The second Part of Henry the Sixt.As for the duke of Yorke, this late ComplaintWill make but little for his benefit:So one by one wee'le weed them all at last,
And you your selfe shall steere the happy Helme.Exit.
[Act 3, Scene 1]
Sound a Sennet.Enter the King, Duke Humfrey, Cardinall, Bucking
ham, Yorke, Salisbury, Warwicke,
and the Duchesse.
King.For my part, Noble Lords, I care not which,Or
Somerset, at
Yorke, all's one to me.
Yorke.If Yorke haue ill demean'd himselfe in France,Then let him be denay'd the Regent‑ship.Som.
Somerset be vnworthy of the Place,
Yorke be Regent, I will yeeld to him.
Warw.Whether your Grace be worthy, yea or no,Dispute not that,
Yorke is the worthyer.
Warwicke, let thy betters speake.
The Cardinall's not my better in the field.Buck.All in this presence are thy betters,
Warw.Warwicke may liue to be the best of all.
Salisb.Peace Sonne, and shew some reason
Somerset should be preferr'd in this?
Because the King forsooth will haue it so.Humf.Madame, the King is old enough himselfeTo giue his Censure: These are no Womens matters.Queene.If he be old enough, what needs your GraceTo be Protector of his Excellence?Humf.
Madame, I am Protector of the Realme,And at his pleasure will resigne my Place.Suff.Resigne it then, and leaue thine insolence.Since thou wert King; as who is King, but thou?The Common‑wealth hath dayly run to wrack,
The Dolphin hath preuayl'd beyond the Seas,And all the Peeres and Nobles of the RealmeHaue beene as Bond‑men to thy Soueraigntie.Card.The Commons hast thou rackt, the Clergies BagsAre lanke and leane with thy Extortions.Som.
Thy sumptuous Buildings, and thy Wiues AttyreHaue cost a masse of publique Treasurie.Buck.Thy Crueltie in executionVpon Offendors, hath exceeded Law,And left thee to the mercy of the Law.Queene.
Thy sale of Offices and Townes in France,If they were knowne, as the suspect is great,Would make thee quickly hop without thy Head.Exit Humfrey.Giue me my Fanne: what, Mynion, can ye not?She giues the Duchesse a box on the eare.I cry you mercy, Madame: was it you?Duch.
Was't I? yea, I it was, prowd French‑woman:Could I come neere your Beautie with my Nayles,I could set my ten Commandements in your face.King.Sweet Aunt be quiet, 'twas against her will.Duch.Against her will, good King? looke to't in time,
Shee'le hamper thee, and dandle thee like a Baby:Though in this place most Master weare no Breeches,She shall not strike Dame
Elianor vnreueng'd.
Exit Elianor.Buck.Lord Cardinall, I will follow
And listen after
Humfrey, how he proceedes:
Shee's tickled now, her Fume needs no spurres,Shee'le gallop farre enough to her destruction.Exit Buckingham.
Enter Humfrey.Humf.Now Lords, my Choller being ouer‑blowne,With walking once about the Quadrangle,I come to talke of Common‑wealth Affayres.
As for your spightfull false Obiections,Proue them, and I lye open to the Law:But God in mercie so deale with my Soule,As I in dutie loue my King and Countrey.But to the matter that we haue in hand:
I say, my Soueraigne,
Yorke is meetest man
To be your Regent in the Realme of France.Suff.Before we make election, giue me leaueTo shew some reason, of no little force,That
Yorke is most vnmeet of any man.
Ile tell thee,
Suffolke, why I am vnmeet.
First, for I cannot flatter thee in Pride:Next, if I be appointed for the Place,My Lord of Somerset will keepe me here,Without Discharge, Money, or Furniture,
Till France be wonne into the Dolphins hands:Last time I danc't attendance on his will,Till Paris was besieg'd, famisht, and lost.Warw.That can I witnesse, and a fouler factDid neuer Traytor in the Land commit.Suff.
Peace head‑strong
Warw.Image of Pride, why should I hold my peace?Enter Armorer and his Man.Suff.Because here is a man accused of Treason,Pray God the Duke of Yorke excuse himselfe.Yorke.Doth any one accuse
Yorke for a Traytor?
What mean'st thou,
Suffolke? tell me, what are
Suff.Please it your Maiestie, this is the manThat doth accuse his Master of High Treason;His words were these: That
Richard, Duke of Yorke,
Was rightfull Heire vnto the English Crowne,
And that your Maiestie was an Vsurper.King.Say man, were these thy words?Armorer.
