Because she will not be annoy'd with suters.Luc.Ah
Tranio, what a cruell Fathers he:
But art thou not aduis'd, he tooke some careTo get her cunning Schoolemasters to instruct her.Tra.I marry am I sir, and now 'tis plotted.Luc.
I haue it
Tra.Master, for my hand,Both our inuentions meet and iumpe in one.Luc.Tell me thine first.Tra.You will be schoole‑master,
And vndertake the teaching of the maid:That's your deuice.Luc.It is: May it be done?Tra.Not possible: for who shall beare your part,And be in
Padua heere
Vincentio's sonne,
Keepe house, and ply his booke, welcome his friends,Visit his Countrimen, and banquet them?Luc.Basta, content thee: for I haue it full.
We haue not yet bin seene in any house,Nor can we be distinguish'd by our faces,
For man or master: then it followes thus;Thou shalt be master,
Tranio in my sted:
Keepe house, and port, and seruants, as I should,I will some other be, some
Neapolitan, or meaner man of
'Tis hatch'd, and shall be so:
Tranio at once
Vncase thee: take my Conlord hat and cloake,When
Biondello comes, he waites on thee,
But I will charme him first to keepe his tongue.Tra.So had you neede:
In breefe Sir, sith it your pleasure is,And I am tyed to be obedient,For so your father charg'd me at our parting:Be seruiceable to my sonne (quoth he)Although I thinke 'twas in another sense,
I am content to bee
Because so well I loue
Luc.Tranio be so, because
Lucentio loues,
And let me be a slaue, t'atchieue that maide,Whose sodaine sight hath thral'd my wounded eye.Enter Biondello.
Heere comes the rogue. Sirra, where haue you bin?Bion.
Where haue I beene? Nay how now, where
are you? Maister, ha's my fellow
Tranio stolne your
cloathes, or you stolne his, or both? Pray what's the
Sirra come hither, 'tis no time to iest,And therefore frame your manners to the timeYour fellow
Tranio heere to saue my life,
Puts my apparrell, and my count'nance on,And I for my escape haue put on his:
For in a quarrell since I came a shore,I kil'd a man, and feare I was descried:Waite you on him, I charge you, as becomes:While I make way from hence to saue my life:You vnderstand me
I sir, ne're a whit.Luc.And not a iot of
Tranio in your mouth,
Tranio is chang'd into
Bion.The better for him, would I were so too.Tra.
So could I 'faith boy, to haue the next wish af
ter, that
Lucentio indeede had
Baptistas yongest daugh
ter. But sirra, not for my sake, but your masters, I ad
uise you vse your manners discreetly in all kind of com
panies: When I am alone, why then I am
Tranio: but in
Tranio let's go:
One thing more rests, that thy selfe execute,To make one among these wooers: if thou ask me why,Sufficeth my reasons are both good and waighty.Exeunt. The Presenters aboue speakes.1. Man.My Lord you nod, you do not minde the
Yes by Saint Anne do I, a good matter surely:
Comes there any more of it
Lady.My Lord, 'tis but begun.Beg.
'Tis a verie excellent peece of worke, Madame
Ladie: would 'twere done.
They sit and marke.
[Act 1, Scene 2]
Enter Petruchio, and his man Grumio.Petr.
Verona, for a while I take my leaue,
To see my friends in
Padua; but of all
My best beloued and approued friendHortensio: & I trow this is his house:
Heere sirra
Grumio, knocke I say.
Knocke sir? whom should I knocke? Is there
any man ha's rebus'd your worship?
Petr.Villaine I say, knocke me heere soundly.Gru.
Knocke you heere sir? Why sir, what am I sir,
that I should knocke you heere sir.
Villaine I say, knocke me at this gate,And rap me well, or Ile knocke your knaues pate.Gru.My
rMaster is growne quarrelsome:
I should knocke you first,And then I know after who comes by the worst.Petr.
Will it not be?'Faith sirrah, and you'l not knocke, Ile ring it,Ile trie how you can
Sol, Fa, and sing it.
He rings him by the earesGru.Helpe mistris helpe, my master is mad.Petr.Now knocke when I bid you: sirrah villaine.Enter Hortensio.Hor.
How now, what's the matter? My olde friend
Grumio, and my good friend
Petruchio? How do you all
Hortensio, come you to part the fray?
Contutti le core bene trobatto, may I say.
Alla nostra casa bene venuto multo honorata signi
ior mio Petruchio.
Grumio rise, we will compound this quarrell.
Nay 'tis no matter sir, what he leges in Latine.
If this be not a lawfull cause for me to leaue his seruice,
looke you sir: He bid me knocke him, & rap him sound
ly sir. Well, was it fit for a seruant to vse his master so,
being perhaps (for ought I see) two and thirty, a peepe
out? Whom would to God I had well knockt at first,
then had not
Grumio come by the worst.
