Troylus and Cressida.Vlis.Neuer's my day, and then a kisse of you.Diom.Lady a word, Ile bring you to your Father.Nest.A woman of quicke sence.Vlis.
Fie, fie, vpon her:Ther's a language in her eye, her cheeke, her lip;Nay, her foote speakes, her wanton spirites looke outAt euery ioynt, and motiue of her body:Oh these encounterers so glib of tongue,
That giue a coasting welcome
eteere it comes;
And wide vnclaspe the tables of their thoughts,To euery tickling reader: set them downe,For sluttish spoyles of opportunitie;And daughters of the game.ExenntExeunt.
Enter all of Troy, Hector, Paris,
Æneas Helenus
and Attendants. Florish.
The Troians Trumpet.
Yonder comes the troope.
Æne.Haile all you state of Greece: what shalbe doneTo him that victory commands? or doe you purpose,A victor shall be knowne: will you the Knights
Shall to the edge of all extremitiePursue each other; or shall be diuidedBy any voyce, or order of the field:
bad aske?
Which way would
Hector haue it?
He cares not, heele obey conditions.
'Tis done like
Hector, but securely done,
A little proudly, and great deale disprisingThe Knight oppos'd.Æne.
If not
Achilles sir, what is your name?
If not
Achilles, nothing.
Achilles: but what ere, know
In the extremity of great and little:Valour and pride excell themselues in
The one almost as infinite as all;The other blanke as nothing: weigh him well:
And that which lookes like pride, is curtesie:This
Aiax is halfe made of
Hectors bloud;
In loue whereof, halfe
Hector staies at
Halfe heart, halfe hand, halfe
Hector, comes
to seeke
This blended Knight, halfe Troian, and halfe Greeke.Achil.
A maiden battaile then? O I perceiue you.
Aga.Here is sir,
Diomed: goe gentle Knight,
Stand by our
Aiax: as you and Lord
ÆneasConsent vpon the order of their fight,So be it: either to the vttermost,
Or else a breach: the Combatants being kin,Halfe stints their strife, before their strokes begin.Vlis.They are oppos'd already.Aga.What Troian is that same that lookes so heauy?Vlis.The yongest Sonne of
A true Knight; they call him
Not yet mature, yet m
tchlesse, firme of
Speaking in deedes, and deedelesse in his tongue;Not soone prouok't, nor being prouok't, soone calm'd;His heart and hand both open, and both free:
For what he has, he giues; what thinks, he shewes;Yet giues he not till iudgement guide his bounty,Nor dignifies an impaire thought with breath:Manly as
Hector, but more dangerous;
Hector in his blaze of wrath
To tender obiects; but he, in heate of action,Is more vindecatiue then iealous loue.They call him
Troylus; and on him erect,
A second hope, as fairely built as
Thus saies
Æneas one that knowes the
Did in great Illion thus translate him to me.Alarum.Aga.
They are in action.
Aiax hold thine owne.
Hector, thou sleep'st, awake thee.
His blowes are wel dispos'd there
You must no more.
Princes enough, so please you.
Aia.I am not warme yet, let vs fight againe.Diom.
Hector pleases.
Why then will I no more:Thou art great Lord, my Fathers sisters Sonne;A cousen german to great
Priams seede:
The obligation of our bloud forbidsA gorie emulation 'twixt vs twaine:
Were thy commixion, Greeke and Troian so,That thou could'st say, this hand is Grecian all,And this is Troian: the sinewes of this Legge,All Greeke, and this all Troy: my Mothers bloudRuns on the dexter cheeke, and this sinister
Bounds in my fathers: by
Ioue multipotent,
Thou should'st not beare from me a Greekish memberWherein my sword had not impressure madeOf our ranke feud: but the iust gods gainsay,That any drop thou
borrwd'stborrowd'st from thy mother,
My sacred Aunt, should by my mortall SwordBe drained. Let me embrace thee
By him that thunders, thou hast lustie Armes;Hector would haue them fall vpon him
Cozen, all honor to thee.Aia.
I thanke thee
Thou art too gentle, and too free a man:I came to kill thee Cozen, and beare henceA great addition, earned in thy death.Hect.Not
Neoptolymus so mirable,
On whose bright crest, fame with her lowd'st (O yes)Cries, This is he; could'st promise to himselfe,A thought of added honor, torne from
Æne.There is expectance here from both the sides,What further you will doe?Hect.
Weele answere it:The issue is embracement:
Aiax, farewell.
Aia.If I might in entreaties finde successe,As seld I haue the chance; I would desireMy famous Cousin to our Grecian Tents.Diom.
Agamemnons wish and great
AchillesDoth long to see vnarm'd the valiant
Hect.Æneas call my brother
Troylus to me:
And signifie this louing enterviewTo the expecters of our Troian part:
Desire them home. Giue me thy hand, my Cousin:I will goe eate with thee, and see your Knights.Enter Agamemnon and the
Agamemnon comes to meete vs here;
Hect.The worthiest of them, tell me name by name:But for
Achilles, mine owne serching eyes
Shall finde him by his large and portly size.Aga.Worthy of Armes: as welcome as to oneThat would be rid of such an enemie.But that's no welcome: vnderstand more cleereWhat's past, and what's to come, is strew'd with huskes
And formelesse ruine of obliuion:But in this extant moment, faith and troth,Strain'd purely from all hollow bias drawing:Bids thee with most diuine integritie,From heart of very heart, great
[Act 4, Scene 5]
Enter Aiax armed, Achilles,
Patroclus, Agamemnon,
Menelaus, Vlisses, Nestor, Calcas,
Aga.Here art thou in appointment fresh and faire,
Anticipating time. With starting courage,Giue with thy Trumpet a loud note to TroyThou dreadfull
Aiax, that the appauled
May pierce the head of the great Combatant,And hale him hither.Aia.