And't shall please your Maiestie, I neuer sayd
nor thought any such matter: God is my witnesse, I am
falsely accus'd by the Villaine.
By these tenne bones, my Lords, hee did speake
them to me in the Garret one Night, as wee were scow
ring my Lord of Yorkes Armor.
Yorke.Base Dunghill Villaine, and Mechanicall,Ile haue thy Head for this thy Traytors speech:
I doe beseech your Royall Maiestie,Let him haue all the rigor of the Law.Armorer.
Alas, my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the
words: my accuser is my Prentice, and when I did cor
rect him for his fault the other day, he did vow vpon his
knees he would be euen with me: I haue good witnesse
of this; therefore I beseech your Maiestie, doe not cast
away an honest man for a Villaines accusation.
King.Vnckle, what shall we say to this in law?Humf.This doome, my Lord, if I may judge:
Somerset be Regent o're the French,
Because in
Yorke this breedes suspition;
And let these haue a day appointed themFor single Combat, in conuenient place,For he hath witnesse of his seruants malice:
This is the Law, and this Duke
Humfreyes doome.
Som. I
[Act 3, Scene 1]
Sound a Sennet.Enter the King, Duke Humfrey, Cardinall, Bucking
ham, Yorke, Salisbury, Warwicke,
and the Duchesse.
King.For my part, Noble Lords, I care not which,Or
Somerset, at
Yorke, all's one to me.
Yorke.If Yorke haue ill demean'd himselfe in France,Then let him be denay'd the Regent‑ship.Som.
Somerset be vnworthy of the Place,
Yorke be Regent, I will yeeld to him.
Warw.Whether your Grace be worthy, yea or no,Dispute not that,
Yorke is the worthyer.
Warwicke, let thy betters speake.
The Cardinall's not my better in the field.Buck.All in this presence are thy betters,
Warw.Warwicke may liue to be the best of all.
Salisb.Peace Sonne, and shew some reason
Somerset should be preferr'd in this?
Because the King forsooth will haue it so.Humf.Madame, the King is old enough himselfeTo giue his Censure: These are no Womens matters.Queene.If he be old enough, what needs your GraceTo be Protector of his Excellence?Humf.
Madame, I am Protector of the Realme,And at his pleasure will resigne my Place.Suff.Resigne it then, and leaue thine insolence.Since thou wert King; as who is King, but thou?The Common‑wealth hath dayly run to wrack,
The Dolphin hath preuayl'd beyond the Seas,And all the Peeres and Nobles of the RealmeHaue beene as Bond‑men to thy Soueraigntie.Card.The Commons hast thou rackt, the Clergies BagsAre lanke and leane with thy Extortions.Som.
Thy sumptuous Buildings, and thy Wiues AttyreHaue cost a masse of publique Treasurie.Buck.Thy Crueltie in executionVpon Offendors, hath exceeded Law,And left thee to the mercy of the Law.Queene.
Thy sale of Offices and Townes in France,If they were knowne, as the suspect is great,Would make thee quickly hop without thy Head.Exit Humfrey.Giue me my Fanne: what, Mynion, can ye not?She giues the Duchesse a box on the eare.I cry you mercy, Madame: was it you?Duch.
Was't I? yea, I it was, prowd French‑woman:Could I come neere your Beautie with my Nayles,I could set my ten Commandements in your face.King.Sweet Aunt be quiet, 'twas against her will.Duch.Against her will, good King? looke to't in time,
Shee'le hamper thee, and dandle thee like a Baby:Though in this place most Master weare no Breeches,She shall not strike Dame
Elianor vnreueng'd.
Exit Elianor.Buck.Lord Cardinall, I will follow
And listen after
Humfrey, how he proceedes:
Shee's tickled now, her Fume needs no spurres,Shee'le gallop farre enough to her destruction.Exit Buckingham.Enter Humfrey.Humf.Now Lords, my Choller being ouer‑blowne,With walking once about the Quadrangle,I come to talke of Common‑wealth Affayres.
As for your spightfull false Obiections,Proue them, and I lye open to the Law:But God in mercie so deale with my Soule,As I in dutie loue my King and Countrey.But to the matter that we haue in hand:
I say, my Soueraigne,
Yorke is meetest man
To be your Regent in the Realme of France.Suff.Before we make election, giue me leaueTo shew some reason, of no little force,That
Yorke is most vnmeet of any man.
