The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: p5v - Histories, p. 162

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The third Part of King Henry the Sixt. Where hauing nothing, nothing can he lose. And as for you your selfe (our quondam Queene)
You haue a Father able to maintaine you, And better 'twere, you troubled him, then France.
Mar. Peace impudent, and shamelesse Warwicke, Proud setter vp, and puller downe of Kings, I will not hence, till with my Talke and Teares
(Both full of Truth) I make King Lewis behold Thy slye conueyance, and thy Lords false loue, Post blowing a horne Within. For both of you are Birds of selfe‑same Feather.
Lewis. Warwicke, this is some poste to vs, or thee. Enter the Poste. Post. My Lord Ambassador,
These Letters are for you. Speakes to Warwick, Sent from your Brother Marquesse Montague. These from our King, vnto your Maiesty. To Lewis. And Madam, these for you: To Margaret From whom, I know not.
They all reade their Letters. Oxf.
I like it well, that our faire Queene and Mistris Smiles at her newes, while Warwicke frownes at his.
Prince Ed.

Nay marke how Lewis stampes as he were

I netled. I hope, all's for the best.

Lew. Warwicke, what are thy Newes ?
And yours, faire Queene.
Mar. Mine such, as fill my heart with vnhop'd ioyes. War. Mine full of sorrow, and hearts discontent. Lew. What? has your King married the Lady Grey? And now to sooth your Forgery, and his,
Sends me a Paper to perswade me Patience? Is this th'Alliance that he seekes with France? Dare he presume to scorne vs in this manner?
Mar. I told your Maiesty as much before: This proueth Edwards Loue, and Warwickes honesty. War.
King Lewis, I heere protest in sight of heauen, And by the hope I haue of heauenly blisse, That I am cleere from this misdeed of Edwards; No more my King, for he dishonors me, But most himselfe, if he could see his shame.
Did I forget, that by the House of Yorke My Father came vntimely to his death? Did I let passe th'abuse done to my Neece? Did I impale him with the Regall Crowne ? Did I put Henry from his Natiue Right?
And am I guerdon'd at the last, with Shame? Shame on himselfe, for my Desert is Honor. And to repaire my Honor lost for him, I heere renounce him, and returne to Henry. My Noble Queene, let former grudges passe,
And henceforth, I am thy true Seruitour: I will reuenge his wrong to Lady Bona, And replant Henry in his former state.
Mar. Warwicke, These words haue turn'd my Hate, to Loue,
And I forgiue, and quite forget old faults, And ioy that thou becom'st King Henries Friend.
War. So much his Friend, I, his vnfained Friend, That if King Lewis vouchsafe to furnish vs With some few Bands of chosen Soldiours,
Ile vndertake to Land them on our Coast, And force the Tyrant from his seat by Warre. 'Tis not his new‑made Bride shall succour him. And as for Clarence, as my Letters tell me, Hee's very likely now to fall from him,
For matching more for wanton Lust, then Honor,

Right Column

Or then for strength and safety of our Country. Bona. Deere Brother, how shall Bona be reueng'd, But by thy helpe to this distressed Queene? Mar. Renowned Prince, how shall Poore Henry liue,
Vnlesse thou rescue him from foule dispaire?
Bona. My quarrel, and this English Queens, are one. War. And mine faire Lady Bona, ioynes with yours. Lew. And mine, with hers, and thine, and Margarets. Therefore, at last, I firmely am resolu'd
You shall haue ayde.
Mar. Let me giue humble thankes for all, at once. Lew. Then Englands Messenger, returne in Poste, And tell false Edward, thy supposed King, That Lewis of France, is sending ouer Maskers
To reuell it with him, and his new Bride. Thou seest what's past, go feare thy King withall.
Bona. Tell him, in hope hee'l proue a widower shortly, I weare the Willow Garland for his sake. Mar. Tell him, my mourning weeds are layde aside,
And I am ready to put Armor on.
War. Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong, And therefore Ile vn‑Crowne him, er't be long. There's thy reward, be gone. Exit Post. Lew. But Warwicke,
Thou and Oxford, with fiue thousand men Shall crosse the Seas, and bid false Edward battaile: And as occasion serues, this Noble Queen And Prince, shall follow with a fresh Supply. Yet ere thou go, but answer me one doubt:
What Pledge haue we of thy firme Loyalty?