Thou, Trumpet, ther's my purse;Now cracke thy lungs, and split thy brasen pipe:Blow villaine, till thy sphered Bias cheekeOut‑swell the collicke of puft
Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout bloud:
Thou blowest for
No Trumpet answers,
'Tis but early dayes.
Is not yong
Diomed with
Calcas daughter?
Vlis.Tis he, I ken the manner of his gate,
He rises on the toe: that spirit of hisIn aspiration lifts him from the earth.Aga.
Is this the Lady
Euen she.
Most deerely welcome to the Greekes, sweete
Nest.Our Generall doth salute you with a kisse.Ulis.
Yet is the kindenesse but particular; 'twere bet
ter she
were kist in generall.
And very courtly counsel: Ile begin. So much
Achil.Ile take that winter from your lips faire LadyAchilles bids you welcome.
I had good argument for kissing once.
Patro.But that's no argument for kissing now;
For thus pop't
Paris in his hardiment.
Vlis.Oh deadly gall, and theame of all our scornes,For which we loose our heads, to gild his hornes.Patro.Ihe first was
Menelaus kisse, this mine:
Patroclus kisses you.
Oh this is trim.Patr.Paris and I kisse euermore for him.
Mene.Ile haue my kisse sir: Lady by your leaue.Cres.In kissing doe you render, or receiue.Patr.Both take and giue.Cres.
Ile make my match to liue,The kisse you take is better then you giue: therefore no
Mene.Ile giue you boote, Ile giue you three for one.Cres.You are an odde man, giue euen, or giue none.Mene.An odde man Lady, euery man is odde.Cres.
Paris is not; for you know 'tis true,
That you are odde, and he is euen with you.Mene.You fillip me a'th'head.Cres.No, Ile be sworne.Vlis.It were no match, your naile against his horne:
May I sweete Lady beg a kisse of you?Cres.You may.Ulis.I doe desire it.Cres.Why begge then?Vlis.Why then for
Venus sake, giue me a kisse:
Hellen is a maide againe, and
Cres.I am your debtor, claime it when 'tis due.Vlis.Neuer's my day, and then a kisse of you.Diom.Lady a word, Ile bring you to your Father.Nest.A woman of quicke sence.Vlis.
Fie, fie, vpon her:Ther's a language in her eye, her cheeke, her lip;Nay, her foote speakes, her wanton spirites looke outAt euery ioynt, and motiue of her body:Oh these encounterers so glib of tongue,
That giue a coasting welcome
eteere it comes;
And wide vnclaspe the tables of their thoughts,To euery tickling reader: set them downe,For sluttish spoyles of opportunitie;And daughters of the game.ExenntExeunt.
Enter all of Troy, Hector, Paris,
Æneas Helenus
and Attendants. Florish.
The Troians Trumpet.
Yonder comes the troope.
Æne.Haile all you state of Greece: what shalbe doneTo him that victory commands? or doe you purpose,A victor shall be knowne: will you the Knights
Shall to the edge of all extremitiePursue each other; or shall be diuidedBy any voyce, or order of the field:
bad aske?
Which way would
Hector haue it?
He cares not, heele obey conditions.
'Tis done like
Hector, but securely done,
A little proudly, and great deale disprisingThe Knight oppos'd.Æne.
If not
Achilles sir, what is your name?
If not
Achilles, nothing.
Achilles: but what ere, know
In the extremity of great and little:Valour and pride excell themselues in
The one almost as infinite as all;The other blanke as nothing: weigh him well:
And that which lookes like pride, is curtesie:This
Aiax is halfe made of
Hectors bloud;
In loue whereof, halfe
Hector staies at
Halfe heart, halfe hand, halfe
Hector, comes
to seeke
This blended Knight, halfe Troian, and halfe Greeke.Achil.
A maiden battaile then? O I perceiue you.
Aga.Here is sir,
Diomed: goe gentle Knight,
Stand by our
Aiax: as you and Lord
ÆneasConsent vpon the order of their fight,So be it: either to the vttermost,
Or else a breach: the Combatants being kin,Halfe stints their strife, before their strokes begin.Vlis.They are oppos'd already.Aga.What Troian is that same that lookes so heauy?Vlis.The yongest Sonne of
A true Knight; they call him
Not yet mature, yet m
tchlesse, firme of
Speaking in deedes, and deedelesse in his tongue;Not soone prouok't, nor being prouok't, soone calm'd;His heart and hand both open, and both free:
For what he has, he giues; what thinks, he shewes;Yet giues he not till iudgement guide his bounty,Nor dignifies an impaire thought with breath:Manly as
Hector, but more dangerous;
Hector in his blaze of wrath
To tender obiects; but he, in heate of action,Is more vindecatiue then iealous loue.They call him
Troylus; and on him erect,
A second hope, as fairely built as
Thus saies
Æneas one that knowes the
Euen to his inches: and with priuate soule,Did in great Illion thus translate him to me.Alarum.Aga.