A sencelesse villaine: good
I bad the rascall knocke vpon your gate,And could not get him for my heart to do it.Gru.
Knocke at the gate? O heauens: spake you not
these words plaine? Sirra, Knocke me heere: rappe me
heere: knocke me well, and knocke me soundly? And
come you now with knocking at the gate?
Petr.Sirra be gone, or talke not I aduise you.Hor.Petruchio patience, I am
Grumio's pledge:
Why this a heauie chance twixt him and you,
Your ancient trustie pleasant seruant
And tell me now (sweet friend) what happie galeBlowes you to
Padua heere, from old
Petr.Such wind as scatters yongmen throgh yͤ world,To
[Act 1, Scene 2]
Enter Petruchio, and his man Grumio.Petr.
Verona, for a while I take my leaue,
To see my friends in
Padua; but of all
My best beloued and approued friendHortensio: & I trow this is his house:
Heere sirra
Grumio, knocke I say.
Knocke sir? whom should I knocke? Is there
any man ha's rebus'd your worship?
Petr.Villaine I say, knocke me heere soundly.Gru.
Knocke you heere sir? Why sir, what am I sir,
that I should knocke you heere sir.
Villaine I say, knocke me at this gate,And rap me well, or Ile knocke your knaues pate.Gru.My
rMaster is growne quarrelsome:
I should knocke you first,And then I know after who comes by the worst.Petr.
Will it not be?'Faith sirrah, and you'l not knocke, Ile ring it,Ile trie how you can
Sol, Fa, and sing it.
He rings him by the earesGru.Helpe mistris helpe, my master is mad.Petr.Now knocke when I bid you: sirrah villaine.Enter Hortensio.Hor.
How now, what's the matter? My olde friend
Grumio, and my good friend
Petruchio? How do you all
Hortensio, come you to part the fray?
Contutti le core bene trobatto, may I say.
Alla nostra casa bene venuto multo honorata signi
ior mio Petruchio.
Grumio rise, we will compound this quarrell.
Nay 'tis no matter sir, what he leges in Latine.
If this be not a lawfull cause for me to leaue his seruice,
looke you sir: He bid me knocke him, & rap him sound
ly sir. Well, was it fit for a seruant to vse his master so,
being perhaps (for ought I see) two and thirty, a peepe
out? Whom would to God I had well knockt at first,
then had not
Grumio come by the worst.
A sencelesse villaine: good
I bad the rascall knocke vpon your gate,And could not get him for my heart to do it.Gru.
Knocke at the gate? O heauens: spake you not
these words plaine? Sirra, Knocke me heere: rappe me
heere: knocke me well, and knocke me soundly? And
come you now with knocking at the gate?
Petr.Sirra be gone, or talke not I aduise you.Hor.Petruchio patience, I am
Grumio's pledge:
Why this a heauie chance twixt him and you,
Your ancient trustie pleasant seruant
And tell me now (sweet friend) what happie galeBlowes you to
Padua heere, from old
Petr.Such wind as scatters yongmen throgh yͤ world,To seeke their fortunes farther then at home,
Where small experience growes but in a few.Signior
Hortensio, thus it stands with me.
Antonio my father is deceast,
And I haue thrust my selfe into this maze,Happily to wiue and thriue, as best I may:
Crownes in my purse I haue, and goods at home,And so am come abroad to see the world.Hor.Petruchio, shall I then come roundly to thee,
And wish thee to a shrew'd ill‑fauour'd wife?Thou'dst thanke me but a little for my counsell:
And yet Ile promise thee she shall be rich,And verie rich: but th'art too much my friend,And Ile not wish thee to her.Petr.Signior
Hortensio, 'twixt such friends as wee,
Few words suffice: and therefore, if thou know
One rich enough to be
Petruchio's wife:
(As wealth is burthen of my woing dance)Be she as foule as was
Florentius Loue,
As old as
Sibell, and as curst and shrow'd
Socrates Zentippe, or a worse:
She moues me not, or not remoues at leastAffections edge in me. Were she is as roughAs are the swelling
Adriaticke seas.
I come to wiue it wealthily in
If wealthily, then happily in
Nay looke you sir, hee tels you flatly what his
minde is: why giue him Gold enough, and marrie him
to a Puppet or an Aglet babie, or an old trot with ne're a
tooth in her head, though she haue as manie diseases as
two and fiftie horses. Why nothing comes amisse, so
monie comes withall.