Ile tell thee,
Suffolke, why I am vnmeet.
First, for I cannot flatter thee in Pride:Next, if I be appointed for the Place,My Lord of Somerset will keepe me here,Without Discharge, Money, or Furniture,
Till France be wonne into the Dolphins hands:Last time I danc't attendance on his will,Till Paris was besieg'd, famisht, and lost.Warw.That can I witnesse, and a fouler factDid neuer Traytor in the Land commit.Suff.
Peace head‑strong
Warw.Image of Pride, why should I hold my peace?Enter Armorer and his Man.Suff.Because here is a man accused of Treason,Pray God the Duke of Yorke excuse himselfe.Yorke.Doth any one accuse
Yorke for a Traytor?
What mean'st thou,
Suffolke? tell me, what are
Suff.Please it your Maiestie, this is the manThat doth accuse his Master of High Treason;His words were these: That
Richard, Duke of Yorke,
Was rightfull Heire vnto the English Crowne,
And that your Maiestie was an Vsurper.King.Say man, were these thy words?Armorer.
And't shall please your Maiestie, I neuer sayd
nor thought any such matter: God is my witnesse, I am
falsely accus'd by the Villaine.
By these tenne bones, my Lords, hee did speake
them to me in the Garret one Night, as wee were scow
ring my Lord of Yorkes Armor.
Yorke.Base Dunghill Villaine, and Mechanicall,Ile haue thy Head for this thy Traytors speech:
I doe beseech your Royall Maiestie,Let him haue all the rigor of the Law.Armorer.
Alas, my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the
words: my accuser is my Prentice, and when I did cor
rect him for his fault the other day, he did vow vpon his
knees he would be euen with me: I haue good witnesse
of this; therefore I beseech your Maiestie, doe not cast
away an honest man for a Villaines accusation.
King.Vnckle, what shall we say to this in law?Humf.This doome, my Lord, if I may judge:
Somerset be Regent o're the French,
Because in
Yorke this breedes suspition;
And let these haue a day appointed themFor single Combat, in conuenient place,For he hath witnesse of his seruants malice:
This is the Law, and this Duke
Humfreyes doome.
Som.I humbly thanke your Royall Maiestie.Armorer.And I accept the Combat willingly.Peter.
Alas, my Lord, I cannot fight; for Gods sake
pitty my case: the spight of man preuayleth against me.
O Lord haue mercy vpon me, I shall neuer be able to
fight a blow: O Lord my heart.
Humf.Sirrha, or you must fight, or else be hang'd.King.
Away with them to Prison: and the day of
Combat, shall be the last of. the. next moneth. Come
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="1" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 3, Scene 1]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="business">Sound a Sennet.</stage>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter the King, Duke Humfrey, Cardinall, Bucking
<lb/>ham, Yorke, Salisbury, Warwicke,
<lb/>and the Duchesse.</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="466">For my part, Noble Lords, I care not which,</l>
<l n="467">Or<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>, at<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>, all's one to me.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-pla">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="468">If Yorke haue ill demean'd himselfe in France,</l>
<l n="469">Then let him be denay'd the Regent‑ship.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-som">
<speaker rend="italic">Som.</speaker>
<l n="470">If<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>be vnworthy of the Place,</l>
<l n="471">Let<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>be Regent, I will yeeld to him.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-war">
<speaker rend="italic">Warw.</speaker>
<l n="472">Whether your Grace be worthy, yea or no,</l>
<l n="473">Dispute not that,<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>is the worthyer.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-win">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="474">Ambitious<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>, let thy betters speake.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-war">
<speaker rend="italic">Warw.</speaker>
<l n="475">The Cardinall's not my better in the field.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-buc">
<speaker rend="italic">Buck.</speaker>
<l n="476">All in this presence are thy betters,<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-war">
<speaker rend="italic">Warw.</speaker>
<l n="477">
<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>may liue to be the best of all.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-sal">
<speaker rend="italic">Salisb.</speaker>
<l n="478">Peace Sonne, and shew some reason<hi rend="italic">Buckingham</hi>
<l n="479">Why<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>should be preferr'd in this?</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-mar">
<speaker rend="italic">Queene.</speaker>