War. This shall assure my constant Loyalty, That if our Queene, and this young Prince agree, Ile ioyne mine eldest daughter, and my Ioy, To him forthwith, in holy Wedlocke bands. Mar.
Yes, I agree, and thanke you for your Motion. Sonne Edward, she is Faire and Vertuous, Therefore delay not, giue thy hand to Warwicke, And with thy hand, thy faith irreuocable, That onely Warwickes daughter shall be thine.
Prin. Ed.
Yes, I accept her, for she well deserues it, And heere to pledge my Vow, I giue my hand.
He giues his hand to Warw. Lew. Why stay we now? These soldiers shalbe leuied, And thou Lord Bourbon, our High Admirall Shall waft them ouer with our Royall Fleete.
I long till Edward fall by Warres mischance, For mocking Marriage with a Dame of France.
Exeunt. Manet Warwicke. War. I came from Edward as Ambassador, But I returne his sworne and mortall Foe: Matter of Marriage was the charge he gaue me,
But dreadfull Warre shall answer his demand. Had he none else to make a stale but me? Then none but I, shall turne his Iest to Sorrow. I was the Cheefe that rais'd him to the Crowne, And Ile be Cheefe to bring him downe againe:
Not that I pitty Henries misery, But seeke Reuenge on Edwards mockery.
[Act 4, Scene 1] Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and Mountague. Rich. Now tell me Brother Clarence, what thinke you Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray? Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice? Cla.
Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France, How

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[Act 4, Scene 1] Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and Mountague. Rich. Now tell me Brother Clarence, what thinke you Of this new Marriage with the Lady Gray? Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice? Cla.
Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France, How could he stay till Warwicke made returne?
Som. My Lords, forbeare this talke: heere comes the King. Flourish. Enter King Edward, Lady Grey, Penbrooke, Staf­ ford, Hastings: foure stand on one side, and foure on the other. Rich. And his well‑chosen Bride. Clarence. I minde to tell him plainly what I thinke. King.
Now Brother of Clarence, How like you our Choyce, That you stand pensiue, as halfe malecontent?
Clarence. As well as Lewis of France, Or the Earle of Warwicke,
Which are so weake of courage, and in iudgement, That they'le take no offence at our abuse.
King. Suppose they take offence without a cause: They are but Lewis and Warwicke, I am Edward, Your King and Warwickes, and must haue my will. Rich.
And shall haue your will, because our King: Yet hastie Marriage seldome proueth well.
King. Yea, Brother Richard, are you offended too? Rich. Not I: no: God forbid, that I should wish them seuer'd,
Whom God hath ioyn'd together: I, and 'twere pittie, to sunder them, That yoake so well together.
King. Setting your skornes, and your mislike aside, Tell me some reason, why the Lady Grey
Should not become my Wife, and Englands Queene? And you too, Somerset, and Mountague, Speake freely what you thinke.
Clarence. Then this is mine opinion: That King Lewis becomes your Enemie,
For mocking him about the Marriage Of the Lady Bona.
Rich. And Warwicke, doing what you gaue in charge, Is now dis‑honored by this new Marriage. King. What, if both Lewis and Warwick, be appeas'd,
By such inuention as I can deuise?
Mount. Yet, to haue ioyn'd with France in such alliance, Would more haue strength'ned this our Commonwealth 'Gainst forraine stormes, then any home‑bred Marriage. Hast. Why, knowes not Mountague, that of it selfe,
England is safe, if true within it selfe?
Mount. But the safer, when 'tis back'd with France. Hast. 'Tis better vsing France, then trusting France: Let vs be back'd with God, and with the Seas, Which he hath giu'n for fence impregnable,
And with their helpes, onely defend our selues: In them, and in our selues, our safetie lyes.
Clar. For this one speech, Lord Hastings well deserues To haue the Heire of the Lord Hungerford. King. I, what of that? it was my will, and graunt,
And for this once, my Will shall stand for Law.
Rich. And yet me thinks, your Grace hath not done well, To giue the Heire and Daughter of Lord Scales Vnto the Brother of your louing Bride; Shee better would haue fitted me, or Clarence:
But in your Bride you burie Brotherhood.
Clar. Or else you would not haue bestow'd the Heire Of the Lord Bonuill on your new Wiues Sonne, And leaue your Brothers to goe speede elsewhere. King. Alas, poore Clarence: is it for a Wife
That thou art malecontent ? I will prouide thee.
