The first Part of Henry the Sixt.
Henrybeing a King,
Margaret, that is daughter to a King:
Henry, sonne vnto a Conqueror,
Margaret) he be link'd in loue.
Margaretshall be Queene, and none but shee.
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<div type="scene" n="1" rend="notPresent">
<head rend="italic center">Scena secunda.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 5, Scene 1]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">SENNET.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter King, Glocester, and Exeter.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="2137">Haue you perus'd the Letters from the Pope,</l>
<l n="2138">The Emperor, and the Earle of Arminack?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Glo.</speaker>
<l n="2139">I haue my Lord, and their intent is this,</l>
<l n="2140">They humbly sue vnto your Excellence,</l>
<l n="2141">To haue a godly peace concluded of,</l>
<l n="2142">Betweene the Realmes of England, and of France.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="2143">How doth your Grace affect their motion?</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Glo.</speaker>
<l n="2144">Well (my good Lord) and as the only meanes</l>
<l n="2145">To stop effusion of our Christian blood,</l>
<l n="2146">And stablish quietnesse on euery side.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="2147">I marry Vnckle, for I alwayes thought</l>
<l n="2148">It was both impious and vnnaturall,</l>
<l n="2149">That such immanity and bloody strife</l>
<l n="2150">Should reigne among Professors of one Faith.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Glo.</speaker>
<l n="2151">Bcside my Lord, the sooner to effect,</l>
<l n="2152">And surer binde this knot of amitie,</l>
<l n="2153">The Earle of Arminacke neere knit to<hi rend="italic">Charles</hi>,</l>
<l n="2154">A man of great Authoritie in France,</l>
<l n="2155">Proffers his onely daughter to your Grace,</l>
<l n="2156">In marriage, with a large and sumptuous Dowrie.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="2157">Marriage Vnckle? Alas my yeares are yong:</l>
<l n="2158">And fitter is my studie, and my Bookes,</l>
<l n="2159">Than wanton dalliance with a Paramour.</l>
<l n="2160">Yet call th'Embassadors, and as you please,</l>
<l n="2161">So let them haue their answeres euery one;</l>
<l n="2162">I shall be well content with any choyce</l>
<l n="2163">Tends to Gods glory, and my Countries weale.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Winchester, and three Ambassadors.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-exe">
<speaker rend="italic">Exet.</speaker>
<l n="2164">What, is my Lord of<hi rend="italic">Winchester</hi>install'd,</l>
<l n="2165">And call'd vnto a Cardinalls degree?</l>
<l n="2166">Then I perceiue, that will be verified</l>
<l n="2167">
<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>the Fift did sometime prophesie.</l>
<l n="2168">If once he come to be a Cardinall,</l>
<l n="2169">Hee'l make his cap coequall with the Crowne.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="2170">My Lords Ambassadors, your seuerall suites</l>
<l n="2171">Haue bin consider'd and debated on,</l>
<l n="2172">Your purpose is both good and reasonable:</l>
<l n="2173">And therefore are we certainly resolu'd,</l>
<l n="2174">To draw conditions of a friendly peace,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0471-0.jpg" n="115"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="2175">Which by my Lord of Winchester we meane</l>
<l n="2176">Shall be transported presently to France.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Glo.</speaker>
<l n="2177">And for the proffer of my Lord your Master,</l>
<l n="2178">I haue inform'd his Highnesse so at large,</l>
<l n="2179">As liking of the Ladies vertuous gifts,</l>
<l n="2180">Her Beauty, and the valew of her Dower,</l>
<l n="2181">He doth intend she shall be Englands Queene.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="2182">In argument and proofe of which contract,</l>
<l n="2183">Beare her this Iewell, pledge of my affection.</l>
<l n="2184">And so my Lord Protector see them guarded,</l>
<l n="2185">And safely brought to<hi rend="italic">Douer</hi>, wherein ship'd</l>
<l n="2186">Commit them to the fortune of the sea.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>
<sp who="#F-1h6-win">
<speaker rend="italic">Win.</speaker>
<l n="2187">Stay my Lord Legate, you shall first receiue</l>
<l n="2188">The summe of money which I promised</l>
<l n="2189">Should be deliuered to his Holinesse,</l>
<l n="2190">For cloathing me in these graue Ornaments.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-leg">
<speaker rend="italic">Legat.</speaker>
<l n="2191">I will attend vpon your Lordships leysure.</l>
<sp who="#F-1h6-win">
<speaker rend="italic">Win.</speaker>
<l n="2192">Now Winchester will not submit, I trow,</l>
<l n="2193">Or be inferior to the proudest Peere;</l>
<l n="2194">
<hi rend="italic">Humfrey</hi>of Gloster, thou shalt well perceiue,</l>
<l n="2195">That neither in birth, or for authoritie,</l>
<l n="2196">The Bishop will be ouer‑borne by thee:</l>
<l n="2197">Ile either make thee stoope, and bend thy knee,</l>
<l n="2198">Or sacke this Country with a mutiny.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt</stage>