Dio.No, no, good night: Ile be your foole no more.Troy.
Thy better must.
Harke one word in your eare.
O plague and madnesse!
Vlis.You are moued Prince, let vs depart I pray you,Lest your displeasure should enlarge it selfeTo wrathfull tearmes: this place is dangerous;The time right deadly: 1 beseech you goe.Troy.
Behold, I pray you.
Vlis.Nay, good my Lord goe off:You flow to great distraction: come my Lord?Troy.
I pray thee stay?
You haue not patience, come.
I pray you stay? by hell and hell torments,
I will not speake a
And so good night.
Nay, but you part in anger.
Doth thiat grieue thee? O withered truth!
Why, how now Lord?
Ioue I will be patient.
Gardian? why Greeke ?
Fo, fo, adew, you palter.
In faith I doe not: come hither once againe.
You shake my Lord at something; will you goe?
you will breake
She stroakes his cheeke.
Come, come,
Troy.Nay stay, by
Ioue I will not speake a
There is betweene my will, and all offences,A guard of patience; stay a little while.Ther.
How the diuell Luxury with his fat rumpe and
potato finger,
tickles these together; frye lechery, frye.
But will you then?
In faith I will lo; neuer trust me else.
Giue me some token for the surety of it.
Ile fetch you one.
You haue sworne patience.
Troy.Feare me not sweete Lord.
I will not be my selfe, nor haue cognitionOf what I feele: I am all patience.Enter Cressid.Ther.
Now the pledge, now, now, now.
Diomed, keepe this Sleeue.
O beautie! where is thy Faith?
My Lord.
Troy.I will be patient, outwardly I will.Cres.You looke vpon that Sleeue? behold it well:He lou'd me: O false wench: giue't me againe,Dio.
Whose was't?
It is no matter now I haue't againe.I will not meete with you to morrow night:I prythee
Diomed visite me no more.
Now, she sharpens: well said Whetstone.
I shall haue it.
What, this?
I that.
Cres.O all you gods! O prettie, prettie pledge;Thy Maister now lies thinking in his bedOf thee and me, and sighes, and takes my Gloue,
And giues memoriall daintie kisses to it;As I kisse thee.Dio.
Dio.I had your heart before, this followes it.Troy.
I did sweare patience.
Cres.You shall not haue it
Diomed; faith you shall
Ile giue you something else.Dio.
I will haue this: whose was it?
It is no matter.
Come tell me whose it was?
Cres.'Twas one that lou'd me better then you will.But now you haue it, take it.Dio.
Whose was it?
Cres.By all
Dianas waiting women yond:
And by her selfe, I will not tell you whose.Dio.To morrow will I weare it on my Helme,And grieue his spirit that dares not challenge it.Troy.Wert thou the diuell, and wor'st it on thy horne,It should be challeng'd.Cres.
Well, well, 'tis done, 'tis past; and yet it is not:I will not keepe my word.Dio.Why then farewell,Thou neuer shalt mocke
Diomed againe.
Cres.You shall not goe: one cannot speake a word,
But it strait starts you.Dio.
I doe not like this fooling.
Nor I by
Pluto; but that that likes not me,
ses me best.
What shall I come? the houre.
I, come: O
Ioue! doe, come: I shall be
Farewell till then.
Exit.Cres.Good night: I prythee come:Troylus farewell; one eye yet lookes on
But with my heart, the other eye, doth see.
Ah poore our sexe this fault in vs I finde:The errour of our eye, directs our minde.What errour leads, must erre: O then conclude,Mindes swai'd by eyes, are full of turpitude.Exit.Ther.A proofe of strength she could not publish more;
Vnlesse she say, my minde is now turn'd whore.Vlis.
Al's done my Lord.
It is.
Why stay we then?
Troy.To make a recordation to my soule
Of euery syllable that here was spoke:But if I tell how these two did coactShall I not lye, in publishing a truth?Sith yet there is a credence in my heart:An esperance so obstinately strong,
That doth inuert that test of eyes and eares;As if those organs had deceptious functions,Created onely to calumniate.Was
Cressed here?
I cannot coniure Troian.
She was not sure.
Most sure she was.
Why my negation hath no taste of madnesse?
Nor mine my Lord:
Cressid was here but
Troy.Let it not be beleeu'd for womanhood:
Thinke we had mothers; doe not giue aduantageTo stubborne Criticks, apt without a theameFor deprauation, to square the generall sexBy
Cressids rule. Rather thinke this not
What hath she done Prince, that can soyle our
mothers ?