Hor.Petruchio, since we are stept thus farre in,
I will continue that I broach'd in iest,I can
Petruchio helpe thee to a wife
With wealth enough, and yong and beautious,
Brought vp as best becomes a Gentlewoman.Her onely fault, and that is faults enough,Is, that she is intollerable curst,And shrow'd, and froward, so beyond all measure,That were my state farre worser then it is,
I would not wed her for a mine of Gold.Petr.Hortensio peace: thou knowst not golds effect,
Tell me her fathers name, and 'tis enough:For I will boord her, though she chide as loudAs thunder, when the clouds in Autumne cracke.Hor.
Her father is
Baptista Minola,
An affable and courteous Gentleman,Her name is
Katherina Minola,
Renown'd in
Padua for her scolding tongue.
Petr.I know her father, though I know not her,
And he knew my deceased father well:I wil not sleepe
Hortensio til I see her,
And therefore let me be thus bold with you,To giue you ouer at this first encounter,Vnlesse you wil accompanie me thither.Gru.
I pray you Sir let him go while the humor lasts.
A my word, and she knew him as wel as I do, she would
thinke scolding would doe little good vpon him. Shee
may perhaps call him halfe a score Knaues, or so: Why
that's nothing; and he begin once, hee'l raile in his rope
trickes. Ile tell you what sir, and she stand him but a li
tle, he wil throw a figure in her face, and so disfigure hir
with it, that shee shal haue no more eies to see withall
then a Cat: you know him not sir.
Petruchio, I must go with thee,
For in
Baptistas keepe my treasure is:
He hath the Iewel of my life in hold,His yongest daughter, beautiful
And her with‑holds from me. Other moreSuters to her, and riuals in my Loue:
Supposing it a thing impossible,For those defects I haue before rehearst,That euer
Katherina wil be woo'd:
Therefore this order hath
Baptista tane,
That none shal haue accesse vnto
Katherine the Curst, haue got a husband.
Gru.Katherine the curst,
A title for a maide, of all titles the worst.Hor.Now shal my friend
Petruchio do me grace,
And offer me disguis'd in sober robes,
To old
Baptista as a schoole‑master
Well seene in Musicke, to instruct
That so I may by this deuice at leastHaue leaue and leisure to make loue to her,And vnsuspected court her by her selfe.Enter Gremio and Lucentio disgused.Gru.
Heere's no knauerie. See, to beguile the olde‑
folkes, how the young folkes lay their heads together.
Master, master, looke about you: Who goes there? ha.
Grumio, it is the riuall of my Loue.
Petruchio stand by a while.
A proper stripling, and an amorous.Gremio.O very well, I haue perus'd the note:Hearke you sir, Ile haue them verie fairely bound,All bookes of Loue, see that at any hand,And see you reade no other Lectures to her:
You vnderstand me. Ouer and besideSignior
Baptistas liberalitie,
Ile mend it with a Largesse. Take your paper too,And let me haue them verie wel perfum'd;For she is sweeter then perfume it selfe
To whom they go to: what wil you reade to her.Luc.What ere I reade to her, Ile pleade for you,As for my patron, stand you so assur'd,As firmely as your selfe were still in place,Yea and perhaps with more successefull words
Then you; vnlesse you were a scholler sir.Gre.Oh this learning, what a thing it is.Gru.Oh this Woodcocke, what an Asse it is.Petru.Peace sirra.Hor.Grumio mum: God saue you signior
And you are wel met, Signior
Trow you whither I am going
? To
Baptista Minola,
I promist to enquire carefullyAbout a schoolemaster for the faire
And by good fortune I haue lighted well
On this yong man: For learning and behauiourFit for her turne, well read in PoetrieAnd other bookes, good ones, I warrant ye.Hor.'Tis well: and I haue met a GentlemanHath promist me to helpe one to another,
A fine Musitian to instruct our Mistris,So shal I no whit be behinde in dutieTo faire
Bianca, so beloued of me.
Gre.Beloued of me, and that my deeds shal proue.Gru.And that his bags shal proue.Hor.
Gremio, 'tis now no time to vent our loue,
Listen to me, and if you speake me faire,Ile tel you newes indifferent good for either.Heere is a Gentleman whom by chance I metVpon agreement from vs to his liking,
Will vndertake to woo curst
Yea, and to marrie her, if her dowrie please.Gre.So said, so done, is well:Hortensio, haue you told him all her faults?
Petr.I know she is an irkesome brawling scold:
If that be all Masters, I heare no harme.Gre.No, sayst me so, friend
? What Countreyman?
Petr.Borne in
Verona, old
Butonios sonne:
My father dead, my fortune liues for me,And I do hope, good dayes and long, to see.Gre.
Oh sir, such a life with such a wife, were strange:But if you haue a stomacke, too't a Gods name,You shal haue me assisting you in all.But will you woo this Wilde‑cat
?Petr.Will I liue?Gru.
