Andronicusof his good hand:
Touch not the Boy, he is of Royall blood.
Lucius, saue the Childe,
Sweare that he shall, and then I will begin.
Here you can read a digital edition of each play in various views.
Left Column
Touch not the Boy, he is of Royall blood.
Sweare that he shall, and then I will begin.
Right Column
Euen by my God I sweare
Oh most Insatiate luxurious woman!
Oh barbarous beastly villaines like thy selfe!
What canst thou say all this, and neuer blush?
I, like a blacke Dogge, as the saying is.
Art thou not sorry for these hainous deedes?
Touch not the Boy, he is of Royall blood.
Sweare that he shall, and then I will begin.
Euen by my God I sweare
Oh most Insatiate luxurious woman!
Oh barbarous beastly villaines like thy selfe!
What canst thou say all this, and neuer blush?
I, like a blacke Dogge, as the saying is.
Art thou not sorry for these hainous deedes?
Sirs stop his mouth, & let him speake no more.
What saies our Generall?
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<div type="scene" n="1" rend="notPresent">
<head rend="italic center">Actus Quintus.</head>
<head type="supplied">[Act 5, Scene 1]</head>
<cb n="1"/>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Flourish. Enter Lucius with an Army of Gothes,
<lb/>with Drum and Souldiers.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="1998">Approued warriours, and my faithfull Friends,</l>
<l n="1999">I haue receiued Letters from great Rome,</l>
<l n="2000">Which signifies what hate they beare their Emperour,</l>
<l n="2001">And how desirous of our sight they are.</l>
<l n="2002">Therefore great Lords, be as your Titles witnesse,</l>
<l n="2003">Imperious and impatient of your wrongs,</l>
<l n="2004">And wherein Rome hath done you any scathe,</l>
<l n="2005">Let him make treble satisfaction.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-got">
<speaker rend="italic">Goth.</speaker>
<l n="2006">Braue slip, sprung from the Great<hi rend="italic">Andronicus</hi>,</l>
<l n="2007">Whose name was once our terrour, now our comfort,</l>
<l n="2008">Whose high exploits, and honourable Deeds,</l>
<l n="2009">Ingratefull Rome requites with foule contempt:</l>
<l n="2010">Behold in vs, weele follow where thou lead'st,</l>
<l n="2011">Like stinging Bees in hottest Sommers day,</l>
<l n="2012">Led by their Maister to the flowred fields,</l>
<l n="2013">And be aueng'd on cursed<hi rend="italic">Tamora</hi>:</l>
<l n="2014">And as he saith, so say we all with him.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2015">I humbly thanke him, and I thanke you all.</l>
<l n="2016">But who comes heere, led by a lusty<hi rend="italic">Goth</hi>?</l>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter a Goth leading of Aaron with his child
<lb/>in his armes.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-got">
<speaker rend="italic">Goth.</speaker>
<l n="2017">Renowned<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>, from our troups I straid,</l>
<l n="2018">To gaze vpon a ruinous Monasterie,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0666-0.jpg" n="48"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="2019">And as I earnestly did fixe mine eye</l>
<l n="2020">Vpon the wasted building, suddainely</l>
<l n="2021">I heard a childe cry vnderneath a wall:</l>
<l n="2022">I made vnto the noyse, when soone I heard,</l>
<l n="2023">The crying babe control'd with this discourse:</l>
<l n="2024">Peace Tawny slaue, halfe me, and halfe thy Dam,</l>
<l n="2025">Did not thy Hue bewray whose brat thou art?</l>
<l n="2026">Had nature lent thee, but thy Mothers looke,</l>
<l n="2027">Villaine thou might'st haue bene an Emperour.</l>
<l n="2028">But where the Bull and Cow are both milk‑white,</l>
<l n="2029">They neuer do beget a cole‑blacke‑Calfe:</l>
<l n="2030">Peace, villaine peace, euen thus he rates the babe,</l>
<l n="2031">For I must beare thee to a trusty Goth,</l>
<l n="2032">Who when he knowes thou art the Empresse babe,</l>
<l n="2033">Will hold thee dearely for thy Mothers sake.</l>
<l n="2034">With this, my weapon drawne I rusht vpon him,</l>
<l n="2035">Surpriz'd him suddainely, and brought him hither</l>
<l n="2036">To vse, as you thinke needefull of the man.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2037">Oh worthy Goth, this is the incarnate deuill,</l>
<l n="2038">That rob'd<hi rend="italic">Andronicus</hi>of his good hand:</l>
<l n="2039">This is the Pearle that pleas'd your Empresse eye,</l>
<l n="2040">And heere's the Base Fruit of his burning lust.</l>
<l n="2041">Say wall‑ey'd slaue, whether would'st thou conuay</l>
<l n="2042">This growing Image of thy fiend‑like face?</l>