Nothing at all, vnlesse that this were she.
Ther.Will he swagger himselfe out on's owne eyes?Troy.This she? no, this is
Diomids Cressida:
If beautie haue a soule, this is not she:If
Enter Troylus and
Vlis.Stand where the Torch may not discouer vs.Enter Cressid.Troy.
Cressid comes forth to him.
How now my charge?
Now my sweet gardian: harke a word with you.
Yea, so familiar?
She will sing any man at first sight.
And any man may finde her, if he can take her
life: she's
Will you remember?
Remember? yes.
Nay, but doe then; and let your minde be cou
pled with
your words.
What should she remember?
Cres.Sweete hony Greek, tempt me no more to folly.Ther.
Nay then.
Ile tell you what.
Fo, fo, come tell a pin. You are a forsworne.
In faith I cannot: what would you haue me do?
A iugling tricke, to be secretly open.
What did you sweare you would bestow on me?Cres.I prethee do not hold me to mine oath,Bid me doe not any thing but that sweete Greeke.Dio.
Good night.
Hold, patience.
How now Troian?
Dio.No, no, good night: Ile be your foole no more.Troy.
Thy better must.
Harke one word in your eare.
O plague and madnesse!
Vlis.You are moued Prince, let vs depart I pray you,Lest your displeasure should enlarge it selfeTo wrathfull tearmes: this place is dangerous;The time right deadly: 1 beseech you goe.Troy.
Behold, I pray you.
Vlis.Nay, good my Lord goe off:You flow to great distraction: come my Lord?Troy.
I pray thee stay?
You haue not patience, come.
I pray you stay? by hell and hell torments,
I will not speake a
And so good night.
Nay, but you part in anger.
Doth thiat grieue thee? O withered truth!
Why, how now Lord?
Ioue I will be patient.
Gardian? why Greeke ?
Fo, fo, adew, you palter.
In faith I doe not: come hither once againe.
You shake my Lord at something; will you goe?
you will breake
She stroakes his cheeke.
Come, come,
Troy.Nay stay, by
Ioue I will not speake a
There is betweene my will, and all offences,A guard of patience; stay a little while.Ther.
How the diuell Luxury with his fat rumpe and
potato finger,
tickles these together; frye lechery, frye.
But will you then?
In faith I will lo; neuer trust me else.
Giue me some token for the surety of it.
Ile fetch you one.
You haue sworne patience.
Troy.Feare me not sweete Lord.
I will not be my selfe, nor haue cognitionOf what I feele: I am all patience.Enter Cressid.Ther.
Now the pledge, now, now, now.
Diomed, keepe this Sleeue.
O beautie! where is thy Faith?
My Lord.
Troy.I will be patient, outwardly I will.Cres.You looke vpon that Sleeue? behold it well:He lou'd me: O false wench: giue't me againe,Dio.
Whose was't?
It is no matter now I haue't againe.I will not meete with you to morrow night:I prythee
Diomed visite me no more.
Now, she sharpens: well said Whetstone.
I shall haue it.
What, this?
I that.
Cres.O all you gods! O prettie, prettie pledge;Thy Maister now lies thinking in his bedOf thee and me, and sighes, and takes my Gloue,
And giues memoriall daintie kisses to it;As I kisse thee.Dio.
Nay, doe not snatch it from me.
He that takes that, rakes my heart withall.
Dio.I had your heart before, this followes it.Troy.
I did sweare patience.
Cres.You shall not haue it
Diomed; faith you shall
Ile giue you something else.Dio.
I will haue this: whose was it?
It is no matter.
Come tell me whose it was?
Cres.'Twas one that lou'd me better then you will.But now you haue it, take it.Dio.
Whose was it?
Cres.By all
Dianas waiting women yond:
And by her selfe, I will not tell you whose.Dio.To morrow will I weare it on my Helme,And grieue his spirit that dares not challenge it.Troy.Wert thou the diuell, and wor'st it on thy horne,It should be challeng'd.Cres.
Well, well, 'tis done, 'tis past; and yet it is not:I will not keepe my word.Dio.Why then farewell,Thou neuer shalt mocke
Diomed againe.
Cres.You shall not goe: one cannot speake a word,
But it strait starts you.Dio.
I doe not like this fooling.
Nor I by
Pluto; but that that likes not me,
ses me best.
What shall I come? the houre.