Wil he woo her? I: or Ile hang her.Petr.Why came I hither, but to that intent?Thinke you, a little dinne can daunt mine eares?Haue I not in my time heard Lions rore?Haue I not heard the sea, puft vp with windes,
Rage like an angry Boare, chafed with sweat?Haue I not heard great Ordnance in the field?And heauens Artillerie thunder in the skies?Haue I not in a pitched battell heardLoud larums, neighing steeds, & trumpets clangue?
And do you tell me of a womans tongue?That giues not halfe so great a blow to heare,As wil a Chesse‑nut in a Farmers fire.Tush, tush, feare boyes with bugs.Gru.For he feares none.Grem.
Hortensio hearke:
This Gentleman is happily arriu'd,My minde presumes for his owne good, and yours.Hor.I promist we would be Contributors,And beare his charge of wooing what
And so we wil, prouided that he win her.Gru.I would I were as sure of a good dinner.Enter Tranio braue, and Biondello.Tra.Gentlemen God saue you. If I may be boldTell me I beseech you, which is the readiest wayTo the house of Signior
Baptista Minola?
He that ha's the two faire daughters: ist he you
Tra.Euen he
Gre.Hearke you sir, you meane not her to⸺Tra.Perhaps him and her sir, what haue you to do?Petr.Not her that chides sir, at any hand I pray.Tranio.
I loue no chiders sir:
Biondello, let's away.
Luc.Well begun
Hor.Sir, a word ere you go:Are you a sutor to the Maid you talke of, yea or no?Tra.And if I be sir, is it any offence
No: if without more words you will get you
Tra.Why sir, I pray are not the
streersstreets as free
For me, as for you?Gre.But so is not she.Tra.For what reason I beseech you.Gre.
For this reason if you'l kno,That she's the choise loue of Signior
Hor.That she's the chosen of signior
Tra.Softly my Masters: If you be GentlemenDo me this right: heare me with patience.
Baptista is a noble Gentleman,
To whom my Father is not all vnknowne,And were his daughter fairer then she is,She may more sutors haue, and me for one.Faire
Ladaes daughter had a thousand wooers,
Then well one more may faire
Bianca haue;
And so she shall:
Lucentio shal make one,
Paris came, in hope to speed alone.
Gre.What, this Gentleman will out‑talke vs all.Luc.Sir giue him head, I know hee'l proue a Iade.Petr.
Hortensio, to what end are all these words?
Hor.Sir, let me be so bold as aske you,Did you yet euer see
Baptistas daughter
?Tra.No sir, but heare I do that he hath two:The one, as famous for a scolding tongue,
As is the other, for beauteous modestie.Petr.Sir, sir, the first's for me, let her go by.Gre.Yea, leaue that labour to great
And let it be more then
Alcides twelue.
Petr.Sir vnderstand you this of me (insooth)
The yongest daughter whom you hearken for,Her father keepes from all accesse of sutors,And will not promise her to any man,Vntill the elder sister first be wed.The yonger then is free, and not before.Tranio.
If it be so sir, that you are the manMust steed vs all, and me amongst the rest:And if you breake the ice, and do this seeke,Atchieue the elder: set the yonger free,For our accesse, whose hap shall be to haue her,
Wil not so gracelesse be, to be ingrate.Hor.Sir you say wel, and wel you do conceiue,And since you do professe to be a sutor,You must as we do, gratifie this Gentleman,To whom we all rest generally beholding.Tranio.
Sir, I shal not be slacke, in signe whereof,Please ye we may contriue this afternoone,And quaffe carowses to our Mistresse health,And do as aduersaries do in law,Striue mightily, but eate and drinke as friends.Gru. Bion.
Oh excellent motion: fellowes let's be gon.Hor.The motions good indeed, and be it so,Petruchio, I shal be your
Been venuto.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 1, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Petruchio, and his man Grumio.</stage>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="540">
<hi rend="italic">Verona</hi>, for a while I take my leaue,</l>
<l n="541">To see my friends in<hi rend="italic">Padua</hi>; but of all</l>
<l n="542">My best beloued and approued friend</l>
<l n="543">
<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>: & I trow this is his house:</l>
<l n="544">Heere sirra<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>, knocke I say.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="545">Knocke sir? whom should I knocke? Is there
<lb n="546"/>any man ha's rebus'd your worship?</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="547">Villaine I say, knocke me heere soundly.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="548">Knocke you heere sir? Why sir, what am I sir,
<lb n="549"/>that I should knocke you heere sir.</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="550">Villaine I say, knocke me at this gate,</l>
<l n="551">And rap me well, or Ile knocke your knaues pate.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="552">My<choice>
<abbr>M<c rend="superscript">r</c>
</choice>is growne quarrelsome:</l>
<l n="553">I should knocke you first,</l>
<l n="554">And then I know after who comes by the worst.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="555">Will it not be?</l>
<l n="556">'Faith sirrah, and you'l not knocke, Ile ring it,</l>
<l n="557">Ile trie how you can<hi rend="italic">Sol, Fa,</hi>and sing it.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">He rings him by the eares</stage>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="558">Helpe mistris helpe, my master is mad.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="559">Now knocke when I bid you: sirrah villaine.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Hortensio.</stage>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<p n="560">How now, what's the matter? My olde friend
<lb n="561"/>
<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>, and my good friend<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>? How do you all
<lb n="562"/>at<hi rend="italic">Verona</hi>?</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="563">Signior<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>, come you to part the fray?</l>
<l n="564">
<hi rend="italic">Contutti le core bene trobatto</hi>, may I say.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<p rend="italic" n="565">Alla nostra casa bene venuto multo honorata signi
<lb n="566"/>ior mio Petruchio.</p>
<l n="567">Rise<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>rise, we will compound this quarrell.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="568">Nay 'tis no matter sir, what he leges in Latine.
