">He dies vpon my Semitars sharpe point,</l>
<l n="1681">That touches this my first borne sonne and heire.</l>
<l n="1682">I tell you younglings, not<hi rend="italic">Enceladus</hi>
<l n="1683">With all his threatning band of<hi rend="italic">Typhons</hi>broode,</l>
<l n="1684">Nor great<hi rend="italic">Alcides</hi>, nor the God of warre,</l>
<l n="1685">Shall ceaze this prey out of his fathers hands:</l>
<l n="1686">What, what, ye sanguine shallow harted Boyes,</l>
<l n="1687">Ye white‑limb'd walls, ye Ale‑house painted signes,</l>
<l n="1688">Cole‑blacke is better then another hue,</l>
<l n="1689">In that it scornes to beare another hue:</l>
<l n="1690">For all the water in the Ocean,</l>
<l n="1691">Can neuer turne the Swans blacke legs to white,</l>
<l n="1692">Although she laue them hourely in the flood:</l>
<l n="1693">Tell the Empresse from me, I am of age</l>
<l n="1694">To keepe mine owne, excuse it how she can.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<p n="1695">Wilt thou betray thy noble mistris thus?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1696">My mistris is my mistris: this my selfe,</l>
<l n="1697">The vigour, and the picture of my youth:</l>
<l n="1698">This, before all the world do I preferre,</l>
<l n="1699">This mauger all the world will I keepe safe,</l>
<l n="1700">Or some of you shall smoake for it in Rome.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<p n="1701">By this our mother is for euer sham'd.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1702">Rome will despise her for this foule escape.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nur.</speaker>
<p n="1703">The Emperour in his rage will doome her death.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1704">I blush to thinke vpon this ignominie.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1705">Why ther's the priuiledge your beauty beares:</l>
<l n="1706">Fie trecherous hue, that will betray with blushing</l>
<l n="1707">The close enacts and counsels of the hart:</l>
<l n="1708">Heer's a young Lad fram'd of another leere,</l>
<l n="1709">Looke how the blacke slaue smiles vpon the father;</l>
<l n="1710">As who should say, old Lad I am thine owne.</l>
<l n="1711">He is your brother Lords, sensibly fed</l>
<l n="1712">Of that selfe blood that first gaue life to you,</l>
<l n="1713">And from that wombe where you imprisoned were</l>
<l n="1714">He is infranchised and come to light:</l>
<l n="1715">Nay he is your brother by the surer side,</l>
<l n="1716">Although my seale be stamped in his face.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<p n="1717">
<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>what shall I say vnto the Empresse?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Dem.</speaker>
<l n="1718">Aduise thee<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>, what is to be done,</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="1719">And we will all subscribe to thy aduise:</l>
<l n="1720">Saue thou the child, so we may all be safe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1721">Then sit we downe and let vs all consult.</l>
<l n="1722">My sonne and I will haue the winde of you:</l>
<l n="1723">Keepe there, now talke at pleasure of your safety.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<p n="1724">How many women saw this childe of his?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1725">Why so braue Lords, when we ioyne in league</l>
<l n="1726">I am a Lambe: but if you braue the<hi rend="italic">Moore</hi>,</l>
<l n="1727">The chafed Bore, the mountaine Lyonesse,</l>
<l n="1728">The Ocean swells not so at<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>stormes:</l>
<l n="1729">But say againe, how many saw the childe?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-nur">
<speaker rend="italic">Nurse.</speaker>
<l n="1730">
<hi rend="italic">Cornelia</hi>, the midwife, and my selfe,</l>
<l n="1731">And none else but the deliuered Empresse.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1732">The Empresse, the Midwife, and your selfe,</l>
<l n="1733">Two may keepe counsell, when the third's away:</l>
<l n="1734">Goe to the Empresse, tell her this I said,<hi rend="italic">He kils her</hi>
<l n="1735">Weeke, weeke, so cries a Pigge prepared to th'spit.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1736">What mean'st thou<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>?</l>
<l n="1737">Wherefore did'st thou this?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1738">O Lord sir, 'tis a deed of pollicie?</l>
<l n="1739">Shall she liue to betray this guilt of our's:</l>
<l n="1740">A long tongu'd babling Gossip? No Lords no:</l>
<l n="1741">And now be it knowne to you my full intent.</l>
<l n="1742">Not farre, one<hi rend="italic">Muliteus</hi>my Country‑man</l>
<l n="1743">His wife but yesternight was brought to bed,</l>
<l n="1744">His childe is like to her, faire as you are:</l>
<l n="1745">Goe packe with him, and giue the mother gold,</l>
<l n="1746">And tell them both the circumstance of all,</l>
<l n="1747">And how by this their Childe shall be aduaunc'd,</l>
<l n="1748">And be receiued for the Emperours heyre,</l>
<l n="1749">And substituted in the place of mine,</l>
<l n="1750">To calme this tempest whirling in the Court,</l>
<l n="1751">And let the Emperour dandle him for his owne.</l>
<l n="1752">Harke ye Lords, ye see I haue giuen her physicke,</l>
<l n="1753">And you must needs bestow her funerall,</l>
<l n="1754">The fields are neere, and you are gallant Groomes:</l>
<l n="1755">This done, see that you take no longer daies</l>
<l n="1756">But send the Midwife presently to me.</l>
<l n="1757">The Midwife and the Nurse well made away,</l>
<l n="1758">Then let the Ladies tattle what they please.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-chi">
<speaker rend="italic">Chi.</speaker>
<p n="1759">
<hi rend="italic">Aaron</hi>I see thou wilt not trust the ayre with secrets.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-dem">
<speaker rend="italic">Deme.</speaker>
<l n="1760">For this care of<hi rend="italic">Tamora</hi>,
<lb rend="turnunder"/>
<pc rend="turnunder">(</pc>crets.</l>
<l n="1761">Her selfe, and hers are highly bound to thee.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="1762">Now to the Gothes, as swift as Swallow flies,</l>
<l n="1763">There to dispose this treasure in mine armes,</l>
<l n="1764">And secretly to greete the Empresse friends:</l>
<l n="1765">Come on you thick‑lipt‑slaue, Ile beare you hence,</l>
<l n="1766">For it is you that puts vs to our shifts:</l>
<l n="1767">Ile make you feed on berries, and on rootes,</l>
<l n="1768">And feed on curds and whay, and sucke the Goate,</l>
<l n="1769">And cabbin in a Caue, and bring you vp</l>
<l n="1770">To be a warriour, and command a Campe.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit</stage>