Clarence. In chusing for your selfe, You shew'd your iudgement: Which being shallow, you shall giue me leaue To play the Broker in mine owne behalfe;
And to that end, I shortly minde to leaue you.
King. Leaue me, or tarry, Edward will be King, And not be ty'd vnto his Brothers will. Lady Grey. My Lords, before it pleas'd his Maiestie To rayse my state to Title of a Queene,
Doe me but right, and you must all confesse, That I was not ignoble of Descent, And meaner then my selfe haue had like fortune. But as this Title honors me and mine, So your dislikes, to whom I would be pleasing,
Doth cloud my ioyes with danger, and with sorrow.
King. My Loue, forbeare to fawne vpon their frownes; What danger, or what sorrow can befall thee, So long as Edward is thy constant friend, And their true Soueraigne, whom they must obey?
Nay, whom they shall obey, and loue thee too, Vnlesse they seeke for hatred at my hands: Which if they doe, yet will I keepe thee safe, And they shall feele the vengeance of my wrath.
Rich. I heare, yet say not much, but thinke the more. Enter a Poste. King.
Now Messenger, what Letters, or what Newes from France?
Post. My Soueraigne Liege, no Letters, & few words, But such, as I (without your speciall pardon) Dare not relate. King. Goe too, wee pardon thee:
Therefore, in briefe, tell me their words, As neere as thou canst guesse them. What answer makes King Lewis vnto our Letters?
Post. At my depart, these were his very words: Goe tell false Edward, the supposed King,
That Lewis of France is sending ouer Maskers, To reuell it with him, and his new Bride.
King. Is Lewis so braue? belike he thinkes me Henry. But what said Lady Bona to my Marriage? Post. These were her words, vtt'red with mild disdaine:
Tell him, in hope hee'le proue a Widower shortly, Ile weare the Willow Garland for his sake.
King. I blame not her; she could say little lesse: She had the wrong. But what said Henries Queene? For I haue heard, that she was there in place. Post.
Tell him (quoth she) My mourning Weedes are done, And I am readie to put Armour on.
King. Belike she minds to play the Amazon. But what said Warwicke to these iniuries? Post.
He, more incens'd against your Maiestie, Then all the rest, discharg'd me with these words: Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong, And therefore Ile vncrowne him, er't be long.
King. Ha? durst the Traytor breath out so prowd words?
Well, I will arme me, being thus fore‑warn'd: They shall haue Warres, and pay for their presumption. But say, is Warwicke friends with Margaret?
Post. I, gracious Soueraigne, They are so link'd in friendship,
That yong Prince Edward marryes Warwicks Daughter.
Clarence. Belike, the elder; Clarence will haue the younger. Now Brother King farewell, and sit you fast, For I will hence to Warwickes other Daughter,
That though I want a Kingdome, yet in Marriage I may not proue inferior to your selfe. You that loue me, and Warwicke, follow me.
Exit Clarence, and Somerset followes. Rich. Not I: My thoughts ayme at a further matter:
I stay not for the loue of Edward, but the Crowne.
King. Clarence and Somerset both gone to Warwicke? Yet am I arm'd against the worst can happen: And haste is needfull in this desp'rate case. Pembrooke and Stafford, you in our behalfe.
Goe leuie men, and make prepare for Warre; They are alreadie, or quickly will be landed: My selfe in person will straight follow you. Exeunt Pembrooke and Stafford. But ere I goe, Hastings and Mountague Resolue my doubt: you twaine, of all the rest,
Are neere to Warwicke, by his bloud, and by allyance: Tell me, if you loue Warwicke more then me; If it be so, then both depart to him: I rather wish you foes, then hollow friends. But if you minde to hold your true obedience,
Giue me assurance with some friendly Vow, That I may neuer haue you in suspect.
Mount. So God helpe Mountague, as hee proues true. Hast. And Hastings, as hee fauours Edwards cause. King. Now Brother Richard, will you stand by vs? Rich.
I, in despight of all that shall withstand you.
King. Why so: then am I sure of Victorie. Now therefore let vs hence, and lose no howre, Till wee meet Warwicke, with his forreine powre. Exeunt.