<lb n="569"/>If this be not a lawfull cause for me to leaue his seruice,
<lb n="570"/>looke you sir: He bid me knocke him, & rap him sound
<lb n="571"/>ly sir. Well, was it fit for a seruant to vse his master so,
<lb n="572"/>being perhaps (for ought I see) two and thirty, a peepe
<lb n="573"/>out? Whom would to God I had well knockt at first,
<lb n="574"/>then had not<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>come by the worst.</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="575">A sencelesse villaine: good<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>,</l>
<l n="576">I bad the rascall knocke vpon your gate,</l>
<l n="577">And could not get him for my heart to do it.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="578">Knocke at the gate? O heauens: spake you not
<lb n="579"/>these words plaine? Sirra, Knocke me heere: rappe me
<lb n="580"/>heere: knocke me well, and knocke me soundly? And
<lb n="581"/>come you now with knocking at the gate?</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="582">Sirra be gone, or talke not I aduise you.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="583">
<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>patience, I am<hi rend="italic">Grumio's</hi>pledge:</l>
<l n="584">Why this a heauie chance twixt him and you,</l>
<l n="585">Your ancient trustie pleasant seruant<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>:</l>
<l n="586">And tell me now (sweet friend) what happie gale</l>
<l n="587">Blowes you to<hi rend="italic">Padua</hi>heere, from old<hi rend="italic">Verona</hi>?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="588">Such wind as scatters yongmen throgh yͤ world,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0233-0.jpg" n="213"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="589">To seeke their fortunes farther then at home,</l>
<l n="590">Where small experience growes but in a few.</l>
<l n="591">Signior<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>, thus it stands with me.</l>
<l n="592">
<hi rend="italic">Antonio</hi>my father is deceast,</l>
<l n="593">And I haue thrust my selfe into this maze,</l>
<l n="594">Happily to wiue and thriue, as best I may:</l>
<l n="595">Crownes in my purse I haue, and goods at home,</l>
<l n="596">And so am come abroad to see the world.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="597">
<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>, shall I then come roundly to thee,</l>
<l n="598">And wish thee to a shrew'd ill‑fauour'd wife?</l>
<l n="599">Thou'dst thanke me but a little for my counsell:</l>
<l n="600">And yet Ile promise thee she shall be rich,</l>
<l n="601">And verie rich: but th'art too much my friend,</l>
<l n="602">And Ile not wish thee to her.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="603">Signior<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>, 'twixt such friends as wee,</l>
<l n="604">Few words suffice: and therefore, if thou know</l>
<l n="605">One rich enough to be<hi rend="italic">Petruchio's</hi>wife:</l>
<l n="606">(As wealth is burthen of my woing dance)</l>
<l n="607">Be she as foule as was<hi rend="italic">Florentius</hi>Loue,</l>
<l n="608">As old as<hi rend="italic">Sibell</hi>, and as curst and shrow'd</l>
<l n="609">As<hi rend="italic">Socrates Zentippe</hi>, or a worse:</l>
<l n="610">She moues me not, or not remoues at least</l>
<l n="611">Affections edge in me. Were she is as rough</l>
<l n="612">As are the swelling<hi rend="italic">Adriaticke</hi>seas.</l>
<l n="613">I come to wiue it wealthily in<hi rend="italic">Padua</hi>:</l>
<l n="614">If wealthily, then happily in<hi rend="italic">Padua</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="615">Nay looke you sir, hee tels you flatly what his
<lb n="616"/>minde is: why giue him Gold enough, and marrie him
<lb n="617"/>to a Puppet or an Aglet babie, or an old trot with ne're a
<lb n="618"/>tooth in her head, though she haue as manie diseases as
<lb n="619"/>two and fiftie horses. Why nothing comes amisse, so
<lb n="620"/>monie comes withall.</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="621">