<l n="480">Because the King forsooth will haue it so.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Humf.</speaker>
<l n="481">Madame, the King is old enough himselfe</l>
<l n="482">To giue his Censure: These are no Womens matters.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-mar">
<speaker rend="italic">Queene.</speaker>
<l n="483">If he be old enough, what needs your Grace</l>
<l n="484">To be Protector of his Excellence?</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Humf.</speaker>
<l n="485">Madame, I am Protector of the Realme,</l>
<l n="486">And at his pleasure will resigne my Place.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-suf">
<speaker rend="italic">Suff.</speaker>
<l n="487">Resigne it then, and leaue thine insolence.</l>
<l n="488">Since thou wert King; as who is King, but thou?</l>
<l n="489">The Common‑wealth hath dayly run to wrack,</l>
<l n="490">The Dolphin hath preuayl'd beyond the Seas,</l>
<l n="491">And all the Peeres and Nobles of the Realme</l>
<l n="492">Haue beene as Bond‑men to thy Soueraigntie.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-win">
<speaker rend="italic">Card.</speaker>
<l n="493">The Commons hast thou rackt, the Clergies Bags</l>
<l n="494">Are lanke and leane with thy Extortions.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-som">
<speaker rend="italic">Som.</speaker>
<l n="495">Thy sumptuous Buildings, and thy Wiues Attyre</l>
<l n="496">Haue cost a masse of publique Treasurie.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-buc">
<speaker rend="italic">Buck.</speaker>
<l n="497">Thy Crueltie in execution</l>
<l n="498">Vpon Offendors, hath exceeded Law,</l>
<l n="499">And left thee to the mercy of the Law.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-mar">
<speaker rend="italic">Queene.</speaker>
<l n="500">Thy sale of Offices and Townes in France,</l>
<l n="501">If they were knowne, as the suspect is great,</l>
<l n="502">Would make thee quickly hop without thy Head.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit Humfrey.</stage>
<l n="503">Giue me my Fanne: what, Mynion, can ye not?</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">She giues the Duchesse a box on the eare.</stage>
<l n="504">I cry you mercy, Madame: was it you?</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-ele">
<speaker rend="italic">Duch.</speaker>
<l n="505">Was't I? yea, I it was, prowd French‑woman:</l>
<l n="506">Could I come neere your Beautie with my Nayles,</l>
<l n="507">I could set my ten Commandements in your face.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="508">Sweet Aunt be quiet, 'twas against her will.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-ele">
<speaker rend="italic">Duch.</speaker>
<l n="509">Against her will, good King? looke to't in time,</l>
<l n="510">Shee'le hamper thee, and dandle thee like a Baby:</l>
<l n="511">Though in this place most Master weare no Breeches,</l>
<l n="512">She shall not strike Dame<hi rend="italic">Elianor</hi>vnreueng'd.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit Elianor.</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-buc">
<speaker rend="italic">Buck.</speaker>
<l n="513">Lord Cardinall, I will follow<hi rend="italic">Elianor</hi>,</l>
<l n="514">And listen after<hi rend="italic">Humfrey</hi>, how he proceedes:</l>
<l n="515">Shee's tickled now, her Fume needs no spurres,</l>
<l n="516">Shee'le gallop farre enough to her destruction.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit Buckingham.</stage>
<cb n="2"/>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Humfrey.</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Humf.</speaker>
<l n="517">Now Lords, my Choller being ouer‑blowne,</l>
<l n="518">With walking once about the Quadrangle,</l>
<l n="519">I come to talke of Common‑wealth Affayres.</l>
<l n="520">As for your spightfull false Obiections,</l>
<l n="521">Proue them, and I lye open to the Law:</l>
<l n="522">But God in mercie so deale with my Soule,</l>
<l n="523">As I in dutie loue my King and Countrey.</l>
<l n="524">But to the matter that we haue in hand:</l>
<l n="525">I say, my Soueraigne,<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>is meetest man</l>
<l n="526">To be your Regent in the Realme of France.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-suf">
<speaker rend="italic">Suff.</speaker>
<l n="527">Before we make election, giue me leaue</l>
<l n="528">To shew some reason, of no little force,</l>
<l n="529">That<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>is most vnmeet of any man.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-pla">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="530">Ile tell thee,<hi rend="italic">Suffolke</hi>, why I am vnmeet.</l>
<l n="531">First, for I cannot flatter thee in Pride:</l>
<l n="532">Next, if I be appointed for the Place,</l>