They are in action.
Aiax hold thine owne.
Hector, thou sleep'st, awake thee.
His blowes are wel dispos'd there
You must no more.
Princes enough, so please you.
Aia.I am not warme yet, let vs fight againe.Diom.
Hector pleases.
Why then will I no more:Thou art great Lord, my Fathers sisters Sonne;A cousen german to great
Priams seede:
The obligation of our bloud forbidsA gorie emulation 'twixt vs twaine:
Were thy commixion, Greeke and Troian so,That thou could'st say, this hand is Grecian all,And this is Troian: the sinewes of this Legge,All Greeke, and this all Troy: my Mothers bloudRuns on the dexter cheeke, and this sinister
Bounds in my fathers: by
Ioue multipotent,
Thou should'st not beare from me a Greekish memberWherein my sword had not impressure madeOf our ranke feud: but the iust gods gainsay,That any drop thou
borrwd'stborrowd'st from thy mother,
My sacred Aunt, should by my mortall SwordBe drained. Let me embrace thee
By him that thunders, thou hast lustie Armes;Hector would haue them fall vpon him
Cozen, all honor to thee.Aia.
I thanke thee
Thou art too gentle, and too free a man:I came to kill thee Cozen, and beare henceA great addition, earned in thy death.Hect.Not
Neoptolymus so mirable,
On whose bright crest, fame with her lowd'st (O yes)Cries, This is he; could'st promise to himselfe,A thought of added honor, torne from
Æne.There is expectance here from both the sides,What further you will doe?Hect.
Weele answere it:The issue is embracement:
Aiax, farewell.
Aia.If I might in entreaties finde successe,As seld I haue the chance; I would desireMy famous Cousin to our Grecian Tents.Diom.
Agamemnons wish and great
AchillesDoth long to see vnarm'd the valiant
Hect.Æneas call my brother
Troylus to me:
And signifie this louing enterviewTo the expecters of our Troian part:
Desire them home. Giue me thy hand, my Cousin:I will goe eate with thee, and see your Knights.Enter Agamemnon and the
Agamemnon comes to meete vs here;
Hect.The worthiest of them, tell me name by name:But for
Achilles, mine owne serching eyes
Shall finde him by his large and portly size.Aga.Worthy of Armes: as welcome as to oneThat would be rid of such an enemie.But that's no welcome: vnderstand more cleereWhat's past, and what's to come, is strew'd with huskes
And formelesse ruine of obliuion:But in this extant moment, faith and troth,Strain'd purely from all hollow bias drawing:Bids thee with most diuine integritie,From heart of very heart, great
I thanke thee most imperious
My well‑fam'd Lord of Troy, no lesse to you.
Men.Let me confirme my Princely brothers greeting,You brace of warlike Brothers, welcome hither.Hect.
Who must we answer?
The Noble
Hect.O you my Lord, by
Mars his gauntlet
Mocke not, that I affect th'vntraded Oath,Your
quondam wife sweares still by
Venus Gloue
Shee's well, but bad me not commend her to you.Men.
Name her not now sir, she's a deadly Theame.
O pardon, I offend.
Nest.I haue (thou gallant Troyan) seene thee oftLabouring for destiny, make cruell wayThrough rankes of Greekish youth: and I haue seen thee
As hot as
Perseus, spurre thy Phrygian
And seene thee scorning forfeits and subduments,When thou hast hung thy aduanced sword i'th'ayre,Not letting it decline, on the declined:That I haue said vnto my standers by,
Loe Iupiter is yonder, dealing life.And I haue seene thee pause, and take thy breath,When that a ring of Greekes haue hem'd thee in,Like an Olympian wrestling. This haue I seene,But this thy countenance (still lockt in steele)
I neuer saw till now. I knew thy Grandsire,And once fought with him; he was a Souldier good,But by great Mars, the Captaine of vs all,Neuer like thee. Let an oldman embrace thee,And (worthy Warriour) welcome to our Tents.Æne.
'Tis the old
Hect.Let me embrace thee good old Chronicle,That hast so long walk'd hand in hand with time;Most reuerend
Nestor, I am glad to claspe
Ne.I would my armes could match thee in contention
As they contend with thee in courtesie.Hect.
I would they could.
Ha? by this white beard I'ld fight with thee to
morrow. Well,
welcom, welcome: I haue seen the time.
Vlys.I wonder now, how yonder City stands,
When we haue heere her Base and pillar by vs.Hect.I know your fauour Lord
Vlysses well.
Ah sir, there's many a Greeke and Troyan dead,Since first I saw your selfe, and
DiomedIn Illion, on your Greekish Embassie.Vlys.
Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue.My prophesie is but halfe his iourney yet;For yonder wals that pertly front your
Yond Towers, whose wanton tops do busse the clouds,Must kisse their owne feet.Hect.