<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>, since we are stept thus farre in,</l>
<l n="622">I will continue that I broach'd in iest,</l>
<l n="623">I can<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>helpe thee to a wife</l>
<l n="624">With wealth enough, and yong and beautious,</l>
<l n="625">Brought vp as best becomes a Gentlewoman.</l>
<l n="626">Her onely fault, and that is faults enough,</l>
<l n="627">Is, that she is intollerable curst,</l>
<l n="628">And shrow'd, and froward, so beyond all measure,</l>
<l n="629">That were my state farre worser then it is,</l>
<l n="630">I would not wed her for a mine of Gold.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="631">
<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>peace: thou knowst not golds effect,</l>
<l n="632">Tell me her fathers name, and 'tis enough:</l>
<l n="633">For I will boord her, though she chide as loud</l>
<l n="634">As thunder, when the clouds in Autumne cracke.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="635">Her father is<hi rend="italic">Baptista Minola</hi>,</l>
<l n="636">An affable and courteous Gentleman,</l>
<l n="637">Her name is<hi rend="italic">Katherina Minola</hi>,</l>
<l n="638">Renown'd in<hi rend="italic">Padua</hi>for her scolding tongue.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="639">I know her father, though I know not her,</l>
<l n="640">And he knew my deceased father well:</l>
<l n="641">I wil not sleepe<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>til I see her,</l>
<l n="642">And therefore let me be thus bold with you,</l>
<l n="643">To giue you ouer at this first encounter,</l>
<l n="644">Vnlesse you wil accompanie me thither.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="645">I pray you Sir let him go while the humor lasts.
<lb n="646"/>A my word, and she knew him as wel as I do, she would
<lb n="647"/>thinke scolding would doe little good vpon him. Shee
<lb n="648"/>may perhaps call him halfe a score Knaues, or so: Why
<lb n="649"/>that's nothing; and he begin once, hee'l raile in his rope
<lb n="650"/>trickes. Ile tell you what sir, and she stand him but a li
<lb n="651"/>tle, he wil throw a figure in her face, and so disfigure hir
<lb n="652"/>with it, that shee shal haue no more eies to see withall
<lb n="653"/>then a Cat: you know him not sir.</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="654">Tarrie<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>, I must go with thee,</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="655">For in<hi rend="italic">Baptistas</hi>keepe my treasure is:</l>
<l n="656">He hath the Iewel of my life in hold,</l>
<l n="657">His yongest daughter, beautiful<hi rend="italic">Bianca</hi>,</l>
<l n="658">And her with‑holds from me. Other more</l>
<l n="659">Suters to her, and riuals in my Loue:</l>
<l n="660">Supposing it a thing impossible,</l>
<l n="661">For those defects I haue before rehearst,</l>
<l n="662">That euer<hi rend="italic">Katherina</hi>wil be woo'd:</l>
<l n="663">Therefore this order hath<hi rend="italic">Baptista</hi>tane,</l>
<l n="664">That none shal haue accesse vnto<hi rend="italic">Bianca</hi>,</l>
<l n="665">Til<hi rend="italic">Katherine</hi>the Curst, haue got a husband.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="666">
<hi rend="italic">Katherine</hi>the curst,</l>
<l n="667">A title for a maide, of all titles the worst.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="668">Now shal my friend<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>do me grace,</l>
<l n="669">And offer me disguis'd in sober robes,</l>
<l n="670">To old<hi rend="italic">Baptista</hi>as a schoole‑master</l>
<l n="671">Well seene in Musicke, to instruct<hi rend="italic">Bianca</hi>,</l>
<l n="672">That so I may by this deuice at least</l>
<l n="673">Haue leaue and leisure to make loue to her,</l>
<l n="674">And vnsuspected court her by her selfe.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Gremio and Lucentio disgused.</stage>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<p n="675">Heere's no knauerie. See, to beguile the olde‑
<lb n="676"/>folkes, how the young folkes lay their heads together.