<l n="2043">Why dost not speake? what deafe? Not a word?</l>
<l n="2044">A halter Souldiers, hang him on this Tree,</l>
<l n="2045">And by his side his Fruite of Bastardie.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="2046">Touch not the Boy, he is of Royall blood.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2047">Too like the Syre for euer being good.</l>
<l n="2048">First hang the Child that he may see it sprall,</l>
<l n="2049">A sight to vexe the Fathers soule withall.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2050">Get me a Ladder<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>, saue the Childe,</l>
<l n="2051">And beare it from me to the Empresse:</l>
<l n="2052">If thou do this, Ile shew thee wondrous things,</l>
<l n="2053">That highly may aduantage thee to heare;</l>
<l n="2054">If thou wilt not, befall what may befall,</l>
<l n="2055">Ile speake no more: but vengeance rot you all.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2056">Say on, and if it please me which thou speak'st,</l>
<l n="2057">Thy child shall liue, and I will see it Nourisht.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2058">And if it please thee? why assure thee<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>,</l>
<l n="2059">'Twill vexe thy soule to heare what I shall speake:</l>
<l n="2060">For I must talke of Murthers, Rapes, and Massacres,</l>
<l n="2061">Acts of Blacke‑night, abhominable Deeds,</l>
<l n="2062">Complots of Mischiefe, Treason, Villanies</l>
<l n="2063">Ruthfull to heare, yet pittiously preform'd,</l>
<l n="2064">And this shall all be buried by my death,</l>
<l n="2065">Vnlesse thou sweare to me my Childe shall liue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2066">Tell on thy minde,</l>
<l n="2067">I say thy Childe shall liue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="2068">Sweare that he shall, and then I will begin.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2069">Who should I sweare by,</l>
<l n="2070">Thou beleeuest no God,</l>
<l n="2071">That graunted, how can'st thou beleeue an oath?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2072">What if I do not, as indeed I do not,</l>
<l n="2073">Yet for I know thou art Religious,</l>
<l n="2074">And hast a thing within thee, called Conscience,</l>
<l n="2075">With twenty Popish trickes and Ceremonies,</l>
<l n="2076">Which I haue seene thee carefull to obserue:</l>
<l n="2077">Therefore I vrge thy oath, for that I know</l>
<l n="2078">An Ideot holds his Bauble for a God,</l>
<l n="2079">And keepes the oath which by that God he sweares,</l>
<l n="2080">To that Ile vrge him: therefore thou shalt vow</l>
<l n="2081">By that same God, what God so ere it be</l>
<l n="2082">That thou adorest, and hast in reuerence,</l>
<l n="2083">To saue my Boy, to nourish and bring him vp,</l>
<l n="2084">Ore else I will discouer nought to thee.</l>
<cb n="2"/>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<p n="2085">Euen by my God I sweare<choice>
<orig>to to</orig>
</choice>thee I will.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2086">First know thou,</l>
<l n="2087">I begot him on the Empresse.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<p n="2088">Oh most Insatiate luxurious woman!</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2089">Tut<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>, this was but a deed of Charitie,</l>
<l n="2090">To that which thou shalt heare of me anon,</l>
<l n="2091">'Twas her two Sonnes that murdered<hi rend="italic">Bassianus</hi>,</l>
<l n="2092">They cut thy Sisters tongue, and rauisht her,</l>
<l n="2093">And cut her hands off, and trim'd her as thou saw'st.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Lucius.</speaker>
<l n="2094">Oh detestable villaine!</l>
<l n="2095">Call'st thou that Trimming?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2096">Why she was washt, and cut, and trim'd,</l>
<l n="2097">And 'twas trim sport for them that had the doing of it.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<p n="2098">Oh barbarous beastly villaines like thy selfe!</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2099">Indeede, I was their Tutor to instruct them</l>
<l n="2100">That Codding spirit had they from their Mother,</l>
<l n="2101">As sure a Card as euer wonne the Set:</l>
<l n="2102">That bloody minde I thinke they learn'd of me,</l>
<l n="2103">As true a Dog as euer fought at head.</l>
<l n="2104">Well, let my Deeds be witnesse of my worth:</l>
<l n="2105">I trayn'd thy Bretheren to that guilefull Hole,</l>
<l n="2106">Where the dead Corps of<hi rend="italic">Bassianus</hi>lay:</l>