I must not beleeue you:There they stand yet: and modestly I thinke,The fall of euery Phrygian stone will costA drop of Grecian blood: the end crownes all,And that old common Arbitrator, Time,
Will one day end it.Vlys.So to him we leaue it.Most gentle, and most valiant
After the Generall, I beseech you nextTo Feast with me, and see me at my Tent.Achil.
I shall forestall thee Lord
Vlysses, thou:
Hector I haue fed mine eyes on thee,
I haue with exact view perus'd, thee
And quoted ioynt by ioynt.Hect.
Is this
I am
Hect.Stand faire I prythee, let me looke on thee.Achil.
Behold thy fill.
Nay, I haue done already.
Achil.Thou art to breefe, I will the second time,
As I wouid buy thee, view thee, limbe by limbe.Hect.O like a Booke of sport thou'lt reade me ore:But there's more in me then thou vnderstand'st.Why doest thou so oppresse me with thine eye?Achil.Tell me you Heauens, in which part of his body
Shall I destroy him? Whether there, or there, or there,That I may giue the locall wound a name,And make distinct the very breach, where‑outHectors great spirit fl
w. Answer me heauens.
Hect.It would discredit the blest Gods, proud man,
To answer such a question: Stand againe;Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantly,As to prenominate in nice coniectureWhere thou wilt hit me dead?Achil.
I tell thee yea.
Wert thou the Oracle to tell me so,I'ld not beleeue thee: henceforth guard thee well,For Ile not kill thee there, nor there, nor there,But by the forge that stythied Mars his helme,Ile kill thee euery where, yea, ore and ore.
You wisest Grecians, pardon me this bragge,His insolence drawes folly from my lips,But Ile endeuour deeds to match these words,Or may I neuer⸺Ajax.Do not chase thee Cosin;
And you
Achilles, let these threats alone
Till accident, or purpose bring you too't.You may euery day enough of
HectorIf you haue stomacke. The generall state I feare,Can scarse intreat you to be odde with him.Hect.
I pray you let vs see you in the field,We haue had pelting Warres since you refus'dThe Grecians cause.Achil.Dost thou intreat me
To morrow do I meete thee fell as death,
To night, all Friends.Hect.
Thy hand vpon that match.
Aga.First, all you Peeres of Greece go to my Tent,There in the full conuiue you: Afterwards,As
Hectors leysure, and your bounties
Concurre together seuerally intreat him.Beate lowd the Taborins, let the Trumpets blow,That this great Souldier may his welcome know.ExeuntTroy.My Lord
Vlysses, tell me I beseech you,
In what place of the field doth
Menelaus Tent, most Princely
Diomed doth feast with him to night,
Who neither lookes on heauen, nor on earth,But giues all gaze and bent of amorous viewOn the faire
Shall I (sweet Lord) be bound to thee so much,After we part from
Agamemnons Tent,
To bring me thither?Vlys.You shall command me sir:As gentle tell me, of what Honour was
Cressida in Troy, had she no Louer
That wailes her absence?Troy.O sir, to such as boasting shew their scarres,A mocke is due: will you walke on my Lord?She was belou'd, she lou'd; she is, and dooth;
But still sweet Loue is food for Fortunes tooth.Exeunt.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="5" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 4, Scene 5]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Aiax armed, Achilles, Patroclus, Agamemnon,
<lb/>Menelaus, Vlisses, Nestor, Calcas, &c.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<l n="2469">Here art thou in appointment fresh and faire,</l>
<l n="2470">Anticipating time. With starting courage,</l>
<l n="2471">Giue with thy Trumpet a loud note to Troy</l>
<l n="2472">Thou dreadfull<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>, that the appauled aire</l>
<l n="2473">May pierce the head of the great Combatant,</l>
<l n="2474">And hale him hither.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aia">
<speaker rend="italic">Aia.</speaker>
<l n="2475">Thou, Trumpet, ther's my purse;</l>
<l n="2476">Now cracke thy lungs, and split thy brasen pipe:</l>
<l n="2477">Blow villaine, till thy sphered Bias cheeke</l>
<l n="2478">Out‑swell the collicke of puft<hi rend="italic">Aquilon</hi>:</l>
<l n="2479">Come, stretch thy chest, and let thy eyes spout bloud:</l>
<l n="2480">Thou blowest for<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2481">No Trumpet answers,</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<p n="2482">'Tis but early dayes.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2483">Is not yong<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>with<hi rend="italic">Calcas</hi>daughter?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2484">Tis he, I ken the manner of his gate,</l>
<l n="2485">He rises on the toe: that spirit of his</l>
<l n="2486">In aspiration lifts him from the earth.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2487">Is this the Lady<hi rend="italic">Cressid?</hi>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2488">Euen she.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2489">Most deerely welcome to the Greekes, sweete
<lb n="2490"/>Lady.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Nest.</speaker>
<l n="2491">Our Generall doth salute you with a kisse.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Ulis.</speaker>
<p n="2492">Yet is the kindenesse but particular; 'twere bet
<lb n="2493"/>ter she were kist in generall.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Nest.</speaker>
<p n="2494">And very courtly counsel: Ile begin. So much
<lb n="2495"/>for<hi rend="italic">Nestor</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<l n="2496">Ile take that winter from your lips faire Lady</l>
<l n="2497">
<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>bids you welcome.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Mene.</speaker>
<p n="2498">I had good argument for kissing once.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-pat">
<speaker rend="italic">Patro.</speaker>
<l n="2499">But that's no argument for kissing now;</l>
<l n="2500">For thus pop't<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>in his hardiment.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2501">Oh deadly gall, and theame of all our scornes,</l>