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="1" rend="notPresent">
   <head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 1]</head>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Richard, Clarence, Somerset, and
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1882">Now tell me Brother<hi rend="italic">Clarence</hi>, what thinke you</l>
      <l n="1883">Of this new Marriage with the Lady<hi rend="italic">Gray</hi>?</l>
      <l n="1884">Hath not our Brother made a worthy choice?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Cla.</speaker>
      <l n="1885">Alas, you know, tis farre from hence to France,</l>
      <pb facs="FFimg:axc0519-0.jpg" n="163"/>
      <cb n="1"/>
      <l n="1886">How could he stay till<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>made returne?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-som">
      <speaker rend="italic">Som.</speaker>
      <l n="1887">My Lords, forbeare this talke: heere comes the
   <stage rend="italic center" type="business">Flourish.</stage>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter King Edward, Lady Grey, Penbrooke, Staf­
      <lb/>ford, Hastings: foure stand on one side,
      <lb/>and foure on the other.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1888">And his well‑chosen Bride.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clarence.</speaker>
      <l n="1889">I minde to tell him plainly what I thinke.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1890">Now Brother of Clarence,</l>
      <l n="1891">How like you our Choyce,</l>
      <l n="1892">That you stand pensiue, as halfe malecontent?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clarence.</speaker>
      <l n="1893">As well as<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>of France,</l>
      <l n="1894">Or the Earle of Warwicke,</l>
      <l n="1895">Which are so weake of courage, and in iudgement,</l>
      <l n="1896">That they'le take no offence at our abuse.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1897">Suppose they take offence without a cause:</l>
      <l n="1898">They are but<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>, I am<hi rend="italic">Edward</hi>,</l>
      <l n="1899">Your King and<hi rend="italic">Warwickes</hi>, and must haue my will.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1900">And shall haue your will, because our King:</l>
      <l n="1901">Yet hastie Marriage seldome proueth well.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1902">Yea, Brother<hi rend="italic">Richard</hi>, are you offended too?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1903">Not I: no:</l>
      <l n="1904">God forbid, that I should wish them seuer'd,</l>
      <l n="1905">Whom God hath ioyn'd together:</l>
      <l n="1906">I, and 'twere pittie, to sunder them,</l>
      <l n="1907">That yoake so well together.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1908">Setting your skornes, and your mislike aside,</l>
      <l n="1909">Tell me some reason, why the Lady<hi rend="italic">Grey</hi>
      <l n="1910">Should not become my Wife, and Englands Queene?</l>
      <l n="1911">And you too,<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>, and<hi rend="italic">Mountague</hi>,</l>
      <l n="1912">Speake freely what you thinke.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clarence.</speaker>
      <l n="1913">Then this is mine opinion:</l>
      <l n="1914">That King<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>becomes your Enemie,</l>
      <l n="1915">For mocking him about the Marriage</l>
      <l n="1916">Of the Lady<hi rend="italic">Bona</hi>.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1917">And<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>, doing what you gaue in charge,</l>
      <l n="1918">Is now dis‑honored by this new Marriage.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1919">What, if both<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Warwick</hi>, be appeas'd,</l>
      <l n="1920">By such inuention as I can deuise?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-mon">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mount.</speaker>
      <l n="1921">Yet, to haue ioyn'd with France in such alliance,</l>
      <l n="1922">Would more haue strength'ned this our Commonwealth</l>
      <l n="1923">'Gainst forraine stormes, then any home‑bred Marriage.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="1924">Why, knowes not<hi rend="italic">Mountague</hi>, that of it selfe,</l>
      <l n="1925">England is safe, if true within it selfe?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-mon">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mount.</speaker>
      <l n="1926">But the safer, when 'tis back'd with France.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="1927">'Tis better vsing France, then trusting France:</l>
      <l n="1928">Let vs be back'd with God, and with the Seas,</l>
      <l n="1929">Which he hath giu'n for fence impregnable,</l>
      <l n="1930">And with their helpes, onely defend our selues:</l>