I, come: O
Ioue! doe, come: I shall be
Farewell till then.
Exit.Cres.Good night: I prythee come:Troylus farewell; one eye yet lookes on
But with my heart, the other eye, doth see.
Ah poore our sexe this fault in vs I finde:The errour of our eye, directs our minde.What errour leads, must erre: O then conclude,Mindes swai'd by eyes, are full of turpitude.Exit.Ther.A proofe of strength she could not publish more;
Vnlesse she say, my minde is now turn'd whore.Vlis.
Al's done my Lord.
It is.
Why stay we then?
Troy.To make a recordation to my soule
Of euery syllable that here was spoke:But if I tell how these two did coactShall I not lye, in publishing a truth?Sith yet there is a credence in my heart:An esperance so obstinately strong,
That doth inuert that test of eyes and eares;As if those organs had deceptious functions,Created onely to calumniate.Was
Cressed here?
I cannot coniure Troian.
She was not sure.
Most sure she was.
Why my negation hath no taste of madnesse?
Nor mine my Lord:
Cressid was here but
Troy.Let it not be beleeu'd for womanhood:
Thinke we had mothers; doe not giue aduantageTo stubborne Criticks, apt without a theameFor deprauation, to square the generall sexBy
Cressids rule. Rather thinke this not
What hath she done Prince, that can soyle our
mothers ?
Nothing at all, vnlesse that this were she.
Ther.Will he swagger himselfe out on's owne eyes?Troy.This she? no, this is
Diomids Cressida:
If beautie haue a soule, this is not she:
If soules guide vowes; if vowes are sanctimonie;If sanctimonie be the gods delight:If there be rule in vnitie it selfe,This is not she: O madnesse of discourse!That cause lets vp, with, and against thy selfe
By soule authoritie: where reason can reuoltWithout perdition, and losse assume all reason,Without reuolt. This is, and is not
Within my soule, there doth conduce a fightOf this strange nature, that a thing inseperate,
Diuides more wider then the skie and earth:And yet the spacious bredth of this diuision,Admits no Orifex for a point as subtle,As
Ariachnes broken woofe to enter:
Instance, O instance! strong as
Cressid is mine, tied with the bonds of
Instance, O instance, strong as heauen it selfe:The bonds of heauen are slipt, dissolu'd, and loos'd,And with another knot fiue finger tied,The fractions of her faith, ort s of her loue:
The fragments, scraps, the bits, and greazie reliques,Of her ore‑eaten faith, are bound
Vlis.May worthy
Troylus be halfe attached
With that which here his passion doth expresse?Troy.I Greeke: and that shall be divulged well
In Characters, as red as
Mars his heart
Inflam'd with
Venus: neuer did yong man
With so eternall, and so fixt a soule.Harke Greek: as much I doe
Cressida loue;
So much by weight, hate I her
That Sleeue is mine, that heele beare in his Helme:Were it a Caske compos'd by
Vulcans skill,
My Sword should bite it: Not the dreadful spout,Which Shipmen doe the Hurricano call,Constring'd in masse by the almighty Fenne,
Shall dizzie with more clamour Neptunes eareIn his discent; then shall my prompted sword,Falling on
Heele tickle it for his concupie.
Cressid! O false
Cressid! false, false, false:
Let all vntruths stand by thy stained name,And theyle seeme glorious.Vlis.O containe your selfe:Your passion drawes eares hither.Enter ÆneasÆne.I haue beene seeking you this houre my Lord:
Hector by this is arming him in Troy.
Aiax your Guard, staies to conduct you
Troy.Haue with you Prince: my curteous Lord adew:Farewell reuolted faire: and
DiomedStand fast, and weare a Castle on thy head.Vli.
Ile bring you to the Gates.
Accept distracted thankes.