<l n="2502">For which we loose our heads, to gild his hornes.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-pat">
<speaker rend="italic">Patro.</speaker>
<l n="2503">Ihe first was<hi rend="italic">Menelaus</hi>kisse, this mine:</l>
<l n="2504">
<hi rend="italic">Patroclus</hi>kisses you.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Mene.</speaker>
<l n="2505">Oh this is trim.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-pat">
<speaker rend="italic">Patr.</speaker>
<l n="2506">
<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>and I kisse euermore for him.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Mene.</speaker>
<l n="2507">Ile haue my kisse sir: Lady by your leaue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2508">In kissing doe you render, or receiue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-pat">
<speaker rend="italic">Patr.</speaker>
<l n="2509">Both take and giue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2510">Ile make my match to liue,</l>
<l n="2511">The kisse you take is better then you giue: therefore no
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Mene.</speaker>
<l n="2512">Ile giue you boote, Ile giue you three for one.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2513">You are an odde man, giue euen, or giue none.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Mene.</speaker>
<l n="2514">An odde man Lady, euery man is odde.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2515">No,<hi rend="italic">Paris</hi>is not; for you know 'tis true,</l>
<l n="2516">That you are odde, and he is euen with you.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Mene.</speaker>
<l n="2517">You fillip me a'th'head.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2518">No, Ile be sworne.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2519">It were no match, your naile against his horne:</l>
<l n="2520">May I sweete Lady beg a kisse of you?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2521">You may.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Ulis.</speaker>
<l n="2522">I doe desire it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2523">Why begge then?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2524">Why then for<hi rend="italic">Venus</hi>sake, giue me a kisse:</l>
<l n="2525">When<hi rend="italic">Hellen</hi>is a maide againe, and his⸺</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2526">I am your debtor, claime it when 'tis due.</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0610-0.jpg"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2527">Neuer's my day, and then a kisse of you.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Diom.</speaker>
<l n="2528">Lady a word, Ile bring you to your Father.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Nest.</speaker>
<l n="2529">A woman of quicke sence.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2530">Fie, fie, vpon her:</l>
<l n="2531">Ther's a language in her eye, her cheeke, her lip;</l>
<l n="2532">Nay, her foote speakes, her wanton spirites looke out</l>
<l n="2533">At euery ioynt, and motiue of her body:</l>
<l n="2534">Oh these encounterers so glib of tongue,</l>
<l n="2535">That giue a coasting welcome<choice>
</choice>it comes;</l>
<l n="2536">And wide vnclaspe the tables of their thoughts,</l>
<l n="2537">To euery tickling reader: set them downe,</l>
<l n="2538">For sluttish spoyles of opportunitie;</l>
<l n="2539">And daughters of the game.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">
<stage rend="italic center" type="mixed">Enter all of Troy, Hector, Paris, Æneas Helenus
<lb/>and Attendants. Florish.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-all">
<speaker rend="italic">All.</speaker>
<p n="2540">The Troians Trumpet.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2541">Yonder comes the troope.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<l n="2542">Haile all you state of Greece: what shalbe done</l>
<l n="2543">To him that victory commands? or doe you purpose,</l>
<l n="2544">A victor shall be knowne: will you the Knights</l>
<l n="2545">Shall to the edge of all extremitie</l>
<l n="2546">Pursue each other; or shall be diuided</l>
<l n="2547">By any voyce, or order of the field:<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>bad aske?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2548">Which way would<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>haue it?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<p n="2549">He cares not, heele obey conditions.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<l n="2550">'Tis done like<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>, but securely done,</l>
<l n="2551">A little proudly, and great deale disprising</l>
<l n="2552">The Knight oppos'd.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<p n="2553">If not<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>sir, what is your name?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<p n="2554">If not<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>, nothing.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<l n="2555">Therefore<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>: but what ere, know this,</l>
<l n="2556">In the extremity of great and little:</l>
<l n="2557">Valour and pride excell themselues in<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>;</l>
<l n="2558">The one almost as infinite as all;</l>
<l n="2559">The other blanke as nothing: weigh him well:</l>
<l n="2560">And that which lookes like pride, is curtesie:</l>
<l n="2561">This<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>is halfe made of<hi rend="italic">Hectors</hi>bloud;</l>
<l n="2562">In loue whereof, halfe<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>staies at home:</l>
<l n="2563">Halfe heart, halfe hand, halfe<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>, comes to seeke</l>