<lb n="677"/>Master, master, looke about you: Who goes there? ha.</p>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="678">Peace<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>, it is the riuall of my Loue.</l>
<l n="679">
<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>stand by a while.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Grumio.</speaker>
<l n="680">A proper stripling, and an amorous.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gremio.</speaker>
<l n="681">O very well, I haue perus'd the note:</l>
<l n="682">Hearke you sir, Ile haue them verie fairely bound,</l>
<l n="683">All bookes of Loue, see that at any hand,</l>
<l n="684">And see you reade no other Lectures to her:</l>
<l n="685">You vnderstand me. Ouer and beside</l>
<l n="686">Signior<hi rend="italic">Baptistas</hi>liberalitie,</l>
<l n="687">Ile mend it with a Largesse. Take your paper too,</l>
<l n="688">And let me haue them verie wel perfum'd;</l>
<l n="689">For she is sweeter then perfume it selfe</l>
<l n="690">To whom they go to: what wil you reade to her.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luc.</speaker>
<l n="691">What ere I reade to her, Ile pleade for you,</l>
<l n="692">As for my patron, stand you so assur'd,</l>
<l n="693">As firmely as your selfe were still in place,</l>
<l n="694">Yea and perhaps with more successefull words</l>
<l n="695">Then you; vnlesse you were a scholler sir.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="696">Oh this learning, what a thing it is.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="697">Oh this Woodcocke, what an Asse it is.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petru.</speaker>
<l n="698">Peace sirra.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="699">
<hi rend="italic">Grumio</hi>mum: God saue you signior<hi rend="italic">Gremio</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="700">And you are wel met, Signior<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>.</l>
<l n="701">Trow you whither I am going<c rend="italic">?</c>To<hi rend="italic">Baptista Minola</hi>,</l>
<l n="702">I promist to enquire carefully</l>
<l n="703">About a schoolemaster for the faire<hi rend="italic">Bianca</hi>,</l>
<l n="704">And by good fortune I haue lighted well</l>
<l n="705">On this yong man: For learning and behauiour</l>
<l n="706">Fit for her turne, well read in Poetrie</l>
<l n="707">And other bookes, good ones, I warrant ye.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="708">'Tis well: and I haue met a Gentleman</l>
<l n="709">Hath promist me to helpe one to another,</l>
<l n="710">A fine Musitian to instruct our Mistris,</l>
<l n="711">So shal I no whit be behinde in dutie</l>
<l n="712">To faire<hi rend="italic">Bianca</hi>, so beloued of me.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="713">Beloued of me, and that my deeds shal proue.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="714">And that his bags shal proue.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="715">
<hi rend="italic">Gremio</hi>, 'tis now no time to vent our loue,</l>
<l n="716">Listen to me, and if you speake me faire,</l>
<l n="717">Ile tel you newes indifferent good for either.</l>
<l n="718">Heere is a Gentleman whom by chance I met</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0234-0.jpg" n="214"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="719">Vpon agreement from vs to his liking,</l>
<l n="720">Will vndertake to woo curst<hi rend="italic">Katherine</hi>,</l>
<l n="721">Yea, and to marrie her, if her dowrie please.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="722">So said, so done, is well:</l>
<l n="723">
<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>, haue you told him all her faults?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="724">I know she is an irkesome brawling scold:</l>
<l n="725">If that be all Masters, I heare no harme.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="726">No, sayst me so, friend<c rend="italic">?</c>What Countreyman?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="727">Borne in<hi rend="italic">Verona</hi>, old<hi rend="italic">Butonios</hi>sonne:</l>
<l n="728">My father dead, my fortune liues for me,</l>
<l n="729">And I do hope, good dayes and long, to see.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="730">Oh sir, such a life with such a wife, were strange:</l>
<l n="731">But if you haue a stomacke, too't a Gods name,</l>
<l n="732">You shal haue me assisting you in all.</l>
<l n="733">But will you woo this Wilde‑cat<c rend="italic">?</c>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="734">Will I liue?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="735">Wil he woo her? I: or Ile hang her.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="736">Why came I hither, but to that intent?</l>
<l n="737">Thinke you, a little dinne can daunt mine eares?</l>
<l n="738">Haue I not in my time heard Lions rore?</l>
<l n="739">Haue I not heard the sea, puft vp with windes,</l>
<l n="740">Rage like an angry Boare, chafed with sweat?</l>
<l n="741">Haue I not heard great Ordnance in the field?</l>
<l n="742">And heauens Artillerie thunder in the skies?</l>
<l n="743">Haue I not in a pitched battell heard</l>
<l n="744">Loud larums, neighing steeds, & trumpets clangue?</l>
<l n="745">And do you tell me of a womans tongue?</l>
<l n="746">That giues not halfe so great a blow to heare,</l>
<l n="747">As wil a Chesse‑nut in a Farmers fire.</l>
<l n="748">Tush, tush, feare boyes with bugs.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="749">For he feares none.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Grem.</speaker>
<l n="750">
<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>hearke:</l>
<l n="751">This Gentleman is happily arriu'd,</l>
<l n="752">My minde presumes for his owne good, and yours.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="753">I promist we would be Contributors,</l>
<l n="754">And beare his charge of wooing what<gap extent="1" unit="chars" reason="illegible" agent="stain"/>oere.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gremio.</speaker>