Exeunt Troylus,Æneas, and
Would I could meete that roague
Diomed, I
would croke like a Rauen: I would bode, I would bode:
Patroclus will give me any thing for the
intelligence of
this whore: the Parrot will not doe more for an
then he for a commodious drab: Lechery, lechery, still
warres and lechery, nothing else holds fashion. A burning
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div type="scene" n="2" rend="notPresent">
<head type="supplied">[Act 5, Scene 2]</head>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Diomed.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2885">What are you vp here ho? speake?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cal">
<speaker rend="italic">Chal.</speaker>
<p n="2886">Who cals?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2887">
<hi rend="italic">Diomed, Chalcas</hi>(I thinke) wher's you Daughter?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cal">
<speaker rend="italic">Chal.</speaker>
<p n="2888">She comes to you.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Troylus and Vlisses.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2889">Stand where the Torch may not discouer vs.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Cressid.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2890">
<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>comes forth to him.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2891">How now my charge?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2892">Now my sweet gardian: harke a word with you.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2893">Yea, so familiar?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2894">She will sing any man at first sight.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="2895">And any man may finde her, if he can take her
<lb n="2896"/>life: she's noted.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2897">Will you remember?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cal">
<speaker rend="italic">Cal.</speaker>
<p n="2898">Remember? yes.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2899">Nay, but doe then; and let your minde be cou
<lb n="2900"/>pled with your words.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2901">What should she remember?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2902">List?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2903">Sweete hony Greek, tempt me no more to folly.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="2904">Roguery.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2905">Nay then.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2906">Ile tell you what.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2907">Fo, fo, come tell a pin. You are a forsworne.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2908">In faith I cannot: what would you haue me do?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="2909">A iugling tricke, to be secretly open.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<l n="2910">What did you sweare you would bestow on me?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2911">I prethee do not hold me to mine oath,</l>
<l n="2912">Bid me doe not any thing but that sweete Greeke.</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0613-0.jpg"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2913">Good night.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2914">Hold, patience.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Ulis.</speaker>
<p n="2915">How now Troian?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2916">
<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<l n="2917">No, no, good night: Ile be your foole no more.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2918">Thy better must.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2919">Harke one word in your eare.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2920">O plague and madnesse!</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2921">You are moued Prince, let vs depart I pray you,</l>
<l n="2922">Lest your displeasure should enlarge it selfe</l>
<l n="2923">To wrathfull tearmes: this place is dangerous;</l>
<l n="2924">The time right deadly: 1 beseech you goe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2925">Behold, I pray you.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="2926">Nay, good my Lord goe off:</l>
<l n="2927">You flow to great distraction: come my Lord?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2928">I pray thee stay?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2929">You haue not patience, come.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2930">I pray you stay? by hell and hell torments,
<lb n="2931"/>I will not speake a word.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2932">And so good night.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2933">Nay, but you part in anger.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2934">Doth thiat grieue thee? O withered truth!</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Ulis.</speaker>
<p n="2935">Why, how now Lord?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2936">By<hi rend="italic">Ioue</hi>I will be patient.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2937">Gardian? why Greeke ?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2938">Fo, fo, adew, you palter.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2939">In faith I doe not: come hither once againe.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">VIis.</speaker>
<p n="2940">You shake my Lord at something; will you goe?
<lb n="2941"/>you will breake out.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2942">She stroakes his cheeke.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2943">Come, come,</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2944">Nay stay, by<hi rend="italic">Ioue</hi>I will not speake a word.</l>
<l n="2945">There is betweene my will, and all offences,</l>
<l n="2946">A guard of patience; stay a little while.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="2947">How the diuell Luxury with his fat rumpe and
