The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: χgg7r - Histories, p. 99

Left Column

The second Part of King Henry the Fourth. Fal. What, is the old King dead? Pist. As naile in doore.
The things I speake, are iust.
Fal. Away Bardolfe, Sadle my Horse, Master Robert Shallow, choose what Office thou wilt In the Land, 'tis thine. Pistol, I will double charge thee With Dignities. Bard.
O ioyfull day: I would not take a Knighthood for my Fortune.
Pist. What? I do bring good newes. Fal.

Carrie Master Silence to bed: Master Shallow, my

Lord Shallow, be what thou wilt, I am Fortunes Steward.


Get on thy Boots, wee'l ride all night. Oh sweet Pistoll:

Away Bardolfe: Come Pistoll, vtter more to mee: and

withall deuise something to do thy selfe good. Boote,

boote Master Shallow, I know the young King is sick for

mee. Let vs take any mans Horsses: The Lawes of Eng­


land are at my command'ment. Happie are they, which

haue beene my Friendes: and woe vnto my Lord Chiefe


Pist. Let Vultures vil'de seize on his Lungs also: Where is the life that late I led, say they?
Why heere it is, welcome those pleasant dayes.
Scena Quarta. [Act 5, Scene 4] Enter Hostesse Quickly, Dol Teare‑Sheete, and Beadles. Hostesse.

No, thou arrant knaue: I would I might dy,

that I might haue thee hang'd: Thou hast drawne my

shoulder out of ioynt.


The Constables haue deliuer'd her ouer to mee:


and shee shall haue Whipping cheere enough, I warrant

her. There hath beene a man or two (lately) kill'd about



Nut‑hooke, nut‑hooke, you Lye: Come on, Ile

tell thee what, thou damn'd Tripe‑visag'd Rascall, if the


Childe I now go with, do miscarrie, thou had'st better

thou had'st strooke thy Mother, thou Paper‑fac'd Vil­



O that Sir Iohn were come, hee would make

this a bloody day to some body. But I would the Fruite


of her Wombe might miscarry.


If it do, you shall haue a dozen of Cushions

againe, you haue but eleuen now. Come, I charge you

both go with me: for the man is dead, that you and Pi­

stoll beate among you.


Ile tell thee what, thou thin man in a Censor; I

will haue you as soundly swindg'd for this, you blew‑

Bottel'd Rogue: you filthy famish'd Correctioner, if you

be not swing'd, Ile forsweare halfe Kittles.


Come, come, you shee‑Knight‑arrant, come.


O, that right should thus o'recome might. Wel

of sufferance, comes ease.

Dol. Come you Rogue, come: Bring me to a Iustice. Host.

Yes, come you staru'd Blood‑hound.


Goodman death, goodman Bones.


Thou Anatomy, thou.

Dol. Come you thinue Thing: Come you Rascall. Off.

Very well.


Right Column

Scena Quinta. [Act 5, Scene 5] Enter two Groomes. 1. Groo.

More Rushes, more Rushes.

2. Groo.

The Trumpets haue sounded twice.

1. Groo.

It will be two of the Clocke, ere they come

from the Coronation.

Exit Groo. Enter Falstaffe, Shallow, Pistoll, Bardolfe, and Page. Faltasse.

Stand heere by me, M. Robert Shallow, I will


make the King do you Grace. I will leere vpon him, as

he comes by: and do but marke the countenance that hee

will giue me.


Blesse thy Lungs, good Knight.


Come heere Pistol, stand behind me. O if I had


had time to haue made new Liueries, I would haue be­

stowed the thousand pound I borrowed of you. But it is

no matter, this poore shew doth better: this doth inferre

the zeale I had to see him.


It doth so.


It shewes my earnestnesse in affection.


It doth so.


My deuotion.


It doth, doth, it doth.

Fal. As it were, to ride day and night,
And not to deliberate, not to remember, Not to haue patience to shift me.

It is most certaine.


But to stand stained with Trauaile, and sweating

with desire to see him, thinking of nothing else, putting


all affayres in obliuion, as if there were nothing els to bee

done, but to see him.


'Tis semper idem: for obsque hoc nibile est. 'Tis all

in every part.


'Tis so indeed.


My Knight, I will enflame thy Noble Liuer, and

make thee rage, Thy Dol, and Helen of thy noble thoghts

is in base Durance, and contagious prison: Hall'd thi­

ther by most Mechanicall and durty hand. Rowze vppe

Reuenge from Ebon den, with fell Alecto's Snake, for


Dol is in. Pistol, speakes nought but troth.


I will deliuer her.


There roar'd the Sea: and Trumpet Clangour


The Trumpets sound. Enter King Henrie the Fift, Brothers, Lord Chiefe Iustice. Falst.

Saue thy Grace, King Hall, my Royall Hall.


The heauens thee guard, and keepe, most royall

Impe of Fame.


'Saue thee my sweet Boy.


My Lord Chiefe Iustice, speake to that vaine


Ch. Iust.
Haue you your wits? Know you what 'tis you speake?

My King, my Ioue; I speake to thee, my heart.