<l n="2107">I wrote the Letter, that thy Father found,</l>
<l n="2108">And hid the Gold within the Letter mention'd.</l>
<l n="2109">Confederate with the Queene, and her two Sonnes,</l>
<l n="2110">And what not done, that thou hast cause to rue,</l>
<l n="2111">Wherein I had no stroke of Mischeife in it.</l>
<l n="2112">I play'd the Cheater for thy Fathers hand,</l>
<l n="2113">And when I had it, drew my selfe apart,</l>
<l n="2114">And almost broke my heart with extreame laughter.</l>
<l n="2115">I pried me through the Creuice of a Wall,</l>
<l n="2116">When for his hand, he had his two Sonnes heads,</l>
<l n="2117">Beheld his teares, and laught so hartily,</l>
<l n="2118">That both mine eyes were rainie like to his:</l>
<l n="2119">And when I told the Empresse of this sport,</l>
<l n="2120">She sounded almost at my pleasing tale,</l>
<l n="2121">And for my tydings, gaue me twenty kisses.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-got">
<speaker rend="italic">Goth.</speaker>
<p n="2122">What canst thou say all this, and neuer blush?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<p n="2123">I, like a blacke Dogge, as the saying is.</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<p n="2124">Art thou not sorry for these hainous deedes?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2125">I, that I had not done a thousand more:</l>
<l n="2126">Euen now I curse the day, and yet I thinke</l>
<l n="2127">Few come within few compasse of my curse,</l>
<l n="2128">Wherein I did not some Notorious ill,</l>
<l n="2129">As kill a man, or else deuise his death,</l>
<l n="2130">Rauish a Maid, or plot the way to do it,</l>
<l n="2131">Accuse some Innocent, and forsweare my selfe,</l>
<l n="2132">Set deadly Enmity betweene two Friends,</l>
<l n="2133">Make poore mens Cattell breake their neckes,</l>
<l n="2134">Set fire on Barnes and Haystackes in the night,</l>
<l n="2135">And bid the Owners quench them with the teares:</l>
<l n="2136">Oft haue I dig'd vp dead men from their graues,</l>
<l n="2137">And set them vpright at their deere Friends doore,</l>
<l n="2138">Euen when their sorrowes almost was forgot,</l>
<l n="2139">And on their skinnes, as on the Barke of Trees,</l>
<l n="2140">Haue with my knife carued in Romaine Letters,</l>
<l n="2141">Let not your sorrow die, though I am dead.</l>
<l n="2142">Tut, I haue done a thousand dreadfull things</l>
<l n="2143">As willingly, as one would kill a Fly,</l>
<l n="2144">And nothing greeues me hartily indeede,</l>
<l n="2145">But that I cannot doe ten thousand more.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<l n="2146">Bring downe the diuell, for he must not die</l>
<l n="2147">So sweet a death as hanging presently.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aar">
<speaker rend="italic">Aron.</speaker>
<l n="2148">If there be diuels, would I were a deuill,</l>
<l n="2149">To liue and burne in euerlasting fire,</l>
<l n="2150">So I might haue your company in hell,</l>
<pb facs="FFimg:axc0667-0.jpg" n="49"/>
<cb n="1"/>
<l n="2151">But to torment you with my bitter tongue.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luci.</speaker>
<p n="2152">Sirs stop his mouth, & let him speake no more.</p>
<stage rend="italic center" type="entrance">Enter Emillius.</stage>
<sp who="#F-tit-got">
<speaker rend="italic">Goth.</speaker>
<l n="2153">My Lord, there is a Messenger from Rome</l>
<l n="2154">Desires to be admitted to your presence.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luc.</speaker>
<l n="2155">Let him come neere.</l>
<l n="2156">Welcome<hi rend="italic">Emillius</hi>, what the newes from Rome?</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-aem">
<speaker rend="italic">Emi.</speaker>
<l n="2157">Lord<hi rend="italic">Lucius</hi>, and you Princes of the Gothes,</l>
<l n="2158">The Romaine Emperour greetes you all by me,</l>
<l n="2159">And for he vnderstands you are in Armes,</l>
<l n="2160">He craues a parly at your Fathers house</l>
<l n="2161">Willing you to demand your Hostages,</l>
<l n="2162">And they shall be immediately deliuered.</l>
<sp who="#F-tit-got">
<speaker rend="italic">Goth.</speaker>
<p n="2163">What saies our Generall?</p>
<sp who="#F-tit-luc">
<speaker rend="italic">Luc.</speaker>
<l n="2164">
<hi rend="italic">Emillius</hi>, let the Emperour giue his pledges</l>
<l n="2165">Vnto my Father, and my Vncle<hi rend="italic">Marcus</hi>,</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="business">Flourish.</stage>
<l n="2166">And we will come: march away.</l>
<stage rend="italic rightJustified" type="exit">Exeunt.</stage>