<l n="2564">This blended Knight, halfe Troian, and halfe Greeke.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<p n="2565">A maiden battaile then? O I perceiue you.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<l n="2566">Here is sir,<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>: goe gentle Knight,</l>
<l n="2567">Stand by our<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>: as you and Lord<hi rend="italic">Æneas</hi>
<l n="2568">Consent vpon the order of their fight,</l>
<l n="2569">So be it: either to the vttermost,</l>
<l n="2570">Or else a breach: the Combatants being kin,</l>
<l n="2571">Halfe stints their strife, before their strokes begin.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2572">They are oppos'd already.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<l n="2573">What Troian is that same that lookes so heauy?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2574">The yongest Sonne of<hi rend="italic">Priam</hi>;</l>
<l n="2575">A true Knight; they call him<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>;</l>
<l n="2576">Not yet mature, yet m<gap extent="1"
resp="#LMC"/>tchlesse, firme of word,</l>
<l n="2577">Speaking in deedes, and deedelesse in his tongue;</l>
<l n="2578">Not soone prouok't, nor being prouok't, soone calm'd;</l>
<l n="2579">His heart and hand both open, and both free:</l>
<l n="2580">For what he has, he giues; what thinks, he shewes;</l>
<l n="2581">Yet giues he not till iudgement guide his bounty,</l>
<l n="2582">Nor dignifies an impaire thought with breath:</l>
<l n="2583">Manly as<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>, but more dangerous;</l>
<l n="2584">For<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>in his blaze of wrath subscribes</l>
<l n="2585">To tender obiects; but he, in heate of action,</l>
<l n="2586">Is more vindecatiue then iealous loue.</l>
<l n="2587">They call him<hi rend="italic">Troylus;</hi>and on him erect,</l>
<l n="2588">A second hope, as fairely built as<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>.</l>
<l n="2589">Thus saies<hi rend="italic">Æneas</hi>one that knowes the youth,</l>
<l n="2590">Euen to his inches: and with priuate soule,</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<l n="2591">Did in great Illion thus translate him to me.</l>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="business">Alarum.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2592">They are in action.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Nest.</speaker>
<p n="2593">Now<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>hold thine owne.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2594">
<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>, thou sleep'st, awake thee.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2595">His blowes are wel dispos'd there<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>.</p>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="business">
<lb rend="turnunder"/>cease.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Diom.</speaker>
<p n="2596">You must no more.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<p n="2597">Princes enough, so please you.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aia">
<speaker rend="italic">Aia.</speaker>
<l n="2598">I am not warme yet, let vs fight againe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Diom.</speaker>
<p n="2599">As<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>pleases.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2600">Why then will I no more:</l>
<l n="2601">Thou art great Lord, my Fathers sisters Sonne;</l>
<l n="2602">A cousen german to great<hi rend="italic">Priams</hi>seede:</l>
<l n="2603">The obligation of our bloud forbids</l>
<l n="2604">A gorie emulation 'twixt vs twaine:</l>
<l n="2605">Were thy commixion, Greeke and Troian so,</l>
<l n="2606">That thou could'st say, this hand is Grecian all,</l>
<l n="2607">And this is Troian: the sinewes of this Legge,</l>
<l n="2608">All Greeke, and this all Troy: my Mothers bloud</l>
<l n="2609">Runs on the dexter cheeke, and this sinister</l>
<l n="2610">Bounds in my fathers: by<hi rend="italic">Ioue</hi>multipotent,</l>
<l n="2611">Thou should'st not beare from me a Greekish member</l>
<l n="2612">Wherein my sword had not impressure made</l>
<l n="2613">Of our ranke feud: but the iust gods gainsay,</l>
<l n="2614">That any drop thou<choice>
</choice>from thy mother,</l>
<l n="2615">My sacred Aunt, should by my mortall Sword</l>
<l n="2616">Be drained. Let me embrace thee<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>:</l>
<l n="2617">By him that thunders, thou hast lustie Armes;</l>
<l n="2618">
<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>would haue them fall vpon him thus.</l>
<l n="2619">Cozen, all honor to thee.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aia">
<speaker rend="italic">Aia.</speaker>
<l n="2620">I thanke thee<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>:</l>
<l n="2621">Thou art too gentle, and too free a man:</l>
<l n="2622">I came to kill thee Cozen, and beare hence</l>
<l n="2623">A great addition, earned in thy death.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2624">Not<hi rend="italic">Neoptolymus</hi>so mirable,</l>
<l n="2625">On whose bright crest, fame with her lowd'st (O yes)</l>
<l n="2626">Cries, This is he; could'st promise to himselfe,</l>
<l n="2627">A thought of added honor, torne from<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<l n="2628">There is expectance here from both the sides,</l>
<l n="2629">What further you will doe?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2630">Weele answere it:</l>
<l n="2631">The issue is embracement:<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>, farewell.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aia">
<speaker rend="italic">Aia.</speaker>
<l n="2632">If I might in entreaties finde successe,</l>
<l n="2633">As seld I haue the chance; I would desire</l>
<l n="2634">My famous Cousin to our Grecian Tents.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Diom.</speaker>