<lb n="2948"/>potato finger, tickles these together; frye lechery, frye.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2949">But will you then?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2950">In faith I will lo; neuer trust me else.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2951">Giue me some token for the surety of it.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2952">Ile fetch you one.</p>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2953">You haue sworne patience.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2954">Feare me not sweete Lord.</l>
<l n="2955">I will not be my selfe, nor haue cognition</l>
<l n="2956">Of what I feele: I am all patience.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="entrance">Enter Cressid.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="2957">Now the pledge, now, now, now.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2958">Here<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>, keepe this Sleeue.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2959">O beautie! where is thy Faith?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="2960">My Lord.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2961">I will be patient, outwardly I will.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2962">You looke vpon that Sleeue? behold it well:</l>
<l n="2963">He lou'd me: O false wench: giue't me againe,</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2964">Whose was't?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2965">It is no matter now I haue't againe.</l>
<l n="2966">I will not meete with you to morrow night:</l>
<l n="2967">I prythee<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>visite me no more.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="2968">Now, she sharpens: well said Whetstone.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2969">I shall haue it.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2970">What, this?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2971">I that.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2972">O all you gods! O prettie, prettie pledge;</l>
<l n="2973">Thy Maister now lies thinking in his bed</l>
<l n="2974">Of thee and me, and sighes, and takes my Gloue,</l>
<l n="2975">And giues memoriall daintie kisses to it;</l>
<l n="2976">As I kisse thee.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2977">Nay, doe not snatch it from me.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2978">He that takes that, rakes my heart withall.</p>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<l n="2979">I had your heart before, this followes it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="2980">I did sweare patience.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2981">You shall not haue it<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>; faith you shall not:</l>
<l n="2982">Ile giue you something else.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2983">I will haue this: whose was it?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="2984">It is no matter.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2985">Come tell me whose it was?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2986">'Twas one that lou'd me better then you will.</l>
<l n="2987">But now you haue it, take it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="2988">Whose was it?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2989">By all<hi rend="italic">Dianas</hi>waiting women yond:</l>
<l n="2990">And by her selfe, I will not tell you whose.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<l n="2991">To morrow will I weare it on my Helme,</l>
<l n="2992">And grieue his spirit that dares not challenge it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="2993">Wert thou the diuell, and wor'st it on thy horne,</l>
<l n="2994">It should be challeng'd.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2995">Well, well, 'tis done, 'tis past; and yet it is not:</l>
<l n="2996">I will not keepe my word.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<l n="2997">Why then farewell,</l>
<l n="2998">Thou neuer shalt mocke<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>againe.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="2999">You shall not goe: one cannot speake a word,</l>
<l n="3000">But it strait starts you.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="3001">I doe not like this fooling.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="3002">Nor I by<hi rend="italic">Pluto;</hi>but that that likes not me, plea
<lb n="3003"/>ses me best.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="3004">What shall I come? the houre.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<p n="3005">I, come: O<hi rend="italic">Ioue!</hi>doe, come: I shall be plagu'd.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-dio">
<speaker rend="italic">Dio.</speaker>
<p n="3006">Farewell till then.</p>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-cre">
<speaker rend="italic">Cres.</speaker>
<l n="3007">Good night: I prythee come:</l>
<l n="3008">
<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>farewell; one eye yet lookes on thee;</l>
<l n="3009">But with my heart, the other eye, doth see.</l>
<l n="3010">Ah poore our sexe this fault in vs I finde:</l>
<l n="3011">The errour of our eye, directs our minde.</l>
<l n="3012">What errour leads, must erre: O then conclude,</l>
<l n="3013">Mindes swai'd by eyes, are full of turpitude.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exit.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<l n="3014">A proofe of strength she could not publish more;</l>
<l n="3015">Vnlesse she say, my minde is now turn'd whore.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="3016">Al's done my Lord.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="3017">It is.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="3018">Why stay we then?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="3019">To make a recordation to my soule</l>
<l n="3020">Of euery syllable that here was spoke:</l>
<l n="3021">But if I tell how these two did coact</l>
<l n="3022">Shall I not lye, in publishing a truth?</l>
<l n="3023">Sith yet there is a credence in my heart:</l>
<l n="3024">An esperance so obstinately strong,</l>
<l n="3025">That doth inuert that test of eyes and eares;</l>
