The Bodleian First Folio

A digital facsimile of the First Folio of Shakespeare's plays, Bodleian Arch. G c.7.

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Reference: a4r - Histories, p. 7

Left Column

The life and death of King Iohn. Where should he finde it fairer, then in Blanch:
If zealous loue should go in search of vertue, Where should he finde it purer then in Blanch? If loue ambitious, sought a match of birth, Whose veines bound richer blood then Lady Blanch? Such as she is, in beautie, vertue, birth,
Is the yong Dolphin euery way compleat, If not compleat of, say he is not shee, And she againe wants nothing, to name want, If want it be not, that she is not hee: He is the halfe part of a blessed man,
Left to be finished by such a shee, And she a faire diuided excellence, Whose fulnesse of perfection lyes in him. O two such siluer currents when they ioyne Do glorifie the bankes that bound th m in:
And two such shores, two such streames made one, Two such controlling bounds shall you be, kings, To these two Princes, if you marrie them: This Vnion shall do more then batterie can To our fast closed gates: for at this match,
With swifter spleene then powder can enforce The mouth of passage shall we fling wide ope, And giue you entrance: but without this match, The sea enraged is not halfe so deafe, Lyons more confident, Mountaines and rockes
More free from mo tion, no not death himselfe In mortall furie halfe so peremptorie, As we to keepe this Citie.
Bast. Heeres a stay, That shakes the rotten carkasse of old death
Out of his ragges. Here's a large mouth indeede, That spits forth death, and mountaines, rockes, and seas, Talkes as familiarly of roaring Lyons, As maids of thirteene do of puppi‑dogges. What Cannoneere begot this lustie blood,
He speakes plaine Cannon fire, and smoake, and bounce, He giues the bastinado with his tongue: Our eares are cudgel'd, not a word of his But buffets better then a fist of France: Zounds, I was neuer so bethumpt with words,
Since I first cal'd my brothers father Dad.
Old Qu. Son, list to this coniunction, make this match Giue with our Neece a dowrie large enough, For by this knot, thou shalt so surely tye Thy now vnsur d assurance to the Crowne,
That yon greene boy shall haue no Sunne to ripe The bloome that promiseth a mightie fruite. I see a yeelding in the lookes of France: Marke how they whisper, vrge them while their soules Are capeable of this ambition,
Least zeale now melted by the windie breath Of soft petitions, pittie and remorse, Coole and congeale againe to what it was.
Hub. Why answer not the double Maiesties, This friendly treatie of our threatned Towne. Fra.
Speake England first, that hath bin forward first To speake vnto this Cittie: what say you?
Iohn. If that the Dolphin there thy Princely sonne, Can in this booke of beautie read, I loue: Her Dowrie shall weigh equall with a Queene:
For Angiers, and faire Toraine Maine, Poyctiers, And all that we vpon this side the Sea, (Except this Cittie now by vs besiedg'd) Finde liable to our Crowne and Dignitie, Shall gild her bridall bed and make her rich

Right Column

In titles, honors, and promotions, As she in beautie, education, blood, Holdes hand with any Princesse of the world.
Fra. What sai'st thou boy ? Looke in the Ladies face. Dol. I do my Lord, and in her eie I find
A wonder, or a wondrous miracle, The shadow of my selfe form'd in her eye, Which being but the shadow of your sonne, Becomes a sonne and makes your sonne a shadow: I do protest I neuer lou'd my selfe
Till now, infixed I beheld my selfe, Drawne in the flattering table of her eie.
Whispers with Blanch. Bast. Drawne in the flattering table of her eie, Hang'd in the frowning wrinkle of her brow, And quarter'd in her heart, hee doth espie
Himselfe loues traytor, this is pittie now; That hang'd, and drawne, and quarter'd there should be In such a loue, so vile a Lout as he.
Blan. My vnckles will in this respect is mine, If he see ought in you that makes him like,
That any thing he see's which moues his liking, I can with ease translate it to my will: Or if you will, to speake more properly, I will enforce it easlie to my loue. Further I will not flatter you, my Lord,
That all I see in you is worthie loue, Then this, that nothing do I see in you, Though churlish thoughts themselues should bee your Iudge, That I can finde, should merit any hate.
Iohn. What saie these yong‑ones? What say you my Neece? Blan.
That she is bound in honor still to do What you in wisedome still vouchsafe to say.
Iohn. Speake then Prince Dolphin, can you loue this Ladie? Dol. Nay aske me if I can refraine from loue, For I doe loue her most vnfainedly. Iohn.
Then do I giue Volquessen, Toraine, Maine, Poyctiers, and Aniow, these fiue Prouinces With her to thee, and this addition more, Full thirty thousand Markes of English coyne: Phillip of France, if thou be pleas'd withall,
Command thy sonne and daughtet daughter to ioyne hands.
Fra. It likes vs well young Princes: close your hands Aust. And your lippes too, for I am well assur'd, That I did so when I was first assur'd. Fra. Now Cittizens of Angires ope your gates,
Let in that amitie which you haue made, For at Saint Maries Chappell presently, The rights of marriage shallbe solemniz'd. Is not the Ladie Constance in this troope? I know she is not for this match made vp,
Her presence would haue interrupted much. Where is she and her sonne, tell me, who knowes?
Dol. She is sad and passionate at your highnes Tent. Fra. And by my faith, this league that we haue made Will giue her sadnesse very little cure:
Brother of England, how may we content This widdow Lady? In her right we came, Which we God knowes, haue turn d another way, To our owne vantage.
Iohn. We will heale vp all,
For wee'l create yong Arthur Duke of Britaine And Earle of Richmond, and this rich faire Towne We

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