<l n="2635">Tis<hi rend="italic">Agamemnons</hi>wish and great<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>
<l n="2636">Doth long to see vnarm'd the valiant<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2637">
<hi rend="italic">Æneas</hi>call my brother<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>to me:</l>
<l n="2638">And signifie this louing enterview</l>
<l n="2639">To the expecters of our Troian part:</l>
<l n="2640">Desire them home. Giue me thy hand, my Cousin:</l>
<l n="2641">I will goe eate with thee, and see your Knights.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Agamemnon and the rest.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-aia">
<speaker rend="italic">Aia.</speaker>
<p n="2642">Great<hi rend="italic">Agamemnon</hi>comes to meete vs here;</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2643">The worthiest of them, tell me name by name:</l>
<l n="2644">But for<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>, mine owne serching eyes</l>
<l n="2645">Shall finde him by his large and portly size.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<l n="2646">Worthy of Armes: as welcome as to one</l>
<l n="2647">That would be rid of such an enemie.</l>
<l n="2648">But that's no welcome: vnderstand more cleere</l>
<l n="2649">What's past, and what's to come, is strew'd with huskes</l>
<l n="2650">And formelesse ruine of obliuion:</l>
<l n="2651">But in this extant moment, faith and troth,</l>
<l n="2652">Strain'd purely from all hollow bias drawing:</l>
<l n="2653">Bids thee with most diuine integritie,</l>
<l n="2654">From heart of very heart, great<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>welcome.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2655">I thanke thee most imperious<hi rend="italic">Agamemnon</hi>.</p>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0611-0.jpg"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<p n="2656">My well‑fam'd Lord of Troy, no lesse to you.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Men.</speaker>
<l n="2657">Let me confirme my Princely brothers greeting,</l>
<l n="2658">You brace of warlike Brothers, welcome hither.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2659">Who must we answer?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<p n="2660">The Noble<hi rend="italic">Menelaus</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2661">O you my Lord, by<hi rend="italic">Mars</hi>his gauntlet thanks,</l>
<l n="2662">Mocke not, that I affect th'vntraded Oath,</l>
<l n="2663">Your<hi rend="italic">quondam</hi>wife sweares still by<hi rend="italic">Venus</hi>Gloue</l>
<l n="2664">Shee's well, but bad me not commend her to you.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-men">
<speaker rend="italic">Men.</speaker>
<p n="2665">Name her not now sir, she's a deadly Theame.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2666">O pardon, I offend.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Nest.</speaker>
<l n="2667">I haue (thou gallant Troyan) seene thee oft</l>
<l n="2668">Labouring for destiny, make cruell way</l>
<l n="2669">Through rankes of Greekish youth: and I haue seen thee</l>
<l n="2670">As hot as<hi rend="italic">Perseus</hi>, spurre thy Phrygian Steed,</l>
<l n="2671">And seene thee scorning forfeits and subduments,</l>
<l n="2672">When thou hast hung thy aduanced sword i'th'ayre,</l>
<l n="2673">Not letting it decline, on the declined:</l>
<l n="2674">That I haue said vnto my standers by,</l>
<l n="2675">Loe Iupiter is yonder, dealing life.</l>
<l n="2676">And I haue seene thee pause, and take thy breath,</l>
<l n="2677">When that a ring of Greekes haue hem'd thee in,</l>
<l n="2678">Like an Olympian wrestling. This haue I seene,</l>
<l n="2679">But this thy countenance (still lockt in steele)</l>
<l n="2680">I neuer saw till now. I knew thy Grandsire,</l>
<l n="2681">And once fought with him; he was a Souldier good,</l>
<l n="2682">But by great Mars, the Captaine of vs all,</l>
<l n="2683">Neuer like thee. Let an oldman embrace thee,</l>
<l n="2684">And (worthy Warriour) welcome to our Tents.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<p n="2685">'Tis the old<hi rend="italic">Nestor</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2686">Let me embrace thee good old Chronicle,</l>
<l n="2687">That hast so long walk'd hand in hand with time;</l>
<l n="2688">Most reuerend<hi rend="italic">Nestor</hi>, I am glad to claspe thee.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Ne.</speaker>
<l n="2689">I would my armes could match thee in contention</l>
<l n="2690">As they contend with thee in courtesie.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2691">I would they could.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-nes">
<speaker rend="italic">Nest.</speaker>
<p n="2692">Ha? by this white beard I'ld fight with thee to
<lb n="2693"/>morrow. Well, welcom, welcome: I haue seen the time.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlys.</speaker>
<l n="2694">I wonder now, how yonder City stands,</l>
<l n="2695">When we haue heere her Base and pillar by vs.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2696">I know your fauour Lord<hi rend="italic">Vlysses</hi>well.</l>
<l n="2697">Ah sir, there's many a Greeke and Troyan dead,</l>
<l n="2698">Since first I saw your selfe, and<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>
<l n="2699">In Illion, on your Greekish Embassie.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlys.</speaker>
<l n="2700">Sir, I foretold you then what would ensue.</l>
<l n="2701">My prophesie is but halfe his iourney yet;</l>
<l n="2702">For yonder wals that pertly front your<choice>
<l n="2703">Yond Towers, whose wanton tops do busse the clouds,</l>
<l n="2704">Must kisse their owne feet.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2705">I must not beleeue you:</l>
<l n="2706">There they stand yet: and modestly I thinke,</l>
<l n="2707">The fall of euery Phrygian stone will cost</l>
<l n="2708">A drop of Grecian blood: the end crownes all,</l>