<l n="3026">As if those organs had deceptious functions,</l>
<l n="3027">Created onely to calumniate.</l>
<l n="3028">Was<hi rend="italic">Cressed</hi>here?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="3029">I cannot coniure Troian.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="3030">She was not sure.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="3031">Most sure she was.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="3032">Why my negation hath no taste of madnesse?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="3033">Nor mine my Lord:<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>was here but now.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="3034">Let it not be beleeu'd for womanhood:</l>
<l n="3035">Thinke we had mothers; doe not giue aduantage</l>
<l n="3036">To stubborne Criticks, apt without a theame</l>
<l n="3037">For deprauation, to square the generall sex</l>
<l n="3038">By<hi rend="italic">Cressids</hi>rule. Rather thinke this not<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<p n="3039">What hath she done Prince, that can soyle our
<lb n="3040"/>mothers ?</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="3041">Nothing at all, vnlesse that this were she.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<l n="3042">Will he swagger himselfe out on's owne eyes?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="3043">This she? no, this is<hi rend="italic">Diomids Cressida</hi>:</l>
<l n="3044">If beautie haue a soule, this is not she:</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0614-0.jpg"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="3045">If soules guide vowes; if vowes are sanctimonie;</l>
<l n="3046">If sanctimonie be the gods delight:</l>
<l n="3047">If there be rule in vnitie it selfe,</l>
<l n="3048">This is not she: O madnesse of discourse!</l>
<l n="3049">That cause lets vp, with, and against thy selfe</l>
<l n="3050">By soule authoritie: where reason can reuolt</l>
<l n="3051">Without perdition, and losse assume all reason,</l>
<l n="3052">Without reuolt. This is, and is not<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>:</l>
<l n="3053">Within my soule, there doth conduce a fight</l>
<l n="3054">Of this strange nature, that a thing inseperate,</l>
<l n="3055">Diuides more wider then the skie and earth:</l>
<l n="3056">And yet the spacious bredth of this diuision,</l>
<l n="3057">Admits no Orifex for a point as subtle,</l>
<l n="3058">As<hi rend="italic">Ariachnes</hi>broken woofe to enter:</l>
<l n="3059">Instance, O instance! strong as<hi rend="italic">Plutoes</hi>gates:</l>
<l n="3060">
<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>is mine, tied with the bonds of heauen;</l>
<l n="3061">Instance, O instance, strong as heauen it selfe:</l>
<l n="3062">The bonds of heauen are slipt, dissolu'd, and loos'd,</l>
<l n="3063">And with another knot fiue finger tied,</l>
<l n="3064">The fractions of her faith, ort s of her loue:</l>
<l n="3065">The fragments, scraps, the bits, and greazie reliques,</l>
<l n="3066">Of her ore‑eaten faith, are bound<hi rend="italic">to Diomed</hi>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="3067">May worthy<hi rend="italic">Troylus</hi>be halfe attached</l>
<l n="3068">With that which here his passion doth expresse?</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="3069">I Greeke: and that shall be divulged well</l>
<l n="3070">In Characters, as red as<hi rend="italic">Mars</hi>his heart</l>
<l n="3071">Inflam'd with<hi rend="italic">Venus</hi>: neuer did yong man fancy</l>
<l n="3072">With so eternall, and so fixt a soule.</l>
<l n="3073">Harke Greek: as much I doe<hi rend="italic">Cressida</hi>loue;</l>
<l n="3074">So much by weight, hate I her<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>,</l>
<l n="3075">That Sleeue is mine, that heele beare in his Helme:</l>
<l n="3076">Were it a Caske compos'd by<hi rend="italic">Vulcans</hi>skill,</l>
<l n="3077">My Sword should bite it: Not the dreadful spout,</l>
<l n="3078">Which Shipmen doe the Hurricano call,</l>
<l n="3079">Constring'd in masse by the almighty Fenne,</l>
<l n="3080">Shall dizzie with more clamour Neptunes eare</l>
<l n="3081">In his discent; then shall my prompted sword,</l>
<l n="3082">Falling on<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="3083">Heele tickle it for his concupie.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="3084">O<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>! O false<hi rend="italic">Cressid</hi>! false, false, false:</l>
<l n="3085">Let all vntruths stand by thy stained name,</l>
<l n="3086">And theyle seeme glorious.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vlis.</speaker>
<l n="3087">O containe your selfe:</l>
<l n="3088">Your passion drawes eares hither.</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Æneas</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-aen">
<speaker rend="italic">Æne.</speaker>
<l n="3089">I haue beene seeking you this houre my Lord:</l>
<l n="3090">
<hi rend="italic">Hector</hi>by this is arming him in Troy.</l>
<l n="3091">
<hi rend="italic">Aiax</hi>your Guard, staies to conduct you home.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<l n="3092">Haue with you Prince: my curteous Lord adew:</l>
<l n="3093">Farewell reuolted faire: and<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>
<l n="3094">Stand fast, and weare a Castle on thy head.</l>
<sp who="#F-tro-uly">
<speaker rend="italic">Vli.</speaker>
<p n="3095">Ile bring you to the Gates.</p>
<sp who="#F-tro-tro">
<speaker rend="italic">Troy.</speaker>
<p n="3096">Accept distracted thankes.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="exit">Exeunt Troylus,Æneas, and Ulisses.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tro-the">
<speaker rend="italic">Ther.</speaker>
<p n="3097">Would I could meete that roague<hi rend="italic">Diomed</hi>, I
<lb n="3098"/>would croke like a Rauen: I would bode, I would bode:
<lb n="3099"/>
<hi rend="italic">Patroclus</hi>will give me any thing for the intelligence of
<lb n="3100"/>this whore: the Parrot will not doe more for an Almond,
<lb n="3101"/>then he for a commodious drab: Lechery, lechery, still
<lb n="3102"/>warres and lechery, nothing else holds fashion. A burning
<lb n="3103"/>diuell take them.</p>