<l n="533">My Lord of Somerset will keepe me here,</l>
<l n="534">Without Discharge, Money, or Furniture,</l>
<l n="535">Till France be wonne into the Dolphins hands:</l>
<l n="536">Last time I danc't attendance on his will,</l>
<l n="537">Till Paris was besieg'd, famisht, and lost.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-war">
<speaker rend="italic">Warw.</speaker>
<l n="538">That can I witnesse, and a fouler fact</l>
<l n="539">Did neuer Traytor in the Land commit.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-suf">
<speaker rend="italic">Suff.</speaker>
<l n="540">Peace head‑strong<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-war">
<speaker rend="italic">Warw.</speaker>
<l n="541">Image of Pride, why should I hold my peace?</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Armorer and his Man.</stage>
<sp who="#F-2h6-suf">
<speaker rend="italic">Suff.</speaker>
<l n="542">Because here is a man accused of Treason,</l>
<l n="543">Pray God the Duke of Yorke excuse himselfe.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-pla">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="544">Doth any one accuse<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>for a Traytor?</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="545">What mean'st thou,<hi rend="italic">Suffolke</hi>? tell me, what are
<sp who="#F-2h6-suf">
<speaker rend="italic">Suff.</speaker>
<l n="546">Please it your Maiestie, this is the man</l>
<l n="547">That doth accuse his Master of High Treason;</l>
<l n="548">His words were these: That<hi rend="italic">Richard</hi>, Duke of Yorke,</l>
<l n="549">Was rightfull Heire vnto the English Crowne,</l>
<l n="550">And that your Maiestie was an Vsurper.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="551">Say man, were these thy words?</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-arm">
<speaker rend="italic">Armorer.</speaker>
<p n="552">And't shall please your Maiestie, I neuer sayd
<lb n="553"/>nor thought any such matter: God is my witnesse, I am
<lb n="554"/>falsely accus'd by the Villaine.</p>
<sp who="#F-2h6-pet">
<speaker rend="italic">Peter.</speaker>
<p n="555">By these tenne bones, my Lords, hee did speake
<lb n="556"/>them to me in the Garret one Night, as wee were scow
<lb n="557"/>ring my Lord of Yorkes Armor.</p>
<sp who="#F-2h6-pla">
<speaker rend="italic">Yorke.</speaker>
<l n="558">Base Dunghill Villaine, and Mechanicall,</l>
<l n="559">Ile haue thy Head for this thy Traytors speech:</l>
<l n="560">I doe beseech your Royall Maiestie,</l>
<l n="561">Let him haue all the rigor of the Law.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-arm">
<speaker rend="italic">Armorer.</speaker>
<p n="562">Alas, my Lord, hang me if euer I spake the
<lb n="563"/>words: my accuser is my Prentice, and when I did cor
<lb n="564"/>rect him for his fault the other day, he did vow vpon his
<lb n="565"/>knees he would be euen with me: I haue good witnesse
<lb n="566"/>of this; therefore I beseech your Maiestie, doe not cast
<lb n="567"/>away an honest man for a Villaines accusation.</p>
<sp who="#F-2h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<l n="568">Vnckle, what shall we say to this in law?</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Humf.</speaker>
<l n="569">This doome, my Lord, if I may judge:</l>
<l n="570">Let<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>be Regent o're the French,</l>
<l n="571">Because in<hi rend="italic">Yorke</hi>this breedes suspition;</l>
<l n="572">And let these haue a day appointed them</l>
<l n="573">For single Combat, in conuenient place,</l>
<l n="574">For he hath witnesse of his seruants malice:</l>
<l n="575">This is the Law, and this Duke<hi rend="italic">Humfreyes</hi>doome.</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0481-0.jpg" n="125"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-2h6-som">
<speaker rend="italic">Som.</speaker>
<l n="576">I humbly thanke your Royall Maiestie.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-arm">
<speaker rend="italic">Armorer.</speaker>
<l n="577">And I accept the Combat willingly.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-pet">
<speaker rend="italic">Peter.</speaker>
<p n="578">Alas, my Lord, I cannot fight; for Gods sake
<lb n="579"/>pitty my case: the spight of man preuayleth against me.
<lb n="580"/>O Lord haue mercy vpon me, I shall neuer be able to
<lb n="581"/>fight a blow: O Lord my heart.</p>
<sp who="#F-2h6-glo">
<speaker rend="italic">Humf.</speaker>
<l n="582">Sirrha, or you must fight, or else be hang'd.</l>
<sp who="#F-2h6-hn6">
<speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
<p n="583">Away with them to Prison: and the day of
<lb n="584"/>Combat, shall be the last of. the. next moneth. Come
<lb n="585"/>
<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>, wee'le see thee sent away.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Flourish. Exeunt.</stage>