<l n="2709">And that old common Arbitrator, Time,</l>
<l n="2710">Will one day end it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlys.</speaker>
<l n="2711">So to him we leaue it.</l>
<l n="2712">Most gentle, and most valiant<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>welcome;</l>
<l n="2713">After the Generall, I beseech you next</l>
<l n="2714">To Feast with me, and see me at my Tent.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<l n="2715">I shall forestall thee Lord<hi rend="italic">Vlysses</hi>, thou:</l>
<l n="2716">Now<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>I haue fed mine eyes on thee,</l>
<l n="2717">I haue with exact view perus'd, thee<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>,</l>
<l n="2718">And quoted ioynt by ioynt.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2719">Is this<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<p n="2720">I am<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2721">Stand faire I prythee, let me looke on thee.</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<p n="2722">Behold thy fill.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2723">Nay, I haue done already.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<l n="2724">Thou art to breefe, I will the second time,</l>
<l n="2725">As I wouid buy thee, view thee, limbe by limbe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2726">O like a Booke of sport thou'lt reade me ore:</l>
<l n="2727">But there's more in me then thou vnderstand'st.</l>
<l n="2728">Why doest thou so oppresse me with thine eye?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<l n="2729">Tell me you Heauens, in which part of his body</l>
<l n="2730">Shall I destroy him? Whether there, or there, or there,</l>
<l n="2731">That I may giue the locall wound a name,</l>
<l n="2732">And make distinct the very breach, where‑out</l>
<l n="2733">
<hi rend="italic">Hectors</hi>great spirit fl<gap extent="1"
resp="#LMC"/>w. Answer me heauens.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2734">It would discredit the blest Gods, proud man,</l>
<l n="2735">To answer such a question: Stand againe;</l>
<l n="2736">Think'st thou to catch my life so pleasantly,</l>
<l n="2737">As to prenominate in nice coniecture</l>
<l n="2738">Where thou wilt hit me dead?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<p n="2739">I tell thee yea.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2740">Wert thou the Oracle to tell me so,</l>
<l n="2741">I'ld not beleeue thee: henceforth guard thee well,</l>
<l n="2742">For Ile not kill thee there, nor there, nor there,</l>
<l n="2743">But by the forge that stythied Mars his helme,</l>
<l n="2744">Ile kill thee euery where, yea, ore and ore.</l>
<l n="2745">You wisest Grecians, pardon me this bragge,</l>
<l n="2746">His insolence drawes folly from my lips,</l>
<l n="2747">But Ile endeuour deeds to match these words,</l>
<l n="2748">Or may I neuer⸺</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-aia">
<speaker rend="italic">Ajax.</speaker>
<l n="2749">Do not chase thee Cosin;</l>
<l n="2750">And you<hi rend="italic">Achilles</hi>, let these threats alone</l>
<l n="2751">Till accident, or purpose bring you too't.</l>
<l n="2752">You may euery day enough of<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>
<l n="2753">If you haue stomacke. The generall state I feare,</l>
<l n="2754">Can scarse intreat you to be odde with him.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<l n="2755">I pray you let vs see you in the field,</l>
<l n="2756">We haue had pelting Warres since you refus'd</l>
<l n="2757">The Grecians cause.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-ach">
<speaker rend="italic">Achil.</speaker>
<l n="2758">Dost thou intreat me<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>?</l>
<l n="2759">To morrow do I meete thee fell as death,</l>
<l n="2760">To night, all Friends.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-hec">
<speaker rend="italic">Hect.</speaker>
<p n="2761">Thy hand vpon that match.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-aga">
<speaker rend="italic">Aga.</speaker>
<l n="2762">First, all you Peeres of Greece go to my Tent,</l>
<l n="2763">There in the full conuiue you: Afterwards,</l>
<l n="2764">As<hi rend="italic">Hectors</hi>leysure, and your bounties shall</l>
<l n="2765">Concurre together seuerally intreat him.</l>
<l n="2766">Beate lowd the Taborins, let the Trumpets blow,</l>
<l n="2767">That this great Souldier may his welcome know.</l>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="exit">Exeunt</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2768">My Lord<hi rend="italic">Vlysses</hi>, tell me I beseech you,</l>
<l n="2769">In what place of the field doth<hi rend="italic">Calchas</hi>keepe?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlys.</speaker>
<l n="2770">At<hi rend="italic">Menelaus</hi>Tent, most Princely<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>,</l>
<l n="2771">There<hi rend="it">Diomed</hi>doth feast with him to night,</l>
<l n="2772">Who neither lookes on heauen, nor on earth,</l>
<l n="2773">But giues all gaze and bent of amorous view</l>
<l n="2774">On the faire<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2775">Shall I (sweet Lord) be bound to thee so much,</l>
<l n="2776">After we part from<hi rend="italic">Agamemnons</hi>Tent,</l>
<l n="2777">To bring me thither?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlys.</speaker>
<l n="2778">You shall command me sir:</l>
<l n="2779">As gentle tell me, of what Honour was</l>
<l n="2780">This<hi rend="italic">Cressida</hi>in Troy, had she no Louer there</l>
<l n="2781">That wailes her absence?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2782">O sir, to such as boasting shew their scarres,</l>
<l n="2783">A mocke is due: will you walke on my Lord?</l>
<l n="2784">She was belou'd, she lou'd; she is, and dooth;</l>
<l n="2785">But still sweet Loue is food for Fortunes tooth.</l>
<stage rend="italic inline" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>