      <l n="1931">In them, and in our selues, our safetie lyes.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clar.</speaker>
      <l n="1932">For this one speech, Lord<hi rend="italic">Hastings</hi>well deserues</l>
      <l n="1933">To haue the Heire of the Lord<hi rend="italic">Hungerford</hi>.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1934">I, what of that? it was my will, and graunt,</l>
      <l n="1935">And for this once, my Will shall stand for Law.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1936">And yet me thinks, your Grace hath not done well,</l>
      <l n="1937">To giue the Heire and Daughter of Lord<hi rend="italic">Scales</hi>
      <l n="1938">Vnto the Brother of your louing Bride;</l>
      <l n="1939">Shee better would haue fitted me, or<hi rend="italic">Clarence:</hi>
      <l n="1940">But in your Bride you burie Brotherhood.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clar.</speaker>
      <l n="1941">Or else you would not haue bestow'd the Heire</l>
      <l n="1942">Of the Lord<hi rend="italic">Bonuill</hi>on your new Wiues Sonne,</l>
      <l n="1943">And leaue your Brothers to goe speede elsewhere.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1944">Alas, poore<hi rend="italic">Clarence:</hi>is it for a Wife</l>
      <l n="1945">That thou art malecontent<c rend="italic">?</c>I will prouide thee.</l>
   <cb n="2"/>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clarence.</speaker>
      <l n="1946">In chusing for your selfe,</l>
      <l n="1947">You shew'd your iudgement:</l>
      <l n="1948">Which being shallow, you shall giue me leaue</l>
      <l n="1949">To play the Broker in mine owne behalfe;</l>
      <l n="1950">And to that end, I shortly minde to leaue you.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1951">Leaue me, or tarry,<hi rend="italic">Edward</hi>will be King,</l>
      <l n="1952">And not be ty'd vnto his Brothers will.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-qel">
      <speaker rend="italic">Lady Grey.</speaker>
      <l n="1953">My Lords, before it pleas'd his Maiestie</l>
      <l n="1954">To rayse my state to Title of a Queene,</l>
      <l n="1955">Doe me but right, and you must all confesse,</l>
      <l n="1956">That I was not ignoble of Descent,</l>
      <l n="1957">And meaner then my selfe haue had like fortune.</l>
      <l n="1958">But as this Title honors me and mine,</l>
      <l n="1959">So your dislikes, to whom I would be pleasing,</l>
      <l n="1960">Doth cloud my ioyes with danger, and with sorrow.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1961">My Loue, forbeare to fawne vpon their frownes;</l>
      <l n="1962">What danger, or what sorrow can befall thee,</l>
      <l n="1963">So long as<hi rend="italic">Edward</hi>is thy constant friend,</l>
      <l n="1964">And their true Soueraigne, whom they must obey?</l>
      <l n="1965">Nay, whom they shall obey, and loue thee too,</l>
      <l n="1966">Vnlesse they seeke for hatred at my hands:</l>
      <l n="1967">Which if they doe, yet will I keepe thee safe,</l>
      <l n="1968">And they shall feele the vengeance of my wrath.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="1969">I heare, yet say not much, but thinke the more.</l>
   <stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Poste.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1970">Now Messenger, what Letters, or what Newes
      <lb/>from France?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-pos">
      <speaker rend="italic">Post.</speaker>
      <l n="1971">My Soueraigne Liege, no Letters, &amp; few words,</l>
      <l n="1972">But such, as I (without your speciall pardon)</l>
      <l n="1973">Dare not relate.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1974">Goe too, wee pardon thee:</l>
      <l n="1975">Therefore, in briefe, tell me their words,</l>
      <l n="1976">As neere as thou canst guesse them.</l>
      <l n="1977">What answer makes King<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>vnto our Letters?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-pos">
      <speaker rend="italic">Post.</speaker>
      <l n="1978">At my depart, these were his very words:</l>
      <l n="1979">Goe tell false<hi rend="italic">Edward</hi>, the supposed King,</l>
      <l n="1980">That<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>of France is sending ouer Maskers,</l>
      <l n="1981">To reuell it with him, and his new Bride.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1982">Is<hi rend="italic">Lewis</hi>so braue? belike he thinkes me<hi rend="italic">Henry</hi>.</l>
      <l n="1983">But what said Lady<hi rend="italic">Bona</hi>to my Marriage?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-pos">
      <speaker rend="italic">Post.</speaker>
      <l n="1984">These were her words, vtt'red with mild disdaine:</l>
      <l n="1985">Tell him, in hope hee'le proue a Widower shortly,</l>
      <l n="1986">Ile weare the Willow Garland for his sake.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1987">I blame not her; she could say little lesse:</l>
      <l n="1988">She had the wrong. But what said<hi rend="italic">Henries</hi>Queene?</l>