King. I know thee not, old man: Fall to thy Prayers: How ill white haires become a Foole, and Iester? I haue

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Scena Quarta. [Act 5, Scene 4] Enter Hostesse Quickly, Dol Teare‑Sheete, and Beadles. Hostesse.

No, thou arrant knaue: I would I might dy,

that I might haue thee hang'd: Thou hast drawne my

shoulder out of ioynt.


The Constables haue deliuer'd her ouer to mee:


and shee shall haue Whipping cheere enough, I warrant

her. There hath beene a man or two (lately) kill'd about



Nut‑hooke, nut‑hooke, you Lye: Come on, Ile

tell thee what, thou damn'd Tripe‑visag'd Rascall, if the


Childe I now go with, do miscarrie, thou had'st better

thou had'st strooke thy Mother, thou Paper‑fac'd Vil­



O that Sir Iohn were come, hee would make

this a bloody day to some body. But I would the Fruite


of her Wombe might miscarry.


If it do, you shall haue a dozen of Cushions

againe, you haue but eleuen now. Come, I charge you

both go with me: for the man is dead, that you and Pi­

stoll beate among you.


Ile tell thee what, thou thin man in a Censor; I

will haue you as soundly swindg'd for this, you blew‑

Bottel'd Rogue: you filthy famish'd Correctioner, if you

be not swing'd, Ile forsweare halfe Kittles.


Come, come, you shee‑Knight‑arrant, come.


O, that right should thus o'recome might. Wel

of sufferance, comes ease.

Dol. Come you Rogue, come: Bring me to a Iustice. Host.

Yes, come you staru'd Blood‑hound.


Goodman death, goodman Bones.


Thou Anatomy, thou.

Dol. Come you thinue Thing: Come you Rascall. Off.

Very well.


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="4">
   <head rend="italic center">Scena Quarta.</head>
   <head type="supplied">[Act 5, Scene 4]</head>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Hostesse Quickly, Dol Teare‑Sheete,
      <lb/>and Beadles.</stage>
   <cb n="1"/>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-qui">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hostesse.</speaker>
      <p n="3071">No, thou arrant knaue: I would I might dy,
      <lb n="3072"/>that I might haue thee hang'd: Thou hast drawne my
      <lb n="3073"/>shoulder out of ioynt.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-off">
      <speaker rend="italic">Off.</speaker>
      <p n="3074">The Constables haue deliuer'd her ouer to mee:
      <lb n="3075"/>and shee shall haue Whipping cheere enough, I warrant
      <lb n="3076"/>her. There hath beene a man or two (lately) kill'd about
      <lb n="3077"/>her.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-dol">
      <speaker rend="italic">Dol.</speaker>
      <p n="3078">Nut‑hooke, nut‑hooke, you Lye: Come on, Ile
      <lb n="3079"/>tell thee what, thou damn'd Tripe‑visag'd Rascall, if the
      <lb n="3080"/>Childe I now go with, do miscarrie, thou had'st better
      <lb n="3081"/>thou had'st strooke thy Mother, thou Paper‑fac'd Vil­
      <lb n="3082"/>laine.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-qui">
      <speaker rend="italic">Host.</speaker>
      <p n="3083">O that Sir<hi rend="italic">Iohn</hi>were come, hee would make
      <lb n="3084"/>this a bloody day to some body. But I would the Fruite
      <lb n="3085"/>of her Wombe might miscarry.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-off">
      <speaker rend="italic">Officer.</speaker>
      <p n="3086">If it do, you shall haue a dozen of Cushions
      <lb n="3087"/>againe, you haue but eleuen now. Come, I charge you
      <lb n="3088"/>both go with me: for the man is dead, that you and Pi­
      <lb n="3089"/>stoll beate among you.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-dol">
      <speaker rend="italic">Dol.</speaker>
      <p n="3090">Ile tell thee what, thou thin man in a Censor; I
      <lb n="3091"/>will haue you as soundly swindg'd for this, you blew‑
      <lb n="3092"/>Bottel'd Rogue: you filthy famish'd Correctioner, if you
      <lb n="3093"/>be not swing'd, Ile forsweare halfe Kittles.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-off">
      <speaker rend="italic">Off.</speaker>
      <p n="3094">Come, come, you shee‑Knight‑arrant, come.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-qui">
      <speaker rend="italic">Host.</speaker>
      <p n="3095">O, that right should thus o'recome might. Wel
      <lb n="3096"/>of sufferance, comes ease.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-dol">
      <speaker rend="italic">Dol.</speaker>
      <l n="3097">Come you Rogue, come:</l>
      <l n="3098">Bring me to a Iustice.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-qui">
      <speaker rend="italic">Host.</speaker>
      <p n="3099">Yes, come you staru'd Blood‑hound.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-dol">
      <speaker rend="italic">Dol.</speaker>
      <p n="3100">Goodman death, goodman Bones.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-qui">
      <speaker rend="italic">Host.</speaker>
      <p n="3101">Thou Anatomy, thou.</p>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-dol">
      <speaker rend="italic">Dol.</speaker>
      <l n="3102">Come you thinue Thing:</l>
      <l n="3103">Come you Rascall.</l>
   <sp who="#F-2h4-off">
      <speaker rend="italic">Off.</speaker>
      <p n="3104">Very well.</p>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
   <cb n="2"/>


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