<l n="755">And so we wil, prouided that he win her.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru.</speaker>
<l n="756">I would I were as sure of a good dinner.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Tranio braue, and Biondello.</stage>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="757">Gentlemen God saue you. If I may be bold</l>
<l n="758">Tell me I beseech you, which is the readiest way</l>
<l n="759">To the house of Signior<hi rend="italic">Baptista Minola</hi>?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-bio">
<speaker rend="italic">Bion.</speaker>
<l n="760">He that ha's the two faire daughters: ist he you
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="761">Euen he<hi rend="italic">Biondello</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="762">Hearke you sir, you meane not her to⸺</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="763">Perhaps him and her sir, what haue you to do?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="764">Not her that chides sir, at any hand I pray.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tranio.</speaker>
<l n="765">I loue no chiders sir:<hi rend="italic">Biondello</hi>, let's away.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luc.</speaker>
<l n="766">Well begun<hi rend="italic">Tranio</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="767">Sir, a word ere you go:</l>
<l n="768">Are you a sutor to the Maid you talke of, yea or no?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="769">And if I be sir, is it any offence<c rend="italic">?</c>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gremio.</speaker>
<l n="770">No: if without more words you will get you
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="771">Why sir, I pray are not the<choice>
</choice>as free</l>
<l n="772">For me, as for you?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="773">But so is not she.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="774">For what reason I beseech you.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="775">For this reason if you'l kno,</l>
<l n="776">That she's the choise loue of Signior<hi rend="italic">Gremio</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="777">That she's the chosen of signior<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="778">Softly my Masters: If you be Gentlemen</l>
<l n="779">Do me this right: heare me with patience.</l>
<l n="780">
<hi rend="italic">Baptista</hi>is a noble Gentleman,</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="781">To whom my Father is not all vnknowne,</l>
<l n="782">And were his daughter fairer then she is,</l>
<l n="783">She may more sutors haue, and me for one.</l>
<l n="784">Faire<hi rend="italic">Ladaes</hi>daughter had a thousand wooers,</l>
<l n="785">Then well one more may faire<hi rend="italic">Bianca</hi>haue;</l>
<l n="786">And so she shall:<hi rend="italic">Lucentio</hi>shal make one,</l>
<l n="787">Though<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>came, in hope to speed alone.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="788">What, this Gentleman will out‑talke vs all.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luc.</speaker>
<l n="789">Sir giue him head, I know hee'l proue a Iade.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="790">
<hi rend="italic">Hortensio</hi>, to what end are all these words?</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="791">Sir, let me be so bold as aske you,</l>
<l n="792">Did you yet euer see<hi rend="italic">Baptistas</hi>daughter<c rend="italic">?</c>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tra.</speaker>
<l n="793">No sir, but heare I do that he hath two:</l>
<l n="794">The one, as famous for a scolding tongue,</l>
<l n="795">As is the other, for beauteous modestie.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="796">Sir, sir, the first's for me, let her go by.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gre">
<speaker rend="italic">Gre.</speaker>
<l n="797">Yea, leaue that labour to great<hi rend="italic">Hercules</hi>,</l>
<l n="798">And let it be more then<hi rend="italic">Alcides</hi>twelue.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-ptr">
<speaker rend="italic">Petr.</speaker>
<l n="799">Sir vnderstand you this of me (insooth)</l>
<l n="800">The yongest daughter whom you hearken for,</l>
<l n="801">Her father keepes from all accesse of sutors,</l>
<l n="802">And will not promise her to any man,</l>
<l n="803">Vntill the elder sister first be wed.</l>
<l n="804">The yonger then is free, and not before.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tranio.</speaker>
<l n="805">If it be so sir, that you are the man</l>
<l n="806">Must steed vs all, and me amongst the rest:</l>
<l n="807">And if you breake the ice, and do this seeke,</l>
<l n="808">Atchieue the elder: set the yonger free,</l>
<l n="809">For our accesse, whose hap shall be to haue her,</l>
<l n="810">Wil not so gracelesse be, to be ingrate.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="811">Sir you say wel, and wel you do conceiue,</l>
<l n="812">And since you do professe to be a sutor,</l>
<l n="813">You must as we do, gratifie this Gentleman,</l>
<l n="814">To whom we all rest generally beholding.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-tra">
<speaker rend="italic">Tranio.</speaker>
<l n="815">Sir, I shal not be slacke, in signe whereof,</l>
<l n="816">Please ye we may contriue this afternoone,</l>
<l n="817">And quaffe carowses to our Mistresse health,</l>
<l n="818">And do as aduersaries do in law,</l>
<l n="819">Striue mightily, but eate and drinke as friends.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-gru #F-shr-bio">
<speaker rend="italic">Gru. Bion.</speaker>
<l n="820">Oh excellent motion: fellowes let's be gon.</l>
<sp who="#F-shr-hor">
<speaker rend="italic">Hor.</speaker>
<l n="821">The motions good indeed, and be it so,</l>
<l n="822">
<hi rend="italic">Petruchio</hi>, I shal be your<hi rend="italic">Been venuto</hi>.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>