      <l n="1989">For I haue heard, that she was there in place.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-pos">
      <speaker rend="italic">Post.</speaker>
      <l n="1990">Tell him (quoth she)</l>
      <l n="1991">My mourning Weedes are done,</l>
      <l n="1992">And I am readie to put Armour on.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1993">Belike she minds to play the Amazon.</l>
      <l n="1994">But what said<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>to these iniuries?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-pos">
      <speaker rend="italic">Post.</speaker>
      <l n="1995">He, more incens'd against your Maiestie,</l>
      <l n="1996">Then all the rest, discharg'd me with these words:</l>
      <l n="1997">Tell him from me, that he hath done me wrong,</l>
      <l n="1998">And therefore Ile vncrowne him, er't be long.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="1999">Ha? durst the Traytor breath out so prowd words?</l>
      <l n="2000">Well, I will arme me, being thus fore‑warn'd:</l>
      <l n="2001">They shall haue Warres, and pay for their presumption.</l>
      <l n="2002">But say, is<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>friends with<hi rend="italic">Margaret?</hi>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-pos">
      <speaker rend="italic">Post.</speaker>
      <l n="2003">I, gracious Soueraigne,</l>
      <l n="2004">They are so link'd in friendship,</l>
      <l n="2005">That yong Prince<hi rend="italic">Edward</hi>marryes<hi rend="italic">Warwicks</hi>Daughter.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-cla">
      <speaker rend="italic">Clarence.</speaker>
      <l n="2006">Belike, the elder;</l>
      <l n="2007">
         <hi rend="italic">Clarence</hi>will haue the younger.</l>
      <pb facs="FFimg:axc0520-0.jpg" n="164"/>
      <cb n="1"/>
      <l n="2008">Now Brother King farewell, and sit you fast,</l>
      <l n="2009">For I will hence to<hi rend="italic">Warwickes</hi>other Daughter,</l>
      <l n="2010">That though I want a Kingdome, yet in Marriage</l>
      <l n="2011">I may not proue inferior to your selfe.</l>
      <l n="2012">You that loue me, and<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>, follow me.</l>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit Clarence, and Somerset followes.</stage>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="2013">Not I:</l>
      <l n="2014">My thoughts ayme at a further matter:</l>
      <l n="2015">I stay not for the loue of<hi rend="italic">Edward</hi>, but the Crowne.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2016">
         <hi rend="italic">Clarence</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Somerset</hi>both gone to<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>?</l>
      <l n="2017">Yet am I arm'd against the worst can happen:</l>
      <l n="2018">And haste is needfull in this desp'rate case.</l>
      <l n="2019">
         <hi rend="italic">Pembrooke</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Stafford</hi>, you in our behalfe.</l>
      <l n="2020">Goe leuie men, and make prepare for Warre;</l>
      <l n="2021">They are alreadie, or quickly will be landed:</l>
      <l n="2022">My selfe in person will straight follow you.</l>
      <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt Pembrooke and Stafford.</stage>
      <l n="2023">But ere I goe,<hi rend="italic">Hastings</hi>and<hi rend="italic">Mountague</hi>
      <l n="2024">Resolue my doubt: you twaine, of all the rest,</l>
      <l n="2025">Are neere to<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>, by his bloud, and by allyance:</l>
      <l n="2026">Tell me, if you loue<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>more then me;</l>
      <l n="2027">If it be so, then both depart to him:</l>
      <l n="2028">I rather wish you foes, then hollow friends.</l>
      <l n="2029">But if you minde to hold your true obedience,</l>
      <l n="2030">Giue me assurance with some friendly Vow,</l>
      <l n="2031">That I may neuer haue you in suspect.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-mon">
      <speaker rend="italic">Mount.</speaker>
      <l n="2032">So God helpe<hi rend="italic">Mountague</hi>, as hee proues
   <sp who="#F-3h6-has">
      <speaker rend="italic">Hast.</speaker>
      <l n="2033">And<hi rend="italic">Hastings</hi>, as hee fauours<hi rend="italic">Edwards</hi>cause.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2034">Now Brother<hi rend="italic">Richard</hi>, will you stand by vs?</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ri3">
      <speaker rend="italic">Rich.</speaker>
      <l n="2035">I, in despight of all that shall withstand you.</l>
   <sp who="#F-3h6-ed4">
      <speaker rend="italic">King.</speaker>
      <l n="2036">Why so: then am I sure of Victorie.</l>
      <l n="2037">Now therefore let vs hence, and lose no howre,</l>
      <l n="2038">Till wee meet<hi rend="italic">Warwicke</hi>, with his forreine powre.</l>
   <stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>


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